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Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language.
翻译理论家Eugene A. Nida Alexander Fraser Tytler
2. Scope of Translation
按语言分类in terms of languages:
语内翻译(intralingual translation)语际翻译(interlingual translation)
按活动形式分类in terms of the mode:笔译(translation)口译(oral interpretation)连续传译(consecutive translation)和同声传译(simultaneous translation)
按翻译材料的文体分类in terms of materials to be translated:应用文体翻译科技文体翻译、论述文体翻译新闻文体翻译、艺术文体翻译
按处理方式分类in terms of disposal:(全译full-text translation, 节译abridged translation, 摘译adapted translation编译compilation compile译述translate freely )
3. Criteria in China
B. Yan Fu’s (严复) “three character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898 in the Preface of his translation of the book Natural Selection(《天演论》), is the principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness, and elega nce” (信、达、雅).
Some revisions such as faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness (信、达、切); faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness (信、达、贴),
D. Fu Lei’s (傅雷) spiritual conformity/resemblance in spirit (神似)
E. Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书) transmigration (化境)
鲁迅:翻译:力求其易解, 保存原作的丰姿。
Criteria for beginners: Faithfulness & Smoothness
4.Three Principles of Translation(翻译法则):
十八世纪末的英国学者亚历山大·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747-1814)。
他在《论翻译的原则》(Essay on the Principles of Translation)一书中提出了著名的翻译三原则:
(1)译文应完全复写出原作的思想(A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.)
(2)译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同(The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.)
(3)译文应和原作同样流畅(A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.)5. Nature of Translation
Translation is a science,an art,a craft,a skill,an operation.,a language activity,communication
1) 翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic),跨文化(cross-cultural),跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。
2) 翻译是一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言,跨文化的交际活动。
Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.
翻译的本质是释义,是意义的转换. Translation is always meaning-based
奈达(Eugene.A.Nida):翻译是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原文的信息.Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor/target language, the closet natural equivalent
of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.
(3) 翻译是科学(science),是艺术(art),是技能(craft)
translation is a kind of science because it has a whole set of rules governing it and certain objective laws to go by in the process of translating just as other sciences do.
translation is also an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language.
besides, it’s also a craft, because in translation, certain skills and technique are needed in order to attain clearness of style, and fluency in language.
6. The Process of Translation
A. Preparation: basic knowledge about both languages as well as the background knowledge; basic skills in translation are necessary;
B. Comprehension: understanding accurately the meaning of the source language; How?
C. Expression/Representation: try to express the meaning in idiomatic Chinese;
D. Revision /proofreading: check again and again to polish the language.
STEP 1 The Stage of Understanding
The understanding in the process of translation is different from the understanding in our daily reading.
First of all, the aim of the understanding in the process of translation is representing (表达) the content faithfully, so we have to try to understand the text completely, deeply and in detail. Secondly, in the understanding in translation, we are thinking in two languages, and in two ways. So, it’s very complicated.
STEP 2 The Stage of Representation
1.直译(Literal Translation)
Literal Translation means translating according to the surface meaning and keeping the structures of sentences. Literal translation keeps both the content and the form of the original work.
2.意译( Liberal Translation)
Because of the different way of thinking some of the English sentences cannot be translated in the literal way, they can only be translated in the liberal way. In liberal translation the form can be neglected but the content must always be faithful.
3. The Relation between Literal Translation and Liberal Translation
There has been the discussion about literal translation and liberal translation. In fact, they are both necessary in translation. We can’t imagine anyone using only literal translation or liberal translation in their translating
7. History of Translation in China
1)佛经翻译时期,从东汉开始至唐宋,1000余年.The first high tide of translation in China is the translation of The Buddhist Scripture (佛经)。
It began at the end of the Han Dynasty, came to flourishing in the dynasties of Sui and Tang, declined in the Song Dynasty. It lasted more than 1000 years .(支谦、道安,鸠摩罗什、真谛、玄奘)
3)清朝后期:西方哲学、文学翻译, 重要人物:林纾、严复
8. Western translation history
1. 要知道你工作上常用的专门用语,要有耐心,还要具有随机应变的能力。
2. 具有丰富的外语知识,对原文的正确理解,良好的中文基本功,以及宽广的知识面。
3. 同时还要好学。
4. 不仅要有专业水准,更重要的是译者本身的母语水平。
5. 熟练且独到的网络搜索技巧。
6. 了解翻译目的,明白信息检索的重要性;喜爱翻译这一行,要有足够的中文水平,起码翻译出来的东西要能看懂;热爱真理,不会为了译文顺畅而乱译原文。
7. 有一定的文学功底,具备一定的科学素质;经常阅读外文书籍或杂志;永远有好奇心!!!
8. 要充分地理解两国文化的差异。
1.A good command of both languages and cultures.
2.Be curious and always ready to learn new things.
3.A wide range of knowledge.
4.Necessary theory and techniques of translation.
5.Adequate use of the internet.
Tips:read more;practice more;think more; discuss more
Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. Their shadows slept, or almost slept, upon the water, a gentle quivering along showing that it was not complete sleep, or if sleep, that it was sleep with dreams.