cross-cultural communication PPT课件
• 要想在世界这个大舞台上获得有用信息展 现本国独特的魅力,就必须与国际接轨, 了解其它国家的文化,与其进行跨文化沟 通。
跨文化沟通是指跨文化组织中拥有不同文化背景 的人们之间相互传递信息、交流知识和理解情感的过 程。
与一般意义上的沟通相比,跨文化沟通难度更大, 技巧性更强。因为,它涉及语言、习俗等文化上 的差异,沟通不当则会导致沟通无效甚至关系恶
每个国家甚至每个族群 都有这自己特有的文化, 有些语言、动作、眼神、 表情等传达信息的方式在 你自己所在的区域内是代 表着一种意思但是在另外 一个地方可能就不是同一 种意思。
饮食文化差异 : 美国人是用脑子吃饭:
我一天需要消耗多少大卡的 热量,我就补充多少大卡,很少 讲究口味。而且烹调的方法主要还是以油炸为主。
法国人是用心吃饭: 法国人的饮食在世界上来讲是比较讲究的,法国
大菜的制作可以说是极费心思的,有的菜从选用食材 到制作需要几天的时间,选料之讲究、做工之精细、 色彩之搭配均堪称世界之典范。
有了障碍就必须解决障碍 :
了解文化差异 认同文化差异 融合文化差异
树立共同价值观 推行竞争性的人力资源管理体 制 严格规章制度 重视员工培训辅以娱乐交谊活
其实,就 是不断的学习, 不断的行走, 不断的去接触, 去看见,去与 人打交道这样 知道的越多, 遇到的人越多, 与人相处的方 式也会学到的 越多。
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国心态,造
• 要想在世界这个大舞台上获得有用信息展 现本国独特的魅力,就必须与国际接轨, 了解其它国家的文化,与其进行跨文化沟 通。
跨文化沟通是指跨文化组织中拥有不同文化背景 的人们之间相互传递信息、交流知识和理解情感的过 程。
与一般意义上的沟通相比,跨文化沟通难度更大, 技巧性更强。因为,它涉及语言、习俗等文化上 的差异,沟通不当则会导致沟通无效甚至关系恶
每个国家甚至每个族群 都有这自己特有的文化, 有些语言、动作、眼神、 表情等传达信息的方式在 你自己所在的区域内是代 表着一种意思但是在另外 一个地方可能就不是同一 种意思。
饮食文化差异 : 美国人是用脑子吃饭:
我一天需要消耗多少大卡的 热量,我就补充多少大卡,很少 讲究口味。而且烹调的方法主要还是以油炸为主。
法国人是用心吃饭: 法国人的饮食在世界上来讲是比较讲究的,法国
大菜的制作可以说是极费心思的,有的菜从选用食材 到制作需要几天的时间,选料之讲究、做工之精细、 色彩之搭配均堪称世界之典范。
有了障碍就必须解决障碍 :
了解文化差异 认同文化差异 融合文化差异
树立共同价值观 推行竞争性的人力资源管理体 制 严格规章制度 重视员工培训辅以娱乐交谊活
其实,就 是不断的学习, 不断的行走, 不断的去接触, 去看见,去与 人打交道这样 知道的越多, 遇到的人越多, 与人相处的方 式也会学到的 越多。
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国心态,造
Reading II
➢ Ethnocentrism is negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one’s own culture. It is the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.
Reading II
Read the article “Ethnocentrism and Ethnorelativism” (p272276) .
1. What is ethnocentrism? ➢ Most other cultures are backward compared with my culture. ➢ My culture should be the role model for other cultures. ➢ Other cultures should try to be more like my culture. ➢ Most people from other cultures just don’t know what’s good or
Indian summer with her second highly acclaimed film this year. 9. Before she left, she said a final goodbye and give him a long French kiss. 10. The companies do not wish to Welsh on their debts to banker if though their business seems to be not good at the moment.
Reading II
➢ Ethnocentrism is negatively judging aspects of another culture by the standards of one’s own culture. It is the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.
Reading II
Read the article “Ethnocentrism and Ethnorelativism” (p272276) .
