


You must be our long-expected guest


Excuse me, but I haven’t had the honor of knowing you.


I’m delighted/pleased to make your acquaintance.


Welcome to… Did you have a nice trip?/ How was the journey?


How are you after such a long flight?


Thank you for coming all the way to meet me.


Please don’t mention it. It is my pleasure.


The usual exchange of greetings


Small world, isn’t it?


I have long been looking forward to meeting you/ I have long desired to meet you.


I haven’t seen you for a long time. / It’s been such a long time since we met last.


I have long heard of you.


After you.


Take care


Help yourself to /Try some roast Peking duck.


Make yourself at home


Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself/the dinner


Thank you. You flattered me.


I’m glad to hear that.


It’s very kind of you to say so.


I would appreciate your comments./your comments and suggestions are most welcome.


I would appreciate it if you could offer your advice.


If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Feel free to


I will be glad to help you out. Be ready to


I hope you will enjoy your stay here. Have fun, have a good time

Wish you a happy stay in Zhenjiang


Wish you all the best in your visit/tour.


Wish your visit a complete success.

纪念to commemorate, in commemoration of, to observe

庆祝to celebrate, to observe, in celebration of

致欢迎词deliver/make a welcoming/closing/opening speech/address--- speech of welcome

告别辞farewell speech/address

宣布。。。开幕Declare… open/declare the commencement of…

宣布。。。闭幕Declare the conclusion/closing of

出席宴会的贵宾有: it is my pleasure to introduce the honored guests attending the banquet…


Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, dear comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen:

阁下Your/His/Her Excellency Mr. …

殿下Your /His/Her Royal Highness Prince/Princess…

陛下Your/His/Her Majesty

尊敬的首相。。。亲王殿下Respected Mr. Prime Minister, Your Highness Prince…

敬爱的。。。阁下Your Excellency respected …

。。。总理阁下和夫人Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs.

。。。国王和王后陛下Their Majesties King … and the queen

至此。。。之际On the occasion of


I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.


There is an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isn’t it a great pleasure /joy to have friends coming from afar?”/As a chinese saying goes, nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far away.


It is with great pleasure that I …

I have the great pleasure to


It gives me great pleasure to …


I have the honor to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, a warm welcome to the … delegation.


Please allow me to extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.


We are very proud and honored to receive such a group of distinguished political leaders.


This is a very happy and memorable occasion for me personally.


It provides me with an excellent opportunity of meet old friends and make new ones. 今天晚上,我能够参加为。。。举办的宴会而感到十分高兴和荣幸

I am very happy and honored this evening to attend this banquet in honor of…


We are gathered here today with great elation to welcome…


邀请前来我国访问的。。。阁下和。。。的其他贵宾们,感到十分荣幸和快慰。We are very much honored and pleased to give a banquet this evening in honor of Your Excellency… and other distinguished guests who have come all the way to visit China at the invitation of …


Today we meet here today to solemnly commemorate/observe the … anniversary of…你们的光临,增加了我们节日的欢乐

Your presence adds much to your festive joy.


With great elation and pleasure

With the same eagerness


At the gracious invitation of…


With profound and amicable sentiments for your people


As an envoy of friendship of your people

远隔重洋to be separated by the vast ocean/a long distance/to be far away from each other

From a distant land

来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends from the other side of the Pacific Ocean

随团来访的商界朋友们Friends from the business community accompanying the delegation


May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two countries?


To the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme…


To cherish one’s traditional friendshipwith


To convey the cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to…


To have the honor of reciprocating your warm reception


I’d like to take this opportunity to thank …for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements


The generous/gracious hospitality of our host will remain in my memory forever.


These fine impressions will remain forever in our most cherished memories


No words can fully express/convey our gratitude to you and your government for the great kindness and consideration you have given us during our stay here.


