



医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译[摘要]2.1 文章标题文章标题具备信息功能(提供文章的主要内容)、祈使功能(吸引读者阅读和购买)、美感功能(简单明了、新颖、醒目)和检索功能(方便读者和科技工作者检索、查阅及引用)。

2.2 语态在英语中却常常采用第三人称的被动语态。

2.3 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时,偶尔也会出现完成时。




3 长、难句的翻译不管是英语还是汉语医学文章,都有一个共同的特点,即它们的句子通常较长,结构较复杂,有时,长长的一段文字仅由一句话组成。


这是因为汉语句子建构在意念主轴(thought?pivot)上'英语句子建构在形式(或主谓)主轴(form?pivot or subject? predict?pivot)上。




”翻译:The malignant transformation of human bronchial cell line 16HBE induced by BPDE was used as a m odel for comparing gene expression between the transformed cells and controls. cDNA representational difference analysis was performed to isolate differentially expressed cDNA fragment in transformed cell s.分析:在中文原句中,出现了“以……”、“采用……”以及“比较……”、“分离……”这两个看似并列的机构'如果按照原文翻译'就会不知所云。


(3)结构式摘要的书写方法 结构式摘要的书写方法 目的:简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用 句话 句话, 目的:简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用1-2句话, 最好不要简单重复文题 方法:简述研究的对象、方法、设计方案、观察指标、 方法:简述研究的对象、方法、设计方案、观察指标、 资料收集处理、 资料收集处理、统计学分析等 结果:简要列出主要结果,包括阳性和阴性结果, 结果:简要列出主要结果,包括阳性和阴性结果,尽 量用具体数据而不要太笼统 结论:根据研究目的和结果得出适当结论, 结论:根据研究目的和结果得出适当结论,并指出研 目的和结果得出适当结论 究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题
英文标题的写作-注意事项 英文标题的写作 注意事项
2.尽量选用特指词和关键词 尽量选用特指词和关键词 一个含意常有多种表达方式 肝癌:hepatocarcinoma, liver cancer/ carcinoma, 肝癌: hepatic cancer/ carcinoma, liver/ hepatic neoplasm 望文生义 :congenital skin webbed fingers syndactyly of fingers
A postmortem study of 64 vagus nerves from 32 children up to 1 year of age was done to determine the incidence of ectopic parathyroid tissue. The segments of nerve (average length, 2.6 cm), including the entire ganglion nodosum, were examined using a combination of step and serial sectioning. Discrete solitary collections of ectopic parathyroid chief cells were seen in 6% of vagus nerves and ranged in diameter from 162 to 360 micron. Confirmation of the nature of the cells was based on the presence of abundant glycogen and positive immunoreactivity for chromogranin and parathormone. The possible significance of intravagal parathyroid tissue is briefly discussed.


文题包括样本、参数和处理三要素,其中样 本和参数随文章而变,处理则涉及关联、效应、
A样本中B参数和C参数的关联(Association B para meter with C parameter in A sample)
“To explore association event related potential P300 with clinical symptoms in patients with schizophrenia”.
少数情况下,文题用于Objective时,要稍作变 动,但框架不变。如文题为:
“Epidemiological survey of depression prevalenc
“There was no significant different in total number of whit e blood cell between depression group and normal contr之间对C参数进行比较研究 (A comparative study of C parameter between A sample and B sample (or among multiple sample) 。 例如“在电针、氟西汀和安慰剂治疗的抑郁症病人之间进行 疗效比较研究” 可译作“A comparative study of antidepressive effect among patients with depression taking electroacupuncture, fluoxetine and placebo”.



词使 用和 定冠词使 用等几 个方 面 , 阐述 了医学论 文英 文结构 式摘 要 的写作规 范 , 以期 提 高 医 学论 文英 文结 构
式摘要 的质 量 。
关键词 : 医学论 文 ; 英文摘要 ; 写作规 范
中图 分 类 号 : 3 9 H 1 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 :6 3— 0 0 2 1 )7— 10— 3 17 6 6 (0 0 0 0 3 0
d tc … , o v l a e… , i n i ee t T e au t To de tf y… , e t , To t s … T0
医学术语 的表 达不 够 专 业 J 。许 多 医学 科 技 期 刊 cm ae ,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้orv w… , 。例 如 : 1 T vla o pr… T ei e 等 ( ) oeaut e
医学 论文英 文摘 要 的时态 多用 一 般现 在 时和 一 等 。 因作 者在撰 写论 文 时 , 这些 研 究工 作 已经结 束 , 般过 去 时时态 , 目的和结 论一 般 用 现在 时 , 法 和 研究 过程 中所 做 的 一切 都 已成 为 过 去 , 一般 用 过 即 方 故
( ) 目的 ” 一 “ 部分
统尤其 是 目前 国际上各 主要 检索 机构 只收 录论 文 的
目的 ( bet e O jci )是说 明论 文 要解 决 的问题 , v 在
摘要部 分 或其数 据 库 中只 有摘 要 部 分 免 费 提 供 , 而 叙 述 目的 时一 般 使 用 一 般 现 在 时 。对 于 结 构 式 摘 有些读 者 只阅读摘 要 而不读 全文 或 常根 据摘 要来 判 要 , 因在 O jc v 下 , 常直 接 用 动 词 不 定 式 的 bet e项 i 故 断是否 需要 阅读 全 文 。因此 , 的英 文摘 要 对 于 增 好



