20 世纪上半叶中国服装造型结构变化的文化探析

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The Cultural Analysis for the Structure Designing Changes of Chinese Garment in the First Half of

the Twentieth Century







中 文 摘 要







The Cultural Analysis for the Structure Designing Changes of Chinese Garment in the First Half of the

Twentieth Century


The first half of the twentieth century is a period that Chinese nation experienced much disaster. From the structure designing of the garment, the profound and basic changes that different from the traditional can be seen clearly. On the one hand, these changes come from the trend of era. Western modern civilization forced it to change. Objectively, the modernization development of our country is brought up at the same time. On the other hand, because of the traditional constraint that made the structure designing of the garment compromise with new and old, Chinese and foreign, but a little Chinese characteristics elements also be preserved. These reflects are as follows: garment shape’s development is form long and wide to short and fit, human outline can be seen more and more clearly and that made the curve beauty expression; garment structure lines’ variation is from straight to curve and cutting pattern’s variation is from full wafer to slicing; garment process’s sewing is from hand to machine, traditional manual sewing technology such as beset, embedded, rolling, embroidery and so on are more and more concise.

From the cultural perspective of the garment, it can be seen that the variation of the structure designing is corresponding to the age situation closely. The elements of the regime change of politics in the first half of the twentieth century, the social thoughts’ emergence, folk customs’ change, etc are the reason for it. This paper’s analysis focus on three aspects: First, in the perspective of system, the disintegration of the traditional garment model is discussed; Second, in the perspective of ideological, the westernization of garment style is discussed; Last, in the perspective of folk customs, the diversification of garment culture is also discussed.

Key words: Twentieth century; Garment: Structure designing; Cultural elements

Written by Sunzhiqin

Supervised by zhugekai