I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you


I am looking forward to visiting your country in the near future


To invite you to visit China at your convenience

回顾过去looking back, in retrospect

展望未来looking ahead, looking into the future

最后in conclusion; in closing; finally; before I conclude

提议祝酒Propose a toast to


And that concludes my speech/I’d like to conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention

在热情友好的氛围中in a cordial and friendly atmosphere

在认真坦率的气氛中in an earnest and frank atmosphere

结出了丰硕的成果to have borne rich fruits


To be about to conclude one’s friendly visit in our country

到机场、车站送人to see sb off at the airport /railway station


With great reluctance, we bid farewell today to…


We feel reluctant to leave you at this moment of parting

谢谢您在百忙之中。。。thank you so much for …in spite of your busy /tight schedule 不用谢,这是我们应该做的,还做得不够

It’s our pleasure. And a lot of things might have done better. I’m glad that you have enjoyed…


To increase/strengthen/promote/expand your mutual understanding and frienship


Promote/facilitate/enhance/strengthen/advance our friendly relations of cooperation


Accord with/agree with/conform to /meet the common interest of your two peoples


This is a token of our appreciation


Do come again


I wish you a pleasant journey. Have a nice trip

一路平安Bon V oyage! Have a good flight. I wish you a pleasant journey.

Unit 6 礼仪性口译

Unit 6 Interpreting Ceremonial Speech 礼仪性口译 6--1 Celebrating the Spring Festival 新春联欢 Vocabulary 1、明月当空moon-lit 繁星满天with numerous shining stars in the sky 2、全体同仁all the colleagues 3、从百忙中拨冗光临take the time off one’s busy schedule 4、尽情品尝have a good time tasting---- 5、美酒佳肴Chinese cuisine and unique Chinese wine 或good wine and delicious food 6、才华横溢talented 7、纯正authentic ①可信的; 可靠的, 权威性的an authentic news 可靠的消息 ②真正的, 确实的; 有根据的an authentic signature 真实手迹签字 an authentic document 一份真实的文件 8、无所拘束in a more informal way 9、万事如意the very best of luck in everything 典型句型1 各位嘉宾,在这个美丽无比,繁星满天的夜晚,我谨代表总经理欧阳女士以及我公司的全体同仁,感谢各位能在一年最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会,并向你们表示欢迎。 My distinguished guests. On this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Manager Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the people here for taking the time off their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s Party. We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us. 练习 各位嘉宾,在这个特别的日子里,我代表这对新人感谢大家从百忙之中拨冗光临他们的结婚典礼。 My distinguished guests, On this special day, on behalf of the newly-married couple to thank all the people present here for taking the time off your busy schedule, to come to attend their wedding ceremony. 最后,让我们祝福这对新人白头偕老,永浴爱河。 In the end, we wish the newly-married couple stick to each other till the hair turns gray and bathe in a river of love forever. 在婚礼上我们经常用的祝福的词还有: 心心相印a complete meeting of minds 永结同心to be of one mind forever 相亲相爱to be kind and love to each other 百年好合a harmonious union lasting a hundred years


常用的社交英语礼仪 有些外国人认为,一些中国人说英语时听起来很没有礼貌。其实,并非他们本身没礼貌,而是他们还没习惯用英语中的礼貌表达方式来说英语。请看看以下英语表达的含义是否正确。下面为大家精心的常用的社交英语礼仪,欢迎大家阅读与! 一、实例演示:如何在社交场合把英语说得更礼貌 ×表示不礼貌的说法,√表示礼貌的表达方式。 1、在酒吧点酒 ×:I want to have a glass of the Pinot Noir.(我想要一杯黑皮诺) √:Co uld I have a glass of the Pinot Noir, please? 2、在酒吧或咖啡店兼职 ×:See you.(再见)

√:Bye bye.(店员用 see you 太强势,最好用低调的' Bye bye) 此外,客人说 Thank you,不必回答 You are wele,这样太过正式,直接回答Cheers或 No worries 即可。 3、别人邀请你去酒会,你有事不得不拒绝 ×:Sorry, I can’t. I have another appointment.(抱歉我不能去,我有别的安排) √:That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today. 4、请人帮忙 ×:Please give me the glass of beer.(请把那杯啤酒递给我) √:Could you pass me the glass of beer, please?(能把那杯啤酒递给我吗?)


