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湿地是地球上自然生态系统的重要组成部分,是自然界生物多样性最丰富的生态景观和人类 最重要的生存环境之一。湿地与人类的生存、繁衍、发展息息相关,在抵御洪水、调节径流、蓄 洪防旱、降解污染、调节气候、防止土壤侵蚀、美化环境等方面具有其它生态系统不可替代的作 用。湿地因具有巨大的水文和元素循环功能,被誉为“地球之肾”,受到世界的广泛关注,已逐渐 成为国内外生态学、地理学等学科研究的重点。 七里海湿地保护区位于天津市宁河县西南部,是国家级古海岸与湿地自然保护区的重要组成 部分,也是世界三大著名古海岸之一。其中,古牡蛎滩形成于距今 7000-2000 年间,其完整性、 清晰性和典型性在国际上罕见, 真实记录了天津古海岸的演变历程, 是世界三大著名贝壳堤之一, 对于追索天津滨海平原的成陆史、天津及我国东部沿海的海陆变迁,研究国家海洋、第四纪地质 以及新构造运动具有极重要的科学价值。随着城市化进程的加快,人们片面地追求经济利益,保 护区周边村组盲目开发利用,加之环境污染和不合理的开发利用等多种原因,导致七里海湿地保 护区面积逐渐缩小, 湿地质量逐步降低, 生物产量明显减少。 现在, 七里海湿地保护区萎缩到 5600 多 hm2,如不及时对湿地进行系统性的保护规划,恢复湿地景观,就面临着消亡的局面。如何在 城市化过程中合理保护湿地,如何对七里海湿地进行整体性的保护规划,是当前迫切需要解决的 问题。 论文通过对国内外湿地保护理论进行分析研究,以七里海湿地保护区为研究对象,运用景观 生态学及景观生态规划理论对七里海湿地保护区进行了现状调查,并通过层次分析法(AHP)对保 护区进行生态综合评价,在此基础上对七里海湿地保护区进行系统性的保护规划,通过合理的规 划对保护区进行保护,恢复湿地面积,恢复生物多样性,探索城市发展与湿地保护之间矛盾的解 决方法,为其它湿地景观规划研究与保护提供参考。 研究结果表明: (1)由于城市化进程的加快和人类长期高强度的开发利用,七里海湿地保护区的湿地面积 已经不断减少,由建国初期的 10800hm2 减少到现在的 5600 多 hm2。 (2)七里海湿地保护区的生态环境演变导致了湿地的生物多样性降低、景观日趋单一、生 态环境功能不断减弱等一系列生态环境问题,遗迹资源也遭到了不同程度的破坏。 (3)通过层次分析法对七里海湿地保护区的综合评价指数 CEI 为 0.52,表明湿地生态现状 为较差水平,综合评价体系中对七里海湿地生态环境影响最大的是湿地生态服务功能(权重为 0.4973) , 其次是湿地生态保护功能 (权重为 0.3239) , 最后是湿地生态资源评价 (权重为 0.2019) 。 (4)对七里海湿地保护区受破坏原因分析表明,七里海湿地保护区周边的居民对湿地的保 护意识差,当地政府片面追求经济利益和政绩,缺少对七里海湿地整体上的生态保护规划和恢复 计划是保护区遭受破坏的主要原因,据此,对七里海湿地保护区进行了整体性的生态保护及生态 恢复规划,规划将七里海湿地定位为天津市重要的生态涵养地,即“天津之肺”,并划分为重点保 护区、生态恢复区、湿地展示区、休闲体验区、商贸物流区、服务管理区等六个功能区。将整个 保护区分为三个圈层对七里海湿地保护区进行生态恢复规划,提出退养还湖、清淤浚深、污染治 理、恢复植被等是恢复七里海湿地保护区原有生态服务功能的有效措施。
学位申请人:丁世坤 指 导 教 师 :成克武 副教授 校 外 导 师 :樊路英 高级工程师 学 位 名 称 :风景园林硕士 研究领域: 授 予 单 位 :河北农业大学 答 辩 日 期 :二〇一二年十二月一日
பைடு நூலகம்
分类号: K 903 密 级: 公 开
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Postgraduate:Shikun Ding Speciality: landscape ecology Superviser:Cheng Kewu Associate Professor
Wetlands are an important part of the natural ecosystem in the Earth, the most important is the nature, the most biologically diverse ecological landscape and human living environment. Wetlands and human survival, reproduction, and development is closely related to regulating runoff against floods, flood storage and drought prevention, degradation of pollution, regulating climate, prevent soil erosion, landscaping has the irreplaceable role of the other ecosystems. The wetlands has huge hydrological elements circulatory function, known as the "kidney of the earth" by the widespread concern in the world, has gradually become the focus of the study of domestic and international disciplines, such as biology, geography. Qilihai Wetland Reserve is located in Tianjin Ninghe southwest, is an important part of the national ancient coastal and wetland nature reserve, also the world's three most famous one of the ancient coast. Among them, the ancient oyster Beach formation between 7000-2000 years ago, its integrity, clarity and typical international rare, a true record of the Evolution of the Ancient Coast, is the world's three famous chenier one for chase the history of cable Tianjin Coastal Plain into land and sea changes, Tianjin and China's eastern coastal State marine Quaternary geology and tectonic movement have a very important scientific value. With the accelerated process of urbanization, it is one-sided pursuit of economic interests protected areas surrounding village and blind development and utilization, combined with environmental pollution and irrational development and utilization of a variety of reasons, gradually narrowing the lead to the Qilihai wetland conservation area, the quality of the wetlands gradually reduce the biological yield was significantly reduced. , Qilihai Wetland Reserve now shrinking to more than 5600 ha, if not systematic conservation planning on wetlands, restore wetlands landscape, facing the demise of the situation. How the process of urbanization in the reasonable protection of wetlands, Qilihai wetland integrity protection planning is an urgent need to solve the problem. By theoretical analysis of the domestic and international wetland conservation, Qilihai Wetland Reserve study, the use of landscape ecology and landscape ecology planning theory Qilihai Wetland Reserve Survey, and through the analytic hierarchy method (AHP) Ecological Comprehensive Assessment of protected areas, systematic conservation planning Qilihai wetland reserve on this basis, by rational planning of protected areas to protect and restore the wetland area and restore biodiversity, and to explore the urban development and wetland protection The contradictions between the solution and provide a reference for other wetland landscape planning research and conservation. The results showed that: (1) due to the acceleration of the process of urbanization and human development and utilization of long-term high-intensity, Qilihai Wetland Reserve wetland area has been declining by reduce the the 10800hm2 of the early days to over 5600 ha. (2) the the Qilihai Wetland Reserve ecological environment evolution led to the wetlands reduced
(5)通过对七里海湿地保护区生态保护研究表明,城市周边的湿地对城市生态环境调节具 有极其重要的作用,同时也极易遭到破坏。在城市发展过程中如何保护湿地资源要着重考虑生态 优先、综合规划、解决权属问题、避免过度开发等几方面的问题。
Research on the ecological protection of Qilihai Wetland reserve in Tianjin
单位代码: 10086 学 号: Z2009172
Research on the ecological protection of Qilihai Wetland reserve in Tianjin
学位申请人:丁世坤 指 导 教 师 :成克武 副教授 校 外 导 师 :樊路英 高级工程师 学 位 名 称 :风景园林硕士 研究领域: 授 予 单 位 :河北农业大学 答 辩 日 期 :二〇一二年十二月一日