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Is a kind of metaphor. It is to use one related word to substitute the name of what the writer intends to say. The来自百度文库e are many ways of substitution: 以局部代整体,以整体代局部,以种类带分类, 以材料代替制品,以个体代替一类。 tools, containers, producers, characteristics, concrete thing for abstract thing, etc.
The pen is mightier than the sward. 2. The farmer gave up the plough. 3. Only the knife can save him. 4. He chose the gun instead of the cap and gown. 5. The press was summoned to the meeting. 6. English is not our mother tongue. 7. He was too fond of the bottle. 8. The hall applauded. 9. He keeps a good table and one gets plenty to eat and drink in his house. 10. The captain has a complete Shakespear.
Metonymy (换喻,同汉语的借代)
A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power. 换喻,转喻一种一个词或词组被另一个与 之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法, 如用 华盛顿代替 美政府或用 剑代替 军事 力量
The thing spoken of and the thing meant are alike in some aspects. It is founded upon relation. The two things may be unlike, but the relation between them is such that the mention of one suggests the other. The container for the thing contained. Eg. The mother took good care of her cradle. He reads Shakespear. Many people love rosy cheeks.
Those blue eyes walked into the office. His elder sister went on the stage and the younger one has taken the veil. All the father rises in my breast. Her heart ruled her head. I like to play with rosy cheeks. No eye saw him, but a second later every ear heard a gunshot.