四种常见的社交礼仪距离 这里有四种常见的社交礼仪距离,希望能对你有所帮助! 1.亲密距离 0-0.5m是亲密距离。这是恋人、夫妇、父母、孩子和爱人之间的距离。亲密距离可以分为近距离和远距离。 近距离在0-15厘米之间。这是一个“亲密”的距离空间,在这里人们可以充分表达各种亲密的感觉,如爱抚、舒适和保护。在这个空间里,人们可以触摸对方的皮肤,直接感受对方的体温和呼吸。恋人们非常希望在这样的空间里。在这样的空间里,双方都会感到幸福和宽慰。远距离亲密距离约为15-50厘米。这是一个人们可以肩并肩、手牵手的空间。在这个空间里,人们可以谈论私事,窃窃私语。 在公共场合,只有爱人才能进入亲密距离的空间。在公众面前,除了客观拥挤的场合,异性永远不应该进入这个空间,否则就是对对方的不尊重。即使由于拥挤而被迫进入这个空间,一个人也应该尽量避免身体的任何部分接触到另一个,更不用说保持眼睛盯着另一个了。 2.社交距离 0.5-1.5m是社交距离。在这个距离上,双方伸直手,可能会互相接触。由于这段距离更开放,亲密的朋友和熟人可以随意进入这个地区。

3.礼仪距离 1.5-3米是礼仪距离。人们可以在这个距离打招呼,比如‘刘总,好久不见’。这是正式社交场合中使用的距离,如商业活动和国家活动。采用这种距离主要反映了沟通的正式性和严肃性。在一些领导和企业主的办公室里,他们桌子的宽度超过两米。设计这种宽度的目的之一是在领导者与下属交谈时显示距离和尊严。 4.公共距离 3米远是公共距离,双方只需点头。如果他们大声喊叫,那是不礼貌的。 以上是介绍给每个人的四种常见社交礼仪距离,希望能对你有所帮助!


中国社会社交礼仪知识大全体面地送礼 赠送,是人际交往中的一项重要举措。成功的赠送行为,能够恰到好处地向受赠者表达自己友好、敬重或其他某种特殊的情感,并因此让受赠者产生深刻的印象。 糖尿病患者,送柑橘类、水梨、哈密瓜、香瓜、葡萄柚、草莓、脱脂奶粉、燕麦片。 高血压、心脏病患者,送木瓜、哈蜜瓜、香瓜、柿子、奇异果、草莓。胃溃疡患者,送木瓜、桃子、香蕉。 盛夏到亲戚好友家去,送上一个大西瓜消暑,使人感到亲切。如果把

白兰瓜、哈密瓜并送,更合乎礼仪要求。 青年男女谈朋友期间,送上一大串金黄的香蕉,表示两人愿意相交;送上红橘和苹果,象征热情奔放,有情人终能结出美果。同时也要投其所好,选送对方所爱吃的果品。 2.受礼常识 住了。 我们中国人不习惯当面把礼品包装当场拆开,在国外当场拆开礼品包装是非常普遍的。特别是欧美国家的朋友赠送礼品,如果你有时间而且礼品不难拆封的话,要尽可能地当面拆开。 1)拒礼三法

婉言相告。也就是用委婉的、不失礼貌的话,向赠送者暗示自己难以接受对方的好意。比如,当一位男士送舞票给一位小姐,而对方打算回绝时,就可以说:“我男朋友已经和我约好请我跳舞,实在是对不起”。 直说理由。也就是直截了当地向赠送者说明你难以接受礼品的原因。 饺子;乙家一看急了,不能失礼呀,于是用盛汤的磁盆给甲家送了一盆饺子;甲家一看,嘿!不能让人小瞧了!赶紧做了一锅饺子给乙家送去…… 礼尚往来,是人之常情。但要把握分寸、把握时机,千万不能因送礼、还礼而受累。

接受别人的礼品后,应该铭记在心;在适当的时候,向对方还礼。我们要注意还礼的时间和还礼的形式等两个问题。 如果还礼过早别人不是以为“等价交换”,就是怀疑“划清界限”;如果拖延太久,等事情完全冷淡了再还礼反而效果不好。 选择还礼的时间,要讲“后会有期”。我们推荐几种很好的机会:一 送花,是现代赠送礼仪的一种越来越受人们欢迎的特殊形式。 对于送花礼仪,也要清楚送花的形式、送花的时机以及鲜花的寓意,才不会在一味追求新方式时,搞出笑话或误会。 1)送花的形式 亲自送花。这是送花的最基本形式。不但可以和受赠者一同分享喜悦,


