








结果以下是一篇医学论文摘要的范例:题目The effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a non-clinical student population: a randomized controlled trial.摘要背景强迫症状是一种常见的心理障碍,对患者的生活和工作产生了负面影响。












中药学英文摘要范文英文回答:Title: The Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Modern Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has gained increasing recognition in modern healthcare systems due to its unique approach to diagnosing and treating various illnesses. This comprehensive review aims to provide an overview of TCM, exploring its historical background, fundamental principles, and clinical applications.Historical Background:TCM has a rich history dating back thousands of years, originating in ancient China. Its roots can be traced to early Taoist beliefs and empirical observations of nature.Over time, TCM evolved into a complex system of medicinethat encompasses multiple modalities, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage, and dietary therapy.Fundamental Principles:TCM is based on the fundamental belief that the human body is an integrated system in constant interaction withits environment. Illness is viewed as a disharmony or imbalance within this system, which can be caused by a variety of factors, such as environmental toxins, emotional stress, or dietary imbalances. TCM practitioners aim to restore balance and harmony by using various techniquesthat stimulate the body's natural healing processes.Clinical Applications:TCM is widely used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:Musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., pain, stiffness, arthritis)。


(3)结构式摘要的书写方法 结构式摘要的书写方法 目的:简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用 句话 句话, 目的:简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用1-2句话, 最好不要简单重复文题 方法:简述研究的对象、方法、设计方案、观察指标、 方法:简述研究的对象、方法、设计方案、观察指标、 资料收集处理、 资料收集处理、统计学分析等 结果:简要列出主要结果,包括阳性和阴性结果, 结果:简要列出主要结果,包括阳性和阴性结果,尽 量用具体数据而不要太笼统 结论:根据研究目的和结果得出适当结论, 结论:根据研究目的和结果得出适当结论,并指出研 目的和结果得出适当结论 究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题
英文标题的写作-注意事项 英文标题的写作 注意事项
2.尽量选用特指词和关键词 尽量选用特指词和关键词 一个含意常有多种表达方式 肝癌:hepatocarcinoma, liver cancer/ carcinoma, 肝癌: hepatic cancer/ carcinoma, liver/ hepatic neoplasm 望文生义 :congenital skin webbed fingers syndactyly of fingers
A postmortem study of 64 vagus nerves from 32 children up to 1 year of age was done to determine the incidence of ectopic parathyroid tissue. The segments of nerve (average length, 2.6 cm), including the entire ganglion nodosum, were examined using a combination of step and serial sectioning. Discrete solitary collections of ectopic parathyroid chief cells were seen in 6% of vagus nerves and ranged in diameter from 162 to 360 micron. Confirmation of the nature of the cells was based on the presence of abundant glycogen and positive immunoreactivity for chromogranin and parathormone. The possible significance of intravagal parathyroid tissue is briefly discussed.



《英国癌症杂志》(The British Journal of Cancer)规
2. 标题的分类 • 正标题 • 副标题

3. 正标题的结构
• 短语型:名词短语,动名词短语,介词短语。 • 句子型:少数也可采用完整的句子,以陈述句居多,也可用疑问句。


5. 标题中常见介词的搭配用法
• 1 in
• (1) 疾病名称、各种病理与生理现象名称-in-病人, • 例如: • 乳腺癌患者的甲状腺功能状态 • Thyroid function in patients with breast cancer • (2) 治疗方法/检查方法/药物名称-in-疾病/器官/组织,
• 1.突出病例数 • A. Endoluminal stent-graft for aortic aneurysms:
A report of 6 cases • 带模支架内搭桥治疗动脉瘤六例报告 • B,original:A retrospective study of 176 consecutiv
• 慢性腹痛是手术症略词和符号 • 标题中只能使用标准的缩略词,代号,符号,
公式等。 • 2.省略不必要的单词 • ①标题首和副标题首可省略冠词 • 革兰氏阴性菌休克的治疗 • Treatment of gram-negative shock (Treatment 前省
• 疑问句(常见于评论性文章) • When should patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia be treated? • 杂合子家族性高胆固醇血症患者何时开始治疗为宜? • Unresolved issue:Do drinkers have less coronary heart disease? • 尚未解决的问题——饮酒者患冠心病少吗?



