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act for 代表某人,代理某人的职位

During her illness, her lawyer has been acting for her in her business.


He never acts on other people's advice (= does what other people suggest).



actionn. 行为,行动;

take action 采取行动

actor n.. 演员

actress n.. 女演员

active adj. 活跃的,积极的,主动的,起作用的;actively adv. 活跃地,积极地;

activity n. 活动性, 活力;活动(activities 复数)

accept v. 接受;赞同;欢迎;听从

近义词辨析:accept 和receive

accept 是“接受、认可“的意思,是收到并接受;receive 有”收到“的意思,但不一定接受。


I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn’t accept any.生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。

achieve vt. 获得

achieve a balance between…and…在…和…之间获得平衡add v. (1)加,增加,添加

add sth. to sth. 往...里添加...


If the tea is too strong, add some water to it.


He added his signature to the petition(请愿书)。

add A and B (together) 加

eg. If you add 5 and 5, you get 10.

add to sth. 增加某事物

eg. The bad weather only add to our difficulties.


(2) 补充;继续说

eg. “I’ll come here later.’’ he added.

add in 包括...在内eg. Don’t forget add me in. 别忘了把我算上。

add up 合计,加起来

add up to 总计达到

add fuel to the fire 火上浇油


addition n. 加法;增加的人或事物

in addition 加上, 又, 另外,单独使用放在句首,逗号隔开eg: In addition,there are six students. 除此之外,还有六名学生。

in addition to 除...外还

eg: In addition to high salaries, you will enjoy a paid holiday every year.

besides 表示“除… 以外,(还,也)”,相当于in addition to. eg.Besides English, they also study math, physics and chemistry except 表示“除…外,(其余都)…”,常与all,every,no, none, nothing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。

eg.He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,所有的问题他都回答了。

except for 也表示“除… 以外”,但是和except 不同的是: 与except 连用的整体词和except 所跟的词常常是同类的,是指整体除去一部份; 而与except for 连用的整体词与except for 所跟的词往往不是同类的,是指整体中除去一个细节。例如:

Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.


Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车是空的。

apart from 表示“除…之外”。根据上、下文的不同,它既可用作besides, 也可用作except 和except for。

Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. (= except)


Apart from other considerations, time is also a factor. (=besides)


(It is) Good work apart from a few slight faults. (= except for)


aitional adj. 附加的,额外的,添加的

advice n. 建义,劝告;信息

a piece of advice 一条建议

ask for advice 寻求建议

give sb some advice = give some advice to sb给某人提建议take/follow one’s advice接受、遵照某人的建议

advise v. 给…出主意;建议;通知

advice sb to do sth 建议某人做某事