礼仪致辞句型汇总 一. 称呼 女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen 朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends 各位嘉宾Distinguished guests 尊敬的来宾Honored Guests 各位同事Dear colleagues 同志们Comrades 青年朋友们Young friends (中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen (美国)同胞们My fellow citizens (港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots 老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends 同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members 各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community 亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表 Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families 尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人 Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses 各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps 各位团长Heads of Delegations 各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs 中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government 尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing 尊敬的布什总统和夫人Mr. President and Mrs. Bush 尊敬的罗格主席和夫人Respected IOC President Rogge and Mrs Rogge 尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人Respected President Philip Craven and Mrs Craven 尊敬的各位国际奥委会委员Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee 主席先生/总统先生Mr. President 总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister 总统女士Madame President 尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo 国王和王后陛下Your Majesties 各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses 尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi 尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo 尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li 尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang 团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao 高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao


2020 基本社交礼仪常识大全文档 Document Writing

基本社交礼仪常识大全文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,公务文书,又叫公务文件,简称公文,是法定机关与社会组 织在公务活动中为行使职权,实施管理而制定的具有法定效用和规范体式的书面文 字材料,是传达和贯彻方针和政策,发布行政法规和规章,实行行政措施,指示答 复问题,知道,布置和商洽工作,报告情况,交流经验的重要工具 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 礼仪用语:礼貌用语的“四有四避” 在交际中,人们使用礼貌用语通常要做到“四有四避”,即有分寸、有礼节、有教养、有学识,要避隐私、避浅薄、避粗鄙、避忌讳。 “四有”:第一是有分寸。这是语言得体、有礼貌的首要问题。要做到语言有分寸,必须配合以非语言要素,要在背景知识方面知己知彼,要明确交际的目的,要选择好交际的体式,同时,要注意如何用言辞行动去恰当表现。当然,分寸也包括具体的言辞的分寸。 第二是有礼节。语言的礼节就是寒暄。有五个最常见的礼节语言的惯用形式,它表达了人们交际中的问候、致谢、致歉、告别、回敬这五种礼貌。问候是“您好”,告别是“再见”,致谢是“谢谢”,致歉是“对不起”。回敬是对致谢、致歉的回答,如“没关系”、“不要紧”、“不碍事”之类。 第三是有教养。说话有分寸、讲礼节,内容富于学识,词语

雅致,是言语有教养的表现。尊重和谅解别人,是有教养的人的重要表现。尊重别人符合道德和法规的私生活、衣着、摆设、爱好,在别人的确有了缺点时委婉而善意地指出。谅解别人就是在别人不讲礼貌时要视情况加以处理。 第四是有学识。在高度文明的社会里,必然十分重视知识,十分尊重人才。富有学识的人将会受到社会和他人的敬重,而无知无识、不学无术的浅鄙的人将会受到社会和他人的鄙视。 “四避”:第一是避隐私。隐私就是不可公开或不必公开的某些情况,有些是缺陷,有些是秘密。在高度文明的社会中,隐私除少数必须知道的有关人员应当知道外,不必让一般人员知道。因此,在言语交际中避谈避问隐私,是有礼貌的重要方面。欧美人一般不询问对方的年龄、职业、婚姻、收入之类,否则会被认为是十分不礼貌的。 第二是避浅薄。浅薄,是指不懂装懂,“教诲别人”或讲外行话,或者言不及义,言不及知识,只知柴米油盐,鸡猪猫狗,张长李短,男婚女嫁。言辞单调,词汇贫乏,语句不通,白字常吐。如果浅薄者相遇,还不觉浅薄,但有教养、有知识的人听他们谈话,则无疑感到不快。社会、自然是知识的海洋,我们每个人都不可能做万能博士或百事通。我们应当学有专攻又知识渊博,但总有不如他人之处,总有不懂某种知识之处,要谦虚谨慎,不可妄发议论。 第三是避粗鄙。粗鄙指言语粗野,甚至污秽,满口粗话、丑话、脏话,上溯祖宗、旁及姐妹、下连子孙、遍及两性,不堪入


