
有关“中草药”的中英文介绍有关部分“中草药”的中英文介绍:1.人参- 人参是多年生草本植物,属于五加科。
Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. Its root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of strengthening the body, calming the mind, and nourishing Qi and blood.2.黄芪- 黄芪是一种多年生草本植物,属于豆科。
Astragalus root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of invigorating Qi, strengthening the superficies, diuresis and edema reduction, and resisting fatigue.3.当归- 当归是一种多年生草本植物,属于伞形科。
Angelica root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of nourishing blood, invigorating blood circulation, regulating menstruation, and relieving pain.4.枸杞- 枸杞是一种一年生或多年生草本植物,属于茄科。

1. 人参(Ginseng)人参是世界公认的养生圣品,其主要功效包括增强体力、抗衰老、提高免疫力等。
2. 甘草(Licorice)甘草是一种常见的中草药,具有消炎、抗病毒、镇咳平喘等作用。
3. 当归(Chinese Angelica)当归被誉为"女性之宝",在妇科疾病中应用广泛。
在中草药药物中,当归被称为"Chinese Angelica"。
4. 黄芪(Astragalus)黄芪是一种滋补药物,具有提高免疫力、抗疲劳的作用。
5. 白术(Largehead Atractylodes)白术具有健脾开胃、利水消肿的功效。
在中草药药物中,白术被称为"Largehead Atractylodes"。
6. 熟地黄(Prepared Rehmannia)熟地黄是一种滋阴补肾的中草药,常用于肾虚引起的眩晕、耳鸣等症状。
在中草药药物中,熟地黄被称为"Prepared Rehmannia"。
7. 当归片(Chinese Angelica Slices)当归片是一种常用的中草药制剂,具有调经止痛、补血养颜的作用。
在中草药药物中,当归片被称为"Chinese Angelica Slices"。
8. 党参(Codonopsis Pilosula)党参是一种常见的中草药,具有调理气血、增强体质的功效。

目前,各地使用的中药已达5000 种左右,把各种药材相配伍而形成的方剂,更是数不胜数。
下面yjbys 为大家分享中草药药物中英文名称简介如下:tabasheer 天竺黄
taiwan beautyberry leaf 紫珠叶
talc 滑石
tall gastrodia tuber 天麻
tamarind pulp 酸角
tamariskoid spikemoss herb 卷柏
tangerine peel 陈皮
tangerine seed 橘核
tangut anisodus radix 山莨菪
tatarian aster root 紫菀
tenacious condorvine stem 通光藤
tender catchweed bedstraw herb 猪殃殃
ternate grape fern herb 阴地蕨
thatch screwpine root 露兜勒
thickleaf croton root 鸡骨香
thin evodia twig and leaf 三*苦
thinleaf adina fruit 水杨梅
thinleaf milkwort root-bark 远志
thorny elaeagnus leaf 胡颓子叶。

