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巴斯克维尔的猎犬The Hound of the Baskervilles
白痴The Idiot
败坏了哈德莱堡的人The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg 宝岛Treasure Island
查拉图斯特拉如是说Thus Spake Zarathustra
纯真年代The Age of Innocence
道林.格雷的画像The Picture of Dorian Gray
德伯家的苔丝Tess of the d'Urbervilles
福尔摩斯归来记The Return of Sherlock Holmes
福尔摩斯历险记The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
共产党宣言The Communist Manifesto
哈克贝里.芬历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 海底两万里Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
怀尔德菲尔府的房客The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
基督山伯爵The Count of Monte Cristo
恐怖谷英文版The Valley of Fear
快乐王子等童话The Happy Prince and Other Tales
老妇人的故事The Old Wives' Tale
麦琪的礼物The Gift of the Magi
美丽与毁灭The Beautiful and Damned
牛虻The Gadfly
认真的重要性The Importance of Being Earnest
三万元遗产The $30,000 Bequest
少年维特的烦恼The Sorrows of Young Werther
神秘岛The Mysterious Island
失去的世界The Lost World
时间机器The Time Machine
世界大战The War of the Worlds
斯泰尔斯庄园奇案The Mysterious Affair at Styles 四签名The Sign of the Four
太阳照常升起The Sun Also Rises
汤姆.索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 野性的呼唤The Call of the Wild
隐身人The Invisible Man
名利场Vanity Fair
呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights
华盛顿广场Washington Square
恋爱中的女人Women in Love
儿子与情人Sons and Lovers
嘉利妹妹Sister Carrie
理智与情感Sense and Sensibility
鲁宾逊飘流记Robinson Crusoe
罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet
惊魂记Quentin Durward
百年孤独One Hundred Years of Solitude
人性的枷锁Of Human Bondage
物种起源On the Origin of Species
雾都孤儿Oliver Twist
傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice
少奶奶的扇子Lady Windermere's Fan
小妇人Little Women
小男人Little Men
白鲸记Moby Dick; or The Whale
福尔摩斯回忆录Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
共产党宣言Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei 悲惨世界Les Misérables
巴黎圣母院Notre Dame de Paris
A Doll\'s House
A Farewell to Arms
A Midsummer Night\'s Dream
A Tale of Two Cities(
A Thousand and One Nights
Adam Bede
All\'s Well That Ends Well
Anna Karenina
As You Like it
Canterbury Tales
Childe Harold\'s Pilgrimage
Crime and Punishment
David Copperfield
Don Juan
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Fairy Tales
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Gone with the Wind
Good Wives
《好妻子》(露易莎·梅·奥尔科特,美国) Great Expectations
《远大前程》(查尔斯·狄更斯,英国) Gulliver\'s Travels
《格利佛游记》(乔纳森·斯威福特,英国) Hamlet
Jane Eyre
《约翰·克利斯朵夫》(罗曼·罗兰,法国) King Lear
Lady Chatterlay\'s Lover
Les Miserables
Little Women
《小妇人》(露易莎·梅·奥尔科特,美国) Love of Life
《热爱生命》(杰克.伦敦,美国) Mansfiela Park
《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(简·奥斯汀,英国) Measure for Measure
Moby Dick
《大白鲨》(赫尔曼·梅尔维尔,美国) Mrs. Warren\'s Profession
《沃伦夫人的职业》(乔治·伯纳德·肖,英国) Much ado about Nothing
《自然》(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,美国) Ode to a Nightingale
Ode to the West Wind
Of Studies
《论学习》(弗郎西斯·培根,英国) Oliver Twist
《雾都孤儿》(查尔斯·狄更斯,英国) Othello
《奥赛罗》(莎士比亚,英国)Paradise Lost
《失乐园》(约翰·弥尔顿,英国) Persuasion
Pride and Prejudice
《傲慢与偏见》(简·奥斯汀,英国) Prometheus Unbound
《被释的普罗米修斯》(雪莱,英国) Resurrection
Rob Roy
《罗伯·罗伊》(沃尔特·斯科特,英国) Robinson Crusoe
《鲁滨逊飘流记》(丹尼尔·笛福,英国) Romeo and Juliet
《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(莎士比亚,英国)Sense and Sensibility
《理智与情感》(简·奥斯汀,英国) Sister Carrie
《嘉莉姐妹》(西奥多·德莱塞,美国) Tender is the Night
《夜色温柔》(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国) Tess of the D\'Urbervilles