作者姓名一般出现在题目之下,作者姓名 的拼写方式应按照《汉语拼音方案》的要 求拼写,姓在前,名在后,姓和名之间空 一格。
姓的每个字母均需大写;名的第一个字的 拼音首字母大写,其余字母均小写。如果 名为两个字,中间需要加连字符,如 “ZHAO Liang”,“WANG Xin-hua”。
一篇论文如果由多位作者共同完成,不同 作者拼音姓名间用逗号隔开,最后一名作 者姓名后无需加任何标点。
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Children with Hearing Difficulties
(二)表示“某种方法对特定对象或成分 的作用或影响”的常用英文题目表达方式:
1)Effect /Influence of +治疗方法+on+受 到影响的成分或对象
Proliferation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Rats Affected by Shenqi Pills
肾气丸对SD大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞增殖 的影响
表示“某种药物制剂成分含量测定”的常 用英文题目表达方式: 1)Determination of +受测定成分 +Content+from (of)+ 药物制剂
题目字数不宜太长,否则易使读者抓不 住重点。在能准确反映论文特定内容的 前提下,字数越少越好,最好在12个单 词以内,最多不超过16个单词。对较长 的题目,可采取增加副标题进行补充说 明以缩短主题目的长度。
浅议马钱子研究进展 活血降纤汤对肝纤维化指标的影响 针药配合治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛22例
浅议马钱子研究进展 Research Progress of Nux Vomica



The application of nursing safety management in rooming-inFengliPeople's Hospital of Obstetrics and GynecologyGuangchang County Jiangxi province344900Abstract:purpose Objective to avoid the ridden risks of rooming-in safety nursing effectively,reduce rooming-in nursing defects and ensure safety. method Strengthening nursing safety management in the application of rooming-in. Strengthening nursing safety education and training. Firmly establish consciousness of nursing security. Strengthen the rooming-in ward safety facilities. Improve the implementation of the system. Identify and evaluate the potential safety hazard in rooming- in clinical nursing work and timely put forward corresponding improvement measures to ensure the safety of nursing care. Through regular nursing safety inspection, timely detect problems and timely rectify and reform to avoid the potential safety hazard of rooming-in safety nursing, ensure safety. result By strengthening the safety education and training for nursing staff to firmly establish consciousness of nursing security, strengthen the rooming-in ward security settings, perfect and implement each system and promptly recognize the potential safety hazard of rooming-in. Then put forward the corresponding preventive measures to make the incidence of nursing errors significantly reduced. In 2 years, there are no serious mistakes and nursing disputes. General error by 8 in 2009 dropped to 2 in 2011. Hospital maternal and their families are satisfied, the inpatient satisfaction rate is more than 98%. conclusion Nursing safety management application to rooming in ward can effectively reduce the rooming-in ward nursing defects, ensure the rooming- in ward nursing quality.Key words:Nursing safety management;direct rooming-in;application。



医学论文(medical papers)的定义医学论文是对整理和发表医学研究成果的一种特殊文本的总称,就其内容和文体特点而言科分为以下几种:1.医学科研论文(scientific papers)2.调查报告(survey)3.综述(review)4.学位论文(theses)5.医学科研论文(scientific papers)医学科研论文定义国际生物学编辑委员会对医学科研论文的定义为:必须是首次公布的应提供足够的资料,使同行们能够进行:①评价所观察到的结果;②评价其推理过程;③重复实验。

