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suspects. 警方已经缩小了嫌疑犯的范围。 ③We _____________ narrowly missed hitting another car. 我们差一点儿撞上另一辆汽车。
活学巧练: (1)河道在这里变窄了。 The river narrows ________ at this point. (2)他对着太阳眯起了眼睛。 against He narrowed __________ his eyes ____________ the sun. (3)当卡车撞到她的汽车时,她险些丧生。 escape when a lorry crashed She had a narrow ________________ into her car.
练习: 1.Banana is native___ Taiwan. A. at B. to C. on D. from (答案B) 2.We should have gone ____ when living with the 来自百度文库ocal people but we ignored. A. native B. natively C. nation D. nationally (答案A)
缩小……的范围 ③narrow down__________________ 把……局限在……之内 ④narrow... to... ____________________ 勉强地;差一点儿;狭隘地 ⑤narrowly adv. ___________________
惜败 be narrowly beaten___________
2) prep. / adv. 接近,靠近(可指距 离 也可指程度)
Don’t sit near the door. 别坐在门口。 He felt near to death. 他觉得快死了。
near, nearby, nearly
nearby adj. / adv. 附近的(多指距离) a nearby village = a village nearby nearly adv. 几乎 他们差点得了头奖。 They nearly won the first prize. nearly, almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”。
adj. 本国的,本地的,土产的
be native to 原产于,是……的天赋 native
The ability to learn language is native to girls.
n. 本地人,土产
He is a native of England. = He is a native Englishman.
nature的基本意思是“大自然,自然界”,包含各种生 物及山脉、河流等一切自然世界,宇宙万物,并包含一 切自然过程,是不可数名词,其前不能加定冠词。
near 1) adj. 近的,密切的,关系近的 in the near future 不远的将来 a near/close relative 近亲 The school is near to the station.
• by nature 就其本质而言,天生地 • in nature 在世界上 in the world
【改错】 \ No human being can change the law of the nature, though they can change their own lives.
朗文在线: ①There are plans to widen the narrowest __________section of the road. 有计划要拓宽这条道路最狭窄的部分。
narrowed down their list of ②The police have _____________
合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘
38.narrow adj.勉强的;狭窄的 narrow .变窄;使变狭窄,使缩小 __________v narrowly adv.勉强地;仔细地 __________
九死一生 ①a narrow escape______________ 险胜/勉强击败 ②narrow victory/ defeat_____________
go native (旅行者等)入乡随俗
他是个土生土长的法国人。 native Frenchman He is a _______ ________ . native of = He is a ________ ___ France ________ . 鱼天生会游泳。 native to ____ fish . The ability to swim is ____ _____
〖07天津〗The final score of the basketball match was 93-94.We were only ________ beaten. A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly
〖答案〗C 〖考点〗考查副词词义辨析。 〖解析〗句意为:篮球比赛最后的比分是93比94。我们 惜败/勉强被打败。nearly几乎;slightly稍微;narrowly勉 强地;险些;lightly轻微地;轻度地。
The performer was waving his stick in the street and it ___ missed the child standing nearby. (上海春) A. narrowly B. nearly C. hardly D. closely
我的国籍是中国。 误:My nationality is China. 正:My nationality is Chinese.