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1. 社会实践让学生学到许多课本上学不到的知识. ( make…possible)

Social practice makes it possible for the students to obtain the knowledge that they can’t learn from the text books.

1.人们可以从网上获得他们感兴趣的任何东西. (available)

Anything that interests people/ people are interested in is available to them from the Internet/ online.

2.在观众的鼓励下, 来自美国的Tom 在特奥运动会上圆了他的金牌梦. (inspire)

Inspired by the audience, Tom, coming from America/ realized the dream of winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics Games.

3.茶杯上的指纹已向警察证实那晚他在场. (prove)

His finger prints on the cup proved to the police that he was present that night.

4.现在许多人讨论的一个最重要的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间. (focus, adequate)

Now one of the most serious problems many people talk about focus on the lack of housing space.

6. 这部有关战争的电影很值得一看.

The film about the war is well worth watching/ seeing.

7. 她不愿意去国外进修. (reluctant)

She was reluctant to go abroad for further studies/ development.

8. 反复讨论了好久, 问题仍未解决. (remain)

The problem remained unsolved though it had been discussed over and over for a long time.

9. 从他的言行来看,他并非是一个鼠目寸光的人. (judge)

Judging from/ by what he says and what he does, he is not a short-sighted person.

10. 和任何其他各种国际比赛上所获得的金牌相比, 奥运会金牌具有相同或更高的价值.


An Olympic gold medal carries as much weight as, or even more than, any other gold medal won at any other competitions.

11. 我一见到Nancy就给她看了那篇文章. (hardly)

Hardly had I met Nancy when I showed her that article./ I had hardly met Nancy when I showed her that article.

12. 那座看上去象教堂的建筑有好几个世纪的历史了.

The building which looks like a church has a history of a few centuries.

13. 汽油价格的持续上扬影响了世界经济发展的速度.

The continuous rise in/ of oil price has affected the developing speed of the world economy.


I suggest that you go over these lessons before you take the exam.

15. 我们肯定能赶上世界先进水平。(sure)

We are sure to catch up with the world’s advanced levels.

16. 我们应当记住,我们是在为祖国的将来而学习。(keep in mind)

What we must keep in mind is that we are studying for the future of our motherland.


To learn English well, students should be exposed to real/live language environments as much as possible.


He seems to be the right person for this position, so we have no reason to refuse him.


Lack of communication between parents and children has become a social problem.


In my opinion, those who often break their promises are not worth trusting.

21.既然你们已达成协议,就没有必要求助于律师了。(no point)

There is no point in turning to the lawyer, since you have reached an agreement.

22.宁静的乡村生活对我很有吸引力。(appeal to)

The peaceful country life strongly appeals to me.

23.她是一个热心人,总是乐于帮助那些有困难的人。(such … that)

She is such a warm-hearted woman that she is always ready to help those in trouble.


He hesitated a long time before he made his decision.


I think it a valuable experience for him to leave home and live on his own for some time.


In order to keep up with the progress of English, the best way is to keep communicating with people who speak English.


However busy he is, the teacher always spares time to help me with my physics.

28.他对医生的建议置若罔闻,以至于每天清晨咳嗽不止。( turn)

He turns a deaf ear to the doctor’s advice so that he keeps co ughing early in the morning. 29.与父母在一起的时间越长,孩子就越聪明。(the more…)

The more time a child spends with his parents, the more intelligent / the smarter the child will become.

30.为了解决交通问题,政府呼吁我们每天乘公车或地铁上班。(call on)

To solve the traffic problem, the government calls on us to go to work by bus or by subway every day.


She is most likely to win the scholarship in our class.


Only when you learn a lesson from failure, can you make great progress.


Nowadays, every child in the country has access to education


People are conscious of the importance of communicating with each other.

35.令我们大家感动的是这位科学家虽身在异乡仍心系祖国。(think of)

What has moved all of us is that the scientist always thinks of his country while he is abroad.


The only thing we can do is to forget the past/ what lies behind and work hard for what lies ahead.


It remains unknown when the next man-made satellite will be launched.