分为以下两种:①临床研究(clinical study);②基础研究或实验研究(experimental study)医学科研论文的格式医学科研论文必须具备以下几个部分:(1)标题(title)(2)摘要(abstract)(3)引言(introduction)(4)材料和方法(materials and methods)(5)结果(results)(6)讨论(discussion)(7)致谢(acknowledgement)(8)参考文献(references)一、标题(一)要求1.简明扼要(short and concise)(1)尽量控制在一行,但不是一个句子(2)不超过25 个单词或120-140 个字母(3)除DNA、RNA、CT 等不用缩写2.信息丰富(informative)3.便于索引(indexing)4.较长标题可采用副标题(二)标题写作中常用词组和表达方式1.用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究/分析/观察/评价:Study(analy sis/observation/evaluation/assessment) of (on) … (by) using 方法/with 工具)2.A 对B 的作用Effort of A on BProtective effect of omeprazole on endothelin-induced gastric mucosal injury3.A 与B 的关系Correlation (relation/relationship) between A and BCorrelation of A with B and C常用修饰词:positively/negatively/significantly/insignificantly4.用…治疗…Use of …in the treatment of …( 病)in …(生物)Use of omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer in the elderly5.A 是BA as B二、著录部分书写(一)姓名标准式:WANG Luowei,HUANG Yingfeng,GUO Xiao’an(二)地址800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China(三)资助A project funded by the National “863” Program三、摘要的分类与格式摘要是作者要给读者的精华,分两大类:(一)指示性摘要(二)资料性摘要1.非结构式摘要缺点:段落不明,给编辑、审稿、阅读和计算机处理带来诸多不便2.全结构式摘要(8 要素摘要)(1)目的(2)设计(3)地点(4)对象(5)处理(6)主要测定项目(7)结果(8)结论全结构式摘要的优点(1)观点更明确(2)信息量更大(3)差错更少(4)符合计算机数据库建立和使用的要求全结构式摘要的缺点:烦琐、重复、篇幅过长3.半结构式摘要(四要素摘要)(1)目的(objective/purpose/aim)(2)方法(methods)(3)结果(results)(4)结论(conclusion)目的:是作者想要介绍的关键问题一、目的格式(一)单表目的(二)背景+目的二、目的常用时态(一)背景:现在时(一般现在时、完成时和进行时)(二)目的:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时举例:(1)To evaluate the effects on 24-hour intragastric pH levels of infusions with omeprazole and H2 receptor antagonists in bleeding duodenal ulcer patients.(2)The role of omeprazole in triple therapy and the impact of Helicobacter pylori resistance on treatment outcome are not established. This study investigated the role of omeprazole and influence of primary H. pylori resistance on eradication and development of secondary resistance.三、介绍目的常用句型主要用动词不定式to 表达1.直接用to do 短语表达举例:To determine if use of omeprazole protects against the gastric mucosal injury2.The purpose/aim/objective/goal(of present study is)was to举例:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of omeprazole on gastric mucosal injury3.The present study is /was designed/devised/intended to举例:The present study was designed to establish whether theremight be a genetic predisposition to an altered pattern of anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in patients with irritable bowel syndrome4.This study was performed/conducted/carried out/undertaken to举例:An experimental study was conducted using a canine mode to elucidate …5.We aimed/sought to/attempted to举例:We sought to assess whether there is an increased risk of tuberculosis among individuals who work in certain industries occupations.四、介绍目的常用动词1.研究:study, investigate, examine, observe, explore举例:Our objective in this report is to examine the clinical feature, pathology and treatment for patients with pancreatic cancer.2.评价:evaluate, validate举例:To evaluate sonography as a tool for initial diagnosis in emergency room patients with abdominal trauma.3.确定:determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize4.证实:prove, demonstrate, document, test, support, testify, verify5.阐明、搞清:explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out, contribute to the knowledge of6.介绍:describe, present, report7.建立:establish, develop, set out8.寻找:search for, look for, seek, find9.识别、区分:identify, differentiate, discriminate10.优选:optimize11.比较:compare12.回顾:review13.相关:correlate A with B方法部分(1)研究设计(2)研究对象的特性(3)干预或处理方法(4)测定或观察方法一、研究对象的选择、来源及标准1.纳入研究:were entered into/enrolled in/selected (randomly)举例:A total of 169 patients were included in the study, 83 of whom received……2.排除或退出研究:were excluded from participation,withdrew from the study due to/because to举例:……Pat ients with significant aortic valvular diseases were excluded.二、研究对象的分组1.……were divided into/classified/grouped into2.……were divided randomly/randomize d into3.…… were divided equally into举例:Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1…… Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4 groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole, ……三、年龄1.某一年龄举例:A 50-year-old patient. Patients (age 26±3 years).2.在某年龄范围内及平均年龄举例:Patients range in age from …to…, with a mean of (50 years).3.在某一年龄以上或以下举例:Patients more than 50 years. Patients under/less than 50 years.四、性别、时间1.性别twelve patients (7 male and 5 female)The male-to-female ratio was 1:42.时间Body weight was measured weekly, and liver biopsy was obtained at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. ……五、诊断与治疗1.诊断be diagn osed as having …be diagnosed as …by …/with …?be suspected as …2.治疗be treated with…(alone or in combination with …)be treated on outpatient/inpatient basis举例:(1)Patients (n = 539) with a history of duodenal ulcer and a positive H. pylori screening test result were randomized into 4groups. OAC group received 20 mg omeprazole,…(2)50 patients with active bleeding duodenal ulcer were randomly assigned to receive one of the four treatment regimens. …结果部分1.是文章结论的根据2.应记录真实的科研数据3.除指示性说明外,一般用过去时表示一、常用句型1.结果表明:The results showed / demonstrated / revealed / documented / indicated/suggested…that…?It was found that…举例:The results showed that high thigh cuff Doppler technique was 79 percent sensitive, 56 percent specific and 63 percent accurate.2.与…有关:A was related / correlated /associated with B. There wasa relationship /correlation between A and B. There was a relation of A with B and C 举例:Insulin sensitivity index was negatively with blood velocity (r=0.530,P<0.05), body mass index (r=o.563, P<0.01) and baseline insulinemia (r=0.489, P<0.05)3.增加或减少(1)表示数值增加的动词:increase, rise, elevate(2)表示数值增加的名词:increase, increment, elevation(3)表示数值减少的动词:decrease, reduce, fall, drop, decline, lower(4)表示数值减少的名词:decrease, decrement, reduction, fall, drop, decline, lowering(5)从…增加到…,平均增加…:increase from …to …, with amean/average (increase) of …(6)从…增加到…,总的增加…:increase from …to …, with an overall increase of …(7)增加了10%:increase by (10%)4.倍数比较(1)增加或减少3 倍:increase by 3 fold (times). a 3-fold increase(2)A 是B 的3 倍:A is 3 fold (times) as…as B. A is 3 fold (times)B5.结果的统计学意义(1)明显不同(significant difference)(2)很明显不同(very/highly significant difference)(3)区别不明显(insignificant difference)(4)无区别(nonsignificant difference/no difference)6.统计学意义常用句型(1)There was/is significant difference in…between A and B(2)The difference in …between A and B was/is significant(3)A was/is significant difference from B in …(4)No significant difference was found / observed / notedin …between A and B“in” 表示区分的性质或内容举例:①There were no significant difference between treatment groups in symptoms and lung function (P>0.05).②Significant difference were not noted in the level of HDL cholesterol, and LDL peak particle diameter before and after treatment.结论部分:是作者发表观点和见解,给读者的精髓部分1.归纳性说明研究结果或发现2.结论性说明结果的可能原因、机理或意义3.前瞻性说明未解决的问题一、结论部分时态1.过去时(1)涉及本研究的内容(2)涉及他人研究过程的内容(3)作者认为只适用于本研究环境和条件的结论2.现在时(1)指示性说明(2)普遍接受的思想、理论或结论(3)作者认为本研究结论具有普遍意义(4)前瞻性说明举例:Our findings indicate that hepatitis C is a progressive disease [指示性说明- 现在时],but only a few died during the average 20.4 years after the initiation of injection drug use [本试验过程中发生的事- 过去时]. Antiviral treatment to eradicate the virus and halt the progression of diseases is indicated in this group of patients [ 作者认为具有普遍意义的结论- 现在时].二、结论部分常用句型1.结果提示…:These results suggest that…举例:These data confirm the presence of at least two major HCV genotypes in Nigeria.2.结果支持或反对某种观点:These results support the ideathat…;These results fail to support the idea that…举例:These results do not support the idea that treatment to lower cholesterol concentration cause mood disturbance.3.表示观点的确定或不确定性:There is no evidence that…;It islikely/unlikely that …举例:There is no evidence that NIDDM produce any change in bone metabolism or mass.4.具有…意义:Be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in…to …举例:The detection of p53 gene is of great clinical significance in tumor diagnosis.5.前瞻性说明:…remain to be further studied;It is remains to be proved that …举例:However, the relation of insulin resistance to hypertension remains to be further studied.6.插入语:This is the first case of pancreas divisum.举例:This is the first case, to our knowledge, of pancreas divisum.小结中文是关键→符合英语习惯→不用简单句→注意词语的用法→注意时态。