学术论文写作格式要求英文摘要常用句型1. Introduction (引言)- This paper aims to...- The purpose of this study is to...- The objective of this research is to...- This paper addresses the issue/problem of...2. Background (背景)- In recent years, there has been increasing interest in...- With the growing importance of...- Despite the extensive research on...- The existing literature has largely focused on...3. Methods (方法)- This study utilized a quantitative/qualitative research design.- Data was collected through surveys/interviews/observations.- The sample consisted of...- Statistical analysis was conducted using...4. Results (结果)- The findings of this study indicate that...- The results suggest that...- The analysis revealed that...- There is a significant correlation between...5. Discussion (讨论)- These results provide insights into...- The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of...- The present study contributes to the understanding of...- These findings are consistent with previous research in the field of...6. Conclusion (结论)- In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of...- Based on the findings, it can be concluded that...- This study provides valuable information for...- Further research is needed to explore...7. Limitations (限制)- Although this study has provided significant insights, it is not without limitations.- One limitation of this study is the small sample size.- Another limitation is the reliance on self-reported data.- Future research should address these limitations by...8. Implications (意义)- The findings of this study have practical implications for...- These results have important implications for policymakers/practitioners.- The implications of this study extend beyond the specific context of...- This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of...9. Future Directions (未来方向)- Future research should explore...- Further investigation is needed to determine...- Future studies could examine...- This research sets the stage for future research on...。










1 英文标题翻译应注意的几个问题1.1 标题要体现文章的重点标题是读者了解文章内容以决定是否阅读全文的首要信息,是文章内容的高度概括[2 ]。



医学论文的英文标题长短在一般的医学杂志中没有硬性规定,有些杂志,如美国的Journa l of the National Cancer Institute明文规定不得超过14个词;Archives of Intern al Medicine规定标题,包括副标题不得超过两行(每行为42个印刷符号)。


1.2 英文标题常用词的译法及介词搭配在国内期刊中,标题经常使用“探讨”、“体会”、“总结”、”初步”、“问题”、“报告”、“调查”、“观察”等。

①表示“探讨”的英语翻译及介词搭配:discuss on, an evaluation of, an approach t o, study on/ a study of,investigation of。



期 刊 天 地
一 …
…Hale Waihona Puke 田 ■i ● ‘● X U EH U l
语 都是 科技 人员 习惯 使 用且 易接 受 的 自然语 言 , 是 将 论 文 中能 描 述 主题 概 念 的 那 些具 有 关 键 性 的词
医务 工作 者具 有指导 作 用和参 考价值 。
[ 关键词 ] 医学 论文 中文摘要
( ) 。要 求简 明 、 要 、 三 结构 扼 精确 、 整 。 完 1特 点 。一般 要求 简短 , 超过 3 0字 ( 2 0 、 不 0 在 0 字左 右 ) 硕士论 文送 请评 审用 的详 细摘 要 , 。 其字数 不受 限制 , 一般 20 0 0字 ; 士生 论 文 几 十 万 50 3 0 博 字 的科 学专 著 , 其摘 要字 数可 达 60 00字 。 则上用 原 第 三人 称 , 分段 , 用 图表 , 不 不 文字 简练 , 出重点 。 突
【 欧阳群玲 , : 等 医学论文 中英文摘要撰写方法与技巧
欧阳群 玲 袁 铿 z , ,高摄 渊 (. 昌大学 医学 院 , 1南 江西 南 昌 30 0 ;. 西省 医学科 学研 究所 , 西 南昌 300 ) 306 2江 江 30 6
[ 摘
要] 目的 : 了提 高 医学院校 的本 科生 、 究生撰 写 医学论 文摘要 的 水平 。方法 : 对 目前 医学论 为 研 针














• BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism is a common condition that is frequently irreversible and requires lifelong thyroid replacement therapy. OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence and factors that can predict reversibility of hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis. METHODS: We studied 79 patients in whom Hashimoto's thyroiditis was diagnosed according to suggestive cytologic features and/or the presence of thyroid antibodies (antimicrosomal antibody titer, > or = 1:1600; antiglobulin antibody titer, > or = 1:400) …. RESULTS: After withdrawal of levothyroxine treatment, thyroid blood tests showed that the degree of hypothyroidism worsened in 20 patients, remained unchanged in 40, and improved in 19. Nine patients (11.4%) did show normalization of the thyroid blood test .... CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis is not always permanent. The presence of a larger goiter and high thyrotropin levels at the time of diagnosis, associated with a familial incidence of thyroid disease, may be related to an increased incidence of hypothyroidism remission.



在A样本中对B参数的检测,可套用: “Detection of B parameter in A sample”。 例如,在抽动障碍儿童中对A蔟溶血性链球菌抗 体的测定,可译作: “Detection of group A streptococcal antibody in childre n with tic disorders”。
在C组中A参数与B参数之间有显著正相关、负相关或无 相关,可套用:“There was a significantly positive or negative correlation between parameter A and parameter B in group C”。
例如,在38例精神分裂症病人中脑脊液多巴胺水平与5 羟色胺水平之间有显著正相关,译作There was a significantly positive correlation between CSF Dopamine level and CSF 5-hydroxytryptamine level in 38 patients with schizophrenia”。
分析: ① 词语搭配不当:effect 应与on 连用; ② 选词不当:轻病区用mild 一词。
修改为: Effects of different iodine content in salt on the children in severe and mild iodine deficiency areas in Guizhou , China
在目的中,因为是反映将要做什么,故用不定式。格式为 “探索(调查或研究)+文题”











行文中还要注意文章的逻辑性,可以使用英文中常用的指示性词语来连接摘要中的各部分内容,比如用“To study”等来描述论文的主要目的,用“We found that”、“The results presented that”等来表达论文的主要结果,用“We conclude that”来介绍论文的结论。






医 学论 文标 题 中 医学 术 语 多往 往 较 长 , 一 般 不 超 过 1 但 6 个 单 词 , 以应 注 意 省 略 不 必 要 的 词 语 。在 论 文 标题 中 , 冠 所 定
词 (h) te 和不 定 冠 词 ( ,a ) 般 可 以 省 略 , 固 定 短 语 如 a a n一 但 fw 中 的 a不 可 省 略 。汉 语 论 文 标 题 中 经 常 出 现 一 些 表 示 谦 e
成 英 文 时 可 以将 其 省 略 。但 是 , 果 “ 究 ”“ 察 ” 词 带 有 如 研 、观 等 限定 成 分 时 , 不 宜 省 略 , “ … 的 回顾 研 究 ” R t se— 则 如 … ( er pc o
t eSu yo … ) i t d n v 。
家 和 生 物 统 计 学 教 授 Ha ns博 士 于 1 9 ye 90年 4月 首 先 提 出 的 [ 。 国 际《 物 医 学 期 刊 投 稿 的 统 一 要 求 》 温 哥华 格式 ) 3 ] 生 ( 规

3 6 ・ 25
J u n l fQii rUnv riyo e ii , 0 1, 1 3 No. 9 o r a qha ie st fM dcne 2 1 Vo. 2, o 1

编者 与作 者 . .
医学 科 技 论 文 英 文 摘 要 写 作 的 问题 及 对 策
2 医 学 论 文 英 语摘 要 写 作 的 问题 及 对 策 2 1 论 文 标题 问题 及 对 策 . 论 文 标 题 是 论 文 内容 的缩 影 , 要
求 简 明扼 要 , 确 反 映 主 题 , 于 检 索 。一 般 来 说 , 学 科 技 明 便 医
论 文 的标 题 通 常 以名 词 或 名 词 短 语 的 形 式 出 现 , 数 标 题 使 少



如何发表医学SCI论文写作及技巧英文医学论文(medical papers)的定义医学论文是对整理和发表医学研究成果的一种特殊文本的总称,就其内容和文体特点而言科分为以下几种:1.医学科研论文(scientific papers)2.调查报告(survey)3.综述(review)4.学位论文(theses)5.医学科研论文(scientific papers)医学科研论文定义国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行:①评价所观察到的结果;②评价其推理过程;③重复实验。

