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▲turning toward and
_l_o_o_k_in_g__a_t_ someone or
▲not giving a(n) _h_u_g___ to a boss or teacher
▲not standing too close to someone of a higher _r_a_n_k__
A smile can hide other feelings, such as anger, fear or worry.
Use what you have read in the passage and answer the following questions. 1. How can we know others’ feelings,
language in our daily life play? 3. Are all the body languages the same in
the world? What do you know about them?
Showing our feelings
Which of the following can best express main idea? A. Only gestures without spoken language may
Read the passage carefully and decide whether the sentences are true or false. 1. Body language is never as powerful
as spoken language. 2. If you are angry at a person, you
look away from = not look at … 不看, 不 注视
e.g. Don’t look away from me when I’m speaking to you. 当我和你说话时看 着我, 不要看别处。
look 短语 look at 看; 视为 look back 回头看; 回顾
3. Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others? We need to watch other people because they may be communicating one idea in words and a different one in body language.
▲standing at a little distance with _o_p_e_n__ hands
Universal body languages
A smile shows happiness and puts people at ease.
If someone “loses face” they may smile to hide it.
3. If I roll my eyes and turn my head away, I most likely do not believe what I am hearing or do not like it. 如果我转动着眼球,把头扭向一边, 很可能是我不相信或是不喜欢所听到 的话。 most likely在这里是省略: it is most likely that。
Feelings Happiness Anger or unhappiness
Body language ▲smiling ▲_f_r_o_w_n_i_n_g__ and turning
one’s back to someone ▲making a(n) __fi_s_t __ and
shaking it
look down on/upon 轻视, 瞧不起 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望 look into 调查 look out 小心 look on 旁观 look over 仔细检查 look through 浏览 look up 仰视; 在词典, 参考中查找
Complete the sentences. Just __l_o_o_k_a_t__ what you’ve done! 瞧你干了些什么!
Enjoy the pictures–facial expressions.
hug handshake
1. What is the function of body language? 2. What role do you think the body
even if they do not speak to us? We can watch the expressions on people’s faces; we can see whether they face us or look away; we can observe how they hold their arms and hands;
5. Body language is the same all over the world.
6. Most people can understand each other if they try.
Fill in the blanks below according to the text.
might turn your back to him or her.
3. You can threaten a person by refusing to speak.
4. You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.
Even if I leave now, it’ll be too late. 即使我现在离开, 我也会迟到的。
She understood what I was talking about, even though it was the first time we had spoken together. 即使那是我们第一次谈话,她还是明白 了我在谈什么。
The old like _lo_o_k_i_n_g_b_a__ck_ on the past. 老年人喜欢回顾过去。 I wish you wouldn’t _lo_o_k__d_o_w_n__u_p_o_n_ this
kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这类工作。
We are _lo_o_k_i_n_g_f_o_r_w_a_r_d_ to seeing you again. 我们盼望再见到你。 The police are _lo_o_k_i_n_g_i_n_t_o_ the accident. 警察正在调查这件事。 In that case we will not __l_o_o_k_o_n__ with folded arms. 在那种情况下, 我们不会袖手旁观。
yawn 1) v. 打呵欠 e.g. She yawned during the lecture
because it was boring. 她听课时打哈欠, 因为这堂课很乏味。 2) n. 哈欠 e.g. He gave a yawn and then fell asleep. 他打了一个哈欠之后就睡着了。
2. Why should we be careful with our body language?
We should be careful of our own body language, as we must be sure not to be impolite in other cultures, and we need to communicate without being misunderstood.
4. What are some jobs in which using body language is extremely important? Body language is very important in any job where clear communication with others is necessary. For example, teachers and medical care people should have good clear body language;
1. It is possible to “read” others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. 我们可以了解别人, 即使有时他们并不 想要我们了解他们没说出来的语言。
Agreement ▲nodding the head up
and down
Disagreement ▲_s_h_a_k_in_g_ the head from
or refusal
side to side
▲looking away from
people or _y_a_w_n_i_n_g_
anyone who is interviewing people for jobs (and the people being interviewed) should communicate clearly; anyone giving orders or directions needs good body language; people working in diplomatic jobs and in some government jobs.
even if是连词词组, 用来引导让步状语从 句, 意为 “尽管; 即使”。 注意: 若主句与从句皆表示将来情况, even if从句可用一般现在时代替将来时。
e.g. We haveຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidudecided to visit the museum even if it rains tomorrow. 我们决定明天参观博物馆, 即使天下 雨。
we can see whether they are close to or far away from others. Are they smiling, frowning, shrugging, holding their arms in front of them or touching other people?
cause misunderstanding. B. Some body languages or gestures are the
same throughout the world. C. Different gestures stand for different
feelings, wishes or attitudes while many are universal. D. It is important to give attention to the differences in body language.
辨析: even if 与even though
even if 从句所说的不肯定, 而 even though 从句所说的则是事实。
e.g. He will not let out the secret even if
he knows it. 即使他知道这个秘密, 他也不肯说出 来。(他对秘密知道与否不一定)
He will not let out the secret even though
he knows it. 他虽然知道这个秘密, 却不肯说出来。 (他知道这个秘密)
2. Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. 如果把眼光从某人身上移开, 或者打 了个哈欠, 这就会让人知道我不感兴 趣。