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1.Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line. She is very ______ .





2.—Dad, it’s a long way from our home to the park!

—You mean it’s ______ to take a taxi?

A.popular B.necessary C.important D.possible

3.China is ________ country in the world.

A.the third largest B.the largest third C.the third large D.a third largest

4.Rowan was listed in the top 50 ________ people ever by a group of comedians.

A.funny B.funnier C.funniest D.the funniest

5.It is_____to point at others with chopsticks during a meal in China.

Yes.People will feel uncomfortable if you do so.

A.traditional B.impolite C.common D.ancient

6.-- What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?

-- Oh, it's than the movies I have ever seen.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.the most interesting D.most interesting

7.- I’m very tired these days because of this exam.

- Why not listen to music? It can make you ______.

A.relaxed B.sad

C.scared D.bored

8.Going for a drive sounds really _______.

A.happy B.excited C.boring D.interested

9.All of us are ______ about the ______ news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.

A.excited; exciting B.exciting; excited C.excited; excite D.exciting; excite 10.—I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER.

—Me, too. It’s one of the ________ TV programs I’ve ever seen.

A.least boring B.least interesting C.most boring D.most interesting 11.His _______ experience helped him a lot when he met with difficulties.

A.comfortable B.natural C.valuable D.surprising

12.I can’t tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! It’s the ______ one I have ever seen. A.better B.best C.worse D.worst

13.Don't keep _________ when you are asked some questions in class.

A.silent B.generous C.forgetful D.private

14.Of the two sisters, Betty is______one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. A.a younger B.a youngest

C.the younger D.the youngest

15.-Why didn't you cry for help when you were robbed (被抢劫)?

-If I opened my mouth, they might find my four gold teeth. That would be ______! A.bad B.much worse

C.worst D.the worst

16.一I eat _______ vegetables and ________ meat than I did last year.

一That’s why you’re getting fatter.

A.fewer…more B.more…less C.less…more D.many… much 17.I think Journey to the West is ______ of all the Chinese novels.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.most interesting D.the most interesting

18.—Let's go on a picnic this weekend, OK?

—That sounds .

A.great B.well C.hardly

19.-What do you think of the movie The Fate of the Furious 8?

-It is ! I enjoy it very much.

A.fantastic B.friendly C.awful D.noisy 20.The manager’s voice sounded on the phone. He offered to show us around the company.

A.softly B.friendly

C.gently D.seriously

21.—How will we sell more products?

—We need to come up with more _________ ideas.

A.awful B.creative C.meaningless D.embarrassing 22.----How are you getting on with your cousin?

-----Very well. He is really _______ and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time. A.polite B.strict C.active D.careful 23.This is _______ film I have ever seen. I almost fell asleep when I was watching it. A.interesting B.boring C.more interesting D.the most boring

24.Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQ.A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest 25.— What do you think of it?

— Oh, I think it's that I have ever seen.

A.one of most interesting movie B.one of the most interesting movie C.one of the most interesting movies D.one of most interesting movies

