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1.live v. 生活adj. living 有生命的living things

adj.alive 活着的keep your whole class /us alive

2.fight v. 战斗n..fighter 斗士;战士pollution fighters

3.nature n.. 自然adj.natural 自然的natural air conditioners

4.produce v. 生产n..product 产品produce a chemical paper products

5.science n..科学n..scientist 科学家interview a scientist

6.interest n..兴趣adj. interested 感兴趣的be interested in

adj.Interesting 有趣的an interesting story

7.breath n. 呼吸v.breathe 呼吸breathe pure, cool air

8.chemistry n. 化学n..chemical 化学品produce a chemical

adj.chemical 化学的chemical symbols

municate v. 交流communicate with each other

n. communication 交流focus on communication

10.place v. 安放v.replace 取代replace hardly any of the trees

11.protect v. 保护n.protection 保护protect themselves by producing a chemical…

need some protection

12.pollute v. 污染pollute the air n..pollution 污染air pollution

13.health n. 健康adj. healthy 健康的

adj.unhealthy 不健康的


health problems keep your whole class healthy unhealthy food

14.noise n. 噪音adj.noisy 吵闹的make our streets less noisy

adv.noisily 吵闹地talk noisily

15.wood n. 木头adj.wooden 木制的a wooden chair

16.harm n. 危害;v. 伤害adj. harmful 有害的

adj. harmless 无害的take harmful gases from the air harmless animals

17.taste v. 尝adj.tasty 美味的taste nasty tasty food

18.danger n. 危险be in danger adj.dangerous 危险的It’s dangerous to do …

19.thank v. 感谢thank sb. for … adj.thankful adj. 感激的be thankful to …

20.real adj.真的v. realize认识到,实现r ealize the importance of… adv.really真正地really sorry

21.begin v. 开始begin to do … n.beginning 开始at the beginning of …

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:

1. Trees can make the streets more beautiful and less __________. (noise)


2.As we all know, there are no _________ things on the moon. (live)


3. Water and oxygen are very important. They can keep us ________. (live)


4.Trees are our best __________ against pollution. (fight)


5.Trees are _________ air conditioners. They can cool the air as well as clean it. (nature)


6.Now many ____________ are starting to study trees. (science)

7.Doctor Ray is ___________ in trees. She helps Judy to collect some facts for an ___________ project on pollution. (interest)



8.Trees __________ a chemical to protect themselves from the insects. (product)


9.Everyone must help to fight against __________ to make our earth clean. (pollute)


10.We can _________ fresh oxygen with the help of trees. (breath)


11.People cut down and burn millions of trees, but they _________ hardly any of them. (place) replace

12.The factory releases _________ gases into the air and pollutes the environment seriously. (harm)


13.The trees can protect themselves by producing a nasty __________. (chemistry)


14.It’s not good of you to write or draw something on the __________ desks. (wood)


15.I’m ________ sorry for not knowing a lot about trees. (real)


16.Trees can _____________ with each other underground. (communication)


Match the following:

1. suppose

2. release

3. run

4. communicate

5. warn

6. join

7. burn

8. replace use something else instead

connect things together


say something bad or dangerous happen let out

think it is true or possible

exchange information with

damage something by fire

Spell The words:

1._________ a thing that is true

2._________ something (i.e., a solid, liquid or gas) used in chemistry

3._________ metric measure of area (10,000sq m)

4. _________ a gas present in air and essential for life

5. _________ made by nature, not by man

6. _________ clean

7. _________ unpleasant, not nice

Chose the best answer:

1.Everyone likes to breathe pure air. The underlined part means ________.

A. clean

B. hot

C. cool

D. comfortable