1. What is ethnocentrism? ➢ Most other cultures are backward compared with my culture. ➢ My culture should be the role model for other cultures. ➢ Other cultures should try to be more like my culture. ➢ Most people from other cultures just don’t know what’s good or
Indian summer with her second highly acclaimed film this year. 9. Before she left, she said a final goodbye and give him a long French kiss. 10. The companies do not wish to Welsh on their debts to banker if though their business seems to be not good at the moment.
第二章 交际与跨文化交际PPT
• 与跨文化交际学关系最密切的有四门学科是文化人类学、 社会心理学、社会语言学和传播学。不同学科的学者在研究跨 文化交际时所取的角度不同,研究方法上亦有差异。
• 作为一门独立的边缘学科,跨文化交际学不仅研究文化的定 义与特点、交际的定义与特征以及文化与交际的关系,同时将干 扰交际的文化因素也作为它研究的重中之重。
(1)培养人们对不同文化持积极、理解的态度。在这个过程中,我 们能够加深对自身文化的理解,从而做到客观地把握各自的文化特性。
(2)培养跨文化接触时的适应能力。设法减缓冲击、提高适应能力 是使跨文化交际得以成功进行的唯一途径,这也是跨文化研究的一项 重要内容。
(3)培养跨文化交际的技能。在美国,除了在大学里设置了相关课 程以外,社会上也有许多机构专门负责跨文化交际技能的培训和进修, 以此来适应国际化社会的需要。正是基于这一点,跨文化交际研究的 实践意义要远远大于它的理论意义。
• 相比较而言,我国的跨文化交际研究的历史很短。上世纪八十年代中 期开始,我国学者们才注意到这方面的问题,其研究初期的重点是放在外 语教学以及文化及语言的关系上。自1982年许国璋先生发表论文 《CULTURALLY-LOADED WORDS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING》之后,学者们谈论文化差异的文章越来越多,并相继发表在 各种学术刊物上。
• 交际中,具有同一文化背景的人们可以进行有效地交流,而因为 共享有限的文化背景,来自不同文化中的人们,在交流时常常会产生 沟通的障碍。
• 这就是我们所说的跨文化交际。
• 《辞海》中“交际”词条下的释义:“敢问交际,何心也?” 朱熹注:“际,接也”。“交际”谓人以礼仪币帛相交接也。据 此意义,该词后来泛指社会各阶层成员交往中人与人的往来应酬。
大学优品PPT精选版《英语综合教程修订版第四册》Unit 3 Cross-cultural Communication_1
space Rules of social etiquette Housing
Different people have different culture
'Culture' is rather like an iceberg; you can see a little of it, in the same way that you can see how we behave 'on the surface.' But the biggest and most important partour cultural values- are hidden below the surface. Values are all pervasive; vital to the way we operate in the world, yet largely unconscious and usually unarticulated. We acquire them at a very early age and they become part of our make-up, our cultural software.
Values and Beliefs Verbal & Non-verbal
Thought Process behavior
Rules of social interaction
Roles & Relationships
Business interactions
leadership Gestures Ideas about fairness
Different people have different culture
'Culture' is rather like an iceberg; you can see a little of it, in the same way that you can see how we behave 'on the surface.' But the biggest and most important partour cultural values- are hidden below the surface. Values are all pervasive; vital to the way we operate in the world, yet largely unconscious and usually unarticulated. We acquire them at a very early age and they become part of our make-up, our cultural software.
Values and Beliefs Verbal & Non-verbal
Thought Process behavior
Rules of social interaction
Roles & Relationships
Business interactions
leadership Gestures Ideas about fairness
It covers various business areas such as marketing, finance, human resources, and international trade, providing students with a solid foundation in business English communication
Social method
A teaching method that resources students to question and seek answers through critical thinking and analysis It founders a deep understanding of concepts
Cultural background and cross cultural communication
Eastern culture emphases collectivism, while Western culture emphases individualism
Communication style
Module 3
Writing and Translation Skills
Module 4
English Culture and Literature
Language knowledge and skills
Basic elements
Vocabulary and grammar are the cornerstone of English learning. By learning new vocabulary and mastering grammar rules, students can better understand and apply English.
Social method
A teaching method that resources students to question and seek answers through critical thinking and analysis It founders a deep understanding of concepts
Cultural background and cross cultural communication
Eastern culture emphases collectivism, while Western culture emphases individualism
Communication style
Module 3
Writing and Translation Skills
Module 4
English Culture and Literature
Language knowledge and skills
Basic elements
Vocabulary and grammar are the cornerstone of English learning. By learning new vocabulary and mastering grammar rules, students can better understand and apply English.
Adapted from Figure 7–1: Explicit/Implicit Communication: An International Comparison
Phases of Multicultural Development
Table 7–1 Major Characteristics of Verbal Styles
5. 5. DEVELOP approaches to international negotiations that respond to differences in culture.
6. REVIEW different negotiating and bargaining behaviors that may improve negotiations and outcomes.
Context is information that surrounds a communication and helps convey the message
Messages are often highly coded and implicit in high-context societies, such as Japan and many Arab countries
2. ANALYZE the common downward and upward communication flows used in international communication.
3. EXAMINE the language, perception, and culture of communication, and nonverbal barriers to effective international communications.
Group discussions and role-plays
To enhance students' communication skills, group discussions and role-plays will be used to simulate real-world scenarios where students can practice their English communication skills.
Entertainment and recreation
enjoying and participating in cultural activities, such as music, movies, and sports.
The Application of English in the Workplace
Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal cues play a significant role in cross-cultural communication. It involves understanding and correctly interpreting facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body language to ensure accurate communication.
Course Introduction
Course objectives
Improve students' English communication skills: Through this course, students will learn to use English effectively in various professional contexts, including business meetings, technical discussions, and client interactions.
To enhance students' communication skills, group discussions and role-plays will be used to simulate real-world scenarios where students can practice their English communication skills.
Entertainment and recreation
enjoying and participating in cultural activities, such as music, movies, and sports.
The Application of English in the Workplace
Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal cues play a significant role in cross-cultural communication. It involves understanding and correctly interpreting facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body language to ensure accurate communication.
Course Introduction
Course objectives
Improve students' English communication skills: Through this course, students will learn to use English effectively in various professional contexts, including business meetings, technical discussions, and client interactions.
Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Summary: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
Case Three: Cultural Misunderstandings in International Tourism
• Detailed description • Catering habits: ts from different cultural backgrounds may have
different dining habits and preferences. For example, some cultures may prefer spicy food, while others may place more emphasis on a light and healthy diet. • Etiquette and Customs: During the tourism process, tourists need to understand and abide by local etiquette and customs. For example, in some cultures, touching someone's head or using the left hand is considered impolite and disrespectful behavior. • Language expression: In cross-cultural communication, differences in language expression may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. For example, some languages may have specific expressions or implicit meanings, which may lead to communication barriers if not understood.
Global rise
However, with globalization, especially the increase of global trade, it is unavoidable that different cultures will meet, conflict, and blend together. People from different culture find it is difficult to communicate not only due to language barriers, but also are affected by culture styles.Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they speak the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases.The study of cross-cultural communication is a global research area. As a result, cultural differences in the study of cross-cultural communication can already be found.
Cross-cultural communication endeavours to bring together such relatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other.The study of languages other than one's own can serve not only to help one understand what we as humans have in common, but also to assist in the understanding of the diversity ich underlines our languages' methods of constructing and organizing knowledge.
Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际 PPT课件 (2)
5.Case studies
Mutual Monitoring Process
Xiu went to a BC buffet reception in the BC headquarters in Beijing. It just so happened that Xiu arrived a little too early. The waiting lounge was almost empty except a charming lady sitting at a corner seat. After a long interval of unbearable silence Xiu decided to break the silence by approaching the lady.
Yes, but not good
1.An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering. 3. You send an e-mail message to an American friend. 4.Jane lies in bed reading a novel.
Model Two: unilateral-cultural model
(one knows another’s language and cultural environment but the other one doesn’t)
Lu Bing ,a Chinese tour guide is talking in English with George Luke, a British tourist who does not know Chinese at all.
Activity 3: Meanings in communication
--Reading the textbook and other related materials (assigned by the teacher or found/searched by you upon the teacher’s request)
--Regular attendance of the classes
--To help you become a better intercultural communicator. You will learn this partly by studying more about the process of intercultural communication and also about the factors that affect that process. However, even more important, you will develop new skills and thinking habits that will help you make sense of foreign cultures and their people, especially of things Westerners do which may seem strange, puzzling, or even bad.
strange. I decided to go to a park, and there I met several Chinese students. They started talking with me in Chinese, and I was happy to finally have a chance to practice speaking in Chinese with real Chinese people, and maybe also to make some Chinese friends. At first they asked me some pretty easy questions about how long I had been in China, what country I was from, and so forth. But then the questions started getting more complicated and harder for me to understand and answer; also, sometimes when I was struggling to answer a question the students would laugh. That kind of bothered me, and I felt like they were making fun of me. Then one of the students said something that I thought was a little weird. “Wo men zuo pengyou ba.” I mean, I did originally hope to make friends with them, but I didn’t expect someone I hardly knew to just say “Let’s be
--Reading the textbook and other related materials (assigned by the teacher or found/searched by you upon the teacher’s request)
--Regular attendance of the classes
--To help you become a better intercultural communicator. You will learn this partly by studying more about the process of intercultural communication and also about the factors that affect that process. However, even more important, you will develop new skills and thinking habits that will help you make sense of foreign cultures and their people, especially of things Westerners do which may seem strange, puzzling, or even bad.
strange. I decided to go to a park, and there I met several Chinese students. They started talking with me in Chinese, and I was happy to finally have a chance to practice speaking in Chinese with real Chinese people, and maybe also to make some Chinese friends. At first they asked me some pretty easy questions about how long I had been in China, what country I was from, and so forth. But then the questions started getting more complicated and harder for me to understand and answer; also, sometimes when I was struggling to answer a question the students would laugh. That kind of bothered me, and I felt like they were making fun of me. Then one of the students said something that I thought was a little weird. “Wo men zuo pengyou ba.” I mean, I did originally hope to make friends with them, but I didn’t expect someone I hardly knew to just say “Let’s be
Case Analysis
Her responses towards compliments are unquestionably appropriated between collectivists. Unlike Wang Lin, Lindon Jackson places great value on assertiveness and is encouraged to express personal thoughts and feelings freely.
Case Analysis
Wang Lin, who wore a newly bought coat, met Lindon Jackson on her way to work. When Lindon Jackson complimented Wang Lin on her coat, Wang Lin reacted by saying that her coat was not so beautiful since she, as a collectivist, is accustomed to belittle(轻视) everything related to her.
Lindon complimented her for her beautiful clothes:
Lindon: Oh, you looks gorgeous on this coat, Wang!
Wang: Not so beautiful. It costs only 100 Yuan. (In fact, it was worth 250 Yuan) Lindon: Oh, really. Where did you get it. I want to buy one for my wife. Wang: uh.
Case Analysis
Her responses towards compliments are unquestionably appropriated between collectivists. Unlike Wang Lin, Lindon Jackson places great value on assertiveness and is encouraged to express personal thoughts and feelings freely.
Case Analysis
Wang Lin, who wore a newly bought coat, met Lindon Jackson on her way to work. When Lindon Jackson complimented Wang Lin on her coat, Wang Lin reacted by saying that her coat was not so beautiful since she, as a collectivist, is accustomed to belittle(轻视) everything related to her.
Lindon complimented her for her beautiful clothes:
Lindon: Oh, you looks gorgeous on this coat, Wang!
Wang: Not so beautiful. It costs only 100 Yuan. (In fact, it was worth 250 Yuan) Lindon: Oh, really. Where did you get it. I want to buy one for my wife. Wang: uh.
Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际(课堂PPT)
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
Dominant Culture
• It's the one in power -
• They are numerous.
• Distinct and unique
• Meanwhile, aging population in more developed countries – Could bring more communication issues between older generations and younger generations (this can be treated as co-culture).
ethnic background, age, sex,
media, monetary systems,
or other factors.
• We learn our culture through proverbs
– Offer an important set of instructions
Our goal in this class is to answer some of the following questions: • Why do we often uncomfortable when encountering people who are different from yourself? • Why do people from different cultures behave in ways that seem strange to you? • How do cultural differences influence communication? • Which cultural differences are important and which are inconsequential? • Why is it difficult to understand and appreciate cultural difference?
Culture is usually defined as the sum of material and spiritual wealth created by humans, reflecting the history, current situation, and future of human society. Culture not only includes spiritual aspects such as art, music, and literature, but also material aspects such as language, customs, and religious beliefs.