与 中文 摘 要 对 应 。完 整 的英 文 摘 要 包 括 标 题 ( 文 题) 、 署 名 及作 者单 位 、 摘要 正文 ( 目的 、 方法 、 结 果 和
2 。 2 署名和作 者单位 ( A u t h o r s a n d A d d r e s s ) : 姓 的 汉 语 拼音字 母全 部 大写 , 名 的第 一个 字 母 大 写 , 作 者
T ic r u s p i d v a l v e r e p l a c e me n t : c l i n i c a l a n a l y s i s o ft ) 是 由加拿大麦克马斯特大学 ( M c M a s t e r U — n i v e r s i t y ) 临床流行病学和生物统计学教授 H a y n e s 博 士于 1 9 9 0年 首 先 提 出 的 J 。同年 , 美国H u t h博 士
座 ・
医 学论 文 英 文 摘 要 的 书 写要 求 及 注 意事 项
马 汉祥
[ 关键词 ] 医学论 文; 英文摘要 ; 书写要求 1 概 述 [ 中图分类 号] R 1 9 7 [ 文献标识码] A
随着 医学 科学 的迅 猛发 展 , 几 乎 每天 都有 大量 的 生物 医学论著 问世 。为 扩大信 息 的传 播和 交 流 , 联 合 国教 科文组织 规定 : 公 开 发表 的科 技论 文必 须 附有 英
在国 际上 率先 将 这 一 格 式 用 于 A n n a l s o f I n t e r n a l
摘 自中华 心血 管病 杂志 , 2 0 0 1 , 2 4 : 1 6 1 .
例 3: 主动脉 瓣 狭 窄致 心 绞 痛 的原 因何 在 ? ( 疑 问句 式标题 )