专业英文介绍AAbrine 相思豆碱O-Acetyl-3,6-di-O-β-D-xylopy-rano- astragaloside O-乙烯3,6-双氧-β-D- 吡喃木糖基绵毛黄芪甙Acetylastragaloside 乙酰黄芪甙N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖6\'\'-acetylhyperoside 6\'\'-乙酰氧基金丝桃甙Acetylshikonin 乙酰紫草素14-Acetyltalatisamine Achyranthan 牛膝多糖Acobreting D 短距乌头碱丁Acobreting E 短距乌头碱戊Aconine 乌头原碱Aconitine 乌头碱Aconosine 爱康诺辛Actein 黄肉楠碱Actinodephnine Acuminatin Acuminatoside Adenanthin 腺华素Adenine 腺嘌呤Adenoside 腺苷Adynerin 欧夹竹桃甙乙Aescin 七叶皂甙Aesculetin 七叶素(七叶内脂,秦皮乙素)马栗树皮素Aesculin 七叶甙马栗树皮甙Agaricic acid 落叶松覃酸Agaricus blazei murrill P.E 姬松茸提取物Agrimophol 仙鹤草酚Ajmalicine(δ-Yohimbine) 阿吗碱,δ-育亨宾碱,阿吗里新Ajmaline 阿马林Akebia saponin D 木通皂甙DAlantolactone 土木香内酯Albopilosin A Aleuritic acid 苏式-紫胶桐酸Alfalfa P.E 紫苜蓿提取物Alizarin 茜素Alkaloids 罗勒生物碱Allantoin 尿囊素Allasecurinine 别一叶秋碱Allantolin Allicin 大蒜素α-Allocryptopine α-别隐品碱Alloisoimperatorin 别异欧前胡素Alloxanthoxyletin Allose 阿罗糖Aloeemodin 芦荟大黄素Aloe-saponol Aloin 芦荟甙Aloesin 芦荟苦素Aloperin 苦豆碱Alpinetin 山姜素Amentoflavone 1- Amino-cyclopropane-1-acid hydrochloride 1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸盐酸盐Amethystoidin A 香茶菜甲素Ampelopstin 福建茶素Amygdalase 苦杏仁酶Amygdalin 苦杏仁甙Aamylase 淀粉酶β-Amyrin β-香树脂醇α-Amyrin acetate α-香树脂醇乙酸乙酯β-Amyrin acetate β-香树脂醇乙酸乙酯β-Amyrin palmitate 棕榈酰β-香树酯Anabasine 毒藜碱Anagyrine 臭豆碱,安那吉碱Andrographis Paniculata P.E 穿心莲提取物Andrographolide 穿心莲内酯穿心莲乙素Anemonin 白头翁素Angelica Dongquai P.E 当归提取物Anisodamine 山莨菪碱Anisodine 樟柳碱Anthocyanosides 花色素Anthraglycoside A 大黄素-6-甲醚-8-D-葡萄糖甙Anthraglycoside B 大黄素-8-D-葡萄糖甙Apigenin 芹菜甙元芹菜素Apigenin-7-glucoside 芹菜甙元-7- 葡萄糖甙Apigenin-7-O-glucoside 芹菜甙元-7- O-葡萄糖甙Apigenin-8-O-glucoside 芹菜甙元-8- O-葡萄糖甙Apigenin-7-O-α-L-rhamnoside 芹黄素-7-O-α-L-鼠李糖甙Apiin 芹菜甙Apple Extract 苹果提取物Araloside A 楤木皂甙AArbutin 熊果甙Arctigenin 牛蒡甙元Arctiin 牛蒡子甙Arctinal 牛蒡子醛Arctinol b 牛蒡子醇-bAristolactone 马兜铃内酯Aristolochic acid A, D 马兜铃酸A,D Aristolochic acid B, C 马兜铃酸B,C Armillarisin A 亮菌甲素,假蜜环菌甲素Arteannuic acid 青蒿酸Arteannuin 青蒿素Artemisinin 青蒿提取物α-Artemether α-蒿甲醚β-Artemether β-蒿甲醚Artemetin 青蒿亭Artemisinic acid 春活力青蒿酸Arundoin 芦竹素Asarinin 细辛脂素α-Asaron α-细辛醚β-Asarone β-细辛醚Asiatic acid 积雪草酸Asiaticoside 积雪草甙Astilbin 落新妇甙Astragaloside 黄芪甙Astragalin Astragaloside II 黄芪皂甙II Astragaloside IV 黄芪甲甙Astragalus Root P.E 黄芪提取物Atisine chloride Atractydin 苍术素Atractylon 苍术酮Atraotydin 苍术甙Atropine 阿托品Aucubin 桃叶珊瑚甙Avacularin 扁蓄甙________________________________________ BBaicalein 黄芩素Baicalin 黄芩甙Baical Skullcap root P.E 黄芩提取物Bakuchiol 补骨脂酚Bavachalcone 补骨脂查耳酮Barley Grass P.E 麦苗精提取物Beiwutine 北乌碱Benzoylmesaconitine 苯甲酰中乌头原碱Berbamine 小檗胺Berbamine hydrochloride 盐酸小檗胺Berberine 小檗碱Berberine hydrochloride 盐酸小檗碱Bergapten 香柑内酯佛手柑内酯Bergaptol 佛手酚Bergenin 岩白菜素Betaine 甜菜碱Betulin 白桦脂醇Betulic acid 白桦脂酸Black Cohosh P.E 黑升麻提取物Bicuculline 毕枯枯林Biflorin 双花母草素Biflorine 原阿片碱Bilberry fruit P.E 越橘提取物Bitter Melon P.E 苦瓜提取物Bilirubin 胆红素Bilobalide 白果内酯Bilobetin 白果素7-去甲基银杏双黄酮Bisdemethoxycurcumin 二去甲氧基姜黄素Bitter Orang P.E 枳实提取物Black Cohosh P.E 黑升麻提取物Boxthorn Seed Oil 枸杞籽油Brervifolincaboxylic acid 天豆叶苏木酚酸,短叶苏木酚酸Brevicornin Britanin 大花旋覆花素Breviscapinun 灯盏花素Britanin 大花旋覆花内酯Bronyl acetate 乙酸龙脑酯4-(2-Bronyloxy)-2-butytene-1-ol 4- 冰片氧基-2-丁烯-1-醇4-(2-Bronyloxy)-2-butanol 4-冰片氧基- 1-丁醇Bruceaketolic acid 鸦胆子酮酸Brucealine-glucoside 鸦蛋子苦素E 葡萄糖甙Bruceine D 鸦胆子苦素DBruceine E 鸦胆子苦素EBrucine 马钱子碱Brusatol 鸦胆子苦醇Buddleoglucoside 蒙花甙Bufalin 蟾毒灵γ-Bufotalin γ-日蟾毒配质Bulleyaconitine A 草乌甲素Burdok root P.E 牛蒡根提取物Butenolide A B 白术内酯A BButylidene 丁烯基太内酯Butylphthalide 芹菜甲素Byakangelicin 白当归素比克白芷素Byakangelicol 白当归脑Byoscine bulylbromide Byoscine hydrobromide Caffeine 咖啡因,咖啡碱,茶碱CCaffeic acid 咖啡酸Caffeine 咖啡碱Calcium Citrate (Tricalcium citrate) 柠檬酸钙Calcium Malate 苹果酸钙(+)-Camphor 樟脑Camptothecine 喜树碱Cantharidin 斑蟊素Capillarisin 茵陈色原酮Capsaicin 辣椒碱Capsanthin 辣椒黄素Capsicum Extract 辣椒萃取物Capsorubin 辣椒红素Carthamidin 红花素Carthamin 红花甙Caryophyllene 石竹烯Cassia Nomame P.E 水皂角提取物Catalpol 梓醇Catalposide 梓甙Cat\'s claw P.E 猫爪草提取物Caudoside 考多甙Cedilanid 去乙酰毛花洋地黄甙Celery seed P.E 芹菜子提取物Cephalomannine 三尖杉宁碱Cepharanthine 头花千金藤碱Cerberin 单乙酰黄夹次甙乙Chammomile P.E 春黄菊提取物Charantin 苦瓜素Chast tree berry P.E 蔓荆子提取物Chenodeoxycholic acid 鹅去氧胆酸Chinese Angelica Extrat 当归提取物Chlorogenic acid 绿原酸Cholic acid 胆酸CHONDROITIN SULFATE 硫酸软骨素Chrysophanol 大黄酚Chuanxiongzine 川芎嗪Cimside A B E 升麻甙A B E Cinchonidine 辛可尼丁Cinchonine 辛可宁Cinnamaldehyde 桂皮醛Cinnamic acid 桂皮酸Citrus seed P.E 枳实提取物Clerodolone 赤桐酮醇Clerodone 赤桐酮Clerosterol 赤桐甾醇Cleupin 橄榄苦甙Cocaine 可卡因Cocculine 衡州乌药灵Coclaurine 乌药碱Codeine 可待因Codonopsis P.E. 党参提取物Colchicine 秋水仙碱Columbin 古伦宾Common cnidium fruit P.E 蛇床子提取物Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) 共轭亚油酸Convallatoxin 铃兰毒甙Convallatoxol 铃兰毒醇甙Coptisine 黄连碱Corchoroside A 黄麻甙ACordatanine 荷莲豆碱Cordyceps P.E 虫草提取物Coriamyrtin 马桑内酯Coriatin 马桑亭Coriolus Versicolor P.E. 云芝提取物Corn silk P.E 玉米须提取物(+)-Corydaline 紫堇碱Corydalis P.E 延胡索提取物Coryfolin 补骨脂甲素Corylifolinin 补骨脂乙素Corynoxeine 去氢钩藤碱Crocin 番红花素Cryptotanshinone 隐丹参酮Cucurbitacin B 葫芦素BCucurbitacin E 葫芦素ECucurbitacin glucoside 雪胆甲素甙Cucurbitine 南瓜子氨酸Ar-Curcumene 芳-姜黄烯Curcumin 姜黄素Curcumol 莪术醇Curdione 莪二酮Curine 箭毒碱Cyanotis arachnoides P.E 露水草提取物Cyclanoline 轮环藤酚碱Cycleanine 轮环藤碱Cyclovirobuxine 黄杨木提取物(黄杨碱)Cymarin 加拿大麻甙p-Cymene 对-聚伞花素DDahurian Rhododendron Leaf P.E 满山红提取物Daidzein 大豆甙元Daidzin 大豆甙Dandelion P.E 蒲公英提取物Daphnetin 瑞香素Daphnin 瑞香甙Daucosterol 胡萝卜甙Dauricine 蝙蝠葛碱10-Deacetyl Baccatin III 10-脱乙酰巴卡丁III Dehydroanddrographolide 脱水穿心莲内酯dehydrobruceine B 去氢鸦胆子苦素B7-Dehydrologanin 7-脱氢马钱素Dehydromorroniaglycine 脱水莫诺甙元Dehydropodophyllotoxin 脱氢鬼臼素Demethoxycurcumin 去甲氧基姜黄素Deoxyharringtonine 脱氧三尖杉酯碱Deoxyandrographolide 去氧穿心莲内酯Deoxycholic acid 去氧胆酸Desglucocheirotoxin 去葡萄糖桂竹香毒甙α-Dichroine 黄常山碱甲β-Dichroine 黄常山碱乙γ-Dichroine 黄常山碱丙Digitoxin 洋地黄毒甙Digoxin 地辛高Dihydrocucurbitacin F 双氢葫芦素F DihydrocucurbitacinF-25-acetate 双氢葫芦素F-25-乙酸酯Dihydromollugin 二氢大叶茜草素Dioscin 薯蓣皂甙Diosgenin 薯蓣皂甙元(皂素)Divaricoside 羊角幼甙Dl-tetrahydropalmatine 延胡索乙素Doederleinic acid 大叶菜酸DongQuai P.E 当归提取物EEcdysterone 脱皮甾酮(蜕皮激素)Echinacea Purpurea Herb P.E 紫锥菊提取物Echinocystic acid 刺囊酸Ecliptasaponin A 旱莲甙AEcliptasaponin B 旱莲甙BEduardine 午贝甲素Eduardinine 午贝乙素Eleutheroside B+E 五加甙B+EEllagic 鞣花酸Emodin 大黄素Emodinmonomethylether 大黄素-6-甲醚Ephedrine 麻黄碱Ephedrine Hydrochloride 盐酸麻黄碱Epicatechin 表儿茶精8-Epiloganic acid 8-表番木鳖酸Epimedium herb P.E 淫洋藿提取物9-Ethoxy-aristolactone 乙氧基马兜铃内酯9-Ethoxy-aristololactam 乙氧基马兜铃内酰胺Epistephanine 表千金藤碱Esculentoside A,B,C,D 商陆皂甙甲,乙,丙,丁Eucalyptol 桉油精β-Eudesmol β-桉叶醇Eugenol 丁香酚Euphol 大戟醇Evening Primrose Seed Oil 月见草油Evodiamine 吴茱萸胺Evodine 吴茱萸苦素Extractum Glycyrrhizae甘草浸膏FFangchinoline 防已诺林碱Farrerol 杜鹃素Fenugreek P.E 葫芦巴子提取物Ferulic acid 阿魏酸Feverfew P.E 小白菊提取物Fibriuretinin 黄藤素Flavanols 黄烷醇Flavonoids 蒲公英黄酮Flocdrysanthemi 野菊花浸膏Formononetin 芒柄花黄素ForsythosideA,B,C,D 连翘酯甙A,B,C,D Fo Ti(He Shou Wu)P.E 何首乌提取物Fraxetin 秦皮素Fraxin 秦皮甙Fructus lycii P.E 枸杞子提取物Fructus Monordicae extract 罗汉果提取物Fumaric acid 富马酸Fuziline 附子灵Fuzitine 附子亭GGalanthamine 加兰他明Gallotannin 五倍子鞣质Ganodenna Lucidum P.E 灵芝提取物Gardenoside 栀子甙Garlic Extract 大蒜油Garlic P.E 大蒜提取物Gastrodin 天麻素Geniposide 京尼平甙Geniposidic acid 京尼平甙酸Genistein 染料木素Genistin 染料木甙Genkdaphin 芫花木内酯Genkwanin 芫花素Gentiopicrin 龙胆苦甙Gentrin Knotweed P.E 虎杖提取物Geraniol 牻牛儿醇Germacrone 牻牛儿酮Ginger P.E 生姜提取物Ginkgetin 银杏素GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT 银杏黄酮Ginkgo Biloba P.E 银杏叶提取物Ginkgolic acid 白果酸Ginseng P.E 人参提取物Ginseng Root(American)P.E 西洋参提取物Glucomannan(Konjac Root P.E.) 葡甘露聚糖Glycyrrhetinic acid 甘草次酸Glycyrrhizic acid 甘草酸Gossypol 棉酚Gotu Kola P.E 积雪草提取物GRAPE SEED EXTRACT POWER(Grape seed P.E) 葡萄籽提取物Grape Bark P.E 葡萄皮提取物Grape Seed Oil 葡萄籽油Green Tea P.E 绿茶提取物Grifola Frondosus P.E 灰树花提取物Guan-fubase A 关附甲素Guan-fubase B 关附庚素Guayewuanine A 瓜叶乌头甲素Guayewuanine B 瓜叶乌头乙素Gymnema P.E 武靴藤提取物Gymnemic Acids 武靴藤酸Gynostemma P.E 绞股蓝提取物Gyrophoric acid 石耳酸HHarmaline 骆驼蓬碱Harmalol 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚Harmine 哈尔明碱Harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱Hawthorne Berry P.E 山楂果提取物Hawthorne leaf P.E 山楂叶提取物Hayatine 海牙亭Helicid 豆腐果甙Hesperidin 橙皮甙Higenamine dl-去甲基乌药碱Hilieidum 昆明神衰果素Hinesol 茅苍术醇Homoarbutin 高熊果甙Homoeriodictyol 高圣草素Homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱Honegsukle flower P.E 金银花提取物Honokiol 和厚朴酚Hops Extract 啤酒花浸膏HordatineA,B 大麦芽新碱A,B Hordenine 麦芽碱Horse chest Nut P.E 娑罗子提取物Horsetail P.E 问荆提取物Humulone 律草酮Huperzine Serrate P.E 千层塔提取物Hydroginkgolic acid 氢化白果酸Hydroginkgolinic acid 氢化白果亚酸p-Hydroxyacetophenone 对羟基苯乙酮p-Hydroxybenzylalcohol 对羟基苯甲醇10-Hydroxycamptothecine 10-羟基喜树碱N-Hydroxycantharidin N-羟基斑蝥素Hydroxycinnamic acid 对羟基桂皮酸Hydroxygenkwanin 羟基芫花素Hydroxylrenifolin 羟基肾叶鹿蹄草甙α-Hyodeoxy cholic acid α-猪去氧胆酸Hyoscyamine 莨菪碱Hypaconitine 次乌头碱Hypericin 金丝桃素Hypericum Perforatum P.E 贯叶连翘提取物Hypoepistephanine 次表千金藤碱IIcariin 淫羊藿甙Imperatorin 殴前胡素Indigo 靛蓝Indirubin 靛玉红Inokosterone 牛膝甾酮Insularine 岛藤碱Insulin 胰岛素Inulicin 旋覆花内酯Iosmatrine 异苦参碱IsoastragalosideI, II 异黄芪甙I,II Isobavachin 异补骨脂黄酮Isocorydine 异紫堇定Isocorynoxeine 异去氢钩藤碱Isodelphinine 异翠雀碱Isoengelitin 异黄杞甙Isoflavones 大豆异黄酮Isoflavonids 异黄酮Isoharringtonine 异三尖杉酯碱Isohomoarbutin 异高熊果甙Isomperatorin 异欧前胡素Isoliensinine 异莲心碱Isopimpinellin 异虎耳草素Isopsoralen 异补骨脂素Isoquercitrin 异槲皮甙Isorhynchophylline 异钩藤碱Iso-Shinonomenine 午贝丙素JJatrorrhizin 药根碱Jujube E. P. 大枣提取物Jujuboside A 酸枣仁皂甙A Jujuboside B 酸枣仁皂甙B Justicidin B 爵床脂素BKKaempferol 山柰黄酮醇Kanziol 甘遂醇Kava Root P.E 卡哇提取物Kava Kava P.E 卡法根提取物Kidney beane P.E 腰豆提取物Kombucha Tea Extract 功夫茶提取物Kudzu P.E 葛根提取物LLanatoside C 毛花洋地黄甙丙Laurifoline 樟叶木防已碱Lecanoric acid 红粉苔酸Leonurine 益母草碱Licorice 甘草霜Liensinine 莲心碱Ligustilide 藁苯内酯Linariifolioside 水蔓菁甙Liquiritigenin 甘草素Loganin 马钱素Lotus Leafextract 荷叶提取物Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心提取物Lupeol 羽扇豆醇Lupulone 蛇麻酮Luteolin 木犀草素Lycoramine 石蒜胺Lycorine 石蒜碱MMadasiatic acid 崩大碗酸Magnoflorine 木兰花碱Magnolia cortex P.E 厚朴提取物Magnolol 厚朴酚Maitake mushroom P.E 灰树花提取物(舞茸提取物)Malonyl Oleanolic acid Hemiester 齐墩果酸丙二酸半酯Mannitol 甘露醇Marmesin 异紫花前胡内酯N-methylcytisine N-甲基野靛碱Matrine 苦参碱Megranate Seed P.E 石榴籽提取物Menthol 薄荷醇Menthone 薄荷酮Mesaaconitine 美沙乌头碱9-Methoxycamptothecine 9-甲氧基喜树碱5α-Methyleduardinine 5α-甲基午贝甲素Methyl Hesperidine 甲基橙皮甙cis-Methylisoeugenol 顺甲基异丁香酚7-O-Methylmorroniside 7-O-甲基莫诺甙Methylophiopogonanone A, B 甲基麦冬二氢高异黄酮A,BMilk Thistle P.E 水飞蓟提取物Mollislactone 绵毛马兜铃内酯Momordica-Glycosides 罗汉果甜甙Monocrotaline 野百合碱Monotropein 水晶兰甙Morphine 吗啡Mucuma(pruriens)P.E 刺毛藜豆提取物Mycose 海藻糖NNarcissiflorine 银莲花甙Narcotine 那可丁Naringin 柚皮甙Neferine 甲基莲心碱Neoandrographolide 新穿心莲内酯Neohesperidin 新橙皮甙Neojusticin B 新爵床素BNeoline 尼奥林Neriantin 欧夹竹桃甙甲Neriifolin 黄夹次甙乙Nettle extract 麻提取物Nicotine 菸碱(尼古丁)Nobiletin 川陈皮素Nodakenin 闹达可宁Norhyoscyamine 去甲基莨菪碱Notopterol 羌活醇OOat Straw extract 燕麦草提取物Obtusifolin 决明蒽醌Ocimum sanctum P.E 罗勒提取物Oleandrin 欧夹竹桃甙Oleanolic acid 齐墩果酸Olive leaf P.E 橄榄叶提取物Omphalin 雷丸素Onjisaponin A, B, C, D 远志皂甙A,B,C,D Ophiopogonanone A, B 麦冬二氢高异黄酮A,B Ophiopogonin A, B, C, D, B',C',D'麦冬皂甙A,B,C,D,B',C',D'Ophiopogonone A, B 麦冬高异黄酮A,B Oridonin 冬凌草甲素Osthole 蛇床子素Oxymatrine 氧化苦参碱(苦参素)N-Oxysophocarpine 氧化槐果碱PPaeoniflorin 芍药甙Paeonol 丹皮酚Palmatine 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱)Papaverine 罂粟碱Pariphyllin 蚤休甙Passion flower P.E 西番莲提取物Patchoulicalcohol 广藿香醇Pedatisectine A, C 掌叶半夏碱甲,丙Peimine 贝母素甲,浙贝甲素Peininine 贝母素乙,浙贝乙素Periplocin 杠柳毒甙Periplocoside A, B, C 杠柳甙A,B,C Periplocymarin 杠柳次甙Periplogenin 杠柳甙元Perusitin 黄夹次甙丁Peruvoside 黄夹次甙甲Phellodendrine 黄柏碱Phenolic Compounds 紫锥菊多酚Phillyrin 连翘甙Phosphatide 何首乌磷脂Physcion 大黄素甲醚Picrocrocin 藏红花苦甙Pine Bark P.E 松树皮提取物d-Pinoresinoldi-O-b-glucopyranoside 松脂酚双吡喃葡萄糖甙d-Pinoresinol d-松脂素Piperitone 胡椒酮Plantaginin 车前甙Platycodin A, C, D 桔梗皂甙A,C,D Podophyllotoxin 鬼臼毒素Pogostone 广藿香酮Polydatin 白藜芦醇葡萄糖甙Polygonum cuspidatum P.E 虎杖提取物Polyphenol 石榴籽多酚Polysaccharides 多糖Poncirin 枳属甙Praeruptorin A, B, C, D 白花前胡甲,乙,丙,丁素Proanthocyanidins 原花青素Propolis 蜂胶Protoanemonin 原白头翁素Protocatechuic acid 原儿茶酸Protodioson 原薯蓣皂素Protopine 原阿片碱Pseudoaspidin 伪绵马素Pseudoephedrine 伪麻黄碱Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride 盐酸伪麻黄碱Pseudolycorine 伪石蒜碱Psoralen 补骨脂素Pueraria Flavonid 葛根总黄酮Pueraria Root P.E 葛根提取物Puerarin 葛根素Pu Erh Tea P.E 普洱茶提取物Pulchinenoside A3,B, B4 白头翁皂甙A3,B,B4 Pumkin seed P.E 南瓜子提取物Purple Perilla Seed Oil 紫苏籽油Purple Sweet Potato Extract 紫地瓜提取物(花青素的糖甙)Purpurin 羟基茜草素Pyrolin 鹿蹄草素QQingdainone 青黛酮Qinghaosu 青蒿素Qinghaosu I 青蒿甲素Qinghaosu II 青蒿乙素Quercetin 槲皮素Quinidine 奎尼丁Quinine 奎宁Quisqualic acid 使君子氨酸RRanunculin 毛莨甙Red Clover P.E 红车轴草提取物(红三叶)Red Yeast Rice P.E 红曲提取物Reishi mushroom P.E 灵芝提取物Rehmannioside A, B, C, D 地黄甙A,B,C,D Rescinnamine 利血胺Reserpiline 利血皮林碱Reserpine 利血平Resveratrol白藜芦醇Rhamnose 鼠李糖Rhapontisterone 漏芦甾酮Rhein 大黄酸Rhodexin A, B, C, D 万年青甙A,B,C,D Rhodiola Rosea P.E 红景天提取物Rhynchophylline 钩藤碱Rorifone 焊菜素Rose Oil 玫瑰花油Royaljelly acid 王浆酸Rubescensin A 冬凌草甲素Rubiadin 甲基异茜草素Rubilactone 茜草内酯Rutaecarpine 吴茱萸次碱Rutin 芦丁Ruvoside 黄夹次甙丙SSaffloryellow-A 红花黄色素A Saikosaponin A, D 柴胡皂甙A,DSalicin 水杨甙Salidroside 毛柳甙Salisorosides Rosavin 红景天甙Salix Babylonica L.P.E 白柳皮提取物Salvia root P.E 丹参提取物Sarmentosin 垂盆草甙Saw Palmetto P.E 锯叶棕提取物Schinifoline 青花椒碱Schisandra chinens P.E 五味子提取物Schisantherin A, B, C, D 五味子酯甲,乙,丙,丁Scoparone 滨蒿内酯Scopolamine 东莨菪碱Scopolamine Hydrobromide 氢溴酸东莨菪碱Seabuckthorm Seed Oil 沙棘籽油Securinine 一叶秋碱β-Selinene β-瑟林烯Senna P.E 番泻叶提取物Senna Fructus 番泻叶甙Sesamin 芝麻素Shikimic Acid 莽草酸Shikonin 紫草素Shitake Mushroom P.E 香菇提取物Shorthorned Epimedium P.E 淫羊藿提取物siberian Ginseng P.E 刺五加提取物Silybin 水飞蓟宾Silymarin 水飞蓟素Silydianin 水飞蓟宁Sinomenine 盐酸青藤碱Sinoside 辛诺甙Skimmianine 茵芋碱Smiglanin 光叶菝葜甙Smilagenin 异菝葜皂甙Solanidine 茄啶Sophocarpine 槐果碱SophoranholN-oxide 氧化槐醇碱Sophoranol 槐醇Sophoridine 槐定碱Soy bean P.E 大豆提取物α-Spinasterol α-菠甾醇Stachydrine 水苏碱Stephanine 千金藤碱Stevioside 甜菊甙Stigmasterol 豆甾醇St John\'s wort P.E 贯叶连翘提取物Strophanthin 毒毛旋花子甙Strychnine 士的宁Sweroside 当归甙Swertiamarin 獐牙菜苦甙Synephrine 辛弗宁Syringic acid 紫丁香酸Syringin 丁香甙TTanshinone IIA 丹参酮IIATanshinone I 丹参酮ITanshinone IIB 丹参酮IIBTaraxasterol 蒲公英甾醇Taraxerol 蒲公英赛醇Tauro ursodesoxy cholic acid 牛磺熊去氧胆酸Taxifolin 花旗松素Taxol 紫杉醇Tazettine 多花水仙碱TEA POL YPHENOL 茶多酚Tetrahydrocoptisine 四氢黄连碱Tetrahydropalmatine 四氢巴马亭Tetramethylpyrazine 四甲基吡嗪L-Tetrahydropalmatine L-四氢巴马亭Tetrahydropalmatine 延胡索乙素Tetrandrine 粉防已碱Thebaine 蒂巴因Theobromine 可可豆碱Theophylline 茶碱Thevetin A, B 黄夹甙A,BTHFPS 天花粉多糖TimosaponinA1,A3,B1 知母皂甙A1,A3,B1 Tomato P.E 番茄提取物Toosendanin 川楝素Total Ginkgo Flavone-Glycoides 银杏总黄酮Total Terpene Lactones 银杏总内酯Total Of Triterpenes 积雪草总甙Total Tubeimosides 土贝母总皂甙Tribuloside 蒺藜皂甙Tribulus Terrstris P.E 蒺藜提取物Trichosanthin 天花粉蛋白Trichotomine 臭梧桐碱Trilobine 三叶木防已碱Tripdiolide 雷公藤羟内酯Triptolide 雷公藤内酯Triptonide 雷公藤羰内酯Triterpene Glycosides 三萜甙Tubeimosides A 土贝母甙皂甲Turkesterone 土克甾酮Turmeric P.E 姜黄提取物Turmerone 姜黄素Tutin 羟基马桑内酯UUmbelliferone 伞形花内酯Ursodeoxy cholic acid 熊去氧胆酸Ursolic acid 熊果酸VValerian root P.E 缬草提取物Vanillin 香荚兰醛Vanillyl alcohol 香荚兰醇Vasicine鸭嘴花碱Vicine 蚕豆甙Vinblastine 长春碱Vincristine 长春新碱Visnagin 阿密茴素Vitexicarpin 蔓荆子黄素WWheat Germ Oil 小麦胚芽油White willow bark P.E 白柳皮提取物Wild yam P.E 山药提取物Wogonin 汉黄芩素Wogonoside 汉黄芩甙Wolfberry P.E 枸杞子提取物XYYuanhuacin A. B 芫花脂甲,乙Yuankanin 芫根甙ZZhebeinine 浙贝宁。