Cultural awareness: Recognizing and understanding the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define a culture This includes the ability to apply cultural differences and apply cultural sensitivity in communication
Promotes Understanding and Respect: Cultural exchange helps people to understand and respect different cultures, leading to a more tolerance and inclusive society It helps to break down stereotypes and prejudgments by advancing people with a deep understanding of other cultures
Culture is usually defined as the sum of material and spiritual wealth created by humans, reflecting the history, current situation, and future of human society. Culture not only includes spiritual aspects such as art, music, and literature, but also material aspects such as language, customs, and religious beliefs.
Cultural awareness: Recognizing and understanding the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define a culture This includes the ability to apply cultural differences and apply cultural sensitivity in communication
Promotes Understanding and Respect: Cultural exchange helps people to understand and respect different cultures, leading to a more tolerance and inclusive society It helps to break down stereotypes and prejudgments by advancing people with a deep understanding of other cultures
1. 非母语交际者的语言障碍:在跨文化交际中,很多人会面临非 母语交际的挑战。这意味着他们需要面对不同的语言、词汇、语 法、发音等问题,这些因素都可能导致语言障碍。因此,为了解 决这个问题,非母语交际者需要不断地学习和提高语言技能,例 如多听多说多读多写、学习俚语、口音和文化知识等。
1. 社交礼仪:不同文化背景下的社交礼仪和行为表达方式差异很大,比如西方人讲话时习惯用手势, 而中国人可能会觉得这些动作过多、不正式;日本和韩国的传统礼仪非常注重面子和尊重,对年长 者和上级的行为尤其要恭敬,但在一些西方国家这种表现可能会被认为是过分客气、不自然。 2. 措辞与语言:文化背景不同导致措辞和语言上的差异,比如英语国家对于语言的直白、幽默和轻 松比较开放,但亚洲国家则有很多文化忌讳和语言禁忌。此外,各种语言还存在文化背景的色彩, 比如英语国家里有很多表达自由、独立和个性价值的词汇,而在中国社会里则强化集体荣誉和群体 意识,这导致交流中很容易出现歧义和误解。
Cultural Diversity and Globalization Trends
1. 语言障碍。不同国家和地区的人口使用的语言和方言不同,即使使用相同 的语言,口音、语速、词汇和用法都可能存在差异,这可能导致交流上的困 难和误解。此外,不同语言和文化中的说法、俚语、谚语等也会导致交流上 的难点。
文化差异是跨文化交际中最重要的挑战之一。其中,语言差异是最为明显、 也最为普遍的一种。在进行跨文化交际时,人们很容易会遇到词汇和语法不 同、口音和语调不同等问题,这需要交际双方进行有效的沟通和理解,学会 互相尊重和包容对方的语言特点,以达到有效的交流目的。
1. 非母语交际者的语言障碍:在跨文化交际中,很多人会面临非 母语交际的挑战。这意味着他们需要面对不同的语言、词汇、语 法、发音等问题,这些因素都可能导致语言障碍。因此,为了解 决这个问题,非母语交际者需要不断地学习和提高语言技能,例 如多听多说多读多写、学习俚语、口音和文化知识等。
1. 社交礼仪:不同文化背景下的社交礼仪和行为表达方式差异很大,比如西方人讲话时习惯用手势, 而中国人可能会觉得这些动作过多、不正式;日本和韩国的传统礼仪非常注重面子和尊重,对年长 者和上级的行为尤其要恭敬,但在一些西方国家这种表现可能会被认为是过分客气、不自然。 2. 措辞与语言:文化背景不同导致措辞和语言上的差异,比如英语国家对于语言的直白、幽默和轻 松比较开放,但亚洲国家则有很多文化忌讳和语言禁忌。此外,各种语言还存在文化背景的色彩, 比如英语国家里有很多表达自由、独立和个性价值的词汇,而在中国社会里则强化集体荣誉和群体 意识,这导致交流中很容易出现歧义和误解。
Cultural Diversity and Globalization Trends
1. 语言障碍。不同国家和地区的人口使用的语言和方言不同,即使使用相同 的语言,口音、语速、词汇和用法都可能存在差异,这可能导致交流上的困 难和误解。此外,不同语言和文化中的说法、俚语、谚语等也会导致交流上 的难点。
文化差异是跨文化交际中最重要的挑战之一。其中,语言差异是最为明显、 也最为普遍的一种。在进行跨文化交际时,人们很容易会遇到词汇和语法不 同、口音和语调不同等问题,这需要交际双方进行有效的沟通和理解,学会 互相尊重和包容对方的语言特点,以达到有效的交流目的。
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
Dominant Culture
• It's the one in power -
• They are numerous.