礼仪英文翻译 篇一:中国的餐桌礼仪英文介绍 inchina,aswithanyculture,therearerulesandcustomsthatsurroundwhatisappr opriateandwhatisnotwhendining,whetheritisinarestaurantorinsomeone’shome.Learningtheappropriatewaytoactandwhattosaywillnotonlyhelpyouf eellikeanative,butwillalsomakethosearoundyoumore comfortable,andabletofocusonyou,insteadofyourinterestingeatinghabits. 同其他国家文化一样,在中国,无论是在餐馆还是在家,用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解一些中国的餐桌礼仪,不仅能让你更加入乡随俗,融入其中,而且能让别人注意到你,而不是你特别的用餐习惯。Thecustomssurroundingchinesetables’mannersisingrainedwithtradition,andsomerulesarenottobebroken.Failingto understandandfollowalloftherulescouldresultinoffendingthechefandending thenightinanunfavorableway. 有些餐桌礼仪是随着传统延续下来的,是决不能违反的。如果不了解这些餐桌礼仪并且破坏了这些规矩,到时可能得罪厨师,扫兴而归哦。 1.Thefoodisservedvialargecommunaldishes,andinnearlyeverycase,youwill besuppliedwithcommunalchopsticksfortransferringfoodfromthemaindishe stoyourown.Youshouldusethecommunalchopsticksiftheyare supplied.iftheyarenotoryouareunsure,waitforsomeonetoservefoodtotheiro


基本社交礼仪常识大全 人际关系的好坏是决定人生成败的重要因素。下面是小编帮大家整理的基本社交礼仪常识大全,希望大家喜欢。 礼仪用语:礼貌用语的“四有四避” 在交际中,人们使用礼貌用语通常要做到“四有四避”,即有分寸、有礼节、有教养、有学识,要避隐私、避浅薄、避粗鄙、避忌讳。 “四有”:第一是有分寸。这是语言得体、有礼貌的首要问题。要做到语言有分寸,必须配合以非语言要素,要在背景知识方面知己知彼,要明确交际的目的,要选择好交际的体式,同时,要注意如何用言辞行动去恰当表现。当然,分寸也包括具体的言辞的分寸。 第二是有礼节。语言的礼节就是寒暄。有五个最常见的礼节语言的惯用形式,它表达了人们交际中的问候、致谢、致歉、告别、回敬这五种礼貌。问候是“您好”,告别是“再见”,致谢是“谢谢”,致歉是“对不起”。回敬是对致谢、致歉的回答,如“没关系”、“不要紧”、“不碍事”之类。

第三是有教养。说话有分寸、讲礼节,内容富于学识,词语雅致,是言语有教养的表现。尊重和谅解别人,是有教养的人的重要表现。尊重别人符合道德和法规的私生活、衣着、摆设、爱好,在别人的确有了缺点时委婉而善意地指出。谅解别人就是在别人不讲礼貌时要视情况加以处理。 第四是有学识。在高度文明的社会里,必然十分重视知识,十分尊重人才。富有学识的人将会受到社会和他人的敬重,而无知无识、不学无术的浅鄙的人将会受到社会和他人的鄙视。 “四避”:第一是避隐私。隐私就是不可公开或不必公开的某些情况,有些是缺陷,有些是秘密。在高度文明的社会中,隐私除少数必须知道的有关人员应当知道外,不必让一般人员知道。因此,在言语交际中避谈避问隐私,是有礼貌的重要方面。欧美人一般不询问对方的年龄、职业、婚姻、收入之类,否则会被认为是十分不礼貌的。 第二是避浅薄。浅薄,是指不懂装懂,“教诲别人”或讲外行话,或者言不及义,言不及知识,只知柴米油盐,鸡猪猫狗,张长李短,男婚女嫁。言辞单调,词汇贫乏,语句不通,白字常吐。如果浅薄者相遇,还不觉浅薄,但有教养、有知识的人听他们谈话,则无疑感到不快。社会、自然是知识的海洋,我们每个人都不可能做万能博士或百事通。我们应当学有专攻又知识渊博,但

