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a. 非洲Kilimajaro山上的千里光,b.南美Andes山
(C)Temperature regulation by ectothermic animals The vast majority of animals use external sources of energy to regulate body temperature. Lizard 蜥蜴 — After an hour of sun basking, as
(1)There is a linear relationship between development rate and temperature;
(2)Development is only affected by temperature;
(3)Temperature is constant. Applications of the equation:
(a) Temperature and performance at the molecular level
Enzyme-substrate affinity (亲和力)
Enzyme activity
(b) Extreme temperature and photosynthesis
Black bean aphid at 15℃
Black bean aphids at 30℃
(D)Adaptations to temperature Acclimation: Physiological changes in response to environmental conditions
Pearcy (1977) collected cuttings(插条) of a plant from the Death Valley, California, and planted them under two different temperatures.
最 佳 温 度 相 差 8 ℃
Growing temperature and optimal temp for photosynthesis
斯 堪 蒂 纳 维 亚 植 物 体 热 收 支
Growth form and temperature (data from Fitter and Hay, 1987)
Tropical Alpine Plants
Little annual variation but wide daily fluctuation in temperature. Adaptation: 1)Giant rosette (莲座) growth form; 2)Retaining dead leaves; 3)Dense pubescence (绒毛) 4) Retaining a large amount of fluid.
Egg of a beetle
有效积温法则-变温动物完成一定发育时期所需热量是一个常数 K = N(T – C)
K-积温常数( day degrees); N-Development time (day);
T-Temperature (℃); C- Threshold 发育起点(阈值)温度(℃); Organisms require a Egg to adult development in a mite
传导 生物与环境的热交换
(B) 植物的温度调节
Hs = Hm ± Hcd ± Hcv ± Hr - He
沙漠植物 - 如何降温?
Heat exchange by a desert plant
北极和高山植物 —— 如何保温?
Hs = Hm + Hcd + Hcv + Hr - He
What is the limitation of this study? How does temperature affect the pathogen in the field? Exposure to 40℃ temperature for as few as 4 hours each day significantly reduced the number of grasshoppers
Case 1. Microclimates
Macroclimate is what weather stations report. Microclimate is climate variation on a small scale.
Vegetation on north –and south-facing slopes
was measured, and
Currathurs’s study(续) Does the high body temperature suppress pathogens?
真 菌 数 量 (
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduμl
Temperature and population growth of Entomophaga grylli
Body temperature (38-40℃) > air temperature ?
透翅蝗 Camnula pellucida In Arizona mountains
Grasshoppers take the sun basking for heat, and probably more?
combination of time
and temperature – ‗physiological time‘ to complete a certain stage of development.
24.22 days 8.18 days
公式假定:Assumptions of the equation
Currathurs’s study(续) Question:Can the grasshopper increase the body temperature?
Experiment: two groups of insects
were raised at two
different temperatures. The body temperature
(C)Development and Temperature An linear relationship is exhibited between rates of growth and development of whole organisms and temperature in most of ectotherms. A protist
Microclimates under stones
Aquatic Temp
Physics of water, riparian vegetation
riffle: 浅滩
Microclimate in aquatic environments
Case 2:Temperature and performance of organisms
air temperature rises to
about 1.5℃,the body temperature rises to about 33 ℃, over 30 ℃ above that of the
surrounding air.
Temperature regulation by a lizard in the high Andes
dying of Entomophaga infections.
(e) Temperature regulation by endothermic animals Environmental temperature and metabolic rates 中温区(thermal neutral zone): the range of environmental temperature over which the metabolic rate of a
Plant height, canopy size, and cover affect microclimate
Desert shrubs and microclimate
Color of the Ground White sand
Black sand
Presence of Boulders and Burrows
第I部分 个体生态学(autecology)
Chap 2.Temperature as an ecological factor Macroclimate interacts with the local landscape to produce microclimate. Most species perform best in a fairly narrow range of temperature Many organisms have evolve ways to compensate for variations in environment by regulating body temperature Many organisms survive extreme temeratures by entering a resting stage
Case III:Regulating body temperature
Many organisms have evolve ways to compensate for variations in environment by regulating body temperature
(A) Body temperature equation
K. Schmidt-Nielsen(1983) : Hs = Hm ± Hcd ± Hcv ± Hr - He Hs-storage 总热量; Hm-metabolic 新陈代谢;
Hcd-conduct 传导; Hcv -convection 对流; Hr - radiation 辐射; He-evaporation 蒸发
Temperature and Bacterial activity
Temperature and population growth by an antarctic bacterium(南极) (Morita,1975)
Temperature and population growth by a hotspring bacterium(黄石公园 温泉)( Brock (1978)
homeothermic (恒温)animal does not change.
(1)Predicting potential distribution of organisms.
(2)Predicting emergence of a certain stage of organisms
Temperature-size rule
The rates of growth and development determine the final size of an organism. If the responses of growth and development to variations in temperature are not the same, temperature will affect final size. In fact, development usually increases more rapidly with temperature than does growth, such that final size tends to decrease with rearing temperature, for a wide range of organisms. Development size Growth Rates