综合教程IIUnit 4 综合训练配套练习

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解析:限定词+形状+颜色+材料+中心词。 选B。
1. She carried on reading, seemingly quite
_u_n_a_w__a_r_e__ of the other people sitting around her.
2. McGrath accused the government of
解析: 句意为:你爱你的独生儿子,溺爱 他,以至于你伤害了他。含有责备的语气, 用进行时。
9. A new TV series ____ handicapped children that they can and should think about career development.
A. have taught B. teaches
3. He naughty boy! He ____ where he leaves his things.
A. always forgets B. will always forget C. is always forgetting D. has always forgotten
解析:一般现在时和always,constantly等词 一起用,含有谴责、埋怨、责怪之意。意为 “老是”
2. The doctor ____ the little girl’s pulse. He says it feels normal.
A. feels
B. is feeling
C. has been felt D. is felt
解析:feel one’s pulse 意为“把脉”。医生正 在给小女孩的把脉。他说脉搏很正常。
A. presented B. presenting C. present D. to present
解析:present在这里为形容词,意为“在场的,出 席的”,作宾语补足语。
13. ____ have paid attention to this matter. A. The authorities concerned B. The concerned authorities C. The authorities concerning D. The concerning authorities
4. 句型 It’s been+一段时间+since+状语从句
It has been three months since he moved to the city.
5. 句型:一段时间+has passed + since + 状语从 句
Three months has passed since we left school.
Unit 4 Exercise
1. Mr. White works with a chemical import and export company, but he ____ for this industrial fair, since he is on leave.
A. has worked
A. is … exist B. are … exist C. is … exists D. are … exists
解析:句意为:虽然医学证据表明,艾滋病不是通过 偶然接触传染的,但仍然存在感染的恐惧,这对那些 仅仅怀疑患有这种疾病的人造成了不必要的偏见。
11. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ____ comfortable.
C. teach
D. were taught
解析:一部新的电视连续剧教导残疾儿童,他 们可以并且也应该考虑职业发展。
10. Although medical evidence shows that AIDS ____ not transmitted by casual contact, there still ____ fear of infection, which has caused unwarranted prejudice against even those merely suspected of having the disease.
A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn
解析:句意:这款由经验丰富的工匠制作的 眼镜戴起来很舒适。wear等感官动词与形容 词连用,含被动意义。
12. The old man was pleased at seeing so many people ____.
解析:这里用现在进行时,表示事情实际上 已经发生。意为“你这是在自找麻烦”。
7. Jack ____ a tough time at the office at the moment and he ____ about fifty cigarettes a day!
A. is having, is smoking B. is having, smokes
5. Henry, I ____ you, it is your fault. A. will tell B. told C. have told D. am telling
解析:I am telling you 意为“我跟你说”,有 生气,谴责之意。
6. If you climb the mountains in such bad weather, you ____ trouble. A. ask for B. have asked for C. will ask for D. are asking for
4. Those who have applied for the post ____ in the office.
A. are being interviewed B. are interviewing
C. interviewing
D. to be interviewing
解析: 缺谓语,且应为被动语态“正在接受 面试”,选A。
co_m__p_l_ac_e_n_c_y_ in allowing the crisis to develop.
3. Because of the heavy rains many parts of the
countryside are only _a_c_c_es_s_i_b_le__ by boat. (access)
B. works
C. has been working D. is working
考查动词的时态。本题选择现在进行时表示“临时、 暂时做某事”。句意为:怀特先生在一家化工进出 口公司工作,但是他这个工业博览会工作,因为他 在休假。
1. 接时间点:(延续性动词) I have lived in this country since 1994. 2. 接一段时间+ago (延续性动词) They have lived in that house since two years ago. 3. 接时间状语从句:主句谓现在完成时(延续性)+从 句谓一般过去时(终止性动词) I have loved her since I met her.
4. Many anti-capitalists are opposed to _g_lo_b_a_l_iz_a_t_io_n___. (global)
5. The figure they give you is only an a_p_p_ro_x_i_m_a_t_i_on_ of the total amount, but it’ll give you a good idea. (approximately)
C. has, is smoking
D. has, smokes
解析:at the moment 表示目前,现阶段,用 进行时。
8. You love your only son and indulge him so much that you ____ him harm.
A. are doing B. have done C. will have done D. are going to do
解析:县官行令宴国才。beautiful为观点词,放在最前, little为形状大小,次之,yellow在颜色,再次之。选D。
15. He bought ____ from the antique shop. A. an old round rosewood table B. a round old rosewood table C. an old rosewood round table D. rosewood old round table
解 析 : 这 里 的 concernБайду номын сангаасd 只 能 放 在 名 词 后 面 做 定语,意为“有关的,相关的”。
14. He thought he had lost his ____ for good. However, he found his pillow already taken by the dog when he entered the room. A. beautiful yellow little dog B. yellow beautiful little dog C. little yellow beautiful dog D. beautiful little yellow dog