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美国现代诗歌的“两眼泉 源”
惠特曼:时代· 民族· 人民 自由· 平等· 博爱 迪金森:激情· 自然· 爱· 死亡
Walt Whitman(1819—1892)
1.Life and Works: Whitman was brought up in a working-class background on Long Island, New York. He had five years of schooling and a good deal of “loafing” and reading. He liked experience, so he tried a variety of jobs.
3.Leaves of Grass《草叶集》

Totally nine editions; The first edition came out in 1855,which contained twelve poems; The last edition includes more than 400 poems.
2.Innovations in technique:

Leabharlann Baidu
1.Parallelism(平行结构) 2.Phonetic recurrence 3. Free verse, no traditional iambic pentameter 诗行长短不一,不押韵,不以传统格律为 顿挫单位,而是以短句、短语为顿挫单位。
Original; sounded idiosyncratic; Never imitated others; Holds that beauty, truth and goodness are ultimately one; Like Whitman she was a courageous experimentalist.
Emily Dickinson(18301886)

1.Personality: She was shy, sensitive, sometimes rebellious. 2.Her poetry: a clear illustration of her religiousethical and political-social ideas. Calvinism with doctrine of predestination and its pessimism pressured her during childhood and adolescence and colored her work so that her basic tone is tragic.

Dickinson explores the inner life of the individual; Dickinson is “regional”
Concise, direct, and simple diction and syntax.

Other pictures of Whitman:
The differences between Dickinson & Whitman:

Whitman seems to keep his eye on society at large; Whitman is “national” in his outlook; Formal terms: endless, all-inclusive catalogs .
“The precursor of the Imagist movement”( 意象运动的先驱)

4.Themes of poetry: By far the largest portion of Dickinson’s poetry concerns death and immortality. 5.Characteristics: