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【A】abandon –give up 放弃abide by——stick to 坚持, 遵守an abundant——a plentiful 丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富abandoned——given up 被抛弃的, 自甘堕落的, a branch——a division 枝, 分枝, 分部, 分科, 部门, abnormal——unusual 反常的, 变态的abrupt——sudden 突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的abide by ---stick to (坚持,遵循)abided by——adhered to 坚持, 遵守accidentally –by chance –by accident 偶然achieved——attained 完成, 达到accelerate——step up 加速, 促进accumulate ——collect –gather 积聚, 堆积account for——explain 说明, 占, 解决, 得分accused of——charged with 控告, 谴责, 非难accelerate–speed up –step up –pick up 加速account for –explain 解释accumulate –gather –collect 积聚,积累adverse——unfavorable 不利的, 敌对的, 相反的adequate –enough –ample (A 级) –plenty of –sufficient 充足的adequate –competent –qualified 胜任的adverse–unfavorable 不利的,相反的admit –acknowledge 承认adhere to---follow 遵守、坚持advisable---wise(聪明的)affect –influence –impact 影响aim—goal 目标alleviated ——lessened 使( 痛苦等) 易于忍受, 减轻allocated——assigned / distributed 分派, 分配allocate——assign 分派, 分配allow –permit 允许allocate –assign –distribute 分配alleviate (–relieve -- lessen 减轻,减少ample—enough 足够的annoying——irritating 恼人的, 讨厌的an improved——a better 改善, 改进be anxious to do …---- be eager to do…--be keen to ….渴望…anyhow——anyway 无论如何, 总之annoy –irritate 使生气annoying –irritating 讨厌的,令人生气的appealing –attractive --fascinating 吸引人的appeal to -- tempt –attract –fascinate (A 级) 吸引appalling——dreadful 令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的arrive at –reach –get to 到达arouses——excites 成列地, 持续地area –field 领域area –region 区域assignment –task 任务assembled——gathered 装配,组合astonish—surprise 惊讶asserted——stated firmly 宣称的(尚待证实的)的assume –suppose 假定assign –distribute 分配as a result –in consequence 结果attended to——waited on 出席者,参加者,在场者at once --- immediately 马上at stake -- in danger –in distress 处于危险之中attend --- go to 出席,照顾authentically ——genuinely 确实地, 真正地at stake——in danger 危如累卵, 危险【B】ban——forbid 禁止, 取缔barren——bare 不生育的,贫瘠的, 没有结果的beautiful –pretty –attractive –lovely -handsome 美丽的bearing——influence 轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义, behavior –conduct 行为believable –convincing -- credible (B 级) 可信的boring –dull -- uninteresting 令人厌烦的be bordering on—be cl

ose to 在….边上branch –division 部门breaks——beats 打破, 违犯, 折断, 削弱, 超过blend——mix 混和(或admix) 【C】cause –bring about 造成called off——cancelled 呼叫, 召集, 称呼capabilities ——abilities ( 实际) 能力, 性能call off –cancel 取消cater for——meet 供应伙食, 迎合cater for –

meet –satisfy 满足call for –ask –require –request -demand –insist on 要求called me up——telephoned me 打电话给我cause –bring about –lead to –result in 导致cause –bring about 造成call sb. up –telephone sb. 给某人打电话call—phone 打电话census——count 人口普查certain –some 某一个的certain –sure –positive –doubtless 确定的childish (A 级)–immature 不成熟的characteristic –feature 特征cheerful—happy 高兴的be characteristic of –be typical of 是…. 所特有的childish ——immature 孩子气的, 幼稚的change –alter –vary –modify(B 级) 改变,变化close –intimate -- near 亲密的clever –intelligent –wise –bright 聪明的collaborate (A 级)–cooperate 合作company –firm –concern –corporation –enterprise 公司come across –run into –meet 遇到complicated (A 级)–complex 复杂的comply with(A 级) –observe –abide by (A 级) -- stick to 遵守compel (A 级)–force 迫使competent –capable –able 有能力的complete –finish –accomplish -- fulfill 完成component –ingredient –element 成分confidential (A 级) –secret 秘密的conjunction (与…共同或协力)---together with convert –change 转变,兑换constantly –continuously –endlessly 不断地consolidate (A 级)–strengthen 加强,巩固contaminate (A 级)––pollute –stain (A 级) 污染courteous (A 级)–polite –respectful 有礼貌的courtesy (A 级)–politeness –good manners 礼貌conference –meeting 会议confidential——secret 秘密的, 机密的contended——argued 斗争, 竞争, 主张converted——changed 使转变, 转换使... 改变信仰contented –satisfactory –satisfied 满意的concise –brief -- short 简明的concise——short and clear 简明的, 简练的courteous ——well-informed 有礼貌的, 谦恭的conscientious——careful 尽责的consolidated——strengthened 加固的;整理过的consequence—result 结果consume—use 花掉conversation--talk 会话| 谈话| 对话contaminated——polluted 污染collided with——ran into 碰撞,冲突compelled——forced 强迫,迫使,强要comprehend——understand 领会, 理解, 包括(包含) collaborating ——cooperating 共同运转的;协作的consideration ——account 体谅, 考虑, 需要考虑的事项, 报酬coverage——reportage 覆盖 1 complain ——feel unhappy 抱怨, 悲叹, 控诉criticize -- blame 批评credible

——convincing 可信的, 可靠的crazy –mad 疯狂的【D】damaging——harmful 有破坏性的,损害的,诽谤的darken –blacken 使变黑dangerous –hazardous (A 级) 危险的danger –hazard(B 级) 危险dark –black 黑色的depend on –rely on –be dependent on 依靠depict (A 级)–describe 描写deliberately——intentionally 故意地decent——honest 正派的, 端庄的, (服装)得体的deadly –killing –fatal 致命的deters——inhibits 阻止deliberately (故意,蓄意地)--- intentionally(故意,蓄意地)deadly ——fatal 致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般的deduced——derived 得自采集者退散depicts——describes 描述, 描写defer——postpone 推迟, 延期densely——compactly 浓密地, 浓厚地decide –determine –make up one’s mind 决定, 下决心deceive (A 级)–cheat 欺骗destroy –ruin 毁灭deal with –cope with –handle 应付,处理demolish (A 级)–pull down 拆毁demolished——pulled down 毁坏, 破坏, 推翻, 粉碎densely (密集地,浓厚地
