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英格兰银行:无望2009-05-18[2009.05.14] Don't get your hopes up 别给希望加码

The Bank of England's prognosis


Don't get your hopes up


May 14th 2009

From The Economist print edition

Despite signs of improvement the economy still needs intensive care


THE Bank of England’s austere home in Threadneedle Street may not look like a hospital but for the past few months it has been acting like one. As the economic downturn became a full-blown collapse late last year, the central bank’s se nior consultants—its monetary-policy committee—donned their white coats and got to work.


First they put their scalpel to interest rates, slicing them from 5% in early October to an all-time low of 0.5% in March. Not content with that, they switched at once from scalpel to syringe and started to inject money into the economy through “quantitative easing”—buying assets with freshly created central-bank money.


As with the preceding rate cuts, the new treatment has been administered in uncompromisingly big doses. Twice, the Bank of England has surprised the markets with the ambition of its planned purchases. The initial goal it set in March of buying £75 billion ($114 billion) of assets, predominantly gilts held by investors such as insurance companies, was well above expectations. The bank’s deci sion on May 7th to raise that objective to £125 billion, to be completed in three months’ time, was also more than predicted.

与先前的降息一起,新举措使用的是不折不扣的大剂量药物。一连两次,英格兰银行以雄心勃勃的计划收购震惊了市场。其3月份设定的初步目标就远远高于预期——购买750亿英镑(折合1140亿美元)的资产,主要是像保险公司这样的投资者所持有的金边证券。3月7日,又决定将标的升高至1250亿英镑,于3 个月内完成收购,这也比预测的要多。

So is the emergency treatment working? There have been some encouraging signs over the past couple of months. The stockmarket has rallied sharply as investors have regained their nerve and fears about banks going bust have receded. Surveys of businesses and consumers have also picked up, as sentiment has become less negative. High-street sales surged in the year to April (though warmer weather and the timing of Easter exaggerated the growth) and estate agents reported another rise in inquiries from new buyers. With an index of leading indicators for the British economy compiled by the OECD now starting to edge up, hopes are rising that the worst of the recession may be over.


That may be premature, given the pain shown in the latest labour-market figures. The number of jobless looking for work jumped by 244,000 between the last three months of 2008 and the first three of 2009, the biggest rise since 1981. That pushed unemployment up to 2.2m and the jobless rate up from 6.3% to 7.1%, making predictions of eventual peaks of 3m and 10% look increasingly plausible. In another sign of weakness, average earnings fell by 0.4% compared with their level a year ago—the first ever decline in figures going back to 1964, though this was largely because bankers received lower bonuses.


The Bank of England doused much of the rekindled optimism about economic prospects when it presented its quarterly Inflation Report on May 13th. This was even gloomier than the bank’s forecast three months ago (see chart). The new central projection implies that GDP will drop this year by around 4%, compared with 3% in February, and will grow by 1% in 2010 rather than the 2.3% previously predicted.


Despite this unprepossessing outlook, the bank envisages a recovery starting by the end of the year. It will spring from three main sources. First, the economy will be boosted by what Mervyn King, the bank’s governor, describes as an “unprecedented policy stimulus, both monetary and fiscal”.