中级口译 礼仪性口译的典型句型 第二课

礼仪性口译的典型句型: 1.女士们,先生们,各位贵宾: 我谨代表我公司,并于我个人的名义,对各位表示热烈的欢迎! 2.今晚我们请到了从伦敦远道而来的贵宾们与我们一起共度中秋佳节,我为此 感到非常地荣幸!这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆之中。 < Tonight, I feel deeply privileged (honored) to have the distinguished friends who come all the way from London to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with us. These fine impressions will forever remain in our cherished memories.> 3.今天,我很高兴也很荣幸能在这里与大家欢聚一堂,这使我有机会拜访老朋 友,结识新朋友! < Today, It gives me such a pleasure and honor to have the joyful gathering with you all here, which gives me such a great opportunity to visit the old friends and meet the new ones.> 4.我为能在此设宴招待切尼副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快!我 愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎! 5.在这美丽无比的金秋季节,我们在北京迎来了第四届世界妇女大会的召开! 为此,我们热烈欢呼第四届世界妇女大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功! < In this most beautiful season of golden autumn, we in Beijing welcome the opening of the 4th World Conference on Women. In this connection, we warmly herald the opening of it and wish it a complete success! >


口译主题一礼仪祝辞 汉英英汉口译实践: 1.首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功! 国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。 参考译文 I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the fifth Annual Meeting of the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all. It's been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos. In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth. The diverse forms of discussions conducted during the forum are lively and vibrant. In particular, during the difficult times of the financial crisis, the forum sent out a message of hope and brought confidence and courage to the world. The theme of this year's forum- Mastering Quality Growth - represents people's shared desire for robust, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and I wish the meeting a great success. Three years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. International organizations, governments, the business communities and the academia are all taking a hard look at the root causes of the crisis and exploring ways to sustain the growth of both the global economy and national economies. With regard to China's economic development, some people have hailed its achievements, while


社交礼仪类 单词识记: class habit title address apologize appointment behave behavior ceremony gentleman manner tip trust aggressive civilization embarrassed respond misunderstand status punctual 短语扫描: have a conversation with sb.与某人谈话 in the/a habit of有……的习惯 win the respect of赢得……的尊敬 look down upon轻视;看不起 put up with忍受;容忍 turn down 拒绝;关小;调低(音量等) turn up出现;开大(声音等);卷起 apologize to sb.for sth.因为某事向某人道歉 I’d appreciate it if...如果……我将不胜感激 see you再见 [跟踪训练] Ⅰ.语境填词 1.Poor sleep (习惯) can also be a data problem.

2.The author doesn’t wish there to be any (misunderstand) of his argument. 3.The soldiers are a bit (embarrass) by their performance. 4.The money will be used to repair faulty (equip). 5.The (家具) in the room is covered with dust. Ⅱ.单项填空 6.—It is said that little Bill hit his classmate on the head. —He is thought to be a(an) boy,who is always ready to start a fight. A.ashamed B.awkward C.desperate D.aggressive 7.Mike apologized the teacher his coming late. A.to;for B.at;because of C.on;for D.to;because 8.At first the driver refused to accept any responsibility but he apologizing to the passenger. A.kept up B.ended up C.turned up D.gave up 9.Don’t worry.The students have decided to a peaceful solution. A.put up with B.come up with C.keep up with D.bring forward 10.You should not rely on that she will be punctual your appointment. A.it;at B.this;for C./;with D.it;for 阅读理解 A (2016·和平区一模) So many of us hold on to little resentments(怨恨) that may have resulted from an argument,a misunderstanding,or some other painful events.Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle(重新点燃) a friendship or family relationship.