中药英文短语Aloes 芦荟American Ginseng 西洋参Amur Ampelopsis Stem 山葡萄Arabian Jasmine Flower 茉莉花Areca Seed 槟榔Argy Wormwood Leaf 艾叶Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 枸杞子Bear Gall 熊胆Bezoar 牛黄Black Sesame 黑芝麻Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed 胖大海Bunge Auriculate Root 白首乌Camphor 樟脑Camphorwood 香樟木Cape Jasmine Fruit 栀子Cassia Bark 肉桂Centipede 蜈蚣Chalcanthite 胆矾Chinagreen Herb 广东万年青Chinese Angelica 当归Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬虫夏草Chinese Cricket 蟋蟀Chinese Date 大枣Chinese Eaglewood 沉香Chinese Fir Wood or twig 杉木Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower 扶桑花Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 皂角Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子Chinese Pulsatilla Root 白头翁Chinese Rose Flower 月季花Chinese Waxgourd Peel 冬瓜皮Chinese Waxgourd Semen 冬瓜子Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark 杨梅Chinese White Olive 青果Cholla Stem 仙人掌Chrysanthemum 菊花Cicada Slough 蝉蜕Clam Shell 蛤壳Coix Seed 薏苡仁Common Alocasia Rhizome 海芋Common Andrographis Herb 穿心莲Common Bombax Flower 木棉花Common Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花Common Floweringquince Fruit 木瓜Common Jointfir Stem 买麻藤Common Macrocarpium Fruit 山茱萸Common Melastoma Herb 野牡丹Common Monkshood Mother Root 川乌Common Nandina 天竺子Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome 山药Copperleaf Herb 铁苋菜Costustoot 木香Croton Seed 巴豆Cushaw Seed 南瓜子Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root 白芷Devil's Rush Herb 龙须草Donkey-hide Glue 阿胶Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb 灯笼草Dried Longan Pulp 龙眼肉Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Fennel Fruit 小茴香Flos Caryophyllata 丁香Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼Garlic 大蒜Ginseng 人参Golden Thread 黄连Green Bristlegrass Herb 狗尾草Grosvener Siraitia 罗汉果Gypsum 石膏Hairy Antler 鹿茸Hawthorn Fruit 山楂Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草Honey 蜂蜜Honeycomb 蜂房Honeysuckle Flower 金银花Hot Pepper 辣椒Indian Buead 茯苓Indian Trum etflower Seed 木蝴蝶Indigowoad Root 板蓝根Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb 百合Liquoric Root 甘草Lotus Leaf 荷叶Lucid Ganoderma 灵芝Lychee Seed 荔枝核Malt 麦芽。

中草药名英文词汇中草药名英文词汇中草药名英文词汇阿膠 ejiao donkey-hide glue colla corii asini矮地茶aidicha japanese ardisia herb herba ardisiae japonicae艾葉 aiye argy wormwood leaf folium artemisiae argyi艾葉炭 aiyetan argy wormwood leaf(carbonized) folium artemisiae argyi八角茴香bajiaohuixiang chinese star anise fructus anisi stellati八月劄 bayuezha fiveleaf akebia fruit fructus akebiae巴戟天 bajitian morinda root radix morindae officinalis 白扁豆baibiandou white hyacinth bean semen lablab album白豆蔻baidoukou round cardamom fruit fructus amomi rotundus白果 baiguo ginkgo seed semen ginkgo白花蛇舌草baihuasheshecao spreading hedyotis herb herba hedyotidis diffusae白及 baiji common bletilla tuber rhizoma bletillae白芥子 baijiezi white mustard seed semen sinapis albae 白蘞bailian japanese ampelopsis root radix ampelopsis 白茅根baimaogen lalang grass rhizome rhizoma imperatae白前baiqian willowleaf swallowwort rhizome rhizoma cynanchi stauntonii白芍 baishao white peony root radix paeoniae alba炒白芍chaobaishao white peony root( stir-fried) radix paeoniae alba白術baizhu largehead atractylodes rhizome rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae炒白術chaobaizhu stir-fried ovate atractylodes root atractylodis obatae rhizoma白頭翁baitouweng chinese pulsatilla root radix pulsatillae白薇baiwei blackend swallowwort root radix cynanchi atrati白鮮皮baixianpi densefruit pittany root-bark cortex dictamni白芷baizhi dahurian angelica root radix angelicae dahuricae百部 baibu stemona root radix stemonae蜜百部mibaibu stemona root (stir-fried with honey) radix stemonae百合 baihe lily bulb bulbus lilii柏子仁baiziren chinese arborvitae kernel semen platycladi敗醬草baijiangcao dahurian patrinia herb herba patriniae板藍根 banlangen isatis root radix isatidis半邊蓮 banbianlian chinese lobelia herb herba lobeliae chinensis半夏 banxia pinellia tuber rhizoma pinelliae法半夏fabanxia prepared pinellia tuber rhizoma pinelliae preparata姜半夏 jiangbanxia pinellia tuber(processed with ginger) rhizoma pinelliae清半夏 qingbanxia pinellia tuber(processed with alum) rhizoma pinelliae半枝蓮banzhilian barbated skullcup herb herba scutellariae barbatae北豆根beidougen asiatic moonseed rhizome rhizoma menispermi川貝母粉 chuanbeimu tendrilleaf fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae浙貝母zhibeimu thunberg fritillary bulb bulbus fritillariae thunbergii蓽茇 bibo long pepper fructus piperis longi蓽澄茄 bichengqie mountain spicy fruit fructus litseae萆薢bixie sevenlobed yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreaeseptemlobae萹蓄bianxu common knotgrass herb herba polygoni avicularis醋鼈甲cubiejia turtle shell(processed with vinegar) carapax trionycis檳榔 binglang areca seed semen arecae薄荷 bohe peppermint herba menthae補骨脂buguzhi malaytea scurfpea fruit fructus psoraleae蠶砂 cansha silkworm feculae feculae bombycis蒼耳子cang'erzi siberian cocklebur fruit fructus xanthii 蒼術 cangzhu atractylodes rhizome rhizoma atractylodis 草豆蔻 caodoukou katsumada galangal seed semen alpiniae katsumadai草果 caoguo caoguo fructus tsaoko制草烏 zhicaowu prepared kusnezoff monkshood root radix aconiti kusnezoffii preparata側柏炭cebaitan chinese arborvitae twig and leaf(carbonized) cacumen platycladi側柏葉cebaiye chinese arborvitae twig and leaf cacumen platycladi柴胡 chaihu chinese thorowax root radix bupleuri蟬蛻 chantui cicada slough periostracum cicadae常山 changshan antifeverile dichroa root radix dichroae 車前草 cheqiancao plantain herb herba plantaginis車前子 cheqianzi plantain seed semen plantaginis沈香粉chenxiang chinese eaglewood wood lignum aquilariae resinatum陳皮chenpi dried tangerine peel pericarpium citri reticulatae赤芍 chishao red peony root radix paeoniae rubra炒赤芍chaochishao stir-fried red peony root radix paeoniae rubra赤石脂 chishizhi red halloysite halloysitum rubrum臭梧桐 chouwutong harlequin glorybower leaf and twig folium et ramulus clerodendri trichotomi川楝子chuanlianzi szechwan chinaberry fruit fructus toosendan制川烏zhichuanwu common monkshood mother root(processed) radix aconiti川芎chuanxiong szechwan lovage rhizome rhizoma chuanxiong炒川芎chaochuanxiong stir-fried szechwan lovage rhizome rhizoma chuanxiong穿山甲 chuanshanjia pangolin scale squama manitis穿山龍chuanshanrong ningpo yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae nipponicae穿心蓮 chuanxinlian common andrographis herb herba andrographitis垂盆草 chuipencao stringy stonecrop herb herba sedi椿皮 chunpi tree- of -heaven bark cortex ailanthi煆磁石 duancishi magnetite(calcined) magnetitum刺蝟皮ciweipi hedgehog hide corium erinacei seu hemiechanus大黃 dahuang rhubarb radix et rhizoma rhei酒大黃jiudahuang rhubarb (stir-fried with wine) radix et rhizoma rhei大薊daji japanese thistle herb or root herba seu radix cirsii japonici大青葉 daqingye dyers woad leaf folium isatidis大蒜 dasuan garlic bulbus allii大棗 dazao chinese date fructus jujubae代赭石 daizheshi hematite haematitum丹參 danshen danshen root radix salviae mil tiorrhizae膽南星 dannanxing bile arisaema arisaema cum bile淡豆豉dandouchi fermented soybean semen sojae preparatum淡竹葉danzhuye lophatherum herb herba lophatheri 當歸 danggui chinese angelica radix angelicae sinensis 酒當歸jiudangui chinese angelica (stir-fried with wine) radix angelicae sinensis黨參 dangshen tangshen radix codonopsis炒黨參chaodangshen tangshen (stir-fried) radix codonopsis燈心草 dengxincao common rush medulla junci地耳草di'ercao japanese st.john'swort herb herba hyperici japonici地膚子 difuzi belvedere fruit fructus kochiae地骨皮 digupi chinese wolfberry root-bark cortex lycii生地黃shengdihuang rehmannia root radix rehmanniae生地炭shengditan rehmannia root(carbonized) radix rehmanniae熟地黃shudihuang prepared rehmannia root radix rehmanniae preparata地錦草 dijincao creeping euphorbia herba euphorbiae humifusae地龍 dirong earthworm pheretima地榆 diyu garden burnet root radix sanguisorbae地榆炭diyutan garden burnet root(carbonized) radixsanguisorbae丁香 dingxiang clove flos caryophylli冬瓜皮 dongguapi chinese waxgourd peel exocarpium benincasae冬瓜子dongguazi chinese waxgourd semen semen benincasae冬葵子 dongkuizi cluster mallow fruit fructus malvae獨活duhuo doubleteeth pubescent angelica root radix angelicae pubescentis杜仲 duzhong eucommia bark cortex eucommiae鹽杜仲yanduzhong eucommia bark (processed with salt) cortex eucommiae莪術 ezhu zedoray rhizome rhizoma curcumae番瀉葉 fanxieye senna leaf folium sennae防風fangfeng divaricate saposhnikovia root radix saposhnikoviae防己 fangji fourstamen stephania root radix stephaniae tetrandrae榧子 feizi grand torreya seed semen torreyae蜂房 fengfang honeycomb nidus vespae佛手 foshou finger citron fructus citri sarcodactylis茯苓 fuling indian bread poria茯苓皮 fulingpi indian bread exodermis cortex sclerotii poriae茯神fushen indian bread with hostwood sclerotium poriae circum radicem pini浮小麥 fuxiaomai blighted wheat fructus tritici levis附子 fuzi prepared common monkshood daughter root radix aconiti lateralis preparata附片fupian prepared common monkshood daughter root radix aconiti lateralis preparata覆盆子 fupenzi palmleaf raspberry fruit fructus rubi幹薑 ganjiang zingiber rhizoma zingiberis甘草 gancao liquorice root radix glycyrrhizae炙甘草zhigancao prepared liquorice root radix glycyrrhizae preparata甘松gansong nardostachys root radix seu rhizoma nardostachyos高良薑 gaoliangjiang lesser galangal rhizome rhizoma alpiniae officinarum槁本 gaoben chinese lovage rhizoma ligustici葛根 gegen kudzuvine root radix puerariae蛤蚧 gejie tokay gecko gecko蛤殼 geqiao clam shell concha meretricis seu cyclinae鈎藤 gouteng gambir plant ramulus uncariae cum uncis 狗脊 gouji cibot rhizome rhizoma cibotii枸杞子 gouqizi barbary wolfberry fruit fructus lycii穀精草gujingcao piperwort flower flos eriocauli穀芽 guya millet sprout fructus setariae germinatus炒穀芽chaoguya millet sprout (stir-fried) fructus setariae germinatus骨碎補gusuibu fortune's drynaria rhizome rhizoma drynariae瓜蔞 gualou snakegourd fruit fructus trichosanthis瓜蔞皮gualoupi snakegourd peel pericarpium trichosanthis瓜蔞子gualouzi snakegourd seed semen trichosanthis 貫衆guanzhong cyrtomium rhizome rhizoma cyrtomii 醋龜甲cuguijia tortoise shell(processed with vinegar) carapax et plastruam testudinis桂皮 guipi cassia bark cortex cinnamomi桂枝 guizhi cassia twig ramulus cinnamomi海風藤 haifengteng kadsura pepper stem caulis piperis kadsurae海浮石 haifushi pumice pumex海金沙haijinsha japanese climbing fern spore spora lygodii海金沙藤haijinshateng japanese climbing fern herb herba lygodii海桐皮haitongpi oriental variegated coralbean bark cortex erythrinae orientalis海藻 haizao seaweed sargassum寒水石 hanshuishi mirabilite crystal mirabilitum訶子 hezi medicine terminalia fruit fructus chebulae何首烏heshouwu fleeceflower root radix polygoni multiflori制何首烏zhiheshouwu prepared fleeceflower root radix polygoni multiflori preparata荷梗 hegeng hindu lotus petiole petiolus nelumbinis荷葉 heye lotus leaf folium nelumbinis鶴草芽 hecaoya鶴虱 heshi common carpesium fruit fructus carpesii黑芝麻 heizhima black sesame semen sesami nigrum紅大戟 hongdaji knoxia root radix knoxiae紅花 honghua safflower flos carthami紅藤hongteng sargentgloryvine stem caulis sargentodoxae厚樸houpo officinal magnolia bark cortex magnoliae officinalis胡黃連huhuanglian figwortflower picrorhiza rhizomerhizoma picrorhizae胡椒 hujiao pepper fruit fructus piperis葫蘆巴huluba common fenugreek seed semen trigonellae胡桃肉 hutaorou english walnut seed semen juglandis胡頹子葉hutuiziye thorny elaeagnus leaf folium elaeagni葫蘆 huluba bottle gourd peel pericarpirm lagenariae虎杖huzhang giant knotweed rhizome rhizoma polygoni cuspidati琥珀 hupo amber succinum花椒 huajiao pricklyash peel pericarpium zanthoxyli花蕊石 huaruishi ophicalcite ophicalcitum滑石 huashi talc talcum槐花 huaihua pagodatree flower flos sophorae槐角huaijiao japanese pagodatree pod fructus sophorae黃柏 huangbo amur cork-tree cortex phellodendri黃精huangjing solomonseal rhizome rhizoma polygonati酒黃精jiuhuangjing solomonseal rhizome(processed with wine) rhizoma polygonati黃連 huanglian golden thread rhizoma coptidis黃芪 huangqi milkvetch root radix astragali蜜黃芪mihuangqi milkvetch root (processed with honey) radix astragali黃芩 huangqin baical skullcap root radix scutellariae酒黃芩 jiuhuangqin baical skullcap root(processed with wine) radix scutellariae黃藥子huangyaozi airpotato yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae bulbiferae火麻仁 huomaren hemp seed semen cannabis藿香huoxiang wrinkled gianthyssop herb herba agastaches雞骨草 jigucao canton love-pea vine herba abri炒雞內金chaojineijin chicken's gizzard-skin(stir-fried)endothelium corneum gigeriae galli雞矢藤jishiteng chinese fevervine herb herba paederiae雞血藤jixueteng suberect spatholobus stem caulis spatholobi蒺藜 jili puncturevine caltrop fruit fructus tribuli建曲jianqu medicinal fermented mass massa medicata fermentata姜黃 jianghuang turmeric rhizoma curcumae longae僵蠶 jiangcan stiff silkworm bombyx batryticatus降香 jiangxiang rosewood lignum dalbergiae odoriferae 椒目 jiaomu bunge pricklyash seed semen zanthoxyli金礞石 jinmengshi mica-schist lapis micas aureus金錢草jinqiancao christina loosestrife herba lysimachiae金蕎麥jinqiaomai wild buckwheat rhizome rhizoma fagopyri cymosi金銀花 jinyinhua honeysuckle flower flos lonicerae金櫻子jinyingzi cherokee rose fruit fructus rosae laevigatae京大戟 jingdaji peking euphorbia root radix euphorbiae pekinensis荊芥jingjie fineleaf schizonepeta herb herba schizonepetae九節菖蒲jiujiechangpu irkutsk anemone rhizome rhizoma anemones altaicae九香蟲 jiuxiangchong stink-bug aspongopus韭菜子 jiucaizi tuber onion seed semen allii tuberosi桔梗 jiegeng platycodon root radix platycodi菊花 juhua chrysanthemun flower flos chrysanthemi橘核 juhe tangerine seed semen citri reticulatae橘紅 juhong red tangerine peel exocarpium citri rubrum 橘絡juluo tangerine pericarp vascular bundle vascular aurantii citri tangerinea橘皮 jupi tangerine pericarp pericarpium citri reticulatae 橘葉 juye tangerine leaf folium citri reticulatae瞿麥 qumai lilac pink herb herba dianthi決明子 juemingzi cassia seed semen cassiae苦參kushen lightyellow sophora root radix sophorae flavescentis苦楝皮 kulianpi szechwan chinaberry bark cortex meliae 苦杏仁 kuxingren bitter apricot seed semen armeniacae amarum款冬花kuandonghua common coltsfoot flower flos farfarae昆布kunbu kelp or tangle thallus laminariae et eckloniae萊菔子 laifuzi radish seed semen raphani炒萊菔子chaolaifuzi radish seed (stir-fried) semen raphani老鸛草laoguancao common heron's bill herb herba eropii et geranii雷公藤leigongteng common threewingnut root radix tripterygii wilfordii荔枝核 lizhihe lychee seed semen litchi連翹lianqiao weeping forsythia capsule fructus forsythiae蓮房 lianfang lotus receptacle receptaculum nelumbinis 蓮心 lianxin lotus plumule plumula nelumbinis蓮子 lianzi lotus seed semen nelumbinis淩霄花 lingxiaohua trumpetcreeper flower flos campsis 劉寄奴liujinu driverse wormword herb herba artemisiae anomalae炒六曲chaoliuqu medicated leaven(stir-fried) massa medicata fermentata龍齒 longchi dragon's teeth dens draconis龍膽草 longdancao chinese gentian radix gentianae龍骨 longgu dragon's bones os draconis煆龍骨duanlonggu dragon's bones (calcined) os draconis漏蘆 loulu uniflower swisscentaury root radix rhapontici 蘆根 lugen reed rhizome rhizoma phragmitis鹿角霜 lujiaoshuang degelatined deer-horn cornu cervi degelatinatum鹿銜草 luxiancao pyrola herb herba pyrolae路路通lulutong beautiful sweetgum fruit fructus liquidambaris綠豆 ludou green gram seed semen phaseoli radiati綠豆衣 ludouyi green gram spermoderm spermodermis phaseoli radiati羅布麻 luobuma dogbane herb herba apocyni veneti絡石藤luoshiteng chinese starjasmine stem caulis trachelospermi麻黃 mahuang ephedra herba ephedrae炙麻黃zhimahuang ephedra (processed with honey) herba ephedrae麻黃根 mahuanggen ephedra root radix ephedrae馬齒莧 machixian purslane herb herba portulacae馬兜鈴madouling dutohmanspipe fruit fructus aristolochiae麥冬 maidong dwarf lilyturf tuber radix ophiopogonis麥芽 maiya germinated barley fructus hordei germinatus 炒麥芽 chaomaiya germinated barley(stir-fried) fructus hordei germinatus蔓荊子 manjingzi shrub chastetree fruit fructus viticis沒藥 moyao myrrh myrrha玫瑰花 meiguihua rose flower flos rosae rugosae虻蟲 mengchong gadfly tabanus密蒙花mimenghua pale butterflybush flower flos buddlejae墨旱蓮 mohanlian yerbadetajo herb herba ecliptae牡丹皮mudanpi tree peony bark cortex moutan牡蠣 muli oyster shell concha ostreae煆牡蠣 duanmuli oyster shell(calcined) concha ostreae 木瓜mugua common floweringquince fruit fructus chaenomelis川木通chuanmutong armand clematis stem caulis clematidis armandii關木通 guanmutong manchurian dutchmanspipe stem caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis木香muxiang common aucklandia root radix aucklandiae南瓜子 nanguazi cushaw seed semen cucurbitae牛蒡子 niubangzi great burdock achene fructus arctii牛膝niuxi twotoothed achyranthes root radix achyranthis bidentatae川牛膝chuanniuxi medicinal cyathula root radix cyathulae女貞子 nuzhenzi glossy privet fruit fructus ligustri lucidi 糯稻根nuodaogen glutinousae rice root radix oryzae glutinosae藕節oujie lotus rhizome node nodus nelumbinis rhizomatis藕節炭 oujietan lotus rhizome node(carbonized) nodus nelumbinis rhizomatis炮薑paojiang prepared dried ginger rhizoma zingiberispreparata佩蘭 peilan fortune eupatorium herb herba eupatorii枇杷葉 pipaye loquat leaf folium eriobotryae蒲公英 pugongying dandelion herba taraxaci蒲黃 puhuang cattail pollen pollen typhae蒲黃炭puhuangtan cattail pollen(carbonized) pollen typhae薺菜 jicai shepherdspurse herb herba capsellae千金子qianjinzi caper euphorbia seed semen euphorbiae千年健qiannianjian obscured homalomena rhizome rhizoma homalomenae牽牛子 qianniuzi pharbitis seed semen pharbitidis炒牽牛子chaoqianniuzi pharbitis seed(stir-fried) semen pharbitidis前胡 qianhu hogfennel root radix peucedani芡實 qianshi gordon euryale seed semen euryales茜草 qiancao indian madder root radix rubiae羌活qianghuo incised notopterygium rhizome or root rhizoma seu radix notopterygii秦艽qinjiao largeleaf gentian root radix gentianae macrophyllae秦皮 qinpi ash bark cortex fraxini青黛粉 qingdai natural indigo indigo naturalis青蒿qinghao sweet wormwood herb herba artemisiae annuae青木香 qingmuxiang slender dutchmanspipe root radix aristolochiae青皮qingpi green tangerine peel pericarpium citri reticulatae viride醋青皮cuqingpi green tangerine peel (processed with vinegar) pericarpium citri reticulatae viride青葙子qingxiangzi feather cockscomb seed semen celosiae全蠍 quanxie scorpion scorpio拳參 quanshen bistort rhizome rhizoma bistortae忍冬藤 rendongteng honeysuckle stem caulis lonicerae 肉蓯蓉roucongrong desertliving cistanche herba cistanches肉桂 rougui cassia bark cortex cinnamomi乳香 ruxiang frankincense olibanum三棱 sanleng common burreed tuber rhizoma sparganii 三七粉 sanqi sanchi radix notoginseng桑白皮 sangbaipi white mulberry root-bark cortex mori 桑寄生 sangjisheng chinese taxillus herb herba taxilli桑螵蛸sangpiaoxiao egg capsule of mantid ootheca mantidis桑椹 sangshen mulberry fruit fructus mori桑葉 sangye mulberry leaf folium mori桑枝 sangzhi mulberry twig ramulus mori北沙參 beishashen coastal glehnia root radix glehniae南沙參nanshashen fourleaf ladybell root radix adenophorae沙苑子shayuanzi flatstem milkvetch seed semenastragali complanati砂仁 sharen villous amomum fruit fructus amomi山慈菇 shancigu appendiculate cremastra pseudobulb pseudobulbus cremastrae seu pleiones山豆根shandougen vietnamese sophora root radix sophorae tonkinensis山藥shanyao common yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae山楂 shanzha hawthorn fruit fructus crataegi焦山楂jiaoshanzha hawthorn fruit (charred) fructus crataegi山茱萸shanzhuyu asiatic cornelian cherry fruit fructus corni商陸 shanglu pokeberry root radix phytolaccae蛇床子shechuangzi common cnidium fruit fructus cnidii射幹shegan blackberrylily rhizome rhizoma belamcandae伸筋草shenjincao common clubmoss herb herba lycopodii神曲shenqu medicated leaven massa medicata fermentata升麻shengma largetrifoliolious bugbane rhizome rhizoma cimicifugae生薑 shengjiang fresh ginger rhizoma zingiberis recens 石膏 shigao gypsum gypsum fibrosum失笑散 shixiaosan石菖蒲shichangpu grassleaf sweetflag rhizome rhizoma acori talarinowii石斛 shihu dendrobium herba dendrobii石決明 shijueming sea-ear shell concha haliotidis石榴皮 shiliupi pomegranate rind pericarpium granati石韋 shiwei shearer's pyrrosia leaf folium pyrrosiae使君子 shijunzi rangooncreeper fruit fructus quisqualis 柿蒂 shidi persimmon calyx calyx kaki水牛角濃縮粉shuiniujiaonongsuofen condensed buffalohorn powder pulvis cornus bubali concentratus水蛭 shuizhi leech hirudo絲瓜絡sigualuo luffa vegetable sponge retinervus luffae fructus四季青sijiqing purpleflower holly leaf folium ilicis purpureae蘇木 sumu sappan wood lignum sappan酸棗仁suanzaoren spine date seed semen ziziphi spinosae娑羅子 suoluozi buckeye seed semen aesculi鎖陽suoyang songaria cynomorium herb herba cynomorii太子參taizishen heterophylly falsestarwort root radix pseudostellariae桃仁 taoren peach seed semen persicae天冬tiandong cochinchinese asparagus root radix asparagi天花粉 tianhuafen snakegourd root radix trichosanthis天麻 tianma tall gastrodia tuber rhizoma gastrodiae天南星tiannanxing jackin- thepulpit tuber rhizoma arisaematis制天南星zhitiannanxing jackin- thepulpit tuber(prepared) rhizoma arisaematis甜杏仁tianxingren apricot seed semen prunt armeniacae葶藶子tinglizi pepperweed seed semen lepidii seu descurainiae通草 tongcao ricepaperplant pith medulla tetrapanacis土鼈蟲tubiechong ground beetle eupoly phaga seu steleophaga土茯苓tufuling glabrous greenbrier rhizome rhizoma smilacis glabrae土荊皮 tujingpi golden larch bark cortex pseudolaricis菟絲子 tusizi dodder seed semen cuscutae煆瓦楞子duanwalengzi arc shell(calcined) concha arcae王不留行wangbuliuxing cowherb seed semen vaccariae威靈仙weilingxian chinese clematis root radix clematidis烏梅 wumei smoked plum fructus mume烏梢蛇 wushaoshe black-tail snake zaocys烏藥 wuyao combined spicebush root radix linderae烏賊骨 wuzeigu cuttlebone os sepiae吳茱萸 wuzhuyu medicinal evodia fruit fructus evodiae 蜈蚣 wugong centipede scolopendra五倍子 wubeizi chinese gall galla chinensis五加皮wujiapi slenderstyle acanthopanax bark cortex acanthopanacis五靈脂 wulingzhi trogopterus dung faeces trogopterori 五味子wuweizi chinese magnoliavine fruit fructus schisandrae豨薟草xixiancao siegesbeckia herb herba siegesbeckiae細辛 xixin manchurian wildginger herba asari夏枯草xiakucao common selfheal fruit -spike spica prunellae仙鶴草xianhecao hairyvein agrimonia herb herba agrimoniae仙茅xianmao common curculigo rhizome rhizoma curculiginis香附 xiangfu nutgrass galingale rhizome rhizoma cyperi 醋香附 cuxiangfu nutgrass galingale rhizome(processed with vinegar) rhizoma cyperi香加皮xiangjiapi chinese silkvine root-bark cortex periplocae香薷 xiangru haichow elsholtzia herb herba moslae香櫞 xiangyuan citron fruit fructus citri小茴香 xiaohuixiang fennel fructus foeniculi小薊 xiaoji field thistle herb herba cirsii薤白xiebai longstamen onion bulb bulbus allii macrostem辛夷 xinyi biond magnolia flower flos magnoliae續斷 xuduan himalayan teasel root radix dipsaci炒續斷chaoxuduan himalayan teasel root(stir-fried) radix dipsaci玄參 xuanshen figwort root radix scrophulariae玄參炭xuanshentan figwort root(carbonized) radix scrophulariae旋覆花 xuanfuhua inula flower flos inulae血餘炭 xueyutan carbonized hair crinis carbonisatus尋骨風xungufeng wooly datchmanspipe herb herba aristolochiae mollissimae鴉膽子 yadanzi java brucea fruit fructus bruceae鴨蹠草yazhicao common dayflower herb herba commelinae延胡索 yanhusuo yanhusuo rhizoma corydalis芫花 yuanhua lilac daphne flower bud flos genkwa羊蹄 yangti japanese dock root radix rumicis japonici煆陽起石duanyangqishi tremolite(calcined)tremolitum洋金花 yangjinhua datura flower flos daturae野菊花yejuhua wild chrysanthemum flower flos chrysanthemi indici夜交藤yejiaoteng tuber fleeceflower stem and leaf caulis et folium polygoni multiflori益母草 yimucao motherwort herb herba leonuri益智仁yizhiren sharpleaf glangal fruit fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae薏苡仁 yiyiren coix seed semen coicis炒薏苡仁 chaoyiyiren coix seed (stir-fried) semen coicis 茵陳yinchen virgate wormwood herb herba artemisiae scopariae淫羊藿 yinyanghuo epimedium herb herba epimedii銀柴胡 yinchaihu starwort root radix stellariae銀杏葉 yinxingye ginkgo leaf folium ginkgo罌粟殼yingsuqiao poppy capsule pericarpium papaveris魚腥草yuxingcao heartleaf houttuynia herb herba houttuyniae禹餘糧 yuyuliang limonite limonitum玉米須 yumixu corn stigma stigma maydis玉竹yuzhu fragrant solomonseal rhizome rhizoma polygonati odorati郁金 yujin turmeric root tuber radix curcumae郁李仁 yuliren chinese dwarf cherry seed semen pruni遠志 yuanzhi thinleaf milkwort root radix polygalae制遠志zhiyuanzhi thinleaf milkwort root(prepared) radix polygalae月季花 yuejihua chinese rose flower flos rosae chinensis 蚤休 zaoxiu paris root rhizoma paridis皂莢 zaojia chinese honeylocust fruit fructus gleditsiae皂角刺zaojiaoci chinese honeylocust spine spina gleditsiae澤蘭 zelan hirsute shiny bugleweed herb herba lycopi澤漆zeqi sun euphorbia herb herba euphorbiaehelioscopiae澤瀉zexie oriental waterplantain rhizome rhizoma alismatis珍珠母 zhenzhumu nacre concha margaritifera usta知母zhimu common anemarrhena rhizome rhizoma anemarrhenae梔子 zhizi cape jasmine fruit fructus gardeniae枳殼 zhiqiao orange fruit fructus aurantii炒枳殼chaozhiqiao orange fruit(stir-fried with bran) fructus aurantii枳實zhishi immature orange fruit fructus aurantii immaturus炒枳實 chaozhishi immature orange fruit(stir-fried with bran) fructus aurantii immaturus豬苓 zhuling chuling polyporus豬牙皂zhuyazao chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit fructus gleditsiae abnormalis竹茹zhuru bamboo shavings caulis bambusae intaeniam苧麻根 zhumagen ramie root radix boehmeriae紫貝齒zibeichi arabic cowry shell concha mauritiae arabicae紫草 zicao arnebia root radix arnebiae紫河車 ziheche human placenta placenta hominis紫花地丁 zihuadiding tokyo violet herb herba violae紫石英 zishiying fluorite fluoritum紫蘇葉zisuye perilla leaf folium perillae紫蘇子zisuzi perilla fruit fructus perillae紫菀 ziwan tatarian aster root radix asteris蜜紫菀miziwan tatarian aster root (stir-fired with honey) radix asteris紫珠zizhu taiwan beautyberry leaf folium callicarpae formosanae煆自然銅 duanzirantong pyrite (calcined) pyritum新增品种醋三棱cusanleng common burreed tuber(processedwith vinegar) rhizoma sparganii醋延胡索cuyanhusuo yanhusuo(processed with vinegar) rhizoma corydalis炒紫蘇子chaozisuzi perilla fruit(stir-fried with bran) fructus perillae大腹皮dafupi betelnutpalm pericarp pericarpium arecae功勞葉gonglaoye leatherleaf mahonia leaf folium mahoniae姜厚樸jianghoupo officinal magnolia bark(processed with ginger) cortex magnoliae officinalis酒萸肉jiushanzhuyu asiatic cornelian cherry fruit(processed with wine) fructus corni焦梔子jiaozhizi cape jasmine fruit(charred) fructus gardeniae龍葵 longkui black nightshade herb herba solani nigri靈芝 lingzhi lucid ganoderma ganoderma蜜款冬花mikuandonghua common coltsfootflower(processed with honey) flos farfarae蜜枇杷葉 mipipaye loquat leaf(processed with honey) folium eriobotryae貓人參maorenshen valvate actinidia root radix actinidiae valvatae貓爪草maozhuacao catclaw buttercup root radix ranunculi ternati平地木 pingdimu 即矮地茶石見穿shijianchuan chinese sage herb herba salviae chinensis蛇六穀 sheliugu 即天南星蛇莓shemei indian mockstrawberry herb herba duchesneae indicae田基黃tianjihuang japanese st.john'swort herb herba hyperici japonici天葵子 tiankuizi muskroot-like semiaquilegia root radix semiaquilegiae紫蘇梗 zisugeng common perilla stem caulis perillae梅花 meihua japanese apricot flower flos mume木賊muzei common scouring rush herb herba equiseti hiemalis合歡皮 hehuanpi silktree albizia bark cortex albiziae徐長卿xuchangqing paniculate swallowwort root radix cynanchi paniculati白附子 baifuzi giant typhonium rhizome rhizoma typhonii 木蝴蝶muhudie indian trumpetflower seed semen oroxyli赤小豆 chixiaodou rice bean seed semen phaseoli人參 renshen ginseng root radix ginseng石上柏 shishangbai布渣葉 buzhaye microcos microcos paniculata火炭母 huotanmu chinese knotweed herb herba polygoni chinensis 中草药名英文词汇有关内容:。