《德伯家的苔丝》(托马斯·哈代,英国) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
《汤姆.索亚历险记》(马克吐温,美国) The Beautiful and the Damned
《漂亮冤家》(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国) The Canterbury Tales
The Comedy of Errors
the Count of Monte
The Faerie Queene
The Grapes of Wrath
《愤怒的葡萄》(约翰·斯坦贝克,美国) The Great Gatsby
《了不起的盖茨比》(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国) The Hairy Ape
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
The Holy War
The House of Seven Gables
《有七个尖角阁的房子》(纳撒尼尔·霍桑,美国) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Merchant of Venice
The Merry Wives of Windsor
《温莎的风流娘儿们》(莎士比亚,英国)The Old Curiosity Shop
The Old Man and the Sea
The Passionate Pilgrim
The Phoenix and the Turtle
The Pilgrim\'s Progress
The Rainbow
The Scarlet Letter
The School for Scandal
The Sea-Wolf
The Sun Also Rises
The Tempest
The Twelfth Night
The Waster Land
The White Fang
Twice-Told Tales
Uncle Tom\'s Cabin
Vanity Fair
Women in Love
Wuthering Heights
1.《三国演义》T h r e e K i n g d o m s o r R o m a n c e o f T h e T h r e e K i n g d o m s
2.《水浒传》T h e W a t e r M a r g i n o r t h e O u t l a w s o f t h e M a r s h
6.《大学》T h e G r e a t L e a r n i n g
7.《中庸》T h e D o c t r i n e o f t h e M e a n
8.《论语》T h e A n a l e c t s o f C o n f u c i u s
9.《孟子》T h e W o r d s o f M e n c i u s
10.《诗经》T h e B o o k o f S o n g s
11.《书经》T h e B o o k o f H i s t o r y
12.《易经》T h e B o o k o f C h a n g e s
13.《礼记》T h e B o o k o f R i t e s
14.《春秋》T h e S p r i n g a n d A u t u m n A n n a l s
15.《山海经》M o u n t a i n a n d S e a C l a s s i c s
16.《战国策》S t r a t a g e m s o f t h e W a r r i n g S t a t e s 17.《史记》R e c o r d s o f t h e G r a n d H i s t o r i a n 18.《世纪新说》N e w s a y i n g s o f t h e W o r l d
19.《西厢记》R o m a n c e o f t h e W e s t e r n C h a m b e r
《西行漫记》Red Star over China
《三国志》History of the Three Kingdoms
《世说新语》New sayings of the World
《临川四梦》the Four Dreams of Linchuan
《二刻拍案惊奇》the Second Series of Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Stories
《倩女幽魂》Wandering Soul of a Beauty
《儒林外史》The Scholars
《喻世明言》Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World/Stories to Enlighten Men
《国语》Guo Yu
《孙子兵法》the Art of War by Master Sun
《官场现形记》Exposure of the Official World
《封神榜》Canonization of the Gods
《左传》Zuo's Commentary
《拍案惊奇》Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wondrous Stories
《本草纲目》Outline of Herb Medicine/Compendium of Materia Medica
《桃花扇》the Peach Blossom Fan
《水浒》Outlaws of the Marsh
《永乐大典》the Great Encyclopaedia of the Emperor
《汉书》History of the Han Dynasty
《牡丹亭》the Peony Pavilion
《窦娥冤》the Injustice of Dou E
《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions / A Red-Chamber Dream/A Dream of Red Mansions/A Dream of Red Chamber/the Story of the Stone
《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Scholar's Studio/Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio/Tales from a carefree Studio/Strange Tales of the Tale-Telling Studio
《西游记》Pilgrimage of the West /Story of a Journey to the West / The Pilgrimage to the West / Journey to the West
《警世通言》Comprehensive Stories to Admonish the World/Stories to Warn Men
《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror
《赵氏孤儿》Orphan of the Zhao Family
《道德经》the Classic of the Way and Its Virtue
《醒世恒言》Lasting Stories to Awaken the World
《醒世恒言》Stories to Awaken Men
《金瓶梅》Jin Ping Mei
《风》《雅》《颂》Songs, Odes, Hymns。
