英语故事-Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎精编版

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英语故事:Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎

Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped giving milk so the woman had to sell her.


She told Jack to take the cow to market and to get as much money as he could for her.On his way to market Jack met a man who wanted to buy the cow. He offered Jack five beans for the cow.Jack knew that his mother would be very angry if he sold the cow for beans.


"They are very special beans" said the man. "They are MAGIC ! - they will bring you good luck!" Jack thought that he and his mother needed some good luck, so he gave the cow to the man in return for the magic beans.


As you can imagine, Jacks mother was furious with him when he returned home with no money at all, just a few beans. She threw the beans out of the window and sent Jack to bed without any supper. Poor Jack ! He really thought that the beans were magic. Now he felt just silly.


Next day he woke up but it was very dark in his bedroom as if it was still night. He looked out of his window and all he could see were lots and lots of dark green leaves. They seemed to disappear into the clouds. It was a giant beanstalk ! So they were magic beans after all!


Without stopping to think, he climbed out of his window and started climbing up towards the clouds.In no time at all he was at the very top of the giant bean stalk and jumped off into what seemed to be a cloud !He could see an enormous house in the distance and wanted to know who lived there.He went up to the front door and knocked.


Suddenly the ground started to shake and a terrible pounding sound of footsteps hurt his ears. The door was opened by the biggest man he had ever seen. It was a GIANT !Jack ran away round to the back of the house to hide. Luckily, the giant was so big and Jack was so tiny, he didn't see Jack. BUT- he could smell him!The giant roared in a voice as loud as thunder...


"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man !"

"Be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread !" At that point Jack was terrified!He rushed round the house and bumped into a very large lady. It was the giant's wife. She quickly told Jack to hide in the cupboard and before he could argue, she pushed him into the cupboard and shut the door!

"Fee Fi Fo Fum,我闻到了一个英国男人的血的味道!"



Inside the cupboard Jack found lots of gold coins. He popped one into his pocket, thinking it would please his mum.When the noise died down, the giant's wife opened the cupboard and gave Jack some breakfast. She told him however, that if he wasn't careful the giant would eat JACK for HIS breakfast!Jack thanked the giant's wife politely for breakfast and ran away down the beanstalk as fast as he could.