中药介绍作文英文英文:As a Chinese, I am proud of our traditional medicine, especially Chinese herbs. Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years and have been proven to be effective in treating various diseases and promoting health. In this article, I will introduce some commonly used Chinese herbs and their benefits.Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese herbs. It has been used for centuries to improve energy, boost the immune system, and enhance overall health. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is believed to balance the body's yin and yang energies. It can be taken in various forms, such as tea, capsules, or powder.Another popular Chinese herb is goji berry. Gojiberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and are believed to improve vision, boost the immune system,and promote longevity. They can be eaten raw, dried, or in the form of juice.Astragalus root is also commonly used in Chinese medicine. It is believed to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve heart health. It can be taken in the form of tea, capsules, or powder.In addition to these herbs, there are many other Chinese herbs that are used for various purposes, such as treating insomnia, promoting digestion, and reducing stress. Chinese medicine is based on the concept of treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, and therefore, it may take longer to see results compared to Western medicine. However, many people have found Chinese medicine to be effective in improving their overall health and well-being.中文:作为一个中国人,我为我们的传统医学,特别是中药感到自豪。

下面是店铺分享的常用中草药英语词汇,希望能对大家有所帮助!JapaneseFloweringFernRhizome Rhizoma Osmundae 紫萁贯众Japanese Ginseng Rhizoma Panacis Japonici 竹节参Japanese Honeysuckle Stem Caulis Lonicerae 忍冬藤Japanese Hop Herb Herba Humuli Scandentis 路草Japanese Metaplexis Pericarp Pericarpium Metaplexis 天浆壳Japanese Milkwort Herb Herba Polygalae Japonicae 瓜子金Japanese Pachysandra Herb Herba Pachysandrae Terminalis 雪山林Japanese Peristrophe Herb Herba Peristrophes 九头狮子草Japanese Polypody Rhizome Rhizoma Polypodiodis Nipponicae 水龙骨Japanese Premna Herb Herba Premnae Microphyllae 腐婢Japanese Raspberry Root Radix Rubi Parvifolii 天青地白Japanese Snailseed Root Radix Cocculi Trilobi 木防己Japanese Snakegourd Root Radix Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis 王瓜根Japanese St. John'swort Herb Herba Hyperici Japonici 田基黄Japanese Stephania Root Radix Stephaniae Japonicae 千金藤Japanese Thistle Herb or Root Herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici 大蓟Japanese Wormwood Herb Herba Artemisiae Japonicae 牡蒿Japonese Pearlwort Herb Herba Saginae Japonicae 漆姑草Japonica China Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Woodwardiae 狗脊贯众Jiuxiang Bug Aspongopus 九香虫Kadsura Pepper Stem Caulis Piperis Kadsurae 海风藤Kadsura Root-bark Cortex Kadsurae Radicis 紫荆皮Katsumade Galangal Seed Semen Alpiniae 草豆蔻Kelp Thallus Laminariae 昆布Kirilow Groundsel Herb Herba Senecionis Kirilowi 狗舌草Knoxia Root Radix Knoxiae 红大戟Korean Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Coreani 关白附Kusamaki Seed Semen Podocarpi Macrophylli 罗汉松Kusnezoff Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii 草乌Lac Lacca 紫草茸Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb Herba Kalanchoes Lacinialae 鸡爪三七Ladybell Root Radix Adenophorae 南沙参Lalang Grass Rhizome Rhizoma Imperatae 白茅根Lance Asiabell Root Radix Codonopsis Lanceolatae 羊乳Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb Bulbus Lilii 百合Langdu Root Radix Euphorbiae Fischerianae/ 狼毒Largeflower Jasmine Flower Flos Jasmini 素馨花Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome Rhizoma Cimicifugae 升麻Lawn Pennywort Herb Herba Hydrocotyles 天胡荽Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem Culis Mahoniae 功劳木Leech Hirudo 水蛭Lemonfragrant Angelica Root Radix Angelicae Citriodorae 香白芷Lemongrass Herb Herba Cymbopogonis Citrati 香茅Lepidogrammitis Herb Herba Lepidogrammitidis Drymoglossoidis 鱼鳖草Lesser Galangal Rhizome Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum 高良姜Levant Cotton Root Radix Gossypii 棉花根Lilac Daphne Flower Bud Flos Genkwa 芫花Lilyofthevalley Herb Herba Convallariae 铃兰Limonite Limonitum 禹余粮Lindley Butterflybush Herb Herba Buddlejae Lindleyanae 醉鱼草Lindley Eupatorium Herb Herba Eupatorii Lindleyani 野马追Linear Leaf Speedwell Herba Veronicae 一支香Linear Stonecrop Herb Herba Sedi Linearis 佛假草Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb Herba Rabdosiae Lophanthoidis 溪黄草Lithargite Lithargyrum 密陀僧Little Multibanded Krait Bungarus Parvus 金钱白花蛇Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb Herba Morindae Parvifoliae 白眼藤Lobed Actinostemma Herb Herba Actinstemmatis Lobati 盒子草Lobedfruit SchizocapsaRhizome Rhizoma Schizocapsae Plantagineae 水田七Long Pepper Fructus Piperis Longi 筚茇Long Stephania Herb Herba Stephania Longae 粪箕笃Longhairy Antenoron Herb Herba Lysimachiae 金钱草Long-nosed Pit Viper Agkistrodon 蕲蛇Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 薤白Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae 连钱草Lotus Leaf Folium Nelumbinis 荷叶Lotus Plumule Plumula Nelumbinis 莲子心Lotus Rhizome Node Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 藕节Lotus Seed Pot Receptaculum Nelumbinis 莲房Lotus Stamen Stamen Nelumbinis 莲须Lovely Hemsleya Root Radix Hemsleyae 雪胆Lowdaphne Stringbush Flower and Leaf Flos et Folium Wikstroemiae Chamaedaphnis 黄芫花Luckynut Thevetia Seed Semen Thevetiae 黄花夹竹桃Incised Corydalis Herb Herba Corydalis Incisae 紫花鱼灯草Incised Notopterygium Rhizome /Forbes Notopterygium Rhizome Rhizoma Notopterygii 羌活India Canna Rhizome Rhizoma Cannae Indicae 美人蕉根India Mustard Seed Semen Brassicae Junceae 芥子Indian Azalea Leaf Folium Rhododendri Simsii 红花杜鹃Indian Damnacanthus Herb Herba Damnacanthi 虎刺Indian Epimeredi Herb Herba Epimeredis Indicae 防风草Indian Iphigenia Bulb Bulbus Iphigeniae Indicae 山慈菇Indian Kalimeris Herb Herba Kalimeridis 马兰Indian Mockstrawberry Herb Herba Duchesneae Indicae 蛇莓Indian Rorippa Herb Herba Rorippae 旱菜Indian Skullcap Herb Herba Scutellariae Indicae 疔疮草Indian Stringbush Root Radix Wikstroemae 了哥王Indian Trum etflower Seed Seen Oroxyli 木蝴蝶Indian Zehneria Herb Herba Zehneriae Indicae 马包儿Indigowoad Root Radix Isatidis 板蓝根Involute Spikemoss Herb Herba Selaginellae Involventis 兖州卷柏Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome Rhizoma Anemones Altaicae 九节菖蒲Ivy Glorybind Rhizome Rhizoma Calystegiae Hederaceae 打碗花Ivy Tree Bark Cortex Schefflerae Octophyllae 鸭脚木Japan Clover Herb Herba Kummerowiae Striatae 鸡眼草Japanese Ampelopsis Root Radix Ampelopsis 白蔹Japanese Ardisia Herb Herba Ardisiae Japonicae 矮地茶Japanese Buttercup Herb Herba Ranunculi Jponici 毛茛Japanese Cayratia Herb Herba Cayatiae Japonicae 乌蔹莓Japanese Climbing Fern Spore Spora Lygodii 海金沙Japanese Dock Root Radix Rumicis Japonici 羊蹄Lunate Peltate Sundew Herb Herba Droserae Lunatae 茅膏菜下载文档。

