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• The design is without controversy the best,we should make a careful study of it. • 这项设计无可争辩是最好的,我们应仔细加 以研究。 • It’s your pen,I found it on the playground • 这是你的钢笔,我在操场上找到的。 • He is playing football now,we all see him. • 他在踢足球,我们都看见了。
• 二、it做形式主语,要省译 • It做形式主语时,本身不指任何事物,只在句 子结构上代替真实主语,维护句子结构完整 • It is not so easy to get iron from its ore. • 从铁矿石中提炼铁不是那么容易的。 • It’s no use quarrelling now. • 现在争论是没用的。 • It was the blue car that passed over the bridge. • 正是那辆蓝色的汽车驶过了那座桥 • 强调句都译成“正是…”
• 三、It一般用法是指人以外的其他生物 或事物,但作主语指人,要省译。 • Who is it? It’s me. • 是谁呀?是我。 • Is it Mr. Wong? No, it is Dr.Green. • 是王先生吗?不,,是格林先生
• 四、人称代词作主语,有时要省译 • 汉语的习惯是前面有个主语,后句仍为同一主 语,就不必重复出现。而英语中通常每句都有 主语,因此人称代词作主语往往多次出现 • 翻译时为了使译文前后句子意思紧凑,避免用 词重复,或者为了使译文前后句中的主语能清 楚地表示出来,就可按原意来省译人称代词主 语。 • After they had entered the school, they went into the library. • 他们入校后进了图书馆.
• 汉语重意合,其上下逻辑关系常常是暗含的 ,连接词用的不多,英语重形合,强调句子 结构的完整和严密,连接词用的多。英译汉 时很多情况下可不把连接词译出来。 • (一)省略表并列的连接词 • The sun is bright,and the sky is clear. • 阳光灿烂,晴空万里。 (重复法) • Mr.Green is good-looking and gentleman-like • 格林先生风度翩翩,彬彬有礼(重复法)
• They will do their best to build a school for the blind,the deaf and the dumb. • 他们将尽力为盲人和聋哑人建一所学校。 • The object can fall no faster because it has reached its terminal speed. • 因为这个物体已达极限速度,它不会降落得 更快了。 • Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead,her face was short,her upper lip short,showing a glint of
1、主语的省译 2、宾语的省译 3、定语的省译 4、连接词的省译 5、冠词的省译 6、介词的省译 7、其他
• If winter comes,can spring be far behind? • 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? • 和其他事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。省译 法(也叫减译法)是增译法的反面。 • 以同一个译例来说,英译汉如用增译法,汉译 英应用省译法。 • 省译法的原则:原文中有些词在译文中不译 出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或在 译 文中是不言而喻的;换言之,省译法是 删去一些可有可无的或累赘或违背原文习惯表
• He put his hands into his pocket, and shrugged his shoulders. • 他把手插进口袋,耸了耸肩。 • These developing countries cover vast territories,encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. • 这些发展中国家土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰 富(地大物博,人口众多) • I can do it, and so can you. • 我可以做,你也可以。 • He looked gloomy and troubled. • 他看上去焦虑不安。 (重复法)
• (二)省略原因状语从句的连词。 • We stayed at home as the weather was too cold outside. • 天气太冷了,我们呆在家里。 • He didn’t come to the class as he still run a fever. • 他发烧了,没有来上课 • I have to give up this chance to make further study since I’m short of money now
• It is the U.S. that is distorting and perverting the “Geneva spirit”. • 正是美国在歪曲颠倒“日内瓦精神”。 • It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate. • 她关上园门时,已是暮色苍茫。 • It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. • 只有肤浅的人才会以貌取人。
• 英语中用人称代词作宾语,如果汉译后显 出它在句中是个多余的词,可以省译。 • The industrial waste gases are harmful to us and we should by all means remove them. • 工业废气对我们是有害的,应尽力排除。 • You must excuse me,I shall not speak of the matter again. • 请你原谅,我不会再提那件事了。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
• 一般来说,物主代词做定语,应省译, 但在译文中须明显地包含它的意思。 • I have just completed my fiftieth year. • 我刚满五十岁 • He put on his coat and hat and went to a chemist’s shop. • 他穿上外衣,戴上帽子,到药店去了。 • The driver suddenly got into a panic and stopped his car.
• A well-known characteristic of light Is that it travels in straight lines. 光的一个人尽皆知的特性是直线传播。 John Dalton left for London as soon as he received the letter from his mother. 约翰一收到母亲的信就立即赶赴伦敦。 He has a lot of interesting ideas, but he only put a few into practice.
• (三)省略条件句的连接词 • If you write to him,the response would be absolute silence and void. • 写信给他,总是石沉大海。 • If you don’t bring the map,you’ll get lost. • 不带地图是会迷路的。 • If I had known it,I would not have joined it. • 早知如此,我就不参加了。 • If it rains tomorrow,I will stay at home.
• We think it necessary that you should join us in the work. • 我们认为你参与我们的工作是必要的 • He has received your letter and read it with delight. • 他收到了你的信,很高兴地读了。
• 一般来说,句子的主语是要译出来的, 但有时为了使译文前后词句意思紧凑, 避免用词重复或者为了使译文前后句子主语 能清楚表达出来,就要省译主语。 • 一、It做主语指时间、距离、自然现象,省译 • What time is it? 几点了It is half past four. It is a long way from here to the zoo.从这里 • It’s a bit warm today,isn’t it?今天有点 暖和是吗 • It is time to learn how to protect environment.是该…的时候了
• (四)省略表时间的连接词 • 由于汉语表达事物先后顺序明显,表时间关 系的连接词如when和as翻译的时候可以省 略 • When it is dark in the east,it is light in the west;when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north. • 东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方。 • Sunday is the day when I am least busy.
• 英语句子中被省译的宾语,通常是由代词 表示,汉语为避免用词重复,使文句简洁,会把 多余的宾语省译。 一、it作形式宾语要省译 It作形式宾语本身不指任何事物,只在句子结构 上起宾语作用,代替后面的真实宾语,要省译 Jack make it a rule to get up at five o’clock. 杰克定五点钟起床为常规。(习惯了…) The secretary thought it no use writing
他有许多有趣的想法,却只有一些付诸实践 。
有时人称代词作主语表泛指,不能表示 确指某些人,即使是做第一个主语,译文中 也可省略。这种方法在科技文及习语中尤为 常见。 If the ohm is too small a unit,we may employ the kilo-ohm and megohm. 如果欧姆这个单位太小,可以用千欧和兆欧 • We live and learn. • 活到老,学到老 • You can never tell. • 很难说。
• He is a good friend that speaks well Of us behind our backs. 在背后说别人好话的人,才算是好朋友。 Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in New China 新中国处处可以看到新人、新事物。 If you give him an inch, he will take a mile 得寸进尺。