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Unit 1 Dream homes



1、Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 艾迪,你想住在宫殿里吗?

这里would like 是“想,想要”的意思,后面可以加名词或动词或动词不定式。如:

I’d like to go to the USA next year. 明年我想去美国。

2、I’d like to live next to a restaurant. 我想住在餐馆附近。

这里next to 是“附近,靠近的”的意思,相当于near。如:

The table is next to the window. 这张桌子在窗户旁。

3、Which country is this photo from, Amy? 艾米,这幅照片来自哪个国家?

这里be from 相当于come from, 是“来自……”的意思。如:

Where is Mr Black from? 布莱克先生来自于哪儿?

4、Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? 东京是日本的首都吗?

句型结构为:The capital of +国家is +首都。如:

The capital of the UK is London. 英国首都是伦敦。


(1)capital n. 省会

The capital of Jiangsu is Nanjing. 江苏省会是南京。

(2)capital n. 大写字母

We should write in a capital at the beginning of a sentence. 句子的开头我们应该用大写字母。(3)capital n. 资本,资金,资产

personal capital 个人资产

(4)capital adj. 顶好的,一流的

He came up with a capital idea. 他想好一个绝妙的主意。

5、I like the kitchen best. 我最喜欢厨房。

Like…best 意为“最喜欢……”,相当于like…most。如:

The girl likes playing the piano best/most. 这个女孩最喜欢弹钢琴。

What activity do you like best/most? 你喜欢什么活动?

6、I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和姐姐共用一个卧室。

这里share 的意思是“共同使用,共同分享”,通常用于以下结构:share sth with sb 表示“和某人共享某物”。如:

I share the computer with my brother. 我和我弟弟共用一台电脑。

7、I have my own bedroom and bathroom. 我有我自己的卧室和浴室。

own 在这里用作形容词,意为“自己的”,必须与物主代词连用。如:

Now ask the same questions about your own teacher.用同样的问题问一些关于你们老师的情况。

This book is my own. 这本书是我自己的。


own 用作动词时,意为“所有;拥有”。如:

Which of these would you most like to own? 这些东西,你最想拥有哪一个?

We don’t own our flat—we rent it. 我们自己没有房子——这是租的。

(1)of one’s own 自己做的;自己独有的

He has a room of his own. 他有自己专用的房间。

(2)on one’s own 单独,独自

I’ve b een living on my own for four years now. 我已单独一人生活了四年了。

You can’t expect him to do it all on his own. 你不能期望他独自一人做它。

8、France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.


(1)这里over意为“多于,超过”,相当于more than。如:

The whale can stay under the water for over a half hour but then it must come to the top for air.


According to his count, there were over 3,000 people at the meeting.


(2)have an area of 意为“有……面积”如:

The town covers an area of ten square kilometers. 这个城镇的面积有10平方公里。

9、Hello. May I speak to Daniel, please? 喂。请问我可以和丹尼尔通话吗?

Hello. May/Can I speak to …, please? 是英语中打电话时常用的开场白,意为“请问,我能找某人接电话吗?”如果对方就是你要找的那个人,他/她通常会说Speaking.(我就是。)如:

-Hello! May/Could I speak to Mr Green, please? -你好!我能找格林先生接电话吗?

-Speaking./This is Mr Green speaking./Mr Green speaking. -我就是。

注意:用英语打电话时,询问对方是谁,不用Who are you? 而常用Who’s that?或者Who’s the (speaking?)(你是谁?),还可以说Is that…?(你是……吗?)。当需要自我介绍时可以说This is …(speaking).或者My name is …。

10、There is a football field in front of my house and a swimming pool beside it.


本句型是“There be +名词+介词短语”,意为“在某地有什么”,其中的be 必须与后面的名词在数上保持一致。如:

There is an MP3 on the desk. 桌子上有一只MP3。

There are two MP3s on the desk. 桌子上有二只MP3。



