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Kinematics calculations (各轴P、n、T)
1. P1= P电′=2.41KW P2= P1 ηV带=2.41×0.96=2.31KW
P3= P2 η轴承η齿轮=2.31×0.99×0.97
P4= P3 η轴承η 链=2.22×0.99×0.96
四、确定带根数Z Numbers of belt
Pd 2.65 Pd Z 2 .9 ( P0 P0 ) K K L (0.95 0.115 ) 0.92 0.93 0 0 L P 42表4-7:P0=0.95KW 0
P0=0.0001T n1=0.0001 1.2 960=0.115 KW 0 1 P 44表4-8: T=1.2 P 44表4-9:K=0.92 P 45表4-10:K L=0.93 . L 取 Z=3 ( 10 ~ 12 )
2. 分配 Distribute speed ratio
① ② ③
i总=i带 i齿轮 i链 为各部分尺寸相称:i带 i链 i齿轮 i带=2~4 For size coordination in several stages of drives i链=2~6 i齿轮=3~6
i带=2.6 i链=3.5 i总 37.65 i齿轮= = =4.14 i带 i链 2.6 3.5
总体设计 Total design
一 、选电机select motor
1. 2.
类型Type: Y系列Series Y 容量Power: 工作机要求电机功率:
Power required by service machine
P电′=P工/η总=2/0.83= 2.41(KW)
P工=Fv/1000=5000×0.4/1000=2 (KW)
Length of belt and centre-to-centre distance
1. Owing to:
0.55(D1+D2)+h≤a≤2 (D1+D2)
→ 初取 a0= D1+D2 =100+260=360mm
( D2 D1 ) 2 L0 2a ( D1 D2 ) 2 4a 2 (260 100 ) 2 360 (100 260 ) 1303 mm 2 4 360 根据P38表4 3,取L d=1250 mm
η总= ηV带η轴承η齿轮η轴承η链η轴承η卷筒
= ηV带η轴承3η齿轮η链η卷筒 =0.96×0.993×0.97×0.96×0.96
查手册,取电机额定功率 By handbook and rated power of the motor is determined. Ped=3KW>2.41KW
设计步骤 Design procedure:
电机选择Select motor 一、传动装置总体设计 总传动比及其分配 Total design of Determine and driving device
distribute speed ratio
Kinematics calculations

3. 转速 Speed: 可选同步转速 Standard synchro-speed :
750 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 3000 rpm
Larger motor size and higher motor cost
Larger driving advice size
3. 求实际中心距a
The final centre-to-centre distance
Ld L0 1250 1303 a a0 360 333 .5mm 2 2 取a=335 mm
4. 校验包角α1 Check the arc of contact
D 2 D1 260 100 o o α1 180 60 180 60 o 151 .2 o 120 o a 335 合适 (如果 α1 120 o , 可以增大中心距a)
P40 图4-8 :
=1.1×2.41=2.65KW n1=960rpm
二、带轮计算直径 Diameters of pulley(D1、D2)

P40 表4-5或表4-6 : A型:Dmin=75mm 取D1 =100mm 则 D2= D1 ×i= 100×2.6 =260mm (圆整 Round,取尾数为0或5)
五、确定初拉力F0 和压轴力Fr
Initial tension Force acting on the shaft
Pd 2.5 K α 2 F0 500 ( ) qυ υZ Kα 2.65 2.5 0.92 2 500 ( ) 0.1 5.02 154 N 5.02 3 0.92 P38表4-2:根据A型 q=0.1kg / m α1 151.2 o Fr=2 ZF0 sin 2 3 154 sin 895 N 2 2
2. 校验传动比误差
Check the error of speed ratio
Δi 5% i Δi i i实际 100%=0 5% i i ( i实际 D2 ) D1
3. 校验速度 Check peripheral velocity
3.14 100 960 υ 5.02 m / s 5 ~ 25m / s 60 1000 60 1000 合适 若υ 5m / s, 则增大D1 then increase D1
Design of power transmission parts (带 Belt、齿轮 Gear、链 Chain) 三、装配图设计 Assembly drawing 轴 Shaft、 轴承 Bearing、 键Key
Parts drawing 五、说明书 Instrument book
选择额定转速 Rated speed is: n电=960rpm 4. 结果Results: Y132S-6 ( Ped=3KW、n电=960rpm)
二、总传动比及分配 Determine and distribute speed ratio
1. 总传动比
Speed ratio i总
n电 960 i总= = =37 .65 n 卷 25.5 60 1000 v 60 1000 0.4 n 卷= 25.5rpm D 3.14 300
2. n1=n电=960rpm n2=n1/i V带=960/2.6=369.2rpm n3=n2/i 齿= 369.2/Biblioteka Baidu.14=89.2rpm n4=n3/i 链=89.2/3.5=25.5rpm
P1 3 2.41 T1 9.55 10 9.55 10 23.97NM n1 960
带传动设计Design of the belt drive
[已知Known data] :
P1=2.41KW、i=2.6 (n1=960rpm、n2=369.2rpm)、 载荷平稳 Steady load、 两班制 Two-shift operation
一、带型号 Section of V-belt
P2 3 2.31 T2 9.55 10 9.55 10 59.75 NM n2 369.2
P3 3 2.22 T3 9.55 10 9.55 10 237.68NM n3 89.2
P4 3 2.11 T4 9.55 10 9.55 10 790.22NM n4 25.5
带传动设计实例 Design example of belt drive
带式运输机如图所示 Belt conveyer is shown in Fig 已知 Known data: F=5000N、v=0.4m/s、D =300mm、 载荷平稳 Steady load、 两班制 Two-shift operation。