分为以下两种:①临床研究(clinical study);②基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)医学科研论文的格式(1)标题(title)(2)摘要(abstract)(3)引言(introduction)(4)材料和方法(materials and methods)(5)结果(results)(6)讨论(discussion)(7)致谢(acknowledgement)(8)参考文献(references)一、标题(一)要求1.简明扼要(short and concise)(1)尽量控制在一行,但不是一个句子(2)不超过25个单词或120-140个字母(3)除DNA、RNA、CT等不用缩写2.信息丰富(informative)3.便于索引(indexing)4.较长标题可采用副标题(二)标题写作中常用词组和表达方式1.用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价:Study(analysis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) …(by) using 方法/with工具)2.A对B的作用Effort of A on BProtective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury3.A与B的关系Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and BCorrelation of A with B and C常用修饰词:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly4.用…治疗…Use of …in the treatment of …(病)in …(生物)Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly5.A是B A as B二、著录部分书写(一)姓名标准式:WANG aobang,HUANG aobang,GUO Xiao’an (二)地址800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China(三)资助A project funded by the National “863” Program三、摘要的分类与格式摘要是作者要给读者的精华,分两大类:(一)指示性摘要(二)资料性摘要1.非结构式摘要缺点:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读和计算机处理带来诸多不便2.全结构式摘要(8要素摘要)(1)目的(2)设计(3)地点(4)对象(5)处理(6)主要测定项目(7)结果(8)结论全结构式摘要的优点(1)观点更明确(2)信息量更大(3)差错更少(4)符合计算机数据库建立和使用的要求全结构式摘要的缺点:烦琐、重复、篇幅过长3.半结构式摘要(四要素摘要)(1)目的(objective/purpose/aim)(2)方法(methods)(3)结果(results)(4)结论(conclusion)目的:是作者想要介绍的关键问题一、目的格式(一)单表目的(二)背景+目的二、目的常用时态(一)背景:现在时(一般现在时、完成时和进行时)(二)目的:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时举例:(1)To evaluate the effects on 24-hour intragastric pH levels of infusions with omeprazole and H2 receptor antagonists in bleeding duodenal ulcer patients.(2)The role of omeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistance on treatment outcome are not established. This study investigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pylori resistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance.三、介绍目的常用句型主要用动词不定式to表达1.直接用to do短语表达举例:To determine if use of omeprazole protects against the gastric mucosal injury2.The purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to举例:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of omeprazole on gastric mucosal injury3.The present study is /was designed/devised/intended to举例:The present study was designed to establish whether there might be a genetic predisposition to an altered pattern of anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome4.This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to举例:An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode toelucidate …5.We aimed/sought to/attempted to举例:We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of tuberculosis among individuals who work in certain industries occupations.四、介绍目的常用动词1.研究:study, investigate, examine, observe, explore举例:Our objective in this report is to examine the clinical feature, pathology and treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer.2.评价:evaluate, validate举例:To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma.3.确定:determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize4.证实:prove, demonstrate, document, test, support, testify, verify5.阐明、搞清:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out, contribute to the knowledge of6.介绍:describe, present, report7.建立:establish, develop, set out8.寻找:search for, look for, seek, find9.识别、区分:identify, differentiate, discriminate10.优选:optimize11.比较:compare12.回顾:review13.相关:correlate A with B方法部分(1)研究设计(2)研究对象的特性(3)干预或处理方法(4)测定或观察方法一、研究对象的选择、来源及标准1.纳入研究:were entered into/enrolled in/selected (randomly)举例:A total of 169 patients were included in the study, 83 of whom received……2.排除或退出研究:were excluded from participation,withdrew from the study due to/because to举例:……Patients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded.二、研究对象的分组1.……were divided into/classified/grouped into2.……were divided randomly/randomized into3.……were divided equally into举例:Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1……Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole, ……三、年龄1.某一年龄举例:A 50-year-old patient. Patients (age 26±3 years).2.在某年龄范围内及平均年龄举例:Patients range in age from …to…, with a mean of (50 years).3.在某一年龄以上或以下举例:Patients more than 50 years. Patients under/less than 50 years.四、性别、时间1.性别twelve patients (7 male and 5 female )The male-to-female ratio was 1:42.时间Body weight was measured weekly, and liver biopsy was obtained at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. ……五、诊断与治疗1.诊断be diagnosed as having …be diagnosed as …by …/with …®be suspected as …2.治疗be treated with…(alone or in combination with …)be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis举例:(1)Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole,…(2)50 patients with active bleeding duodenal ulcer were randomly assigned to receive one of the four treatment regimens. …结果部分1.是文章结论的根据2.应记录真实的科研数据3.除指示性说明外,一般用过去时表示一、常用句型1.结果表明:The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented / indicated/suggested…that…®It was found that…举例:The results showed that high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percent sensitive, 56 percent specific and 63 percent accurate.2.与…有关:A was related / correlated /associated with B. There was a relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C举例:Insulin sensitivity index was negatively with blood velocity (r=0.530,P<0.05), body mass index (r=o.563, P<0.01) and baseline insulinemia (r=0.489,P<0.05)3.增加或减少(1)表示数值增加的动词:increase, rise, elevate(2)表示数值增加的名词:increase, increment, elevation(3)表示数值减少的动词:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower(4)表示数值减少的名词:decrease, decrement, reduction, fall, drop, decline, lowering(5)从…增加到…,平均增加…:increase from …to …, with a mean/average (increase) of …(6)从…增加到…,总的增加…:increase from …to …, with an overall increase of …(7)增加了10%:increase by (10%)4.倍数比较(1)增加或减少3倍:increase by 3 fold (times). a 3-fold increase(2)A 是B的3倍:A is 3 fold (times) as…as B. A is 3 fold (times) B5.结果的统计学意义(1)明显不同(significant difference)(2)很明显不同(very/highly significant difference)(3)区别不明显(insignificant difference)(4)无区别(nonsignificant difference/no difference)6.统计学意义常用句型(1)There was/is significant difference in…between A and B(2)The difference in …between A and B was/is significant(3)A was/is significant difference from B in …(4)No significant difference was found / observed / noted in …between A and B“in”表示区分的性质或内容举例:①There were no significant difference between treatment groups in symptoms and lung function (P>0.05).②Significant difference were not noted in the level of HDL cholesterol, and LDL peak particle diameter before and after treatment.结论部分:是作者发表观点和见解,给读者的精髓部分1.归纳性说明研究结果或发现2.结论性说明结果的可能原因、机理或意义3.前瞻性说明未解决的问题一、结论部分时态1.过去时(1)涉及本研究的内容(2)涉及他人研究过程的内容(3)作者认为只适用于本研究环境和条件的结论2.现在时(1)指示性说明(2)普遍接受的思想、理论或结论(3)作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义(4)前瞻性说明举例:Our findings indicate that hepatitis C is a progressive disease [指示性说明-现在时],but only a few died during the average 20.4 years after the initiation of injection drug use [本试验过程中发生的事-过去时]. Antiviral treatment to eradicate the virus and halt the progression of diseases is indicated in this group of patients [作者认为具有普遍意义的结论-现在时].二、结论部分常用句型1.结果提示…:These results suggest that…举例:These data confirm the presence of at least two major HCV genotypes in Nigeria.2.结果支持或反对某种观点:These results support the idea that…;These results fail to support the idea that…举例:These results do not support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterol concentration cause mood disturbance.3.表示观点的确定或不确定性:There is no evidence that…;It is likely/unlikely that …举例:There is no evidence that NIDDM produce any change in bone metabolism or mass.4.具有…意义:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…to …举例:The detection of p53 gene is of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis.5.前瞻性说明:…remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that …举例:However, the relation of insulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied.6.插入语:This is the first case of pancreas divisum.举例:This is the first case, to our knowledge, of pancreas divisum.小结中文是关键符合英语习惯不用简单句注意词语的用法注意时态。



