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制度层面的吸收:立法维度 制度层面的吸收:
从GATT1947到GATT1994 GATT1947到 GATT1994 1、GATT1947(不包括《临时适用议定书》) GATT1947(不包括《临时适用议定书》 2、与关税减让相关的议定书和核准书 3、加入议定书(不包括祖父条款) 加入议定书(不包括祖父条款) 4、在1995年1月1日仍然有效的关于豁免的决定 1995年 5、GATT1947缔约方全体的其他决定 GATT1947缔约方全体的其他决定 6、乌拉圭回合谈判达成的6个《谅解》 乌拉圭回合谈判达成的6 谅解》 7、《1994年关税与贸易总协定马拉喀什议定书》 1994年关税与贸易总协定马拉喀什议定书 年关税与贸易总协定马拉喀什议定书》
(WT/DS8/R, 11 July 1996, para.6.10. ) WT/DS8 1996, para. 10.
制度层面的吸收:司法维度 制度层面的吸收:
上诉机构的意见 “Generally, in international law, the essence of subsequent practice in interpreting a treaty has been recognized as a "concordant, common and consistent" sequence of acts or pronouncements which is sufficient to establish a discernable pattern implying the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation. interpretation. An isolated act is generally not sufficient to establish subsequent CONTRACTING PARTIES”
1944年 1944年:布雷顿森林会议 1946-1948年 制定《国际贸易组织宪章》 1946-1948年:制定《国际贸易组织宪章》 1947年10月30日 临时适用议定书》 1947年10月30日:《临时适用议定书》
《关税与贸易总协定》 关税与贸易总协定》 (GATT) 的由来
GATT先天的不足 GATT先天的不足
主要宗旨: 主要宗旨:贸易自由化
指导思想:原则上禁止除关税( 指导思想:原则上禁止除关税(数量限 补贴)以外的限制贸易的手段, 制、补贴)以外的限制贸易的手段,并 通过谈判削减之,但允许有条件例外。 通过谈判削减之,但允许有条件例外。
(WT/DS8/AB/R, 4 October 1996, pp.14-16. ) WT/DS8 1996, pp.14-16.
制度层面的吸收:司法维度 制度层面的吸收:
“ 除 本 协 定 和 多 边 贸 易 协 定 项 下 另 有 规 定 外 , WTO 应 以 GATT 1947缔约方全体和在GATT 1947框架内设立的机构 1947缔约方全体和在 缔约方全体和在GATT 1947框架内设立的机构 所遵循的决定、程序和惯例为指导。 所遵循的决定、程序和惯例为指导。”
第二讲 关税与贸易总协定
——前WTO的多边贸易体制 ——前WTO的多边贸易体制
《关税与贸易总协定》(GATT) 的由来 关税与贸易总协定》 GATT概况 GATT概况 GATT与世界贸易组织 GATT与世界贸易组织(WTO)的关系 与世界贸易组织(WTO)的关系
《关税与贸易总协定》 关税与贸易总协定》 (GATT) 的由来
(《WTO协定》第2条第2款 ) WTOLeabharlann Baidu定 协定》 条第2
“The preamble of the WTO Agreement -- which informs not only the GATT 1994, but also the other covered agreements 1994, --explicitly acknowledges "the objective of sustainable --explicitly development ” (WT/DS58/AB/R, 12 October 1998, para.129. ) (WT/DS58/AB/R, 1998, para.129. “We do not consider that the mere absence of the word "substitutable" in Article 6.2 of the ATC renders our interpretation of the term "directly competitive" under Article III:2 of the GATT 1994 irrelevant in terms of its III: contextual significance for the interpretation of that term under Article 6.2 of the ATC. ” ATC.
关税大幅降低 体制逐渐成型
法纪松弛 范围局限 组织缺位
GATT与世界贸易组织 GATT与世界贸易组织(WTO) 与世界贸易组织(WTO) 的关系
从场所角度来看: 从场所角度来看:被取代
从组织层面上来讲: 从组织层面上来讲:被取代
从制度层面来看: 从制度层面来看:被吸收
制度层面的吸收:司法维度 制度层面的吸收:
“ the decisions to adopt panel reports under Article XXIII of the GATT 1947 were different from joint action by the CONTRACTING PARTIES under Article XXV of the GATT 1947. ” 1947. “ Adopted panel reports are an important part of the GATT acquis. acquis. They are often considered by subsequent panels. panels. They create legitimate expectations among WTO Members, and, therefore, should be taken into account where they are relevant to any dispute. However, they are not binding, dispute. except with respect to resolving the particular dispute between the parties to that dispute. ” dispute.
(WT/DS192/AB/R, 8 October 2001, para.94. )
制度层面的吸收:司法维度 制度层面的吸收:
GATT专家组报告的指导作用 GATT专家组报告的指导作用
“ The Panel noted that other GATT and WTO panels
have interpreted Article III and that panel reports adopted by the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES and the WTO Dispute Settlement Body constitute subsequent practice in a specific case by virtue of the decision to adopt them. Article 1(b)(iv) of GATT 1994 provides them. institutional recognition that adopted panel reports constitute subsequent practice. Such reports are an practice. integral part of GATT 1994, since they constitute “other 1994, decisions of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947” 1947”. ”
(1948(1948-1994) 基本架构: 基本架构:
GATT文本(38条 GATT文本(38条) 文本 相关议定书和决定
与关税减让相关的议定书和核准书 加入议定书 关于豁免的决定 GATT缔约方全体的其他决定
1979年的 1979年的9个《守则》 年的9 守则》
赵维田著: 世贸组织(WTO)的法律制度》 赵维田著:《世贸组织(WTO)的法律制度》, 吉林人民出版社, 吉林人民出版社,2000 GATT Basic Instruments and Selected Documents, BISD Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Index: Practice, updated 6th edition, WTO and Bernan Press, 1995 关贸总协定法律及实务指南》 上海人民出版社, 《关贸总协定法律及实务指南》,上海人民出版社, 2004 Robert E. Hudec, Essays on the Nature of International Trade Law, Cameron May Ltd, 1999
制度层面的吸收:司法维度 制度层面的吸收:
GATT1947的 上下文” context) GATT1947的 “上下文”(context) 功能
“附件1、附件2和附件3所列协定及相关法律文件(下称“多边 附件1 附件2和附件3所列协定及相关法律文件(下称“ 贸易协定” 为本协定的组成部分,对所有成员具有约束力。 贸易协定”) 为本协定的组成部分,对所有成员具有约束力。”
(《WTO协定》第16条第1款 ) WTO协定 协定》 16条第 条第1
“Article XVI:1 of the WTO Agreement and paragraph XVI: 1(b)(iv) of the language of Annex 1A incorporating the GATT 1994 into the WTO Agreement bring the legal history and experience under the GATT 1947 into the new realm of the WTO in a way that ensures continuity and consistency in a smooth transition from the GATT 1947 system. This affirms the importance to the system. Members of the WTO of the experience acquired by the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT 1947 -- and acknowledges the continuing relevance of that experience to the new trading system served by the WTO. WTO. ” (WT/DS8/AB/R, 4 October 1996, p.14. ) WT/DS8 1996, 14.