新概念英语口语入门Lesson 5 Pets

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Interactive questions and answers

What’s your pet’s name? We call her Mimi.

Why did you name him that?I don’t know what it means; you’ll have to ask my brother.

What kind of pets do you have? I just got a pet rabbit.

What breed is your dog? He is just a mutt.

How long have you had your pet?We’ve had him for as long as I can remember. Where did you get your pet from? We bought it at a pet shop.

How many pets do you have? We have so many pets; our house is like a zoo.

What do you feed your pet? We feed her generic pet food.

When do you feed your dog? He can eat whenever he wants.

What kind of tricks can your dog do? He learned a lot of different tricks from a dog trainer.

Where does your pet sleep? He has a dog house in the backyard.

Why did you decide to get an exotic animal for a pet? Iguanas are really interesting animals.

Does your dog bark a lot at night? No, he is very well behaved.

Does your dog get a lot of exercise? We let him run around the yard every day.

Can your parrot talk? Yes, it can speak a few words and phrase.

You’re devoted to your kitty, aren’t you? Yes, I am because in a sense the kitty eases the burden of my life.

As a businessman, do you have enough time to take care of your bird? In fact, I don’t think raising a bird takes a lot of time and energy.

Frequent sentences

Do you have any pets?

Have you ever heard of a pet pig?

I like having animals for companionship.

He had a hamster when he was young.

Tropical fish are good first pets.

She has an aquarium filled with different kinds of fish.

Everyone in the family spoils our cat.

A pet should receive genuine affection from its owner.

All pets have daily needs.

All pets need loving homes.

An animal’s love is generous and long-lasting.

Do you think it’s wrong to acquire a pet on impulse?

Most kids delight in playing with their pets.

Pets are like children for their owners.

The pets’ whole lives depend on their owners.

We should take full responsibility for our pets.

Someone has to walk the dog.

We give out dog special bones to chew on.

They take their dog for a walk every night.

The guinea pig is loose again.

Please clean the cat’s litter box now!

The cat’s litter needs changing.

We’re out of dog chow.

Situational dialogue


A: Your dog is really cute. What’s his name?

B: His name is Bingo.

A: What kind of dog is he?

B: We’re not sure because the neighbors gave him to us after they moved away.

A: Well, he sure likes to run around a lot. Is he well-behaved?

B: Oh yes, he is. When he was a puppy, he liked to chew my father’s shoes, but he’s okay now.

A: That sounds like my cat. She likes to scratch the couch with her claws.

B: I didn’t know that you had a cat. When did you get her?

A: About a year ago actually. You’ve probably never seen her though.

B: Really? Why is that?

A: She’s not a hous e-cat. She stays outside of the time.

B: Bingo could never do that. He stays in the house except when we take him to the park.


A: Do you have any pets?

B: Yes, I have a collection of tropical fish.

A: Really? That’s wonderful.

B: In fact, I have quite a few tanks. You can come to my house and see them.

A: I’d like to. Do you breed them?

B: Yes. It’s the most interesting thing. I find myself becoming more and more interested in their habits.


A: She’s a Persian. She has papers and everything, not like a street cat.

B: Cats chase mice, don’t they?

A: And bugs. They can catch anything.

B: Do you have to walk a cat?

A: No, they use their litter boxes or go outside by themselves. They’re so smart.

B: But then you have to change the litter box.

A: It’s bett er than picking up dog poop.
