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Sister Carrie
Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, and later becoming a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels."
Carrie soon embarks on a quest for work to pay rent to her sister and her husband, and takes a job running a machine in a shoe factory. Before long, however, she is shocked by the coarse manners of both the male and female factory workers, and the physical demands of the job, as well as the squalid factory conditions, begin to take their toll. She also senses Minnie and Sven's disapproval of her interest in Chicago's recreational opportunities, particularly the theatre. One day, after an illness that costs her job, she encounters Drouet on a downtown street. Once again taken by her beauty, and moved by her poverty, he encourages her to dine with him, where, over sirloin and asparagus, he persuades her to leave her sister and move in with him. To press his case, he slips Carrie two ten dollar bills, opening a vista of material possibilities to her. The next day, he rebuffs her feeble attempts to return the money, taking her shopping at a Chicago department store and securing a jacket she covets and some shoes. That night, she writes a good-bye note to Minnie and moves in with Drouet.
赫斯特伍德本是一个令人瞩目的上层人物,圈子广阔,朋友众多,因为自身的才华与魅力,很受人敬仰。按理说, 他本该体体面面地享受着自己的人生,却毁在了情欲之上。嘉莉的出现,晕炫了他的眼睛,爱情是自私的,他不惜 背叛朋友,急不可耐地要把朋友的情妇变成自己的情妇。
故事发生在十九世纪八十年代末和九十年代初的芝加哥和纽约。小说主要围绕女主人公嘉罗琳·米贝(嘉莉)和赫 斯特伍德展开。嘉莉出生在芝加哥附近的农村。她家境贫寒,但她虚荣心很强,向往城市的富裕生活。她较为典型 地代表了当时一心想往上爬的美国下层人民。然而,她到了芝加哥后马上就成了失业大军中的一员,陷入贫困和疾 病的泥潭。这时,嘉莉意识到贫富的极大差异性:一方面是贫困潦倒,另一方面是朱门酒肉臭。她依靠做工获得她 幻想的幸福是不可能的了。于是她先后成了青年推销员杜洛埃和酒店经理赫斯特伍德的情人。后来,她在纽约偶然 成了一位名演员,挤入了资产阶级的“上流”社会。这时的嘉莉发现她原来梦想的生活并不是那么诱人了,相反, 她发现自己非常空虚和无聊。
《嘉莉妹妹》是美国现实主义作家德莱塞的重要作品之一,是《珍妮姑娘》 的姐妹篇。《嘉莉妹妹》描写了农村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝加哥寻找幸福, 为摆脱贫困,出卖自己的贞操,先后与推销员和酒店经理同居,后又凭美 貌与歌喉成为歌星的故事。作家以嘉莉为代表深刻揭露了美国资本主义制 度对贫苦人民压榨的残酷性和资产阶级生活方式对小资产阶级分子的腐蚀 性。
Plot summary
Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, where her older sister Minnie, and Minnie's husband, Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted to her because of her simple beauty and unspoiled manneΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu. They exchange contact information, but upon discovering the "steady round of toil" and somber atmosphere at her sister's flat, she writes to Drouet and discourages him from calling on her there.