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任拥媛1,隋 磊1,王娉婷1,王 剑2
Formula design of vinyl polysiloxane soft denture lining material
Ren Yong-yuan1, Sui Lei1, Wang Ping-ting1, Wang Jian2
1Stomatological Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China; 2State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
[http://www.crter.org http://cn.zglckf.com]
P.O. Box 1200, Shenyang 110004 cn.zglckf.com
任拥媛,等. 乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料的配方设计
0 引言
复杂可摘义齿以及赝复体修复中经常出现口腔黏 膜压痛、义齿固位不良等问题。对于部分患者,采用 简单的调磨义齿基托以缓冲压力或扩大基托覆盖面积 以加强固位的方法并不能提高疗效,甚至由于对义齿 基托的反复修改,降低了其与口腔黏膜组织的密合性 而造成症状加重,严重影响了患者的生活质量[1-2]。在 修复体组织面添加软衬是解决上述问题的一种有效手 段。性能良好的义齿软衬可以解除承托区组织的压痛 及不适,增强固位,使义齿更好地在口腔环境中行使 功能[3-5]。
摘要 背景:乙烯基聚硅氧烷是一种性能优异的硅橡胶材料,适宜作为口腔医用义齿软衬材料。但现有的工业用乙烯基聚硅氧烷并 不完全符合临床应用要求,因而需要通过配方设计过程获得具备相应特性的乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料。 目的:研发一种性能优异的乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料。 设计、时间及地点:有机高分子口腔医用材料配方设计研究,于 2008-01/12 Leabharlann Baidu口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室(四川大学)及中 蓝晨光化工研究院国家有机硅工程技术研究中心完成。 材料:乙烯基封端的聚二甲基硅氧烷、含氢硅油、铂的乙烯基络合物及乙烯基 MQ 硅树脂均由中蓝晨光化工研究院提供;N20 气相白炭黑为德国 Wacker 公司产品。 方法:从现有的工业用乙烯基聚硅氧烷配方出发,结合义齿软衬材料的特殊应用要求,调整助剂的搭配及用量,获得性能配 方;进而对按照性能配方制备的少量样品进行性能测试,并依据测试结果对其进行反复修改,直至获得满意的乙烯基聚硅氧 烷材料配方。 主要观察指标:按照相关国际及国家标准测试样品的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、硬度及黏度。 结果:确定采用质量分数为 0.7%的封端乙烯基作为乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料的基础聚合物;确定含氢硅油用量为 6 PHR, 白炭黑用量为 19~20 PHR,乙烯基 MQ 硅树脂用量为 15 PHR。 结论:经过配方调试确定了乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料的最终性能配方。按此配方制备的乙烯基聚硅氧烷义齿软衬材料相 关性能较为理想。 关键词:义齿软衬材料;硅橡胶;乙烯基聚硅氧烷;配方设计;拉伸强度;黏度
中国组织工程研究与临床康复 第 13 卷 第 21 期 2009–05–21 出版 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research May 21, 2009 Vol.13, No.21
Ren YY, Sui L, Wang PT, Wang J.Formula design of vinyl polysiloxane soft denture lining material.Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2009;13(21): 4118-4122. [http://www.crter.cn http://en.zglckf.com]
Supported by: the Science and Technology Development Foundation for Tianjin Institutions of Higher Education, No.20070227*
Received: 2009-03-16 Accepted: 2009-04-16
加成型硅橡胶是一类通过加成反应聚合生成的主 链为饱和硅氧键的有机硅氧烷高分子化合物。其基础 聚合物为乙烯基聚硅氧烷(vinyl polysiloxane, VPS), 交联剂为含氢硅油,催化剂为铂盐或氯铂酸。材料混 合后,乙烯基聚硅氧烷的乙烯基与被催化剂活化的含 氢硅油的硅氢键之间发生加成反应,反应快而完全, 不伴任何副产物生成,因此,VPS材料固化时间较短, 且固化后具有极佳的尺寸精确性和尺寸稳定性[6]。同 时,交联生成的网状高分子聚合物主链为高能硅氧键, 性质稳定,且网格结构可以在受力时发生滑动、取向, 故材料具有良好的柔顺性[7]。此外,该材料吸水率及溶 解性低、生物相容性好[8],因此被认为是目前最为理想 的义齿软衬材料。但是,有机硅工业中使用的VPS材 料某些性能与义齿软衬材料的要求相去甚远,不能直 接应用。因此需要通过配方设计,获得适合临床应用 的VPS义齿软衬材料。近年来对其配方的研发和对其 性能的改良在欧美发达国家从未停止[9-10],而中国国内 却鲜见报道。
1 天津医科大学口 腔医院,天津市 300070;2 口 腔 疾 病研究国家重点 实验室,四川省成 都市 610041
任拥媛★,女, 1984 年生,天津 医科大学在读硕 士,主要从事口腔 材料学研究。 rena827@ 163.com
通讯作者:隋 磊,讲师,天津医 科大学口腔医院, 天津市 300070 tjykdxkqyyxfk@ yahoo.cn
任 拥 媛 , 隋 磊 , 王 娉 婷 , 王 剑 . 乙 烯 基 聚 硅 氧 烷 义 齿 软 衬 材 料 的 配 方 设 计 [J]. 中 国 组 织 工 程 研 究 与 临 床 康 复 , 2009 ,
天津市高等学校 科技发展基金计 划项目资助 (20070227)*
中图分类号:R318 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-8225 (2009)21-04118-05
收稿日期:2009-03-16 修回日期:2009-04-16 (20090316063/M•H)
Abstract BACKGROUND: Vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) is a kind of silicone rubber material with excellent chemical and biomechanical properties. And it is considered a promising candidate for soft denture lining material. However, the presenting industrial VPS is not completely qualified to be used as soft denture lining material in prosthodontics. So the formula design procedure is required to obtain VPS materials suitable for clinical application. OBJECTIVE: To establish the formula of VPS soft denture lining material with high quality. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: The formula design study of dental organic polymer was performed at the State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases (Sichuan University) and China Bluestar Chenguang Research Institute of Chemical Industry from January to December 2008. MATERIALS: Vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane, hydride silicone, platinum vinyl complex and vinyl MQ silicone resin were provided by China Bluestar Chenguang Research Institute of Chemical Industry, and N20 pyrogenic silica was from Wacker Co. Ltd. German. METHODS: The current formula of industrial VPS was modified according to the specific requirements of denture lining materials. Corresponding VPS materials were constructed and delivered to physical and mechanical property tests. Subsequent modification to the formula was made according to the results of tests. The “modification and test” procedure was repeated, until favorite formula of VPS soft denture lining material was established. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness and viscosity of samples were tested according to international and national standards. RESULTS: 0.7% of vinyl-terminated polydimethylsiloxane was selected to be the basic polymer of vinyl polysiloxane soft denture lining material. Appropriate dosage of hydride silicone, pyrogenic silica and vinyl MQ silicone resin were 6 PHR, 19-20 PHR and 15PHR, respectively. CONCLUSION: The final formula of VPS soft denture lining material was established by the “modification and test” procedure. Material constructed following the final formula presents favorite properties.
Ren Yong-yuan★, Studying for master’s degree, Stomatological Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China rena827@163.com
Correspondence to: Sui Lei, Lecturer, Stomatological Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China tjykdxkqyyxfk@ yahoo.cn