Sleep disorder heredity
hormone level receptor levels
Sleep disorder is related to heredity, hormone level, central neurotransmitter and receptor levels, etc. By exploring the basic and clinical research of sleep and sleep disorder, this paper aims to study its causes and prevention and treatment.
Results: Delivery pain was markedly relieved in the laughing gas group; mild adverse reactions such as dizziness and drowsiness were reported in individual patients, but they subsided with(消失) the discontinuation of laughing gas inhalation.
疗效好:good therapeutic/curative effect
结果表明:The result showed that…
我们观察到:It was observed that/ we observed that…
(我们)发现:It was found that …/we found that…



些 语 言 错 误 。这 一 讲 先 讨 论 有 关 时 态 、 态 、 量 和 介 词 方 语 数
面 带 普 遍 性 的错 误 。
摘 要 的 时 态
改 正 : h a in swi Oft e 6 p t t e t FAI h RES ma e ,h r s T i g s t ee wa
如何 书写 医学 论 文 的英 文摘 要
洪班 信 【中 图分 类 号 】H1 2 【 献 标 识 码】C 5 文 【 章 编 号 】1 0 — 3 3 2 0 ) 6 0 9 — 3 文 0 00 1 ( 0 8 0 6 5 0

p p
{ e 宝

第 三 讲 英 语 摘 要 中 时 态 、 量 和 介 词 数 的 用 法 错 误
a n obs r a e c r br lb o d fow c e sn e v bl e e a l o l de r a i g… i te s n 2 pa int .
摘 要 中 的时 态 不 是 单 一 性 的 , 构 各 部 分 对 时 态 的 要 求 有 结
用 法 : 实 验 中观 察 到 的 事 物 的作 用 或 状 态 , 究 分 析 得 在 研 出 的 其 他 结 果 ( 括 数 据 ). 明 工 作 已 完 成 , 应 当 用 一 般 过 包 , 表 故
读 者 准 备 阅 读 论 文 时 首 先 接 触 的是 摘 要 , 据 摘 要 再 决 定 根
y 的 , 为 过 去 发 生 的 事 情 , 时 还 提 出 是 在 过 去 某 一 时 刻 或 某 均 有

段 时 间 做 的 事 情 , 都 应 当用 一 般 O o s re t e bo d d n misi h Ths td st b ev h lo y a c n t e







整个英文摘要的篇幅:尚无统一的规定,有云100~150词(words)者,也有说250个词左右者(Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals)。










文题形式上的要求(1) 文题的字数一般认为不应超过18个主要词(major words)。


要做到“简”,就要注意在文题中避免使用不重要的、含义不明确的词,如:“A study on ...”, “An investigation of ...”, “A clinical study on ...”, “A survey of ...”等词。


(2) 文题的表达方式文题一般用短语或句子来表达。


例如:Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements to guide treatment in chronic asthma (N Engl J Med 2005;352:2163)从语法结构上要求文题应尽可能简单、明了,避免复杂、难懂。



医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译【摘要】Medical research papers are an essential part of the academic world, and writing abstracts in English can be a challenging task for many researchers. This article covers the key points to consider when writing a medical research paper abstract, including the necessary structural elements and tips for translating complex sentences. Common translation techniques for complex sentences are also discussed, along with case studies to illustrate these techniques. The importance of writing a clear and concise medical research paper abstract is emphasized in the conclusion, along with suggestions for improving translation skills and future research directions. This article serves as a guide for researchers looking to enhance their abstract writing and translation abilities in the field of medicine.【关键词】医学论文英语摘要、写作、注意事项、结构要素、翻译、难句、技巧、案例分析、重要性、提高、建议、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译Introduction:Writing an abstract for a medical paper in English can be a challenging task for many researchers and authors. This is because the abstract plays a crucial role in communicating the key findings and implications of a study to a wide audience, including scientists, clinicians, and policymakers. In addition, translating complex medical concepts and technical terms into English can sometimes pose difficulties, especially for non-native English speakers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to both the content and language of the abstract to ensure that it effectively conveys the significance of the research.2. 正文2.1 写作医学论文英语摘要的注意事项Another important aspect to consider is the language and writing style of the abstract. It should be clear, concise, and free of jargon or technical terms that may be difficult for non-experts to understand. The abstract should also be written in a formal tone and follow the appropriate format and structure for a scientific paper.2.2 医学论文英语摘要的结构要素The structure of a medical paper abstract is crucial in conveying the key points of the research effectively. Awell-structured abstract should typically include the following elements:2.3 如何翻译医学论文英语摘要中的难句When translating difficult sentences in medical paper abstracts, it is important to first understand the meaning of the original sentence. Here are some tips on how to effectively translate complex sentences in medical paper abstracts:2.4 常见难句翻译技巧Common Techniques for Translating Difficult Sentences in Medical Research Paper AbstractsTranslating medical research paper abstracts can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex or technical language. Here are some common techniques to help you tackle difficult sentences in a medical context:2.5 案例分析Case Study:In order to better illustrate the process of translating difficult sentences in medical research abstracts, we will analyze a specificexample taken from a recent study on the efficacy of a new drug for treating cardiovascular disease.Translation: 该研究进行了一项随机临床试验,评估了这种药物对重症冠状动脉疾病患者群体的影响,采用了双盲方法和安慰剂对照设计。



