法律英语legal translation1讲解

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? 任何超过16岁而对不足该年岁的儿童或少 年负有看顾,照看及照顾责任的人,如故 意袭击,虐待,疏忽,抛弃或遗弃该儿童 或少年也属犯罪。
Байду номын сангаас
? Taxation shall comprise all forms of taxes, including without limitation to income tax, capital gains tax, stamp duty, tariffs, import and export duties, impositions, and all fines, fees and rates collected by the taxation authority and other authorities.
? 一方违约的损害赔偿金包括因其违约而使 另一方遭受损失的金额,含利润损失。
? 一方违约的损害赔偿金包括因其违约而使 另一方遭受损失的金额,含利润损失。
? 原文中的damages 是一个法律名词,意思是 “损害赔偿金”,如果把它看作是damage 的复数,译为“损害”那么表意就不准确 了。
? Brevity:
? The packing and wrapping expenses shall be borne by the Buyer.
? 包装费应由买方负担。
? packing and wrapping 是同义词并用,更为 严谨。不过在翻译时,译为一个词即可。
? Producers of toxic chemicals have the following options: (1) require purchasers to assume responsibility for subsequent spills, (2) deposit money in a damages escrow fund, (3) terminate production, or (4) post a conspicuous disclaimer of liability on every container.
? 有毒化学品的生产者具有下列选择: (1)要求买方承担由泄漏而造成的责任; (2)交纳赔偿保证金; (3)停止生产; (4)贴明显的免责标签于每只集装箱上。
? 原文将4个可供选择的选项用数字表示,采 用了平行的动词词组形式,译文也同样选 择动词的平行结构。
? Normalization: ? The burden of proof rests with the defendant. ? 证明的负担由被告承担。 ? 举证责任由被告承担。 ? burden of proof 是法律英语中的专业术语,
The Theory and Practice of Legal Law Translation
Chapter 1 Basic Rules for Legal Translation
? Accuracy: Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the entire project work until its acceptance.
? 通过证券交易所的证券交易,投资者持有 一个上市公司已发行的股份的百分之五时, 应当在该事实发生之日起 3日内向证券交易 所作出书面报告,通知该上市公司,并予 以公告。
? make … known to the public 这个动词短语如 果译成“让公众知晓”或者“通知大家” 就不能体现出法律语言的专业特征了。
? 货到目的港后即行付清余款。
? If any person over the age of 16 years who has the custody, charge or care of any child or young person under that age willfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects, abandons or exposes such child or young person … such person shall be guilty of an offence.
在项目接收之前,承包方应对工程承担全 部责任。
? 在项目验收之前,承包方应对工程承担全 部责任。
? 原文中的acceptance 译为“接收”不准确, 应为“验收”,即工程的完工情况必须经 过查验,并确定工程的质量等是否符合合 同规定的要求。
? Damages for breach of contract by one party consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit, suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach.
? Where, through securities trading at a stock exchange, an investor comes to hold 5 percent of shares issued by a listed company, the investor shall, within three days from the date on which such share holding becomes a fact, submit a written report to the Securities Exchange, notify the listed company and make the fact known to the public.
? Consistency: ? shall be prohibited ? shall be forbidden ? goods ? items
Practical Exercises
? The balance shall be settled upon the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.