• Distinct and unique
• We learned our culture through mass media
• Culture is transmitted from generation to generation
• Culture is based on symbols
• Culture is subjected to change
• Subjective elements include: values, beliefs, attitudes, orientations, and underlying assumptions prevalent among people in the society.
• Basic functions of Culture: adapt to a particular ecology, and includes the knowledge that people need to have in order to function in their own social environment.
• Culture is integrated
• Culture is adaptive
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人, 在焦急等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
一、组织内部的沟通障碍 (1)员工结构的改变增加了沟通的难度 (2)组织层次和部门的冗杂,导致信息丢失 二、组织外部的沟通障碍 (1)信息多元化 (2)社会文化多元化 (3)组织外部沟通对象多元化
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国心
态,造就了他们的饮食习惯,由于日本是一岛国,物产相对来说比较匮 乏,有的食材需要长期进口,所以他们把饮食的风格放在少而精上,做 得量很少,但是食材选择以活的海鲜为主,用的器皿也是非常讲究,但 是都突出一个小字,让人吃起来赏心悦目,但是每次的食量都不是太大, 所以我们中国人吃日本料理都说吃不饱,而日本人却养成这样的饮食习 惯,所以你在日本很少见到大腹便便的人。
中国人是用嘴吃饭: 说中国人真正是用嘴吃饭,有人可能会说哪个国家的人不是用嘴
吃饭,他们还用鼻子吃饭不成。其实说中国人用嘴吃饭,是说中国人 吃饭最讲究口味,酸、甜、苦、辣,什么南甜北咸、东辣西酸。中国 八大菜系,各有自己的一套烹饪方法,讲究一个风味和口感。
cross-cultural communication
小组成员: 陈莎 赖瑶 阳靓芳 魏巧明 郑天 向卫平 唐文德
作为一个有抱负有理想的大学生,具备有效沟通的 能力是很重要的,而随着全球一体化,跨文化沟通 也越来越重要也越发普遍。
中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人, 在焦急等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
一、组织内部的沟通障碍 (1)员工结构的改变增加了沟通的难度 (2)组织层次和部门的冗杂,导致信息丢失 二、组织外部的沟通障碍 (1)信息多元化 (2)社会文化多元化 (3)组织外部沟通对象多元化
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国心
态,造就了他们的饮食习惯,由于日本是一岛国,物产相对来说比较匮 乏,有的食材需要长期进口,所以他们把饮食的风格放在少而精上,做 得量很少,但是食材选择以活的海鲜为主,用的器皿也是非常讲究,但 是都突出一个小字,让人吃起来赏心悦目,但是每次的食量都不是太大, 所以我们中国人吃日本料理都说吃不饱,而日本人却养成这样的饮食习 惯,所以你在日本很少见到大腹便便的人。
中国人是用嘴吃饭: 说中国人真正是用嘴吃饭,有人可能会说哪个国家的人不是用嘴
吃饭,他们还用鼻子吃饭不成。其实说中国人用嘴吃饭,是说中国人 吃饭最讲究口味,酸、甜、苦、辣,什么南甜北咸、东辣西酸。中国 八大菜系,各有自己的一套烹饪方法,讲究一个风味和口感。
cross-cultural communication
小组成员: 陈莎 赖瑶 阳靓芳 魏巧明 郑天 向卫平 唐文德
作为一个有抱负有理想的大学生,具备有效沟通的 能力是很重要的,而随着全球一体化,跨文化沟通 也越来越重要也越发普遍。
two different cultures between China and Western countries generate, and then table culture arises so fast at the historic moment.