中医药材英语系列Ziziphus jujuba Extract 酸枣仁大枣Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens(Ginger)生姜Zedoary Root Extract 莪术Y ucca Extract 丝兰Y anhusuo Extract 延胡索Wormwood Extract 青蒿素Wild Y am Extract 山药White Willow Bark Extract 白柳皮White Tea Extract 白茶多酚White Kidney Bean Extracts 白芸豆white kidney bean extractWheat germ oil Extract 小麦胚芽油V alerian P.E 缬草Uva Ursi Extract 熊果Uniflower Swisscentaury Extract 漏芦Tribulus Terrestris Extract 刺蒺藜Tobacco Extract 烟草Tabersonine Extract 长春花Sweet Potato Red 紫甘薯红Sweet Basil Herb 罗勒Sunflower Seed & Flower 向日葵Sugar Cane Extract Rice bran wax 甘蔗Stizolodium pruriens Extract 左旋多巴Stigma Croci Sativae(Saffron)西红花Stevia Leaf Extratc 甜菊糖St. John's Wort Extract 贯叶连Rhizoma Coptidis(Coptis)黄连Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Extract 土贝母Rheum Extract 大黄Reishi Mushroom Extract 灵芝Red Y east Rice Extract 红曲米Red Reishi Mushroom P.E. 赤芝Red Grape Skin Extract 白藜芦醇Red Clover Extract 红车轴草Red Chillies Colour 辣椒RED CABBAGE COLOUR 红甘蓝Rauwolfia Serpentina Extract 萝芙木Raspberry Extract 覆盆子Ramulus Loranthi(Mulberry Mistletoe)桑寄生Radix Stemonae(Stemona Root)百部Radix Scutellariae(Skullcap Root)黄芩Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(Red Sage Root)丹参Radix Rehmanniae(Rehmannia Root)地黄Radix Puerariae(Kudzu Root)葛根Radix Pseudostellariae(Pseudostellaria Root)太子参Radix Polygoni Multiflori(Fleece Flower Root)何首乌Radix Paeoniae(Peony)芍药Radix Ophiopogonis(Lilyturf Root)麦冬Radix Notoginseng(NotoGinseng Root)田三七Radix Notoginseng Extract 三七Radix Morindae(Morinda Root)巴戟天Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae(Lithospermum Root)紫草Radix linderae extract 乌药提取物Radix Ledebouriellae(Ledebouriella Root)防风Radix isatidis chrysanthemun flower 板蓝根提取物Radix Glycyrrhizae Large(Licorice Root)甘草Radix Ginseng(Ginseng Root/Leaf)人参Radix ET Rhizoma Rhei(Rhubarb Root)大黄Radix Bupleuri(Thorowax)柴胡Radix Angelicae Sinensis(Dong Quai)当归Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(Pubescent Angelica Root)独活Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi(Siberian Ginseng)刺五加Radish Red 萝卜红Purslan Extract 马齿苋Pure Kappa Extract Powder 卡拉胶Pumpkin Seeds extract 南瓜籽Pumpkin Seed Extract 南瓜Pulsatilla Extract白头翁Pueraria lobata(willd.)Ohwi 葛根素Pueraria lobata extract 葛根提取物Psyllium Seed and Husks 欧车前草Poria(Tuckahoe)茯苓Pomegranate extract 石榴籽Polyporus(Polyporus)猪苓Plantain Leaf Extract 车前草Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回Pinellia Extract 半夏Pine Bark Extract 松树皮Phytosterols 植物甾醇Phellodendron.chinese Extract 盐酸黄连素Phellodendron Amurense Extratct 黄檗Persimmon Leaf Extract 柿子叶Perilla Stem Extract 紫苏Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶Peppermint Leaf P.E. 薄荷Peppermint Extract 薄何Peony Root Extract 芍药Passionflower Herb Extract 西番莲Parsley Seed Extract 欧芹Papaya Extract papaw 木瓜paeonol 丹皮酚Oliver Leaf Extract 橄榄叶Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Oat Grass Extract 燕麦草Nomame senna Extract 水皂角Nicotiana tabacum extract 烟草提取物Nettle Leaf or Root Extract Stinging Nettle 荨麻Natural Beta-Carotene CWD Powder 胡萝卜素Nardostachydis Rhizoma ET(Nardostachys)甘松Myrrh Extract 没药Mullein Leaves and Flowers 毛蕊花Mullein Extract 毛蕊花Mucuna Pruriens Extract 油麻藤Mucuna Extract 油麻藤Moutan Radicis Cortex(Moutan Root Bark) Motherwort Extract 益母草Morinda Extract Noni 若里果Momordicae(Momordicoside)罗汉果Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Mistletoe Colored Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Milkthistle Extract 水飞蓟Milfoil Herb (Y arrow) Extract 一支蒿Medicinal Indianmulberry Root Extract 巴戟天Mate Extract 巴拉圭茶Marshmallow root extract 药葵, 蜀葵Marigold Extract 金盏花Magnolia Bark Extract 厚朴Lycopene 番茄红素Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心Lotus Leaf Extract 荷叶Lotus Leaf Extract荷叶Long Pepper Extract 荜茇Lo Han Kuo Concentrated Powder 罗汉果Lithospermi Radix Extract 紫草Licorice Root P.E. 甘草Lichen Usnea Extract 松萝lichen Usnea Extract 松罗酸钠Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Leonurus sibiricas extract 益母草提取物Lemon Peel Extract 柠檬Lemon Balm Leaf Extract 蜜蜂花Lavender Extract 薰衣草Kuhseng Extract 苦参Korean Ginseng Extract Powder 韩国人参Kola Nut Extract 可可Knotgrass Herb Extract 扁蓄kidney bean Extracted French Bean 菜豆四季豆、芸豆、玉豆Kelp Extract 昆布Kava Kava Extract 卡瓦Kale Extract 羽衣甘蓝Juniper Berry P.e. 杜松子Inositol, IP3 IP6 肌醇Hypericum Perforatum(St.John’s Wort)贯叶连翘Huperzine Serrate Extract 石杉碱甲千层塔Humulus Lupulus Linn.(European Hop)啤酒花Horsetail Extract 问荆horse radish Extract 辣根Horse chestnut P.E. 娑罗子Hops and Lupulin Exrtact 啤酒花Honey*le Flower Extract 金银花Honey Goat Weed Extract 淫羊藿High Mallow P.E 锦葵Hibiscus Flower Extract 木芙蓉hesperidin 橙皮甙Herba Plantaginis(Plantain Seed/Leaf)车前子/草Herba Patriniae Seu Thlaspi(Pennycress)败酱草Herba Menthae(Mint Leaf)薄荷叶Herba Leonuri(Motherwort)益母草Herba houttuyniae extract 鱼腥草提取物Herba Eupatorii(Eupatorium)佩兰Herba Equiseti Arvensis(Houttuynia)鱼腥草Herba Epimedii(Epimedium Leaf)淫羊霍Herba Cum Radice Taraxaci(Dandelion)蒲公英Herba Artemisiae Capillaris(Oriental Wormwood)茵陈蒿Herba Artemisiae Annuae(Sweet Wormwood)青蒿Herba Agastaches Seu Pogostemi(Wrinkled Giant Hyssop)藿香Henbane Extract 东莨菪碱Heircium extract 猴头菇Heather Herb and Flowers Extract 石楠Hawthorn Leaf Extract 山楂叶Hawthorn Berry Extract 山楂果Gymnema 武靴藤Guarana Extract 瓜拿那Gromwell Root Extract 紫草Grifola frondosa Extract 灰树花Green Tea Polyphenols 绿茶多酚Green tea Extract Saponin 绿茶皂素Green Tea Extract Polysaccharides 茶多糖Green Tea Extract L-Theanine 绿茶茶氨酸Green Tea Extract EGCG 绿茶EGCGGreen Tea Catechins Decaffeinated 绿茶低咖啡因Green Tea Caffeine 绿茶咖啡因Grape Seed Extract 葡萄籽Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草Golden seal Extract 北美黄连Ginseng Fruit Extract 人参果Ginseng Extract 人参Ginkgo Biloba Extract 银杏Ginger Extract 生姜Giant Knotweed Extract 白藜芦醇Gastrodia Tuber Extract 天麻Garlic Extract Powder 大蒜Garlic Extract Freeze Dried 大蒜Gardenia Y ellow 栀子黄Garcinia Cambogia Extract 藤黄Ganoderma Lucidum(Reishi)灵芝Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) γ亚麻酸Galanthamine Hydrobromide 加蓝他敏Galangal Root 高良姜Fu Ling Extract 茯苓Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Jujube Fruit)大枣Fructus Tribuli(Tribulus)蒺藜子Fructus Schisandrae(Schizandra Fruit)五味子Fructus Rubi(Raspberry Fruit)覆盆子Fructus Nandinae(Nandina Fruit)南天实Fructus Lycii Chinensis(Wolfberry Fruit/Leaf/Bark)枸杞子/叶/地骨皮Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(Grassy Privet)女贞子Fructus Foeniculi(Fennel Seed)小茴香Fructus evodiae extract 吴茱萸提取物Fructus Crataegi(Hawthorn)山楂Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(Unripe Bitter Orange)枳实Fructus Anisi Stellati(Star Anise)八角茴香Folium Steviae(Stevia Leaf)甜菊叶Folium Perillae(Perilla Leaf)紫苏叶Folium Nelumbinis(Lotus Leaf)荷叶Folium Kaki(Persimmon Leaf)柿子叶Folium Ginkgo(Ginkgo Leaf/Nut)银杏叶Folium Eriobotryae(Loquat Leaf)枇杷叶Folium Eriobotryae Extract 熊果酸(枇杷)Folium eriobotryae extract 枇杷叶提取物。

AB白芍〔肝阳上亢〕成效:tonifying blood and regulating menstruation(补血调经)suppressing[抑制] hyperactivity[亢进] of liver-yang(平肝潜阳)astringing Yin to arrest sweating(敛阴止汗)白术〔燥湿〕成效:invigorating Qi and consolidating superficies(益气固表)removing dampness and inducing diuresis(燥湿利水)preventing miscarrage(安胎)白芷:〔治头痛之要药〕成效:expelling wind and dispel exopathogens(祛风解表)clearing passage(通鼻窍)relieving pain(止痛)removing dampness and arresting leukorrhea(燥湿止带)eliminating swelling and draining pus(消肿排脓)败酱草〔肠痈要药〕It is good at treating the accumulation (积累)of noxious heat(毒热)in the large intestine百部〔单入肺经蛲虫病[小儿肛周] 阴道滴虫[煎汤熏洗]〕成效:moistening the lung and relieving cough(润肺止咳)killing worms and insects,including louse(杀虫灭虱)板蓝根北沙参巴戟天半夏〔止胃气上逆〕成效:clearing dampness to reduce phlegm(燥湿化痰)lowering the adverse Qi to stop vomiting(降逆止呕)贝母〔川贝浙贝〕成效:resolving phlegm and relieving cough(化痰止咳)clearing heat and congestion(清热散结)槟榔:杀虫、消积、行气、利水、截疟补骨脂:薄荷:药性:pungent in flavour(味辛)cool in nature(性凉)acts on the lung and liver channels(入肺肝经)成效:dispersing wind-heat(疏散风热)easing sore throat and promoting eruption(利咽透疹)Soothing the liver and alleviating mental depression(疏肝解郁)C赤芍苍术:spot of oil cavity〔朱砂点〕川芎〔头痛要药血中之气药〕成效:Promoting Blood Circulation and flow of Qi(活血行气)dispelling wind and relieving pain(祛风止痛)川乌柴胡:〔治寒热往来之要药〕成效:dispel exopathogens to clear heat(解表退热) Soothing the liver and alleviating mental depression(疏肝解郁)elevating Yang and Qi(开举阳气)川楝子:行气止痛、杀虫车前草:清热利尿;凉血;解毒。

常用中药介绍英文1. Ginseng (Ren Shen): Ginseng is widely regarded as the "king of herbs" in TCM due to its numerous health benefits. It is believed to boost energy, improve mental and physical performance, and strengthen the immune system. Ginseng can be consumed as a tea, in capsules, or in the form of an extract.3. Goji Berries (Gou Qi Zi): Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and are considered a tonic herb in TCM. They are used to nourish the liver and kidneys, improve eyesight, boost the immune system, and enhance overall vitality. Goji berries can be eaten raw, added to tea or soup, or used in cooking.4. Chinese Angelica Root (Dang Gui): Chinese Angelica Root, also known as Dong Quai, is frequently used in women's health. It is believed to regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual pain, and improve blood circulation. Chinese Angelica Root can be consumed as a decoction, in the form of capsules, or as an extract.5. Cinnamon (Guizhi): Cinnamon is a warming herb that has been used in TCM for thousands of years. It is often used to alleviate cold symptoms, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote blood circulation. Cinnamon can be consumed as a tea, added to food, or taken as a supplement.8. Reishi Mushroom (Lingzhi): Reishi mushroom is highly valued in TCM for its immune-modulating properties. It is used to strengthen the immune system, improve liver health, relieve anxiety and fatigue, and promote better sleep. Reishi mushroom can be consumed as a tea, in powder form, or as a tincture.9. Rhodiola (Hong Jing Tian): Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body adapt to stress and enhance mental and physical performance. It is used to alleviate fatigue, improve concentration and memory, and boost overall resilience. Rhodiola can be taken as a tea, in capsule form, or as an extract.10. Turmeric (Jiang Huang): Turmeric is a vibrant yellow herb that has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is used to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, support liver health, and boost the immune system. Turmeric can be consumed as a spice in cooking, as a tea, or taken as a supplement.。

