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摘要.................................................................. II Abstract .............................................................. II 绪论. (1)

1上部结构设计概述 (3)

1.1设计基本资料 (3)

1.2 截面形式及截面尺寸拟定 (4)

1.3毛截面几何特性计算 (5)

2 上部结构内力计算 (9)

2.1 单元划分 (9)

2.2 恒载内力计算 (10)

2.3 温度及墩台基础沉降次内力计算 (11)

2.4 收缩次内力 (15)

2.5 活载组合内力计算 (16)

2.6 内力组合 (18)

3 预应力钢束的估算与布置 (24)

3.1 计算原理 (24)

3.2预应力钢束的估算 (27)

3.3 预应力钢束布置 (29)

3.4预应力损失计算 (32)

4 普通钢筋估算 (37)

5 强度验算 (39)

6 应力、变形验算 (41)

6.1基本原理 (41)

6.2施工阶段应力验算 (41)

6.3 使用阶段应力验算 (47)

6.4 挠度的计算与验算预拱度的设计 (57)

7 桥墩的计算 (60)

7.1 设计资料 (60)

7.2 墩柱计算 (61)

8 钻孔灌注桩计算 (65)

8.1 荷载计算 (65)

8.2 桩长计算 (66)

8.3 桩的内力计算(m法) (66)

8.4 桩顶纵向水平位移验算与桩身材料截面强度验算 (69)

结束语 (72)

致谢 (73)

参考文献 (74)





关键词: 预应力混凝土桩基础墩柱


According to the specification requirements and general design code for bridges and culverts, and on the basis of the principle of the safety, utility,economy and aesthetics ,we have carried out the third unite located at the D ramp bridge of PINGNANP Highway. The bridge is structured with four spans of prestressed concrete continuous bridge, which are simply supported. The length of the four spans is all 30meters. The abutment adopts two piles single-rowly disposed.

The first chapter calculates the upper structure. The load lateral distribution coefficient between quarter span and mid span, is calculated with the law of the pin-joint method, and the pivot with the law of lever method. On the basis of two combinations of live loads and dead loads, prestressed cables are calculated. According to the new design code, the loss of the prestressed concrete has also been calculated, by temporary and lasting state. And the 30-meter span has been calculated with the application software—Doctor Bridge.

The second chapter calculates the substructure, including pier coping and piers. The calculation of lateral distribution coefficient of the pier coping adopts the law of lever method when loads are disposed symmetrically, the law of eccentric-compressing method when loads are disposed unsymmetrically. The calculation of the piles adopts the law of m-method. The piers are calculated as eccentric compression members.

The last step is checking the main cross section. the work includes the load-caring capacity ultimate state and the normal service ability ultimate state as well as the main section’s being out of shape.

Keywords: prestressed concrete pile pier
