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Hamlet,Othello,King Lear, andMacbeth
《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night's Dream《皆大欢喜》As You Like It《第十二夜》Twelfth night。
Shakespeare's work has made a lasting impression on later theatre and literature. In particular, he expanded the dramatic potential ofcharacterisation, plot,language, andgenre. UntilRomeo and Juliet, for example, romance had not been viewed as a worthy topic for tragedy.Soliloquieshad been used mainly to convey information about characters or events; but Shakespeare used them to explore characters' minds.His work heavily influenced later poetry. TheRomantic poetsattempted to revive Shakespearean verse drama, though with little success. CriticGeorge Steinerdescribed all English verse dramas fromColeridgetoTennysonas "feeble variations on Shakespearean themes."
2.In theFirst Folio,Ben Jonsoncalled Shakespeare the "Soul of the age, the applause, delight, the wonder of our stage",
3.his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the nineteenth century.The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians worshiped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".
4.In the twentieth century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world
CriticGeorge Steinerdescribed all English verse dramas fromColeridgetoTennysonas "feeble variations on Shakespearean themes."
1、“the most great drama genius among humans”
1.In 1598, the cleric and authorFrancis Meressingled him out from a group of English writerபைடு நூலகம் as "the most excellent" in both comedy and tragedy
改写中他注入了自己的思想,给旧题材赋予新颖、丰富、深刻的内容。在艺术表现上,他继承古代希腊罗马、中世纪英国和文艺复兴时期欧洲戏剧的三大传统并加以发展,从内容到形式进行了创造性革新。他的戏剧不受三一律束缚,突破悲剧、喜剧界限,努力反映生活的本来面目,深入探索人物内心奥秘,从而能够塑造出众多性格复杂多样、形象真实生动的人物典型,描绘了广阔的 、五光十色的社会生活图景,并以其博大、深刻、富于诗意和哲理著称
称号:Bard of Avon吟游诗人, he is the first poet-laureate桂冠诗人
He is often called England'snational poetand the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including somecollaborations, consist of about38 plays,154 sonnets, two longnarrative poems, and a few other verses, of which the authorship of some is uncertain
his use of language helped shape modern English
Samuel Johnsonquoted him more often than any other author in hisA Dictionary of the English Language