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第25卷 第4期2004年12月 上 海 海 事 大 学 学 报JOURNA L OF SH ANGH AI M ARITI ME UNI VERSITY

V ol.25 N o.4



杨忠根,张 振

(上海海事大学信息工程学院,上海 200135)

摘 要:首先定义基于模型的单视图情况下的单应性矩阵、外极线约束和基础矩阵,然后通过对基础矩阵的S VD 分析,证明使用经其左奇异变换阵变换过的数据集合可最优地估计一个能解析地确定单应性矩阵的四维参数,并进而计算摄像机内参数阵、三维运动参数和目标三维结构,从而开发了一个基于目标模型的从单视图特征点集进行摄像机自标定和三维重建的线性算法。关键词:计算机视觉;单视图摄像机自标定;三维重建;单应性矩阵;基础矩阵中图分类号:T N941.1 文献标识码:A

C amera self 2calibration for single 2vie w

Y ANG Zhonggen ,ZHANG Zhen

(In formation Engineering C ollege ,Shanghai Maritime University ,Shanghai 200135,China )

Abstract :The hom ographic matrix ,epipolar constraint and fundamental matrix in the case of m odel 2based single 2view are firstly defined.Then ,by means of the S VD analysis of the fundamental matrix ,the 42dimensional parameter vector from which the hom ographic matrix is analytically and uniquely determined can be optimally estimated from the data trans 2formed by the left singular matrix of the fundamental matrix.At last ,the intrinsic parameter matrix ,the 3D m otion as well as the 3D reconstruction can be straightforwardly calculated from the determined hom ographic matrix.S o ,a linear alg orithm to self 2calibrate the intrinsic parameter matrix of a camera and to reconstruct the 3D shape of the target in the single 2view is success fully developed.

K ey w ords :com puter vision ;camera calibration for single 2view ;3D reconstruction ;hom ographic matrix ;fundamental matrix


基金项目:上海市高等学校科学技术发展基金项目资助(01G 02)

作者简介:杨忠根(19462),男,江苏高邮人,教授,硕士,研究方向为通信与信息技术,(E 2mail )zgyang @

0 引 言





随着计算机视觉技术的发展,在线自标定应运而生。自从Hartley [6]和Faurgeras [7]首次提出摄像机自标定思想后,摄像机自标定已成为计算机视觉

84上 海 海 事 大 学 学 报 第25卷

第4期 杨忠根,等:单视图摄像机自标定



实验中,为了考察算法的抗噪性能,我们改变噪声强度A m依次取值0.0002,0.0004,0.0006, 0.0008,0.001,0.0012,0.0014,0.0016,0.0018, 0.002,0.004,0.006,0.008,0.01等(其中,0.01的偏差相当于偏差10个像素)。



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(责任编辑 廖粤新)

05上 海 海 事 大 学 学 报 第25卷