The chinese meteria medica 《shen nong’s Herbal Classic》Authentic medicinal materials 地道药材(active ingvedients有效成分curative effects治疗效果)炮制Preparation 目的aims:High effects low toxicity convenience制药方法Methods :1.Purification (修制)2.Preparation with water3.Preparation with fire4.Preparation with water and fire(水火共制)Drug Properties:药性Four natures:cold hot warm cool 寒热温凉Five flavors:pungent sweet sour bitter salty 辛甘酸苦咸Warm and hot drugs’effects :温热药一般功效1.温经通络:warming and clearing the channels2.温里散寒:warming the interior to disperse cold3.补火助阳:supplementing fire to support Yang4.温阳利水:warming Yang to induce(引导)diuresis(多尿)5.回阳救逆:recuperating(恢复)depleted(空虚)Yang to rescue(救)patients from collapse(崩溃)Cold and cool drugs: 寒凉药一般功效1.清热泻火:clearing heat to purge fire2.凉血解毒:removing heat from blood to eliminate toxicity3.清热润肠:purging heat to relax the bowels4.利水通痢:inducing diuresis to treat stranguria5.去心肝火:removing heat from the heart and liver用药原则:to treat cold syndrome with hot and to treat heat syndrome with cold drugs相须synergism 相使assisting 相畏相杀restraint相恶antagonism 相反increasing toxicity禁忌症contraindications 适用症indications药性不同煎药方法各异:1.先煎to be decocted ahead (minerals and shell 矿物贝类)2.后下to be decocted later (peppermint 薄荷)3.包煎to be wrapped for decoction (talc云母plantain seed车前草inula flower菊花)4.另煎to be decocted alone (ginseng人参american ginseng西洋参rhinoceros horn犀牛角)5.开水送服to be taken following infusion with warm boiled-water(cinnaar朱砂)6.烊化to be melted (donkey-hide gelation 驴皮胶)服用方法:methods of takingFor decoction,generally one dose is decocted and take tow times each day每日一剂一剂两次药水liquid medicine 贴剂patch 药膏ointment 膏药plaster 止痛药pain-killer 滴剂drop[自汗:spontaneous perspiration 盗汗:night sweating]第一章解表药:Drugs for relieving exterior syndromes此类药多味辛(pungent in flavour)质轻(light in quality)入肺经和体表(acting on lung channels and the superficies of the body)味辛能够驱散(dispersion)质轻能够生发(lifting and floating)This type of drugs can expel(驱走) pathogenic factors from the superficies or relieve(消除)exterior syndromes by diaphoresis(发汗)第一节辛温解表药:Drugs pungent in flavour and warm in nature for relieving exterior syndromes主要功效(main effects):Dispersing pathogenic wind-cold(发散风热)主要症状(symptoms):aversion to cold(恶寒) anhidrosis(无汗) fever, headache, tasteless tongue with white fur(苔白无味觉)第一味麻黄药性(Properties):pungent and slightly bitter in flavour(味辛微苦)warm in nature(性温)acting on the lung and urinary bladder channels(入肺、膀胱经)功效(Effects):inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表) facilitating the circulation of lung-Qi to relieve asthma(宣肺平喘)inducing diuresis to remove edema(利水消肿)第二味桂枝功效:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)warming the channels to clear obstruction(温经通脉)reinforcing Yang to promote Qi flow(助阳化气)第三味白芷:(治头痛之要药)功效:expelling wind and dispel exopathogens(祛风解表)clearing passage(通鼻窍)relieving pain(止痛)removing dampness and arresting leukorrhea(燥湿止带)eliminating swelling and draining pus(消肿排脓)第四味生姜:功效:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)warming the middle Jiao to arrest vomiting(温中止呕)warming the lung to relieve cough(温肺止咳)荆芥:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)dispersing pathogenic wind and arresting bleeding(祛风止血)防风:dispersing pathogenic wind and dispel exopathogens(祛风解表) relieving pain and spasm(止痛止痉)第二节辛凉解表药:Drugs pungent in flavour and cool in nature for relieving exterior syndromes多用于治疗wind-heat type of exterior syndromes(风热表证)[麻疹(germen measles)风疹(measles)]第一味薄荷:药性:pungent in flavour(味辛)cool in nature(性凉)acts on the lung and liver channels(入肺肝经)功效:dispersing wind-heat(疏散风热)easing sore throat and promoting eruption(利咽透疹)Soothing the liver and alleviating mental depression(疏肝解郁)第二味柴胡:(治寒热往来之要药)Yang and Qi(开举阳气)第三味菊花:功效:dispersing wind-heat(疏散风热)purging heat from the liver and imprving eyesight(清肝明目)clearing heat and removing toxins(清热解毒)第二章清热药:Heat-Clearing Drugs主要功效:The maior functions of these drugs include clearing heat and purging fire(intense heat).(清热去火)to cool the blood Detoxicating. .(凉血解读) Resolving swelling and heat syndromes (消肿去热)due to deficiency(虚).主治内热(interior heat-syndromes):excessive heat in the Qi and the blood,interior heat of Zang and Fu,fever due to Yin deficiency,dysentery(痢疾)and carbuncle(疮痈).第一节清热泻火药Heat-Clearing and Fire-purging Drugs功效:clear away the excessive(过度的) heat in the Qi and purge the lung-and stomach-fire第一味石膏(性寒质重非实热者不宜)药性:pungent and sweet inflavour,cold in nature,acts on the lung and stomach channelsIt is one of the important drugs for treating the syndromes of excessive heat in the Qi sysstem,cogh and asthma(喘) caused by intense heat and excess of stomach fire.功效:Clearing away heat and fire(清热解火)relieving restlessness and thirst(除烦止渴)promoting the regeneration of the tissue and wound healing(促进组织再生伤口愈合)第二味知母功效:Clearing away heat and fire,nourishing the Yin and moisturizing(湿润) dryness(滋阴润燥)第三味芦根功效:cleearing heat,promoting the production of body fluid(清热生津)relieving restlessness and arresting vomiting(除烦止呕) 第四味天花粉功效:clearing heat,promoting the production of body fluid(清热生津)subduing swellings and draining pus(消肿排脓)第五味栀子功效:purging fire and relieving dysphoria(泻火除烦)cooling blood and detoxication(凉血解毒)clearing heat and promoting diuresis(清热利湿)第六味夏枯草功效:clearing up liver-heat and purging fire(清肝泻火)subduing swelling and resolving hard lumps(消肿散结)第七味决明子功效:removing intensive heat from the liver and improving vision(清肝明目)moisturizing intestine and eazing the bowels(润肠通便)第二节清热燥湿药Heat-Clearing and Dampness-Drying Drugs功效:to clear heat and remove dampness and most of them act as fire-purging and detoxicating drugs.(清热解毒药)第一味黄芩(安胎圣药)功效:clearing heat and fire(清热去火)eliminating dampness and detoxicating(燥湿解毒)stopping bleeding and preventing miscarriage(流产)(止血安胎)第二味黄连功效:Clearing away heat,dampness and fire and detoxicating toxins(清热燥湿去火解毒)第四味龙胆草功效:clearing heat and dampness(清热燥湿)purging fire in the liver and gallbladder(泻肝胆火)第五味苦参功效:clearing heat and dampness(清热燥湿)destroying intestinal parasites(寄生虫) and relieving itching(杀虫止痒)inducing diuresis(利尿)第三节清热凉血药Heat-Clearing and Blood-Cooling Drugs药性:cold in property and acts on the blood systems主治:high fever, restlessness(烦躁不安) dry and deep red tongue, flooding of blood heat and wind syndrome cause by extreme heat第一味犀牛角功效:clearing heat and cool the blood(清热凉血)detoxicating and arresting convulsion(解毒镇惊)第二味水牛角(犀牛角替代品功效逊于犀牛角)第三味生地黄功效:clearing away heat and cooling the blood(清热凉血)nourishing Yin and promoting production of body fluid.(养阴生津) 第四味玄参功效:clearing away heat and cooling the blood(清热凉血)detoxicating and dissolving lumps(解毒散结) nourishing Yin and purging the fire(滋阴去火)第五味牡丹皮(痛经闭经)特点:Cooling blood and stop bleeding with out stasis(止血不留瘀)功效:cooling the blood(凉血)promoting blood circulation and relieving blood stasis(活血化瘀)第四节清热解毒药Heat-Clearing and Detoxicating Drugs药效:clearing away heat,detoxicating,subduing swellings and dissolving lumps(清热解毒消肿散结)第一味金银花(表里双解外感风寒温病初期)功效:clearing away heat,detoxicating,expelling wind-heat(除风热)[银翘散(金银花连翘薄荷)]第二味连翘(与金银花相须为用创家圣药the holy medicine for doctors to cure sores)功效:clearing away heat,detoxicating,subduing swellings and dissolving lumps(清热解毒消肿散结)dispelling win-heat第三味蒲公英功效:clearing away heat,detoxicating(清热解毒)subduing swellings(散结) removing dampness by diuresis for treating stranguria(尿淋沥) (祛湿利水)第四味紫花地丁(叮毒furunculosis 毒蛇咬伤snake-bite)功效:clearing away heat,detoxicating,(清热解毒)treating boils(烫伤) and dissolving lumps(散结)第五味大青叶功效:clearing away heat,detoxicating (清热解毒) removing blood heat and ecchymoses(凉血祛斑)第六味鱼腥草(治肺痛之要药)An important medicine for treating pulmonary(肺部的) abscess(脓肿)第七味败酱草(肠痈要药)It is good at treating the accumulation (积累)of noxious heat(毒热)in the large intestine第八味马齿苋(清肠止痢curing dysentery)第四节清虚热药Drugs for Clearing Heat of Deficiency Type第一味青蒿功效:clearing away heat of deficiency type(清虚热)relieving summer heat and preventing attack of malaria(祛暑防疟)功效:bringing down heat of Yin-deficiency(降阴虚热)removing lung-fire(去肝火)第三章泻下药Purgative Drugs(入大肠经)药效:loosening the bowels and eliminating stagnation(润肠排积),clearing heat and purging fire,dispelling fluid retention and reducing edema.(利水消肿)第一节攻下药Purgtives第一味大黄药性:bitter in flavour,cold in nature,acts on the spleen,stomach,large intestine,heart and liver channels. 药效:It is an important herb for constipation(便秘)due to accumulation(积累) of heat of excess type,and gastro-intestinal fecal impaction(胃肠食积) due to heat.功效:purging heat and looseing the boeels(泻热通便)removing heat from the blood and clearing toxins(凉血解毒)promoting blood circulation to relieve blood stasis(破血逐瘀)第二节润下药Laxatives第一味麻子仁(moistening the bowels to relieve constipation 润肠通便)第三节峻下逐水药Drastic Hydrogagues第一味甘遂(有毒不溶于水)功效:removing water retention(写下逐水)subduing swelling and masses(消肿散结)第二味牵牛子功效:removing water retention(写下逐水)subduing swelling and masses(消肿散结)and being parasiticidal(杀虫)第四章温里药Drugs for Warming the Inteior药性:mainly pungent in flavour,and warm and hot in nature.药效:warm viscera(温脏腑)disperse cold and alleviate pain(散寒止痛)Some of these drugs can recuperate depleted Yang to rescue patients from collapse.(回阳救逆)第一味附子(阳痿Impoten遗精Spermatorrhea大出血hemora)功效:supplementing fire and Yang(补火助阳) disperse cold and alleviate pain(散寒止痛)recuperate depleted Yang to rescue patients from collapse.(回阳救逆)第二味肉桂功效:supplementing fire and Yang(补火助阳) disperse cold and alleviate pain(散寒止痛)Conducting the fire back to its origin(引火归原)第三味干姜功效:warming the middle-jiao and disperse cold(温中散寒) recuperate depleted Yang to rescue patients from collapse.(回阳救逆)warming the lung and removing fluid retention(温肺化饮)第四味丁香(止呕)第五章理气药Drugs for Regulating Qi药效:promoting Qi circulaion and treating stagnation of Qi第一味陈皮(桔皮中焦寒性气滞)功效:promoting Qi circulaion and strengthening the spleen (行气健脾)eliminating dampness and relieving phlegm(燥湿化痰) 第二味青皮(未成熟桔子的果实或皮比陈皮药效强)功效:relieving stagnation of Qi and soothing the liver(疏肝破气)promoting digestion and resolving food retention(消积化滞) 第三味枳实(橙子幼果)功效:relieving Qi stagnation and food retention(破气导滞)resolving phlegm and masses(化痰消痞)第四味沉香功效:promoting Qi circulaion and alleviating pain(行气止痛)lowering adverse flow of Qi and arresting vomiting(降逆止呕)helping inspiration and relieving asthma(纳气平喘)第六章活血化瘀药Drugs for Promoting Blood Circulation and Relieving Blood Stasis药效:promoting blood flow to regulate menstruation(活血调经)stasis breaking and lumps resolving(破血散结)removing blood stasis and relieving pain(化瘀止痛)subduing swelling and promoting tissue regeneration(消肿促进组织再生)第一味川芎(头痛要药血中之气药)功效:Promoting Blood Circulation and flow of Qi(活血行气)dispelling wind and relieving pain(祛风止痛)第二味丹参(心绞痛)功效:Promoting Blood Circulation and Relieving Blood Stasis(活血化瘀)clearing heat from the blood and resolving swelling(凉血消痈)tranquilizing the mind(安神定志)第三味益母草(月经)功效:Promoting Blood Circulation to regulate menstruation(活血调经)subsiding edema by inducing diuresis(利水消肿)第四味桃仁功效:Promoting Blood Circulation by removing blood stasis,lubricating the bowels to relieve constipation(润肠通便)第五味红花功效:Promoting Blood Circulation by removing blood stasis,regulating menstruation and relieving pain(调经止痛)第六味牛膝(妇科调经)功效:Promoting Blood Circulation and restoring menstruation(活血通经)conducting downward flow of heat(引火下行)inducing diuresis to treat strangury(利水通淋)tonifying the liver and kidney(补肝肾)第七味穿山甲(催乳)功效:invigorating channels and collaterals to promote lactation(通经下乳) subduing swelling and draining pus(消肿排脓)第八味五灵脂(鼯鼠的粪便包煎妇科止痛)功效:Promoting Blood Circulation to relieve pain(活血止痛)stoping bleeding by removing the blood stasis(止血化瘀)第七章化痰止咳平喘药Drugs Resolving Phlegm and Relieving Cough and Asthma第一节温化寒痰药drugs relieving cold-phlegm by warming第一味半夏(止胃气上逆)功效:clearing dampness to reduce phlegm(燥湿化痰)lowering the adverse Qi to stop vomiting(降逆止呕)第二味天南星(治疗风痰顽症之要药有毒药效大于半夏)功效:clearing dampness to reduce phlegm(燥湿化痰)dispelling wind and relieve spasm(祛风解痉)第三味禹白附(中风面瘫头面部的痰阻经络)药效:removing wind-phlegm in head and face and pathogens of cold and dampness第四味桔梗(开肺气通二便)药效:引药上行(introduce drugs in to lungs)常作为引经药(channel-guiding drug)第五味旋覆花(质地轻但作用下包煎)功效:lowering the adversely upward flowing of Qi and relieving vomiting(降逆止呕)Resolving phlegm(化痰)第二节清化热痰药Drugs for Clearing Heat-phlegm第一味瓜蒌功效:clearing away heat and resolving phlegm(清热化痰)soothing the chest oppression to promote Qi circulation(宽胸利气)moistening and relaxing the bowels(润肠通便)第二味贝母(川贝浙贝)功效:resolving phlegm and relieving cough(化痰止咳)clearing heat and congestion(清热散结)第三味前胡(表里同治外感风热内又热痰)功效:sending down abnormally ascending Qi to resolve phlegm(降气化痰)expelling wind-heat(疏散风热)第四味竹茹(竹子中间层)功效:removing heat-phlegm(清热化痰)relieving restlessness and vomiting(除烦止呕)第五味竹沥(竹子的烤汁澄清的淡黄色)功效:removing heat-phlegm(清化热痰)arresting convulsion(定惊)第六味海藻(甲亢)功效:removing heat-phlegm(清化热痰)relieving hard lumps(软坚散结)and diuretic(利水消肿)第六味昆布(海带与海藻相须为用)功效:relieving hard lumps(软坚散结)and diuretic(利水消肿)第三节止咳平喘药Drugs for relieving cough and asthma第一味苦杏仁(苦降肺气甜杏仁无药效富含油脂所以润肠通便)功效:relieving cough and asthma(止咳平喘)lubricating the bowels to relieve constipation(润肠通便)第二味百部(单入肺经蛲虫病[小儿肛周] 阴道滴虫[煎汤熏洗])功效:moistening the lung and relieving cough(润肺止咳)killing worms and insects,including louse(杀虫灭虱)第三味紫菀(咳且有痰者)功效:nourishing the lung to send the adverse Qi downward(润肺下气)relieving cough and asthma(止咳平喘)第四味款冬花(冬季采摘与紫菀相须为用)(功效同紫菀)第五味紫苏子(富含油脂)功效:send the adverse Qi downward(润肺下气)clearing phlegm,relieving cough and asthma(化痰止咳平喘)relaxing the bowels to relieve constipation(润肠通便)第六味桑白皮(药效平缓儿科常用利水作用强皮类药有利水消肿之功效)功效:purging lung-heat to relieve asthma(泻肺平喘)diuresis to eliminate edema(利水消肿)第八章平肝息风药Drugs for Calming the Liver and Checking wind药效:clearing away the heat from liver and checking exuberance of Yang(平肝潜阳)calming the endogenous(内生的) wind and relieving convulsion(息风止痉)第一味石决明(明目)功效:clearing the liver-yang and checking exuberance of Yang(平肝潜阳) clearing away the heat from liver to improve vision(清肝明目)第二味珍珠母(入心经)功效:clearing the liver-yang and checking exuberance of Yang(平肝潜阳)clearing liver-heat to improve vision(清肝明目)relieving palpitation and tranquilizing(镇惊安神)第三味代赭石(赤铁矿三氧化二铁)功效:clearing the liver-yang and checking exuberance of Yang(平肝潜阳生用)checking and descending the upward rebellious Qi(重镇降逆生用)removing heat from blood and stop bleeding(凉血止血煅用)第四味羚羊角(多用于儿科退高热抗惊厥仅次于蜈蚣全蝎)功效:calming the liver to check endogenous(内生的) wind(平肝息风) clearing away the heat from liver to improve vision(清肝明目)and clearing away heat and toxins from the blood(凉血解毒)第五味牛黄(牛胆结石安宫牛黄丸)功效:cheching endogenous(内生的) wind to relieve convulsion(息风止痉)resolving phlegm to clear orifice and induce resuscitation(化痰开窍)clearing away heat and toxins(清热解毒)第六味天麻(治眩晕之要药高血压入肝经)功效:calming the liver to check endogenous(内生的) wind(平肝息风)clearing obstruction in the channels to expel evil-wind(祛风通络)第七味地龙(蚯蚓中风失语利尿入膀胱经)功效:clearing away heat to arrest convulsion(清热止痉)relieving asthma and the obstruction in the channels(平喘通络)第八味僵蚕(蚕感染白僵菌后入药面瘫)功效:expelling the wind and relaxing spasm(息风止痉)dispersing the wind-heat(疏散风热)Resolving phlegm and congestion(化痰散结)第九章补虚药Tonics for Deficiency Syndromes药效:with their effects of tonifying(补养) Qi,bllod,Yin,Yang,tonics are indicated for all types of deficiency syndromes caused by deficienncy of Qi,blood,Yin and Yang.第一节补气药Drugs for Invigorating Qi第一味人参(加附子回阳救逆)功效:invigorating Qi and treat collapes(益气固脱)reinforcing the spleen,nourishing the lung(补脾益肺)promoting the production of the body fluid,quenchingthirst(生津止渴)tranquilizing the mind and improving intelligence(安神益智)第二味党参功效:reinforcing the spleen,tonifying the lung(补脾肺气)nourishing blood and promoting the production of the body fluid(养血生津)第三味西洋参(花旗参凉性)功效:invigorating Qi,nourishing Yin(补气养阴)clearing heat and promoting the generation of the body fluid(清热生津)第四味黄芪(疮家圣药)It is an important herb used to treat deficiency of the lung,lingering cough(久咳),deficiency of the spleen and stomach,and sinking of Qi in the middle-jiao.功效:invigorating Qi to elevate Yang(补气升阳)consolidating superficies to stop sweating(固表止汗)inducing diuresis to remove edema(利水退肿)and promoting healing of sore to regenerate tissue(脱疮生肌)第五味白术(燥湿)功效:invigorating Qi and consolidating superficies(益气固表)removing dampness and inducing diuresis(燥湿利水)preventing miscarrage(安胎)第六味山药功效:invigorating Qi,nourishing Yin(补气养阴)controlling spermatorrhea and reducing urination(涩精缩尿)第七味甘草(调和药性生用解毒甘草绿豆汤)功效:tonyfing the heart and spleen(补益心脾)moistening the lung to arrest cough(润肺止咳)purging fire to remove toxins(清热解毒)relieving spasm to alleviate pain(缓急止痛)and moderating other herbs(调和诸药)第二节补血药Blood Tonics第一味熟地黄(补血第一要药与当归相须)功效:replenishing blood and tonifying Yin(补血滋阴)第二味何首乌clearing away toxins(润肠解毒)第三味当归(月经病补而不滞)功效:tonifying blood,promoting blood circulation(补血活血)regulating menstruation and alleviating pain(调经止痛) lubricating the bowels to relieve constipation(润肠通便)第四味白芍(肝阳上亢)功效:tonifying blood and regulating menstruation(补血调经)suppressing[抑制] hyperactivity[亢进] of liver-yang(平肝潜阳)astringing Yin to arrest sweating(敛阴止汗)第五味阿胶(脾胃虚者慎用)功效:replenishing blood and stoping bleeding(补血止血)nourishing Yin and moistening the lung(滋阴润肺)第三节滋阴药Yin Tonics第一味沙参(肺胃阴虚)功效:nourishing Yin to clear heat from the lung(养阴清肺)tonifying the stomach to promote the production of the body fluid(养胃生津)第二味麦冬(可代茶饮)功效:nourishing Yin and moistening the lung(滋阴润肺) tonifying the stomach to promote the production of the body fluid(养胃生津)dispelling heat from the heart and relieving vexation(清心排忧)第三味枸杞子(地道药材宁夏枸杞)功效:reinforcing the kidney to benefit essence(补肾益精)tonifying the liver to improve vision(养肝明目)第四味墨旱莲功效:tonifying the liver and kidney(滋补肝肾)and clearing heat from blood to stop bleeding(凉血止血)第四节补阳药Yang Tonics阳痿impotence 射精ejaculation 早泄premature ejaculatio 月经不调irregular menstruation 眩晕dizziness 耳鸣tinnitus 失眠insomnis 痴呆amnesia 四肢无力weak extremities第一味鹿茸(雄鹿带茸毛的幼角春初夏采)功效:reinforcing kidney-yang(补肾阳)supplementing essence and blood(益精血)strengthening muscles and bones(强筋骨)第二味淫羊藿(先灵脾)功效:tonifying the kidney amd invigorating Yang(补肾助阳) strengthening muscles and bones(强筋骨)dispelling wind and dampness(祛风除湿)第三味胡桃仁功效:tonifying the kidney and nourishing the lung(补肾益肺)helping inspiration to relieve asthma(纳气平喘)moistening the intestine and relaxing bowels(润肠通便)第四味冬虫夏草(虫感染菌类死亡后的虫草共生体)功效:supplementing the lung and kidney(补肾益肺)stoping cough and relieving asthma(止咳平喘)。

