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Un itl I want a hot dog please.

learning aims :

1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写本单元的单词:hamburger \cola \hot dog\ cent \dollar


What do you want to eat \drink?

I want to …

How much is it? It '等句子。



Step 1:Warm-up and show the lear ning aims

1. Say “ Hello t o the childre n and talk about some in terest ing experie nee duri ng the win ter vacati on.

2. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Modulel Unit 1 I want a hot dog please.(板书课题)First, please look at our learni ng aims.出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

Step 2: Lear n the new words and the key senten ces.

1. T: Now I feel hungry and thirsty. I want something to eat and drink. Can you give me some

suggesti ons?让学生说出他们知道的食物和饮料,并板书在黑板上)

2. Ask the students to learn the new words by themselves.

①Try to read by themselves.

②Liste n to the tape and read after the tape.

③Let the students read the words in their own small groups.

3. (The teacher points to the words in the blackboard): I want a hot dog, please.使用这种方式逐


4. Pair works: Ask and answer with the key sentences.

①What do you want? I want …

②How much is it? It ' s ….

Step 3: Lear n the text

T: Today Dami ng , Sim on and Sim on ' s father go to the restaura nt to have the meal. Thgidealo tells us the story.

1. Put the pictures on the blackboard and ask the childre n to look at the picture carefully. Liste n to the dialogue betwee n the waitress and the customers.

2. Listen to the tape and circle the new words.

3. Liste n aga in and an swer some questi ons.

Where are they? Is a hot dog really a dog?

Sim on' s father wan t?

4. Pause after each sentence for the childre n to repeat.

5. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

Step 4 Fi nish a task

1. Recite the new words and the key sen ten ces correctly and skillfully in 5 minu tes.

2. Group works: Suppose you are in the restaura nt and going to have a meal. The n make a dialogue.

3. Copy the new words three times.要求:①在四线格内书写②用手写体书写③书写要认真、


Blackboard Writi ng:

I want a hot dog, please.

New words: hamburger , cola, dollar, cent, enjoy

What do you want? I want …

How much is it? It ' s ….



Unit 2 What do you want to eat?

learning aims :

1、能听懂、会读、会说、会写本单元的单词restaura nt, menu


What do you want to eat?

I want a hamburger, please.

What do you want to drink?等句子。


4、会唱歌曲:What do you want to eat?


Step 1 Warm-up and show the lear ning aims

1. Review Un it 1. (key words and sentence)

2. T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit2 What do you want to eat?板书课题)First, please look at our learni ng aims.出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)Step 2 Lear n the new words and the key senten ces.