i tr ai n l tn a d E gih a s a t n en t al s d r n l b t c . o y a s r
【 y w r s Mei lppr E gs bt c; Wri t t y Ke o d 】 d a a e; nlh a sat c i r i n sae tg r g
国 际生 物 医学 刊 物 采 纳 的摘 要形 式 主要 是 结 构 式
式表达研究价值 , 或提示研究意义。
例 如 :o b ev te f cs f te oiea T o sre h e et h L ner f o
e ta t n he mme it h p re st i i o ab xr c o t i d ae y e s n ii t n v l u- vy mi —i u e al r i mo s i o d r t p o i e n— nd c d l gc e ue n re o rvd p r c lg c l e i e c fr ci ia te t n o ha ma o o ia v d n e o ln c l r ame t f
或 由于 英文 表 达水 平有 限 , s d h i oi c aat s o u T t y te bo g hrce f h — u l c r
ma fr s i fb o l ss S we a ly h fu da n o e k n i r b a t ,O c n a t e o n - t n or lng—e m c l e o h i f a o — r o t u t f r uma e r o i ur n mb n c y
p r a ay e te e s, n lz s h un e li g a s s f t e e d ry n c u e o h s pr be s a r c m me s h sr t i s o wrtn o lm , nd e o nd t e taege fr iig