用英文介绍中药药材作文Title: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs。
Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have been an integral part of Chinese culture and healthcare for thousands of years. These herbs, derived from various plants, animals, and minerals, are used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to prevent and treat a wide range of ailments. In this article, we will explore some commonly used Chinese medicinal herbs and their therapeutic properties.1. Ginseng (人参)。
Ginseng, known as "Ren Shen" in Chinese, is one of the most well-known and widely used medicinal herbs in TCM. It is revered for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and promote overall wellbeing. Ginseng is believed to enhance energy, improve cognitive function,and strengthen the immune system. It is commonly used to treat fatigue, boost vitality, and promote longevity.2. Ginkgo Biloba (银杏)。

常见中药介绍英文Introduction to Common Traditional Chinese MedicinesTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history and is widely practiced in China and many other parts of the world. It encompasses a wide range of treatment modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and dietary therapy. In this article, we will introduce some common Chinese herbal medicines, their uses, and potential health benefits.1. Ginseng (人参)Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese herbal medicines. It has been used for centuries to improve overall health and vitality. Ginseng is believed to boost the immune system, enhance cognitive function, reduce fatigue, and improve physical endurance. It is commonly consumed in the form of teas, powders, or capsules.2. Astragalus (黄芪)Astragalus is a popular herb in TCM known for its immune-boosting properties. It is often used to prevent and treat respiratory infections, such as the common cold and flu. Astragalus is believed to enhance the body's resistance to diseases and promote overall wellness. It is commonly brewed into a tea or taken in supplement form.3. Goji Berry (枸杞子)Goji berries have been used for centuries in TCM for their health-promoting properties. These small bright red berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for boosting the immunesystem and improving overall health. Goji berries can be eaten raw, added to teas or soups, or taken in the form of juice or supplements.4. Licorice Root (甘草)Licorice root is a commonly used Chinese herb with various medicinal properties. It is often used to alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers. Licorice root is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. It can be brewed into tea, taken in capsule form, or used to make herbal preparations.5. Danshen (丹参)Danshen is a type of Chinese herb commonly used for cardiovascular health. It is believed to improve blood circulation, reduce blood clotting, and protect against heart-related conditions. Danshen is often taken in the form of capsules or brewed into a tea.6. Danggui (当归)Danggui, also known as Chinese Angelica, is widely used in TCM to nourish the blood and regulate menstrual cycles. It is often prescribed for women experiencing menstrual problems or menopausal symptoms. Danggui can be consumed in the form of teas, tablets, or liquid extracts.7. Chrysanthemum (菊花)Chrysanthemum flowers have a long history of use in TCM for their cooling and calming effects. Chrysanthemum tea is commonly consumed to help relieve stress, reduce inflammation, and improve eye health. It can be brewed with hot water and enjoyed as a refreshing beverage.8. Eucommia Bark (杜仲)Eucommia bark is known for its beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system. It is commonly used in TCM to strengthen the bones, tendons, and ligaments. Eucommia bark is often brewed into teas or taken in the form of capsules or tablets.ConclusionTraditional Chinese Medicine offers a rich repertoire of herbal medicines with various health benefits. Although these herbs have been used for centuries in TCM, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using them, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, it is essential to ensure the quality and safety of the herbal products you choose to use.。

常用中药词汇大全Lumbricus 地龙house lizard守宫(壁虎)calculus bovis(bezoar)牛黄aloes芦荟loquat枇杷lotus seed莲子hawthorn山楂chrysanthemum菊花plum blossom(wintersweet)梅花apricot kernel杏仁East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊Elecampane Inula Root 土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁Pepper花椒,胡椒Entada Sten 瞌藤子Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot 麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark 杜仲European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄European Hop Flower 啤酒花European Verbena 马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹根False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦Fare son车钱子Fig无花果Figwort Root玄参Amygdala ceresorum 樱桃核Fangchi Root 广防已Semen Celosiae 青葙子Fennel Fruit 小茴香star anise大茴Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜Mao Huang黄茂Chinese angelica 当归Goldthread 黄连Codonopsis 党参Hung-mao 红茂Eucommia Bark杜仲Astragalus mongholicus黄芪Ligusticum wallichii川芎Poria cocos茯苓Bulbus fritilariae川贝Herba Solani白英rhizoma atractylodis苍术corydalis tuber元胡herba elsholtziae香薷skullcap黄岑Saposhnikovia divaricata防风rhizoma cyperi香附Aquilaria sinensis沉香Pseudoginseng三七cortex moutan丹皮borneol冰片(龙脑)red paeonia赤芍radices paeoniae alba(White Paeony Root)白芍rheum officinale大黄dried orange peers陈皮Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata熟地黄Radix Rehmanniae Recens生地黄polygonum multiflorum何首乌great burdock(gobo)牛蒡Chinese yam淮山asparagus cochinchinensis天冬Ophiopogon japonicus麦冬mulberry leaf桑叶Ginseng(Panax)人参Salvia miltiorrhiza丹参Lycium chinensis(Chinese wolfberry)枸杞Mugwort艾叶Yanhusuo(tuber corydalidis)延胡索hairy holly root毛冬青Immature Bitter Orange枳实saffron crocus藏红花semen cassiae决明子rhizoma polygonati黄精pilose antler鹿茸liquorice甘草rhizoma zingiberis干姜cinnamon肉桂Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae大枣Indian kalimeris herb马兰Filiform Cassytha Herb无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys瓦松Albizzia julibrissin合欢Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb荆芥Finger Citron佛手desert cistanche苁蓉Fistular Onion Stalk葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb绞股蓝Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata丁香Fluorite紫石英Forbes Wildginger Herb杜衡Forest Frog's Oviduct蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb星宿菜Fortune Meadowrue Herb白蓬草Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole棕榈Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb玉簪Fragrant Sarcococca Herb清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit锦灯笼Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb杏香兔耳风Frankincense乳香Freshwater Sponge紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb铁扁担Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig黑面神。

中医药英文大全?答:以下是中医药英文大全,包括中医理论、常用中药、中医诊断和治疗方法等方面的常见术语:1. 中医理论(Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory)- Yin and Yang(阴阳)- Qi(气)- Meridians(经络)- Five Elements(五行)- Eight Principles(八纲)- Zang-Fu Organs(脏腑)- Blood Stasis(血瘀)- Dampness(湿)- Heat and Cold(寒热)2. 常用中药(Common Chinese Medicinal Herbs)- Ginseng(人参)- Astragalus(黄芪)- Radix Rehmanniae(地黄)- Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae(白术)- Radix Paeoniae Alba(白芍)- Fructus Gardeniae(栀子)- Radix Scutellariae(黄芩)- Radix Glycyrrhizae(甘草)- Radix Angelicae Sinensis(当归)- Fructus Schisandrae(五味子)3. 中医诊断和治疗方法(Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Methods)- Acupuncture(针灸)- Herbal Medicine(中药)- Cupping Therapy(拔罐疗法)- Moxibustion(艾灸)- Tuina(推拿)- Guasha(刮痧)- Qigong(气功)- Chinese Dietary Therapy(中医食疗)请注意,这只是其中的一部分常见术语,涵盖了中医药的一些基本概念和常用词汇。
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Part 1 The history of CMM
Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.” As a result, the CMM has often been called “Bencao” (herbal medicine), from ancient times.
Chrysanthemum Flower
Actions 2.Clear away liver-fire (Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons that cause the disease) to improve vision Indicated for (1) Dizziness and headache due to liver-fire. (2) Reddish, swollen and painful eyes due to wind and heat attacking or hyperactivity of liver-fire. 3. Clear away heat and eliminate toxin Indicated for carbuncle-abscess
Fructus Jujubae
Usage and Dosage: 6~15g Cleave first and then place into the decoction
Licorice Root
Usage: Licorice is often used together with other Chinese medical materials. Licorice is a Chinese medicine practitioners use one of the highest frequency of a drug
Chrysanthemum Flower
Usage and Dosage: 5~10g soaked in water to drink .
Chrysanthemum Tea
Licorice Root
Actions 1.Resolve phlegm to relive cough 2.Relieve spasm and alleviate pain 3.Clear away heat and toxin 4.Regulate medicinal nature
Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materials 2.Processing of Chinese materia medica 2.1 Purposes of processing Chinese materia medica 2.2 Methods of processing Chinese materia medica
Honeysuckle flower
Usage: Honeysuckle flower is often used together with other drugs.
Fructus Jujubae
Actions 1.Replenish qi Indicated for Spleen deficiency syndrome 2.Nourish blood Indicated for Sallowness due to blood deficiency, hysteria 3.Induce tranquilization
From the Tang dynasty, the Chinese Materia Medica has
spread beyond China’s boundaries into Japan, Korea,
Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it; so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also is shared by other nations.
Chrysanthemum Flower
Actions 1.Expel wind (Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons that cause the disease) and clear away heat Indicated for : Exterior syndrome due to wind-heat or seasonal febrile diseases at early stage. (fever, slightly aversion to cold, headache, cough)
Throughout the formation and development of the China nation, there has been an evolution and continuing
integration of blends of materia medicas.
Part 1 The history of CMM
Part 1 The history of CMM
Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs . For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
As early as 4000 years ago, the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.
Part 1 The history of CMM
In finding food, the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases. Thus, this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine. So most of the CMM has originated from natural products; however, some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.
The Chinese Materia Medica as an important tool for disease prevention and control of the Chinese people.
Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materials 1.Sources and collection of Chinese materia medica 1.1 Place of origin 1.2 Collection
Blueberry-yam (A delicious Chinese food)
Part 1 The history of CMM
For several thousand years, the Chinese nation has utilized Chinese Materia Medica as the main method of preventing and treating disease.
Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materials
Radix Ginseng
1.It is an effective medicinal herb for invigorating qi (Qi is one of the
basic substances constituting the body) and saving collapse. 2.It can be strengthen constitution to improve the body resistance to
The history of Chinese Materia Medica and the use of common Chinese medical materials
Content summary
Part 1 The history of Chinese Materia Medica Part 2 The use of common Chinese Medical Materials
3.It can be calm the mind to promote intelligence .
Ginseng Root
Usage and Dosage:5~10g is used in decoction Now its injection is used in clinic for emergency treatment. Note: Turnip and tea should be avoided in the course of treatment in case they affect its tonic effect.