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1. 本学期期末口语考试安排于第十七周上课时间进行;

2. 考试方式采取学生分小组讨论的方式进行,因此在考试前请同学们按照已有的做presentation的分组进行期末口语考试话题的准备;

3. 学生小组汇报后,老师根据学生小组所准备的内容进行相关提问;

4. 考试话题共8个,每个小组需对全部话题进行准备,考试时临时抽取话题;

5. 考试时间平均每个学生2-3分钟左右。


1.What are your principles for choosing a friend?

Talk about ways to maintain friendship.

2. Talk about the gains and pains of growing up.

What is your understanding of growing up?

3. What are some other cultural differences in Chinese and Western parenting?

The values of my family (what is the most important thing your parents teach you?)

4. Can you tell some differences between Chinese and American education?

What did you expect from the university? What kind of changes do you think it can bring upon your life?

5. What do you get from the love story between Jack and Rose in Titanic?

What is your understanding of love?

6.What preparation can you make if you are invited to a party?

What are some topics people usually talk in a party?

7. What is your understanding of "Don't judge a book by its cover"?

How can we leave other people a good first impression?

8. Why do so many people enjoy traveling?

Talk about a place you have traveled to.