值或应用价值 , 是否可推荐或推广等 。这种撰写格式与科研设计思维方法一致, 有益于理清思路, 准确表达 。
在 撰 写摘 要 时 , 应注 意 摘 要 的 相对 独 立 性 , 即摘 要 可 以脱 离 原 文而 独 立 存 在 , 须 依 赖 于 任何 补 充 资 料 而 自 明其 文 , 无 因此 摘
要中不应包括 图、 表及参考文献。摘要 中应尽量使用大多数读者熟悉的专业术语 , 不使用特殊的” 行语” 。 摘要应具备完整性 、 准确性 、 简练性 , 摘要是全文 的浓缩 , 读者不需要阅读全文就能获得 必要 的信 息, 因此应包括原文最主
要 的 内 容 , 能夸 大 或 缩 小 , 客 观 概括 原文 献 的 方 法 、 果 和 结 论 。 要 中不 能 出现 论 文 中未 出现 的 结 果和 结论 。 个 期 刊对 不 要 结 摘 各 摘 要 字 数 的要 求 不 尽 相 同 , 体 上在 2 0 4 0字 之 间 , 大 5~0 因此 撰 写 摘 要应 力 图简 练 与 概 括 , 待 清 楚 最主 要 的和 最 新 颖 的方 法 、 交 结 果 和 结 论 。 得 提 出的 是 , 方 法一 项 中应 有 统计 学方 法 处 理 , 值 在 结果 一 项 中, 以实 验 数 据 为重 要 内容 , 应 并给 出结 果 的 置信 值 、 统
的, 经何种统计学方法处理; 结果( eut : R sl)简要列 出研究 的主要结果和数据 , s 有什么新发现, 明其价值及 局限性。并பைடு நூலகம்给 出说 说
明 结果 的主 要 数 据及 置 信 值 、 计 学 显 著性 检 验 的确 切 值 ; 论 (o c s n: 要 说 明 经验 证 、 证取 得 的 正确 观 点及 其 理 论 价 统 结 C n l i )简 uo 论



学术论文英文摘要的写作方法Step 1: Understand the Purpose and Structure of an Abstract The abstract serves as a brief summary of the entire paper, giving readers an overview of the research topic, objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions. It should be written in a clear and concise manner to ensure that readers can quickly grasp the main points of the study.Step 3: Write a Clear and Concise Statement of the Research ProblemThe first sentence of your abstract should clearly state the research problem or question that your study addresses. Thiswill help readers understand the context and importance of your research. For example: "This study investigates the impact of social media on adolescent mental health."Step 4: Summarize the Objectives of the StudyStep 5: Describe the Research Design and MethodsStep 6: Present the Main Findings or ResultsSummarize the main findings or results of your study, highlighting the most important or significant findings. Use specific data or examples to support your statements. For example: "The results revealed a significant positive association between social media use and depressive symptomsamong adolescents. Furthermore, self-esteem was found to mediate this relationship, while age and gender were found to moderate the association."Step 7: Discuss the Implications or Significance of the StudyIn the final sentences of your abstract, discuss the implications or significance of your study. Explain how your findings contribute to the existing literature, highlight any practical implications, and suggest potential areas for future research. For example: "These findings have important implications for the understanding and prevention of adolescent mental health problems. Interventions targeting social media use and self-esteem may be effective in reducing depressive symptoms among this population. Further research is needed to explore the long-term effects and mechanisms underlying this relationship."Step 8: Revise and Edit the AbstractAfter writing the abstract, revise and edit it to ensure clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any unnecessary details, jargon, or technical terms that may make it difficult for non-experts to understand. Make sure that the abstract flows logically and provides a clear summary of the research.Tips for Writing an Effective Abstract:1. Use concise and specific language: Every word counts in an abstract, so choose your words carefully and aim for clear, specific, and concise language.2. Focus on the most important findings: Highlight the key findings that are most relevant to your research question and objectives.3. Avoid unnecessary details: Only include essential information in your abstract. Avoid going into excessive detail or providing background information that is not directly related to your research.4. Be accurate and truthful: Ensure that the information provided in your abstract is accurate and supported by evidence from your study.5. Follow the guidelines provided by the journal or conference: Different journals or conferences may have specific requirements for abstracts, so make sure to follow their guidelines.Example of an Abstract:Title: The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Cross-Sectional StudyAbstract:。




