5FIP 猫传染性腹膜炎

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Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

 BSH, 11 months, male neutered

英国短毛猫,11个月,雄性去势 presenting complaints 主诉

- more quiet since 3 weeks, now very lethargic



intermittend fever, weight loss, thoracic effusion 间歇热,体重下降,胸腔渗出



caused by a feline coronavirus (FCoV)

by chance mutation 变异

⇒ d eletion in the 3C or 7B gene

3C 或7B 基因的缺失

not at the same location 移位

⇒ a bility to bind to ribosomes in macrophages 能结合到巨噬细胞核糖体上

⇒ r eplication in macrophages


=> FIP 猫传染性腹膜炎

Herrewegh et al., 1995; Vennema et al., 1995 How does FIP develop? FIP 如何发生?

increased intestinal virus replication

肠道病毒复制的增强 => increased risk of mutation 增加了病毒变异的风险 factors influencing replication 影响复制的因素 - y oung age 年龄较小 - genetic predisposition (feline leukocyte antigen complex?) 遗传因素(猫白细胞抗原合成物?) - compromised immune system 免疫抑制

- virulence of the virus 病毒毒力

- amount of virus 病毒量 - re-infection rate in multiple cat households 多猫家庭的反复感染几率

Why do only some cats develop FIP? 为什么仅有一部分猫会发传染性腹膜炎?

feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)猫传染性腹膜炎 - common disease 常见疾病

- frequent reason for referral:就医常见原因: approximately 1 of every 200

new feline cases presented to

American Veterinary Teaching Hospitals Rohrbach et al., 2001


How important is FIP? FIP 有多重要?

cats with FIP 患传染性腹膜炎的猫 659 cats (1979 – 2007) 659只猫(1979-2007) diagnosis confirmed by histopathology and/or immunohistochemical staining 通过病理组织学和(或)免疫组化染色确诊 control group 对照组 11582 cats (2000 – 2007) 11582只猫(2000-2007) clinic population 临床患者数量

Retrospective study (1997 – 2007) 回顾性研究(1997-2007)



 BSH, 11 months, male neutered

英国短毛猫,11 个月,雄性

M presenting complaints 主诉

- more quiet since 3 weeks, now very lethargic


- intermittend fever, weight loss, thoracic effusion 间歇性地发热,体重下降,胸部有渗出


diagnosis of FIP 1. clinical signs 临床症状

2. laboratory values 实验室检查 a) CBC/serum chemistry 全血细胞计数/血清生化 b) effusion analysis 渗出液的分析

c) CSF analysis 脑脊液分析 3. antibody detection 抗体检测 a) blood 血液 b) effusion 渗出液

c) CSF 脑脊液

4. PCR

a) blood 血液 b) effusion 渗出液

c) CSF 脑脊液

d) feces 排泄物 5. antigen antibody complex 抗原抗体复合物 6. antigen detection 抗原检测 a) effusion 渗出液 b) tissue 组织液

7. Histology 组织学检查

488 cats with FIP 488只患传染性腹膜炎的猫 diagnosis confirmed by histopatholog


control groups (630 cats) 对照组(630只猫)

cats suspected to have FIP (other diagnosis confirmed) 疑似传染性腹膜炎的猫(其他方法确诊)

1.cats with effusion 有渗出的猫(766) FIP prevalence 0.51 FIP 患病率有51% cats with FIP 传染性腹膜炎的猫 391 cats with other diseases 其他疾病的猫 375

2. cats without effusion 无渗出的猫(342) FIP prevalence 0.28 FIP 患病率有28% cats with FIP 传染性腹膜炎的猫 97 cats with other diseases 其他疾病的猫 245

Hartmann et al., 2003 Retrospective study (1979 – 2000) 回顾性研究
