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Step 1: Lead-in: Enjoy the music “She”

First, listen to the song “she”.

Ask students to find out the attributive clause in the lyrics.

She is the one that you never forget

She is the heaven-sent angel you met

Oh she must be the reason why God made a girl

She wins in everything that she might do

Step2:Check the points

在复合句中,修饰某一______或_____的从句叫定语从句。定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词,起“定语”的作用。被修饰说明的名词、代词叫做_______。定语从句位于先行词_________, 由“关系词”引导。


that 人或物主、宾、表

which 物主、宾

who 人主、宾

whom 人宾

whose 人或物定语

where 地点状语

when 时间

why 原因

Step3: Guessing game

Fill in the blanks and try to guess what song they belong to.

1. There is a beautiful girl _______name is Xiaowei.

2. Will you remind the diary _______ you wrote before?

3. You are like the most beautiful cloud ______ I have ever seen. Let me try to make you stay.

4.That’s the day ______you come in the quiet summer.

5. Ten years later, we are still friends _____ can only greet with each other sincerely.

6. Your hand is a tender universe ___ ______I’m turning around.

Step 4: we are critics.

Please use one sentence including an attributive clause to describe the song you like and you don't like!

e.g. I like the songs whose lyrics are beautiful.

I don't like the songs which is written so many years ago.

Step 5: we are lyricist.

Please translate the classic Chinese song into its English version.

1. 村里有个姑娘叫小芳。

2.长得好看又善良,一双美丽的大眼睛,辫子粗又长。(a long thick pigtail)


4.从没流过的眼泪(shed tear),随着小河流。(flow down the river)

Step6 : We are winners!


1. Divide the whole class into 3.

2. Stand up directly, speak out your answer and get the points.

3. The group that gets the least points will sing a song!





1. The book that I borrowed it from the library is well written.

2. Did you see the young man whom was selected as monitor?

3. Can you think of anyone who's house is made of bamboo?

4. The day which I could fly to America arrived at last.

5. I have known the reason which she is worried.

6.My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live . (2016新课标Ⅰ)


1.This was the man to ______ I wanted to talk.

2. I'll never forget the day ______ I met her.

3. The book ______ cover is blue is mine.

4. She didn't tell me the reason ______ she gave up her job.

5. I like the place ______ we visited together.

6. Maybe you have a habit _____________ is driving your family crazy. (2014新课标Ⅰ)

7. Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius(孔子),_________ lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C, influenced the development of chopsticks.(2016新课标Ⅲ)