社交礼仪是指在人际交往、社会交往和国际交往活动中,用于表示尊重、亲善和友好的首选行为规范和惯用形式。这一定义包含了以下几层意思: 第一,社交礼仪是一种道德行为规范。规范就是规矩、章法、条条框框,也就是说社交礼仪是对人的行为进行约束的条条框框,告诉你要怎么做,不要怎么做。如你到老师办公室办事,进门前要先敲门,若不敲门就直接闯进去是失礼的。社交礼仪比起法律、纪律,其约束力要弱得多,违反社交礼仪规范,只能让别人产生厌恶,别人不能对你进行制裁,为此,社交礼仪的约束要靠道德修养的自律。 第二,社交礼仪的直接目的是表示对他人的尊重。尊重是社交礼仪的本质。人都有被尊重的高级精神需要,当在社会交往活动过程中,按照社交礼仪的要求去做,就会使人获得尊重的满足,从而获得愉悦,由此达到人与人之间关系的和谐。 第三,社交礼仪的根本目的是为了维护社会正常的生活秩序。没有它,社会正常的生活秩序就会遭到破坏,在这方面,它和法律、纪律共同起作用,也正是因为这一目的,无论是资本主义社会还是社会主义社会都非常重视社交礼仪规范建设。 第四,社交礼仪要求在人际交往、社会交往活动中遵守。这是它的范围,超出这个范围,社交礼仪规范就不一定适用了。如在公共场所穿拖鞋是失礼的,而在家穿拖鞋则是正常的。 主要目的 社交的重要性,也可以说是社交的功能与作用。综合来讲,人们从事社交活动主要目的有以下四点: 交流信息 也叫信息资源共享。我们在生活中需要获取大量信息以供生计参考,由于个人的活动范围有限,直接获取一手信息资源的能力也就受到很大的限制,而这众多的信息大多是在我们与他人打交道时所获取来的。比如,我们开车到另外一个地方,而其中有段路正在修路或发生交通事故而禁止通行,那么如果我们不知道这个信息的话,我们便会按原路线行进,在中途不得不改道而行,但是如果我们通过朋友或亲戚或同事或者广播电视网络等社会媒体那里得知此消息后,我们便可提前修正去往的路线,少走冤枉路。 增进感情 在社交上投入的时间将带来感情上的收获,如我们与亲戚朋友在一起休闲娱乐。


Sentence Interpreting Welcome 1. I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。 2. We gathered here today with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Brown from ABC Company. 今天,我们怀着喜悦的心情欢聚在这里,欢迎来自ABC公司的布朗先生。 3. 斯密斯先生,欢迎您和代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。 Mr. Smith, I’m very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope you’ll have a pleasant visit here. 4. 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar. 5. 欢迎你们随时再来,我们的门对朋友永远是敞开的。 You are welcome to visit us again any time. Our door is always open to friends. Thanks 1. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality. 我想借此机会代表我所有的同事对你们热情周到的接待和无与伦比的好客表示感谢。 2. On behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me offer a most sincere “thank you”for your warm and gracious welcome. 本人谨代表所有参与此次研讨会的外国人员,向您表示最诚挚的谢意,感谢您对我们热烈而亲切的欢迎。 3. 对全世界电脑工业界而言,这是令人兴奋的时刻,我们很高兴能有这个机会来参加研讨会,谢谢你们的邀请和热情接待。 This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop. Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception. 4. 我愿借此机会对东道主的盛情邀请和友好款待表示我们真诚的感谢。 I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest


四种常用公共社交礼仪 社交,是指社会上人与人的交际往来,是人们运用一定的方式(工具)传递信息、交流思想的意识,以达到某种目的的社会各项活动。那么大家知道四种常用公共社交礼仪吗?以下是我为您整理的“四种常用公共社交礼仪”,供您参考,()查看。 四种常用公共社交礼仪 一、着装礼仪 1.着装“六忌” 着装体现一个人的品味和对待外界的态度。在职场中,商务人士更要特别注意自己的着装,这直接关系着自身的职业发展。在着装方面,主要有“六忌”: ①过于鲜艳 在正式场合的着装色彩切忌较为繁杂,过分鲜艳。比如,衣服图案过分繁琐以及标新立异等,这些都会给人以不稳重成熟之感。 ②过于杂乱 过于杂乱是指不按照正式场合的规范化要求着装。杂乱的着装极易给人留下不良的印象,容易使客户对企业的规范化程度产生疑虑。 ③过于暴露 在正式的商务场中,身体的某些部位是不适宜暴露的,比如,胸部、肩部和大腿等部位,过于暴露会给客户留下不稳重之感。 ④过于透视 在社交场合中,往往是允许穿着透视装的,但在正式商务交往中着装过于透视就有失对别人的尊重,更有不尊重对方的嫌疑。 ⑤过于短小

