美国黑人文化历史 [自动保存的]

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美国一直标榜“一切人生而平等”,却只字不提黑 人奴隶问题,黑人不完全是人,仅是“五分之三” 非公民,因此黑人问题并没有改善,从而开始了长 期残酷艰辛的斗争。
African-American Civil Rights Movement Causes of The Civil Rights Movement Contents of The Civil Rights Movement Results of The Movement And its Inflution
In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
The leader of the movement of civil right
Martin Luther King , Jr. _320x240_2.00M_h.264.flv
The Atlantic slave trade
African-American's Success
History of The Black
当黑人来到北美“新大陆”,他们并没有获 得新的生命和自由。残酷的剥削和压迫一直 笼罩着他们,肤色歧视如影随形,即使是到 了自诩为“人权卫士”的美利坚合众国。
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture It contains: 1,Rap 2,Breakdancing 3,Graffiti art(涂鸦艺术)
the Black into a community which admit every citizen has equal rights.
Successful African Americans
Sports Man
Musicians of The Black
In March, 1963,Birmingham, the request to cancel the entire city isolation system.
On August 28, 1963 250,000 people (1/4 for Caucasian) marched to Washington, the famous speech “I Have a Dream” published by Martin Luther King , Jr.(12:15
1929.1.15-1968.4.4 The statue of Martin Luther King , Jr. in Washington D.C. 矗立于华 盛顿纪念碑、 杰弗逊纪念堂 、林肯纪念堂 之间. 由中国 雕塑家雷宜锌 亲手设计。
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Finally,They Won!!!
● It changed the life of the African Americans. ● It also have a profound impact on Americans' life and
their concept of life.
● It changes America from a country which was against
Success of The African-American People Artists of The African-American People
Famous Sports Stars of The Black
The First Black President
Cause of The Civil Rights Movement
The African-American Civil Rights Movement started in the year 1955,and lasted for nearly 13 years(the year 1968).
Contents of The Civil Rights Movement
The Negro(Black)
● 人种(race)是根据体质上可遗传的性状 而划分的人群。通常根据肤色、发形等体 质特征把全世界的人划分为4个人种:蒙古 利亚人(Mongoloid)或称黄种人,高加索 人(Caucasoid)或称白种人,澳大利亚人 (Australoid )或称棕种人,尼格罗人( Negroid)或称黑种人。值得注意的是美国 媒体对黑人通用的名称是: African American, (非洲裔美国人)。 Black 也可 以接受,Nigger 则完全是贬义词。但是, 有些黑人之间,也互相用这个单词称呼。
The History of the Negro
● 15世纪中叶至19世纪叶末,西方殖民主义 国家为了向美洲殖民地种植园和矿山提供 劳动力,从黑非洲掳走大批黑人,将其远 程贩运到美洲等地,这就是血腥的非洲奴 隶贸易。由于奴隶贸易主要是在大西洋东 西两岸进行,西方国家一般称为“大西洋 奴隶贸易”。奴隶贸易延续4个世纪之久, 使亿万非洲人丢掉生命,给非洲政治、经 济和文化的发展造成极其严重的影响,是 非洲历史上一段最黑暗的时期。
• In 1957, Reverend King formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
• Early May 1961, They carried out the "vement.
Contents of The Civil Rights Movement
Hip hop music is related to the tradition of West Africa; traveling singers and poets whose musical style is reminiscent of hip hop. Some of their traditions came with African slaves to the New World . The most important direct influence on the creation of hip hop music is the Jamaican style called dub , which arose in the 1960s . So Hip hop is a cultural movement that began among African-American and Puerto Rican communities in the South Bronx in the late 1970s.