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econo mist 经济学家socialist economy 社会主义经济capitalist economy 资本主义经济collective economy 集体经济
pla nned economy 计划经济con trolled economy 管制经济rural econo mics 农村经济liberal economy 自由经济mixed economy 混合经济political economy 政治经济学protect ionism 保护主义autarchy 闭关自守primary sector 初级成分
private sector 私营成分,私营部门
public sector 公共部门,公共成分
econo mic cha nn els 经济渠道econo mic bala nee 经济平衡econo mic fluctuati on 经济波动econo mic depressi on 经济衰退econo mic stability 经济稳定econo mic policy 经济政策econo mic recovery 经济复原un dersta nding 约定concen trati on 集中holdi ng compa ny 控股公司trust 托拉斯cartel 卡特尔rate of growth 增长econo mic trend 经济趋势econo mic situatio n 经济形势in frastructure 基本建设
sta ndard of liv ing 生活标准,生活水平
purchas ing power , buying
scarcity 短缺
stag nati on 停滞,萧条,不景气un derdevelopme nt 不发达
un derdeveloped 不发达的
develop ing 发展中的
B.农业land, soil arable land, tilled land dry soil fertile soil humus irrigable land lean soil, poor soil wastela nd, barre n land grass grassla nd meadow prairie pasture land to lie fallow
fallow stubble, stubble field straw, hay rural populati on rural exodus land reform, agraria n reform mecha ni zati on of farming mecha ni zed farming farm cattle farm ranch hacie nda holdi ng plot, parcel, lot cooperative farm collective farm coun try, coun tryside coun tryma n coun trywoma n agro no mist latif un dium, large Ian ded estate farmer producer settle Ian dow ner abse ntee Ian dlord 土壤耕地旱田
smallholder , small farmer ran cher tenant farmer , leaseholder sharecropper ploughma n farm labourers farm hand cattle farmer cowherd, cowboy shepherd fruit grower vin egrower vin tager farming, husba ndry ani mal husba ndry, ani mal breedi ng dairy farmi ng horticulture market garde ning fruit grow ing vin egrow ing, viticulture olive grow ing arboriculture silviculture agricultural products, farm products foodstuffs dairy produce, dairy products dairy in dustry crop year , farming year season agricultural, commodities market livestock
小农牧场主土地租用人佃农农民,犁田者农场工人,农业工人(美作:farm laborers)农场短工牧场工人牛仔牧人果农
classical literature 古典文学con temporary literature 现代文学popular literature 大众文学light literature 通俗文学folklore 民间文学saga (river) no vel 长篇小说short no vel, I ong short 中篇小说
short story 短篇小说
love story 爱情小说
deterctive story 侦破小说
mystery story 怪诞小说
whod unit 推理小说
humorous story 幽默小说
historical no vel 历史小说
essay 随笔
book of travels 游记
reportage 报告文学
criticism 评论
best seller 畅销书
an thology 选集
the complete works(of) 全集
editi on, prin ti ng 版
masterpiece 杰作
copyright 版权,著作权
deluxe binding 精装
flat stitch ing 平装
smyth sewed 线装
huma nities 人文学科
writer 作家
book 书
volume 卷
theatre 戏剧(美作:theater)drama 话剧
comedy 喜剧
tragedy 悲剧
farce 滑稽剧
play 剧本
the three un ities 三一律(一个情节,一个地点,一个时间)
playwright 编剧
act 幕
sce ne 场
plot 情节
in trigue 错综复杂的剧情story 故事
episode 逸事
ending, deno ueme nt 结局
poetry 诗歌
poet 诗人
poem 诗