在正式场合,商务人员的着装不可以过于短小。比如,短裤、超短裙、露脐装,一些重要场合甚至不允许穿短袖衬衫等等。特别需要强调的是,男士在正式场合身着短裤是绝对不允许的。 ⑥过于紧身 在社交场合,紧身服饰是允许穿的,但工作场合强调正式和庄重,不可以穿着过分紧身的服装。设想一下,当商务人员在工作场合穿着过于紧身的服装,凸显线条分明,又怎能体现自己的庄重呢? 2.着装注意事项 在正式社交场合,商务人士的着装需要注意以下事项: ①符合身份 鉴于员工形象均代表其所在企业形象及规范化程度,同时也反映个人的修养和见识,因此,商务人员的着装必须与其所在企业形象、工作职位相称,做到男女有别、职级有别、身份有别、职业有别、岗位有别,即“做什么,像什么”。如此这般,才会使着装恰到好处地反映自身的素质以及企业形象。 ②扬长避短 现实生活中,每个人的高矮胖瘦都不同。商务场合着装强调扬长避短,但需要注意的是避短而不在扬长。例如,紧身上衣,迷你裙最能展现女士的身材,但是这样的着装不适宜商务场合,而是应该以职业套装为好;如果女士的腿不直,可以选择裤装。这些都是扬长避短做法。 ③区分场合 在日常工作与生活中,商务人士的着装应当因场合不同而异,以不变应万变显然大为不妥。在不同的场合,商务人士应该选择不同的服装,以此体现自己的身份、教养与品味。 一般而言,商务人士所涉及的诸多场合有三个:公务场合、社交场合、休闲场合。


礼仪致辞口译 篇一:口译主题实践一(礼仪祝辞)(Unit1) 口译主题一礼仪祝辞 汉英英汉口译实践: 1.首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功! 国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。参考译文iwishtoextendwarmcongratulationsontheopeningofthefifthannualmeetingo ftheSummerdavos,andasincerewelcometoyouall.it'sbeenfiveyearssin cethelaunchoftheSummerdavos.inthesefiveyears,theSummerdavoshasseta

clearobjectiveforitself,thatis,itisaforumfortheworld,forthefuture,forinnova tionandfortheyouth.Thediverseformsofdiscussionsconductedduringthefor umarelivelyandvibrant.inparticular,duringthedifficulttimesofthefinancialcr isis,theforumsentoutamessageofhopeandbroughtconfidenceandcouragetot heworld.Thethemeofthisyear'sforum-masteringQualityGrowth-repre sentspeople'sshareddesireforrobust,sustainableandbalancedeconomi cgrowth,andiwishthemeetingagreatsuccess. Threeyearshavepassedsincetheoutbreakoftheinternationalfinancialcrisis.in ternationalorganizations,governments,thebusinesscommunitiesandtheacad emiaarealltakingahardlookattherootcausesofthecrisisandexploringwaystos ustainthegrowthofboththeglobaleconomyandnationaleconomies.withregar dtochina'seconomicdevelopment,somepeoplehavehaileditsachievem ents,while someothershaveexpresseddoubt.Someareoptimisticaboutchina'secon omicfuture,whilesomeotherssaythatchinaisintrouble.Butweinchinaremainl evel-headed.weareclearaboutthesituationandwearefullyconfidentaboutour future. 2.Goodmorning,everyone.PresidentHu,membersofthechinesedelegation,o nbehalfofmichelleandmyself,welcometothewhiteHouse.andonbehalfofthe americanpeople,welcometotheUnitedStates. Threedecadesago,onaJanuarydaylikethis,anotheramericanPresidentstoodh ereandwelcomedanotherchineseleaderforthehistoricnormalizationofrelatio