值或应用价值 , 是否可推荐或推广等 。这种撰写格式与科研设计思维方法一致, 有益于理清思路, 准确表达 。
在 撰 写摘 要 时 , 应注 意 摘 要 的 相对 独 立 性 , 即摘 要 可 以脱 离 原 文而 独 立 存 在 , 须 依 赖 于 任何 补 充 资 料 而 自 明其 文 , 无 因此 摘
要中不应包括 图、 表及参考文献。摘要 中应尽量使用大多数读者熟悉的专业术语 , 不使用特殊的” 行语” 。 摘要应具备完整性 、 准确性 、 简练性 , 摘要是全文 的浓缩 , 读者不需要阅读全文就能获得 必要 的信 息, 因此应包括原文最主
要 的 内 容 , 能夸 大 或 缩 小 , 客 观 概括 原文 献 的 方 法 、 果 和 结 论 。 要 中不 能 出现 论 文 中未 出现 的 结 果和 结论 。 个 期 刊对 不 要 结 摘 各 摘 要 字 数 的要 求 不 尽 相 同 , 体 上在 2 0 4 0字 之 间 , 大 5~0 因此 撰 写 摘 要应 力 图简 练 与 概 括 , 待 清 楚 最主 要 的和 最 新 颖 的方 法 、 交 结 果 和 结 论 。 得 提 出的 是 , 方 法一 项 中应 有 统计 学方 法 处 理 , 值 在 结果 一 项 中, 以实 验 数 据 为重 要 内容 , 应 并给 出结 果 的 置信 值 、 统
的, 经何种统计学方法处理; 结果( eut : R sl)简要列 出研究 的主要结果和数据 , s 有什么新发现, 明其价值及 局限性。并பைடு நூலகம்给 出说 说
明 结果 的主 要 数 据及 置 信 值 、 计 学 显 著性 检 验 的确 切 值 ; 论 (o c s n: 要 说 明 经验 证 、 证取 得 的 正确 观 点及 其 理 论 价 统 结 C n l i )简 uo 论



如何撰写医学论文英文摘要全Writing an extended abstract for a medical research paper, consisting of over 1200 words, requires a systematic approach to cover all essential aspects of the study. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an extended abstract for a medical research paper:1. Introduction (around 200 words):- Start by providing background information on the broader topic of your research.- Clearly state the research question or objective of your study.- Describe the significance and relevance of the research topic to the medical field.- Summarize the gaps in the existing literature that your research aims to address.- Briefly mention the research methodology employed in your study.2. Methods (around 300 words):- Describe the study design, including the type of study (observational, experimental, etc.).- Specify the population or sample size, including any inclusion or exclusion criteria used.- Outline the data collection methods employed in your study (interviews, surveys, laboratory tests, etc.).- Explain the statistical analyses used to analyze the data.3. Results (around 400 words):- Present the key findings of your research.- Use appropriate tables, graphs, or charts to illustrate the results.- Provide relevant statistical measures (e.g., mean, median, odds ratios, p-values, etc.).- Highlight any significant associations or correlations found.4. Discussion (around 400 words):- Interpret the results in the context of the research question and hypothesis.- Explain the implications and potential applications of your research.- Discuss the limitations of your study and suggest areasfor future research.- Emphasize the novelty and contribution of your study to the existing knowledge base.5. Conclusion (around 100 words):- Summarize the main findings and their clinical or scientific significance.- Reiterate the implications and contributions of your research.- Conclude by highlighting the strengths and limitations of your research.6. References:- Include a list of all the references cited throughout the abstract.- Follow an appropriate referencing style (APA, MLA, etc.).Remember to proofread your extended abstract for grammar, clarity, and consistency. Take into account that the specific word count distribution may vary depending on the requirements of the journal or conference to which you plan to submit your research paper.。














