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I need a refund when I go back, please give me a Tax refund form. 我离开时要申请退税,请给我一张退税单。 You need to buy goods with the total price of more than 300 dollars to claim a refund. 你需要买够300美金以上的商品才能退税。 When are you leaving? 您何时离开我国? Four months later. 四个月后 No, only the goods you buy three months before your departure can get a refund. 不行,只有在3个月内购买的商品才能退税。
C: d for these? S: Sure. C: what is the total amount of tax refund.
S: It is about 10 percent of the total price, so it is 824 pound.

1. 2. 3. 在商店购物完询问退税的情况,力求听懂售货员的话 在商场填表格,力求听懂 在机场退税:问路寻找柜台
订机票、乘坐飞机 酒店 用餐
购物 麻烦处理
我想订一张后天下午飞往上海的机票 我女儿需要一个靠窗的位子 能告诉我一个订机票的网站吗? 我要预订素食的飞机餐 行李可以托运多少公斤呢? 可以随身携带几个行李? 什么东西不能带上飞机? 请问您贵姓? 您的目的地是哪里? 对不起,没有明天的机票了
海外购物享受退税优惠有技巧 消费者购物前应先衡量一下自己的资金实力,如果一个人在同一家 店内无法买足该店规定的退税额标准,那最好找些朋友结伴而行,一起 结账开发票,则可同享退税的优惠。看到中意的商品时也不要急忙付款, 不妨先逛逛,看看能否把要买的商品在一家百货公司内搞定,这样不仅 容易达到退税必需的金额,而且退税的手续也只需办理一次,省时又省 力。另外,只有在那些贴有Global BlueTAXFREE标志的海外商店购物才 可回到国内享受退税的优惠。不过大家不必担心此标志难找,目前全球 有超过27万家商店都贴有该标志,包括为人熟知的有法国巴黎的老佛爷, 几乎涵盖了整个欧洲。不过值得提醒的是,并非所有贴有相关标志的商 店都会主动提供退税时要用到GlobalBlueCheque(环球篮联退税支票), 尤其是一些小店的老板,因此在划卡结账后,一定要主动索取,以免到 时候退税无门。当然一些特价商品的标牌上也会写明不提供退税支票的, 购物时要看清标牌。
C: How should I get the refund? S: You need to go to downstairs and find the customer service counter. Tell them you want the tax refund. Staff will give you a form and you need to fill it, remember to bring your passport. C:Ok, S: my advice is, if you have other things to buy, buy them together and go to the counter for once, that will save your time!
海外购物前要了解目的国的退税制度 由于各个国家规定有所不同,聪明的购物者,应该首先弄清楚所在的旅游城市 是否有针对国外消费者退税的相关服务及退税所需的最低消费金额。确认之后,寻 找挂有“Tax Refund”、“Tax Free”或是“Euro Free Tax”等退税标示的商家。一般来说, 即便该国有退税服务的规定,却不是所有的商家都符合这项规定,商店规模的大小 以及商品种类的不同,都会影响到是否提供退税服务以及退税金额的百分比。 海外购物享受退税优惠有时间限制 各个国家对退税单据获得海关图章都有一定的时间限制,一般为退税单据开列 起的3个月内必须获得,但捷克、瑞士较短,为退税单据开列起的30天有效,希腊、 新加坡为2个月。对获得退税款项的时间限制各国一般比较宽松,但捷克、希腊、意 大利等国有效期较短,分别为6周、2个月、3个月。消费者在购物时要考虑离境时间, 以免超过有效期,失去获得消费退税的权利。
C: Is here the custom counter for tax refund? S: Sure, anything I can do for you? C: May I have the tax refund ? S: Sure, may I have your tax refund form, all receipts, you passport and your ticket, please?
Excuse me? Where can I claim a refund? 请问退税在哪儿?
In TRS (Tourist Refund Scheme) counter near that duty-free shop. 在那个免税店旁的退税柜台。
Hi, I'd like to claim a refund. 你好,我想办理退税。 Please show me your passport, your boarding pass, your single tax invoice and your goods. 请出示您的护照,登机牌,单张退税发票和商品。 Here they are. 都在这儿。 Please take your goods to that Goods Inspection Counter and get a stamp on it, then come back. 请拿着这些商品到那个商品检测柜台检查盖章后回来。 Ok, your total refund fee is 37 dollars, you wanna it in cash or have it transferred to your credit card? 好的,你可得到的退税金额为37美金。你想要现金还是转账到你的信用卡? Cash please. 现金,谢谢。
退税一般是10%左右,就是说300美元的商品可退30美 金。 一般机场退税的商品是在非免税店(duty-free shop)购买的,也就是说在免税店购买的商品一般不可 退税。另外以下商品不可退税: 1. 已经免除税费的商品; 2. 已经开封的商品; 3. 超过数量的烟酒; 4. 航空公司禁止携带的危险品; 5. 超出随身行李规格的商品; 6. 飞机起飞前30 分钟内停止办理退税 办理退税需要1. 护照 2. 登机牌 3. 退税商品(不可开封) 4. 达到退税限额的发票(需在一张发票上达到数额)
Custom: Can I draw my tax back here? 顾客:我能在这里办理退税吗? Officer: Sure,show me your receipt,please. 工作人员:可以,请出示您的发票。 Custom: Here you are. 顾客:给你。 Officer: Wait a moment. Here is $10 you paid for duties. 工作人员:请稍等。这是您付的10美元的税款。
Could you tell me how to make it tax-free? 能告诉我怎么使他免税
May I have the form for tax refund? 能给我张退税表吗?
Where can I get a form for tax refund? 我在哪能得到退税表
S: Yes, the staff at the airport need to check them.
C: where is the custom counter? S: the map is on the form and you can ask the airport staff if you can’t find it. C: Thank you very much!
C: Here you are.
S: Your destination is China, right? C: Yes.
S: Which way do you prefer for refund? Cash or Card?
C: I think card is better. How long will I get the money? S: It depends, but usually 2 months. C: ok, card refund, please.
Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币? Can you change this into Australian Dollars? What is the exchange rate ?
1、现金退税 方法:在购物商店里现场办理。 时间:当场可以获得,但现场往往需要排长队,耽误行程。 币种:得到当地货币。如果选择人民币需收取较高货币转换手续费。 2、银联卡退税 方法:在贴有“TAX FREE SHOPPING”购物退税标志的商店购物,并向商 户索要全球退税支票及退税专用信封。在支票的信用卡号区域填写银联卡 号,以收取退税款。离境安检时,向当地海关出示所购买的商品、发票和 护照,海关在审核后盖章。将盖章后的支票投入退税专用邮箱,也可将退 税支票装入退税专用信封,通过公共邮箱寄给环球蓝联集团。 时间:约两个月到账。 币种:直接由消费地货币转换成人民币,免收货币转换费。
C:Thank you very much!
C: Excuse me, is this the customer service counter? S: Sure it is, how can I help you? C: I have finished my shopping here. Can I get the tax refund? S: Yes, here is the tax refund form, you need to fill in according to your information on the passport. C:Ok. S: when will you leave? C: Next week, I already bought the flight ticket. S: Ok, when you leave, bring this form and all your receipts with you, before aboarding, go to the custom counter. You can also choose the cash or card refund. Remember to put all your tax refund goods with you. C: do you mean that I need put all of them in my hand baggage?