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彰化縣為台灣重要之自行車產業生產基地,縣內業者並有多家為全球市場領導 者,而縣內自行車道系統不僅完整、深具特色,且自行車騎乘風氣盛行。參 與「設置自行車主題園區概念規劃」邀圖,將國際間在自行車運動、休閒、產 業、科技等主題性空間規劃設計概念提出,形成具創意的空間方案,以做為彰 化縣府推動園區未來建設的平台。
Essential to the well being of a city is the health of its residents. The Parc provides a place to play, motivate, encourage exploration, provide learning, and promote interactions among different age groups, users and family members, all centered round the bicycle.
4 總平面圖 MASTER PLAN 示意性總平面圖 Illustrative Master Plan 剖面 Sections 圖表 Diagrams
5 重點區域 DETAILED AREAS 入口廣場 Arrival Plaza 博覽園區 EXPO 探索區 The X Factors 創新研發基地+自行車學校 Research and Development Center 自然探索 Nature’s Challenge 大草坪 The Big Green
3. Nowadays the bicycle goes beyond its traditional role as a transportation tool. It represents a quality, healthy and recreational lifestyle, creating new market for the bicycle and recreation industries and enabling city dwellers to enjoy leisure life. Taiwan government authorities are promoting the Bicycle Culture and planning bicycle paths construction. Bicycle lanes which have been occupied by other use will be resumed; some vehicle lanes will be designated for bicycle use; the European practice of combining bicycle lane and sidewalk will also help to expand bikers’ space.
1.Bicycles are the first transportation tool widely used since industrialization. As its name indicates, a bicycle has two wheels which is comparatively simple in structure yet varied thus able to march forward and satisfy other purposes. Early bicycles were completely for dandies or competition with limited production due to technological constraints. Following development of industrial technology and mechanics theory, bicycles become the most suitable tool for people. In recent years, concepts such as professional, recreational and high-tech bicycles have been introduced and bicycles start to be more different in terms of shape, style and material used.
To this end, the Parc is a challenging, exciting, and relaxing place with manmade lumps and bumps, forests and green, splashes and inevitable crashes. Everyone will explore their potential and find the cheek (daring) in every jump, roll and spin. It will be a:
6 公共空間元素 PUBLIC REALM ELEMENTS 材料 Materials 傢俱 Furnishing 標識 Signage 照明 Lighting
願 景 the vision
城市的核心要素是居民的身心健康。本專案透過營造以自行車為主題的公園,為人們提供 一個運動、學習的場所,激發人們的探索趣味,促進不同年齡群體之間和家庭成員之間的 互動。公園將為彰化本地居民提供一個親人尺度的週末活動場所,同時使當地環境和文化 特徵得以保存。
目錄 contents
2 項目概要
History of the Bicycle
Site Positioning
Site Analysis
3 設計原則 DESIGN PRINCIPLES 設計方法 Design Approach 環境設計方法 Environmental Approach 設計元素 Design Components
history of the bicycle
Chang-Hua County is the most important bike manufacturing base in Taiwan and there are globally-leading manufacturers in this area. Inside the county boundary, the bike route system is comprehensive with local distinguishing feature and biking is very popular. This presentation aims to provide innovative proposals and planning concepts on themed spaces such as sports, recreation, industry and technology, thus providing a platform for Chang-Hua County government to realize the project in future.
for the CHEEKY KID on By bringing the people, their beliefs and ingenuity together, we enable a graffiti artist to be inspired by biologists, manufacturers to study the latest moves of the dancing bikes, and grandparents to spend quality time with a grandchild
1. 自行車是人類進入工業社會以來的第一個交通工具,所以自行車的發展及 功能,雖然是兩個輪子,卻能有許多變化滿足各種需求,且達到行進的目的。 世界早期發展自行車,由於工業技術並不發達,最初完全是為了炫耀及競賽, 進而慢慢發展為適合一般民眾騎乘的交通士具,隨著工業技術的發展與機械相 關理論的進步完善,自行車除了上述功能的多樣化之外,近幾年更導入專業、 休聞與科技的概念,在整體造型上因材質的不同,亦呈現不同的風貌。 2. 台灣自行車產業經過數十年的蓬勃發展,經歷從無到有、從以往追踩求量的 中低階自行車產品製造王圈,成為今日全球最重要的高級自行車重要供應基地 之一。 此外,台灣自行車產業界也由不斷的產品研發與創新,已經由追求「 量的委託製造 的主要經營模式,轉型成為「新功能、新材質、新用途之具有高 附加價值的高階產品 的研發墓地,在全球自行車工業分工體系中已扮演重要角 色。 3. 自行車不僅是交通代步的工具,更是優質、健康、休闊的生活方式,為開拓 台灣內部市場及觀光休閒產業,使都市人更重視休閒生活。 目前政府大力推 動自行車文化,並協助及興建自行車專用道。希望把過去被佔據的自行車專用 道回復,或是將部份機車專用道撥出來,或是如歐洲地區採行與人行道並存的 方式,擴大自行車愛用者的空間。 並在北部、中部、南部、東部地區都有區域性的自車專用道的規劃建置,未來 只要花一點費用串連起來,就是完整的自行車網路,可以塑造台灣成為[自行車 島]。 這項建設台灣成為「自行車島」的想法已獲得政府的支持及共識, 目前國內自 行車的騎車人數正在快速增加中。 近年來,政府基於交通、環保、健康及觀 光休憩等考量,大力闢建自行車專用道,行政院更於91年起將「全國自行車道 系統計畫」納入「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,從「地方性路網」、「區域 性路網」 及「環島性路網」逐步建構完整的全島運動休問自行車道系統,鼓勵 民眾從事正當休閒活動,促進運動發展推動,提供完肇休聞自行車活動. 而本 項目是位於自行車主要的生產基地, 設置主題。 自行車園區規劃也希望能將大型自行車賽場, 研究展畫, 休閒体驗佈置於園區 之中。更能寓教娛樂, 將台灣自行車文化發揚光大。
The Parc offers a unique opportunity to create a space on a human scale which can accommodate the weekend activities of the people in Chang Hua while preserving the environmental and cultural character of the land.
2. In several deБайду номын сангаасades, Taiwan bicycle industry has evolved from assembly factories to a medium-low end bicycle manufacturing kingdom and then to one of the most significant global supplying base of high-end bicycles. In addition, the industry’s operating pattern has transformed from OEM to production of bicycles of higher value-added due to R&D efforts to explore bicycles’ new function, material, and use.
鐵馬 頑童
Parc for the CHEEKY KID on an IRON HORSE
Chang Hua Bicycle Theme Park Master Plan
APRIL 2009
公園將被打造成一個充滿挑戰、激動人心且放鬆的場所,其間設計有人工溝坎、樹林與綠 景、自行車彈躍著地點以及必需的碰撞空間。在這裡,人們能夠充分發揮自己的潛能,在 每一次起跳、擺動和旋轉中發現自己的勇氣。因此,公園將成為“青少年勇敢騎乘鐵馬的 樂園”。
彰化自行車主題公園將吸引不同的人群,他們的信條和獨創性將發生有益的碰撞,從而畫 家能夠因體悟生態之美而頓生靈感,自行車生產商能夠研究花樣自行車的最新動向,老人 與他們的孫子女們能夠在此度過一段快樂的時光。