2.1 标题:是全文内容的高度概括,大多采用名词化结构(nominalization),应准确无误地表达论文的中心内容,恰如其分地反映研究范围和深度,避免过于抽象,标题中有关时间和数量等概念的表达应做到能用数字精确表达的最好不用模糊含义的词。


一般不超过10 个实词。

2.2 时态:表述文章的写作目的时用一般现在时,多用句型为:动词不定式+表述作用、关系、效果、价值等名词,如,to study; to evaluate;to explore”。


2.3 语态:一般以第三人称的被动语态为多,这是因为医学研究着重于客观事物和过程的描述,使得整项活动更显出科学性。


2.4 用词:尽可能地频繁使用缩写词、名词作定语,简化句型,增大信息密度,使行文简练、结构紧凑。



如:骨性关节炎,不能译“inflammation of bone andjoint”,应译“osteoarthritis”。



2.5 关键词:最好3个以上、6个以下关键词,建议使用mesh表中的标准词汇。














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医学论文(medical papers)的定义医学论文是对整理和发表医学研究成果的一种特殊文本的总称,就其内容和文体特点而言科分为以下几种:1.医学科研论文(scientific papers)2.调查报告(survey)3.综述(review)4.学位论文(theses)5.医学科研论文(scientific papers)? 医学科研论文定义国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行:①评价所观察到的结果;②评价其推理过程;③重复实验。

