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5.Discussion 讨论

This paper has analysed local-scale short-term spatio-temporal variations in groundwater composition in a wetland environment in The Netherlands. In general largest variations in groundwater quality parameters, both spatially and temporally, occur for nutrients (NO-, PO3-, NH4, K) and redox related metals (Fe, Mn). Macroions (Na-Cl, Ca-Mg-HCO3 and SiO2) show intermediate to low variations. Spatial and temporal RSD show good correlation, with spatial RSD-s being approximately three times larger than temporal RSD-t in the study area. This may partly be caused by the fact that in the determination of these indices spatial and temporal dimensions are interlinked to a certain degree, as spatial RSD is calculated as the median over the separate spatial RSD values per sampling campaign (i.e. time), and temporal RSD is calculated as the median over the separate temporal RSD values per filter screen (i.e. space).


A spatial zonation has been found with most parameters showing significant differences in median concentrations in a horizontal direction between the eastern Sand/Dry area and the western 是/ Wet area. This zonation confirms the findings in literature that soil type and wetness have significant influences on groundwater com-position in the study area (e.g. Schot and Van der Wal, 1992; Schot and Wassen, 1993). However, a relation with depth as described in literature has not been found in this study. Possibly this is due to the rather shallow location of the filter screens (maximum 8 m).

空间上发现了带状分布:在东部沙地-干燥地区和西部泥炭-湿润地区之间的水平方向地区大多数参数的中位数浓度有着显着性差异。这个带状分布确证了文献中关于土壤的类型和湿度对于地下水组成成分有重要影响的发现。(例如. Schot and Van der Wal, 1992; Schot and Wassen, 1993) 。但是文献中描述的与深度的关系在这次研究中没有被发现。这可能是由于过滤网位置较浅的原因(最大8米)。

The horizontal zonation shows NO3-, SO42-, K and PO43- decrease going in the general direction of groundwater flow from the Sand/ Dry area in the east to the Peat/Wet area in the west, while Fe and SiO2 (and NH4) increase. This statistically derived pattern (Table 1) is confirmed by the 3D-maps of median concentrations. Horizontal zonation may be explained by two processes, the first being the occurrence of pollution in the densely populated sandy area (illustrated by high NO3-, SO42-, K and PO43- concentrations) which is largely absent in the wetland nature reserve, while the second is the occurrence of redox processes caused by oxygen consumption in superficial peat/clay layers in the wetland area (resulting in high Fe and SiO2, and low NO3- and SO42-concentrations).

