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1.Can you speak a______? I can’t hear clearly.

2.The nurse is very p________ to the people.

3.Do you have a partner to practice c_______ with?

4.It improves my speaking s_______. So I can speak much better now.

5.Can you understand the e__________ on his face ?

6.I don’t know the correct ______________发音of the world.

7.Mr.Black is a teacher with rich ___________知识。

8.There are two__________化学labs in my school.

9.Research shows that _________成功的learners have some good habits in common.

10.I learn Chinese by reading the____________教材。

11.Do you learn English by_____________(watch) English-language videos?

12.It’s too hard _____________(understand) the voice.

13.What about ____________(read) the text aloud ?

14.Have you ever___________(study) with a group ?

15.I never study g__________. It’s too boring.

16.He put on his coat and went away q___________ as soon as he heard the ring.

17.I don’t have a p__________ to practice with.

18.He doesn’t know how to increase his reading s__________.

19.You need to practice___________(say) “th” in front of a mirror.

20.Why don’t you __________(listen) to English songs and repeat the difficult words.

21.He has no a__________in that kind of work.

22.The population人口of the world is i_____________ very fast.

23.Lucy pays more ____________(关注)to the news.

24.Do you know the s___________(秘诀)of success ?

25.A good language ____________(learn) should have lots of practice.

答案:1.aloud 2. patient 3. conversations 4. skills 5. expressions 6. pronunciation 7. knowledge 8.chemistry 9. successful 10. textbook 11. watching 12. to understand 13. reading 14. studied 15. grammar 16. quickly 17. partner 18. speed 19. saying 20. listen 21. ability 22. increasing 23. attention 24. secret 25.learner


1.There are many beautiful flowers in the g____________.

2. My uncle is a boss. He went to shanghai on b___________.

3.Anyone who break the laws(法律)will be p___________.

4.My friends give me some p__________ for my birthday.

5. The police caught the thief while he was s___________ money.

6.Santa Claus s___________ love and joy everywhere he goes.

7.Don’t talk to ____________(陌生人)on the way to school.

8.On Mid-Autumn night, families eat mooncakes and __________(欣赏)the moon.

9.Little Tom was so sad because his pet dog was ___________(死亡)。

10.Mr.Brown went to the town to visit his ___________(亲戚)。

11. How heavy is this bag? ----It’s about 25 p___________.

12.Do you usually eat ___________甜食after meals ?

13.Do you prefer ____________music or pop music ?

14.Athena is a well-known ____________of wisdom.

15.Mid-Autumn Festival is one of Chinese t_____________ festivals.

16.It was cold. They went out of room to enjoy the w___________ of the sun.

答案:1. garden 2.business 3. punished 4. presents 5.stealing 6. spreads 7. strangers 8. admire 9. dead 10. relatives 11.pounds 12. desserts 13. folk 14. goddess 15. traditional 16. warmth


1.Can you tell me where the ___________(洗手间)are ?

2.He lived in a town b___________ the sea.

3.Excuse me, how much is a ___________(明信片)to France?

4. P____________ me, did I tread on your foot, Miss?

5.She went into the b___________ and took a shower.

6.My husband is a s___________ collector.

7.I s___________that he put an advertisement in the local paper.

8.The train leaves the ___________(中央的)station at 14:15.

9.The river flows through the city from e___________to west.

10.Do not r__________ or you may have an accident.

11.Could you please tell me you e-mail a__________?

12.Do you know how to ask for d___________ in big cities?

13.The shopping center is near my house. It’s c___________ to get to.

14.I found a wallet at a street c___________.

15.He ___________(建议)we go to the museum.

16.He likes collecting ____________(邮票)。

17.I have to r___, or maybe I will be late for the class.

18.Does he think people would help him if he asks for help p___________?

19.The teacher taught the students to get the c____________ answer.

20.There are many important reasons why the u___________ is safer than the overground railways.

答案:1.washrooms 2.beside 3.postcard 4.Pardon 5.bathroom 6.stamp 7.suggested 8.central 9.east 10.rush 11.address 12.directions 13.convenient 14.corner 15.suggests 16.stamps 17.rush 18.politely 19.correct 20.underground