分为以下两种:①临床研究(clinical study);②基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)? 医学科研论文的格式医学科研论文必须具备以下几个部分:(1)标题(title)(2)摘要(abstract)(3)引言(introduction)(4)材料和方法(materials and methods)(5)结果(results)(6)讨论(discussion)(7)致谢(acknowledgement)(8)参考文献(references)一、标题(一)要求1.简明扼要(short and concise)(1)尽量控制在一行,但不是一个句子(2)不超过25个单词或120-140个字母(3)除DNA、RNA、CT等不用缩写2.信息丰富(informative)3.便于索引(indexing)4.较长标题可采用副标题(二)标题写作中常用词组和表达方式1.用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价:Study(analysis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) …(by) using 方法/with工具)2.A对B的作用Effort of A on BProtective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury3.A与B的关系Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and BCorrelation of A with B and C常用修饰词:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly标题写作中常用词组和表达方式4.用…治疗…Use of …in the treatment of …(病)in …(生物)Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly5.A是BA as B二、著录部分书写(一)姓名标准式:W ANG Luowei,HUANG Yingfeng,GUO Xiao’an (二)地址800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China(三)资助A project funded by the National “863” Program三、摘要的分类与格式摘要是作者要给读者的精华,分两大类:(一)指示性摘要(二)资料性摘要1.非结构式摘要缺点:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读和计算机处理带来诸多不便2.全结构式摘要(8要素摘要)(1)目的(2)设计(3)地点(4)对象(5)处理(6)主要测定项目(7)结果(8)结论全结构式摘要的优点(1)观点更明确(2)信息量更大(3)差错更少(4)符合计算机数据库建立和使用的要求全结构式摘要的缺点:烦琐、重复、篇幅过长3.半结构式摘要(四要素摘要)(1)目的(objective/purpose/aim)(2)方法(methods)(3)结果(results)(4)结论(conclusion)? 目的是主题,是作者相要介绍的关键问题一、目的格式(一)单表目的(二)背景+目的二、目的常用时态(一)背景:现在时(一般现在时、完成时和进行时)(二)目的:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时举例:(1)To evaluate the effects on 24-hour intragastric pH levels of infusions with omeprazole and H2 receptor antagonists in bleeding duodenal ulcer patients.(2)The role of omeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistance on treatment outcome are not established. This study investigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pylori resistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance.三、介绍目的常用句型主要用动词不定式to表达1.直接用to do短语表达举例:To determine if use of omeprazole protects against the gastric mucosal injury2.The purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to举例:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of omeprazole on gastric mucosal injury3.The present study is /was designed/devised/intended to举例:The present study was designed to establish whether there might be a genetic predisposition to an altered pattern of anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome4.This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to举例:An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode to elucidate …5.We aimed/sought to/attempted to举例:We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of tuberculosis among individuals who work in certain industries occupations.四、介绍目的常用动词1.研究:study, investigate, examine, observe, explore举例:Our objective in this report is to examine the clinical feature, pathology and treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer.2.评价:evaluate, validate举例:To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma.3.确定:determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize4.证实:prove, demonstrate, document, test, support, testify, verify5.阐明、搞清:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out, contribute to the knowledge of6.介绍:describe, present, report7.建立:establish, develop, set out8.寻找:search for, look for, seek, find9.识别、区分:identify, differentiate, discriminate10.优选:optimize11.比较:compare12.回顾:review13.相关:correlate A with B? 方法部分(1)研究设计(2)研究对象的特性(3)干预或处理方法(4)测定或观察方法一、研究对象的选择、来源及标准1.纳入研究:were entered into/enrolled in/selected (randomly)举例:A total of 169 patients were included in the study, 83 of whom received……2.排除或退出研究:were excluded from participation,withdrew from the study due to/because to举例:……Patients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded.二、研究对象的分组1.……were divided into/classified/grouped into2.……were divided randomly/randomized into3.……were divided equally into举例:Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1……Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole, ……三、年龄1.某一年龄举例:A 50-year-old patient. Patients (age 26±3 years).2.在某年龄范围内及平均年龄举例:Patients range in age from …to…, with a mean of (50 years)3.在某一年龄以上或以下举例:Patients more than 50 years. Patients under/less than 50 years.四、性别、时间1.性别twelve patients (7 male and 5 female )The male-to-female ratio was 1:42.时间Body weigh t was measured weekly, and liver biopsy was obtained at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. ……五、诊断与治疗1.诊断be diagnosed as having …be diagnosed as …by …/with …?be suspected as …2.治疗be treated with…(alone or in combination with …)be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis举例:(1)Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole,…(2)50 patients with active bleeding duodenal ulcer were randomly assigned to receive one of the four treatment regimens. …? 结果部分1.是文章结论的根据2.应记录真实的科研数据3.除指示性说明外,一般用过去时表示一、常用句型1.结果表明:The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented / indicated/suggested…that…?It was found that…举例:The results showed that high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percent sensitive, 56 percent specific and 63 percent accurate.2.与…有关:A was related / correlated /associated with B. There was a relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C举例:Insulin sensitivity index was negatively with blood velocity (r=0.530, P<0.05), body mass index (r=o.563, P<0.01) and baseline insulinemia (r=0.489, P<0.05)3.增加或减少(1)表示数值增加的动词:increase, rise, elevate(2)表示数值增加的名词:increase, increment, elevation(3)表示数值减少的动词:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower(4)表示数值减少的名词:decrease, decrement, reduction, fall, drop, decline, lowering(5)从…增加到…,平均增加…:increase from …to …, with a mean/average (increase) of …(6)从…增加到…,总的增加…:increase from …to …, with an overall increase of …(7)增加了10%:increase by (10%)4.倍数比较(1)增加或减少3倍:increase by 3 fold (times). a 3-fold increase(2)A 是B的3倍:A is 3 fold (times) as…as B. A is 3 fold (times) B5.结果的统计学意义(1)明显不同(significant difference)(2)很明显不同(very/highly significant difference)(3)区别不明显(insignificant difference)(4)无区别(nonsignificant difference/no difference)6.统计学意义常用句型(1)There was/is significant difference in…between A and B(2)The difference in …between A and B was/is significant(3)A was/is significant difference from B in …(4)No significant difference was found / observed / noted in …between A and B“in”表示区分的性质或内容举例:(1)There were no significant difference between treatment groups in symptoms and lung function (P>0.05).(2)Significant difference were not noted in the level of HDL cholesterol, and LDL peak particle diameter before and after treatment.? 结论部分是作者发表观点和见解,给读者的精髓部分1.归纳性说明研究结果或发现2.结论性说明结果的可能原因、机理或意义3.前瞻性说明未解决的问题一、结论部分时态1.过去时(1)涉及本研究的内容(2)涉及他人研究过程的内容(3)作者认为只适用于本研究环境和条件的结论2.现在时(1)指示性说明(2)普遍接受的思想、理论或结论(3)作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义(4)前瞻性说明举例:Our findings indicate that hepatitis C is a progressive disease ,but only a few died during the average 20.4 years after the initiation of injection drug use .二、结论部分常用句型1.结果提示…:These results suggest that…举例:These data confirm the presence of at least two major HCV genotypes in Nigeria.2.结果支持或反对某种观点:These results support the idea that…;These results fail to support the idea that…举例:These results do not support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterol concentration cause mood disturbance.3.表示观点的确定或不确定性:There is no evidence that…;It is likely/unlikely that …举例:There is no evidence that NIDDM produce any change in bone metabolism or mass. 4.具有…意义:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…to …举例:The detection of p53 gene is of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis.5.前瞻性说明:…remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that …举例:However, the relation of insulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied. 6.插入语:This is the first case of pancreas divisum.举例:This is the first case, to our knowledge, of pancreas divisum.。