A male with thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) excess and an autonomously functioning thyroid adenoma is presented. The problem of diagnosing hyperthyroidism in the presence of TGB excess is discussed. The utility of the Thyrotropin-releasing hormone test (TRH) is emphasized.
Type (2)
• 3)报道-指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstract): 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中信息价值较高的部 分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。
Indicative abstract – example 1
Autonomously functioning thyroid adenoma in a male with thyroxine-binding globulin excess: a case report
Full-structured abstract
1974年4月,加拿大McMaster 大学医学中心的Dr R Brian Haynes 首先提出建立临床研究论文的结构式摘要。在 Dr Edward J Huth创 导下,美国《内科学记事》(Annuals of Internal Medicine)在国际 上率先采用了全结构式(full-structured)摘要。 Haynes所提出的全结构式摘要包含8个要素: 1. 目的(Objective):说明论文要解决的问题 2. 设计(Design):说明研究的基本设计,包括的研究性质 3. 地点(Setting):说明进行研究的地点和研究机构的等级 4. 对象(Patients, participants or subjects):说明参加并完成研究 的病人或受试者的性质、数量及挑选方法 5. 处理(Interventions):说明确切的治疗或处理方法 6. 主要测定项目(Main outcome measures):说明为评定研究结 果而进行的主要测定项目 7. 结果(Results):说明主要客观结果 8. 结论(Conclusion):说明主要结论,包括直接临床应用意义



英文文章摘要范文大全English Answer:Abstract 1。

This study investigates the impact of social media on mental health in young adults. A survey was conducted among 500 participants aged 18-25, examining their social media usage and psychological well-being. Results indicate a positive correlation between social media use and increased anxiety and depression symptoms. The findings suggest that excessive social media use can negatively affect mental health in this population.Abstract 2。

The efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for reducing stress in healthcare professionals is explored in this paper. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 120 healthcare workers, comparing the effectiveness ofmindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and a control group. Participants in the MBSR group reported significant reductions in stress levels compared to the control group, demonstrating the potential of mindfulness interventions in improving mental health in demanding healthcare settings.Abstract 3。




也称资料性摘要,内容比较具体,一般要 列举关键数据。大多数医学论文的摘要为 报道性摘要。这类摘要属于传统型摘要。 一般包括: 1 简介(Brief Introduction):介绍研究背景 (Background)、目的(Objective/Purpose/Aim) 或解题性说明(Explanation)。 2 研究的过程与结果(Procedure and Result of the Research) 3 结论(Conclusion) 4 对未来的展望(Future Prospects)

Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette Smoking The smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with those of 92 consecutive patients with nonmalignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed. This difference was significant, and remained so when only men or black and white patients were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.
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科技论文英文摘要的撰写★7654321(金币+1):thanks,发贴请注明:已搜索,无重复科技论文英文摘要的撰写0 引言摘要的定义为:“以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 不加评论和补充解释, 简明、确切地记叙文献重要内容的短文”。

由于大多数检索系统只收录论文的摘要部分,或其数据库中只有摘要部分免费提供, 并且有些读者只阅读摘要而不读全文或常根据摘要来判断是否需要阅读全文, 因此摘要的清楚表达十分重要。


1 摘要的类型与基本内容1.1 摘要的类型根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要。

(1)报道性摘要(informative abstract):也称信息型摘要或资料性摘要。


通常, 这种摘要可部分地取代阅读全文。

(2)指示性摘要(indicative abstract):也称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract)。

一般只用二、三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等。


(3)报道-指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstract):以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。

传统的摘要多为一段式, 在内容上大致包括引言(Introduction)、材料与方法(Materials and Methods)、结果(Results)和讨论(Discussion)等主要方面, 即IMRAD(Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion)结构的写作模式。

1980年代出现了另一种摘要文体, 即“结构式摘要”(structured abstract), 它是报道性摘要的结构化表达,强调论文摘要应含有较多的信息量。

结构式摘要与传统摘要的差别在于,前者便于读者了解论文的内容, 行文中用醒目的字体(黑体、全部大写或斜体等)直接标出目的、方法、结果和结论等标题。

1. 2 摘要的基本结构和内容摘要本质上是一篇高度浓缩的论文, 所以其构成与论文主体的IMRAD结构是对应的。

摘要应包括以下内容梗概:(1)目的:研究工作的前提、目的和任务, 所涉及的主题范围;(2)方法:所用的理论、条件、材料、手段、装备、程序等;(3)结果:观察、实验的结果、数据、性能等;(4)结果的分析、比较、评价、应用, 提出的问题, 今后的课题, 假设、启发、建议、预测等;(5)其它:不属于研究、研制、调查的主要目的, 但具有重要的信息价值。

一般地说, 报道性摘要中(2)、(3)、(4)应相对详细, (1)和(5)则相对简略。


结构式摘要与传统一段式摘要的区别在于,其分项具体, 可使读者更方便、快速地了解论文的各项内容。

统计表明, MEDLINE检索系统所收录的生物医学期刊目前已有60%以上采用了结构式摘要。

我国有些医学类期刊在20世纪90年代初开始采用结构式摘要, 并对其使用效果和进一步优化进行了较为深入的探讨。

结构式摘要的构架及简要说明 (1)目的(Objective):研究的问题、目的或设想等;( 2)设计(Design):研究的基本设计, 样本的选择、分组、诊断标准和随访情况等;(3)单位(Setting):说明开展研究的单位(是研究机构、大专院校, 还是医疗机构);(4)对象(Patients, Participants):研究对象(患者等)的数目、选择过程和条件等;(5)处置(Interventions):处置方法的基本特征, 使用何种方法以及持续的时间等;( 6)主要结果测定(Main Outcome Measures):主要结果是如何测定、完成的; (7)结果(Results):研究的主要发现(应给出确切的置信度和统计学显著性检验值);(8)结论(Conclusions):主要结论及其潜在的临床应用。