2.Main Contents
Seats Arrangement
Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends. The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table, while guests seat at other seats. The chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess, and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host. 重要的客人坐在女主人的右 上角,而重要客人的妻子坐 在主人的右上角位置。
knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth. during the dinner, you should put them on both sides of the plate, and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word “八”. 刀是用来切割食物,叉用来携 带食物进嘴。晚餐期间,你应 该把它们放在两边的碟上。 刀和叉的摆放应看起来像中 文的“八”。
2.Main Contents
Seats Arrangement
Western people prefer long table to round table when entertaining friends. The host and the hostess seat at both end of the table, while guests seat at other seats. The chief guest sits at the upper right side of the hostess, and the wife of the chief guest seats at the upper right side of the host. 重要的客人坐在女主人的右 上角,而重要客人的妻子坐 在主人的右上角位置。
knife is used to cut food and fork is used to carry food into mouth. during the dinner, you should put them on both sides of the plate, and knife and fork should be put in the way that looks like the Chinese word “八”. 刀是用来切割食物,叉用来携 带食物进嘴。晚餐期间,你应 该把它们放在两边的碟上。 刀和叉的摆放应看起来像中 文的“八”。
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• 4.Sea slug is also called sea cucumber, which is one of the most expensive dishes to feature in Chinese cuisine. But most Westerners never like it. That is why Lisa called it horrible stuff.
• Hearer’s meaning:the hearer has understood on the basis of the utterance meaning
• Case analyzing • Litz: Dick, how long is your mum going to
stay? • Dick: I don’t know. I haven’t asked her. • Litz: Why not ask her? • Dick: What do you mean by asking her? • Litz: I mean what I said. Just ask her how
• 3.It is all right to ask someone where they live, but it is not polite to ask their rent.
• 4.The size of someone’s flat is a matter of private thing.
Cross cultural communication
• Task 1.Analysing the basics of communication essential elements and types.
• 1.There are at least two or more people.
• 2.Wang was undoubtedly just trying to be polite by showing concern for his guest. We often show our concern by saying something like :You must be tired. Have a good rest. Unfortunately some westerners are sensitive about such comments, taking them as implying that they are not strong enough and so easily get tired. Lisa obviously took it a miss as suggesting that she was old and weak.
Activity 2: Privacy
• 1.It’s all right to ask children or a teenager their age. But it is not normally polite in English speaking societies to ask an adult their ageand never a woman. On exception is perhaps when it is a very old person, in their 80s or 90s, in which case they may be quite proud of how old they are.
• 7.People are sensitive about their personal appearance, so it is not polite to mention it.
• 8.It is better not to ask how much someone has paid for the clothes,furniture.
• Activity 2 meanings in communication
• Utterance meaning :what it normally means
• Speakers meaning:the speaker has intended to convey by way of utterance meaning .
• Activity 2: Footing the bill
• Explain to the text: footing the bill
• 1.foot the bill pay for the cost of something when the bill is presented as at the end of a meal.
• 2.It is all right to ask someone what their job or position is, but it is not polite to ask them their salary. This is considered a private matter in English speaking society.
• 5.Many people feel religious belief are very personal and they may not feel; comfortable to tell someone they hardly know.
• 6.It is better to ask : Do you have a family instead of asking are you married?
• 3.Eight courses for one meal for westerners are too many by western standards, As you may probably know ,a western meal normally serves one main course plus a starter and sweets or deserts.
• Expectations about when spouses should be included in invitations differ between China and the west. Generally speaking for invitation to any meal taking place in the evening, ranging from those given at someone’s home through to dinning out together or attending formal banquets,both husband and wife will be include. This is not expected in the case of mid-meals , probably because couples often work in different places and some jobs involve taking a working lunch.
• 9.It is not polite to comment bluntly on someone’s appearance.But you may say:Have you been out in the sun?
social interaction
• Activity 1: inviting
• The types of communication • 1.human communication • 2.animal communication • 3.human-animal communication • 4.human-machine communication • 5.machine to machine communication
• the west ,if you were invited to have a meal at someone’s home, there will often be only one or two dishes.Even it was a formal dinner, it would usually be just three courses:soup, main dish, and desert. But in China,an informal dinner would have four dishes and a soup; a a formal dinner would have at least eight dishes and a soup.
• Dutch share the cost of the meal equally between the friends
• 5.If you are bloated after a meal you feel very full and uncomfortable due to eating too much.
Problems when east
meets west
• 1.Lisa was surprised by Wang’s remarks denigrating his flat.He was probably just being politely modest and the flat was not untidy . Lisa certainly seems to think it odd that he should say so. For Westerners compliments in order to appear modest. She also seemed surprised and perhaps a little offended by his remark about her being tired after her work.