中国包装标准(GB packing standards)

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GB 13116-1991
食品容器及包装材料用聚 碳酸酯树脂卫生标准
Hygienic standard for polycarbonate resin used as foodcontainers and packaging materials
GB 13432-2004 预包装特殊膳食用食品标 General standard for the labeling of
GB 17327-1998
食品容器、包装材料用丙烯 腈-苯乙烯成型品卫生标准
Hygienic standard foracrylonitrile-styrene products used as food containers and packaging materials
GB 18191-2008
Labels for packages of dangerous goods
GB 19105-2003 过氧乙酸包装要求
Requirements of packing for peroxyacetic acid
GB 19107-2003 次氯酸钠溶液包装要求
Requirements of packing for sodium hypochloritesolution
GB 13114-1991
食品容器及包装材料用聚 对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯树脂 卫生标准
Hygienic standardfor polyethylene terephthalate resin used as food containers and packaging materials
GB 13115-1991
棉及化纤纯纺、混纺本色纱 线标志与包装
FZ/T 10009-1996
棉及化纤纯纺、混纺本色布 标志与包装
FZ/T 10010-1996
棉及化纤纯纺、混纺印染布 标志与包装
FZ/T 41003.3-1999
桑蚕绵球的标志、包装和运 输、储存
FZ/T 80002-2008
服装标志、包装、运输和贮 Marking ,packaging,transporation and
危险货物运输包装通用技 General specifications for transport
packages of dangerous goods
GB 12711-1991
低、中水平放射性固体废物 包装安全标准
Standard of safety for low and intermediate-level solid radioactive waste packages
GB 13042-2008 包装容器 铁质气雾罐
GB 13113-1991
食品容器及包装材料用聚 对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯成型 品卫生标准
Hygienic standard for polyethylene terephthalate products used as food containers and packagingmaterials
BB/T 0049-2008 包装用矿物干燥剂
Mineral desiccant for packaging
FZ 65006-1995
特种工业用纺织品 标志和 包装
FZ 90005-1991 经纱管和纬纱管标志包装 ()
FZ 90008-1991 有梭织机用梭子标志 包装 ()
FZ/T 10008-1996
BB/T 0038-2006
包装容器 1m3 金属中型散 装箱
BB/T 0039-2006 商品零售包装袋
BB/T 0041-2007
包装用多层共挤阻隔膜通 则
BB/T 0042-2007 包装容器 铝质农药瓶
BB/T 0044-2007 包装容器 塑料农药瓶
BB/T 0045-2007 纸浆模塑制品 工业品包装 ()
thetransport of radioactive materials
GB 15346-1994 化学试剂包装及标志
Chemical reagent--Packaging and marking
GB 16331-1996
食品包装材料用尼龙 6 树脂 Hygienic standard of nylon 6 resins for food
GB 14942-1994
食品容器、包装材料用聚碳 酸酯成型品卫生标准
Hygienic standard for polycarbonate products used as food containers and packaging materials
GB 14944-1994
食品包装用聚氯乙烯瓶盖 垫片及粒料卫生标准
GB 19109-2003 次氯酸钙包装要求
Requirements of packing for calcium hypochlorite
GB 19160-2008
包装容器 危险品包装用塑 料罐
GB 19268-2003 固体氰化物包装
Solid cyanide packange
GB 19269.1-2003
乙烯-氯乙烯共聚树脂卫生 chloride-vinyl chloride copolymer resins
for food containers andpackaging material
GB 15219-1994
放射性物质运输包装质量 Quality assurance for packaging used in
GB 19270.1-2003
水路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范通则
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by water--General specifications
GB 19270.2-2003
BB/T 0027-2004 埋纱包装袋纸
BB/T 0029-2004 包装玻璃容器 公差
BB/T 0030-2004 包装用镀铝薄膜
BB/T 0034-2006
包装容器 扭断式铝防盗瓶 盖
BB/T 0035-2006 家用电冰箱包装
BB/T 0036-2006 缝纫机包装
pre-packed food made of wheat flour and rice
GB 19304-2003
定型包装饮料用水企业生 Hygienic specifications of factory for
packing drinking water
GB 19358-2003

storage for garments
FZ/T 90001-2006 纺织机械产品包装
FZ/T 90005-1991 经纱管和纬纱管标志、包装 ()
FZ/T 90008-1991 有梭织机用梭子标志、包装 ()
FZ/T 90054-1994
纺织机械仪器仪表产品包 装
GB 10344-2005 预包装饮料酒标签通则
prepackaged foods for special dietary uses
GB 14147-1993
陶瓷包装容器铅、镉溶出量 允许极限
Standard permissible limits of release of lead or cadmium from ceramic packaging vessel in contact with food
食品容器及包装材料用不 饱和聚酯树脂及其玻璃钢 制品卫生标准
Hygienic standard for unsaturated polyester resin and glass fibre reinforced plastics used asfood containers and packaging materials
Hygienic standard for bottle sheet and granular materials of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging
GB 15204-1994
食品容器、包装材料用偏氯 Hygienic standardof vinylidene
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by water--Use appraisal
GB 19295-2003
速冻预包装面米食品卫生 Hygienic standard for quick-frozen and
包装容器 危险品包装用塑 料桶
GB 18454-2001
液体食品无菌包装用复合 Laminated bags using for aseptic package of

liquid food
GB 18455-2001 包装回收标志
Packaging recycle mark
GB 190-1990
GB 17326-1998
食品容器、包装材料用橡胶 改性的丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯 乙烯成型品卫生标准
Hygienic standard for rubber-modifiedBaidu Nhomakorabeaacrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene products used as food containers and packaging materials
General standard for the labeling of prepackaged alcoholic beverage
GB 11680-1989
Hygienic standard of paper used for food packaging
GB 12463-1990
GB 14493-2003 工业炸药包装
Package of industrial explosive
GB 14891.7-1997
辐照冷冻包装畜禽肉类卫 生标准
Hygienic standard for irradiated frozen packaged meat of livestock and poultry
中国包装标准(GB packing standards)
BB 0006-2003
包装容器 20mm 口径铝气雾 罐
BB/T 0013-1999 软塑折叠包装容器
BB/T 0016-2006 包装材料 蜂窝纸板
BB/T 0024-2003 运输包装用拉伸缠绕膜
BB/T 0026-2004 夹筋包装袋纸
Safety code for the inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by road--Performance inspection
GB 19269.3-2003
公路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范使用鉴定
Safety code for the inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by road--Use appraisal
水路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范性能检验
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by water--Performance inspection
GB 19270.3-2003
水路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范使用鉴定
公路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范通则
Safety code for inspection of packaging of dangerous goods transported by road--General specifications
GB 19269.2-2003
公路运输危险货物包装检 验安全规范性能检验
packaging material
GB 16332-1996
食品包装材料用尼龙成型 Hygienic standard of products of nylon for
food packaging material
GB 16473-1996 黄磷包装
Packing for yellow phosphorus