实际上, 8个层次比较适合于临床医学类原始论文(Original Article)。

对于综述类论文,其结构式摘要应包括以下6个方面:(1) 目的(Objective), (2) 资料来源(Data Sources), (3) 资料选择(Study Selection), (4) 数据提炼(Data Extraction), (5) 资料综合(Data Synthesis), (6) 结论(Conclusions)。

为节省篇幅, 有些期刊在使用中对上述结构式摘要进行了适当简化, 如“New England Journal of Medicine”采用背景(Background)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results)、结论(Conclusions)等4个方面;“The Lancet”则采用背景(Background)、方法(Methods)、发现(Findings)和解释(Interpretation) 等4个方面。

JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association)是采用结构式摘要全部项目的为数不多的期刊之一, 其原始性论文的摘要须包括9项(Context, Objective, Design, Setting, Patients, Interventions, Main Outcome Measures, Results, Conclusion), 但作者可根据需要将相关项目合并。

与传统摘要比较, 结构式摘要的长处是易于写作(作者可按层次填入内容)和方便阅读(逻辑自然、内容突出),表达也更为准确、具体、完整。

应该说, 无论是传统的一段式摘要, 还是结构式摘要, 实际上都是按逻辑次序发展而来, 没有脱离IMRAD的范畴.2 摘要撰写技巧2.1 摘要撰写的一般技巧为确保摘要的“独立性”(stand on its own)或“自明性”(self-contained), 撰写中应遵循以下规则:(1)为确保简洁而充分地表述论文的IMRD, 可适当强调研究中的创新、重要之处(但不要使用评价性语言);尽量包括论文中的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证或数据)。

(2)使用简短的句子, 表达要准确、简洁、清楚;注意表述的逻辑性, 尽量使用指示性词语表达论文的不同部分(层次)。

如使用“We found that…”表示结果,使用“We suggest that…”表示讨论结果的含义等。

(3)应尽量避免引用文献、图表, 用词应为读者所熟悉。

若无法回避使用引文, 应在引文出现的位置将引文的书目信息标注在方括号内;如确有需要(如避免多次重复较长的术语)使用非同行熟知的缩写, 应在缩写符号第一次出现时给出其全称。

(4)为方便检索系统转录, 应尽量避免使用化学结构式、数学表达式、角标和希腊文等特殊符号。

(5)查询拟投稿期刊的读者须知, 以了解其对摘要的字数和形式的要求。

如果是结构式摘要, 应了解其分为几段,使用何种标识,使用何种时态,是否使用缩写或简写,等。

2.2 摘要写作的时态摘要所采用的时态应因情况而定,力求表达自然、妥当。


2.2.1 介绍背景资料如果句子的内容是不受时间影响的普遍事实, 应使用现在式;如果句子的内容是对某种研究趋势的概述, 则使用现在完成式。

如:The authors review risk and protective factors for drug abuse, assess a number of approaches for drug abuse prevention potential with high-risk groups, and make recommendations for research andpractice.Previous research has confirmed four dimensions of temperament: ….2.2.2 叙述研究目的或主要研究活动如采用“论文导向”, 多使用现在式(如:This paper pre sents…); 如采用“研究导向”, 则使用过去式(如:This study investigated…).This article summarizes research on self-initiated and professionally facilitated change of addictive behaviors using the key transtheoretical constructs of stages and processes of change.We investigated whether captopril could reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after a myocardial infarction.2.2.3 概述实验程序、方法和主要结果通常用现在式。

We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations.Our results indicate that p21 may be a universal inhibitor of cyclin kinases.2.2.4 叙述结论或建议可使用现在式、臆测动词或may, should, could等助动词。

We suggest that climate instability in the early part of the last interglacial may have delayed the melting of the Saalean ice sheets in America and Eurasia, perhaps accounting for this discrepancy.2.2 摘要写作的人称和语态有相当数量的作者和审稿人认为, 科技论文的撰写应使用第三人称、过去时和被动语态。

但调查表明, 科技论文中被动语态的使用在1920 - 1970年曾比较流行, 但由于主动语态的表达更为准确, 且更易阅读, 因而目前大多数期刊都提倡使用主动态。
