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中图分类号:T H137.51文献标识码:A

Simulative analysis of piston-cylinder pair of axial piston pump

based on virtual prototype

XU Bing,ZH ANG Jun-hui,YANG Hua-yong

(State Key Lab oratory of Fluid Pow er T ransmis sion and Control,Zh ejiang University,H angzhou310027,China)

Abstract:Sim ulative analy sis o f piston-cylinder pair o f ax ial piston pum p w as perfo rmed w ith virtual pro-totype technique.T he sub-models of v ir tual prototype w er e introduced.The data transfer am ong the sub-m odels w as realized w ith softw are interface.T he liquid-so lid coupling and rigidity-flex ibility coupling o f piston-cylinder pair mo del w ere achieved a co-simulatio n m odel called as virtual proto ty pe.T hen sev eral related test rigs w ere built up.T he corr ectness of the m odel w as verified by the measurem ent result of the test and the ex perimental result also dem onstrated that the virtual pro to ty pe sim ulation could be used to g uide the design of ax ial pisto n pum ps and to analyze the influence of loading pressure,inclined ang le o f swash plate and clearance betw een piston and bushing o n the perform ance of pisto n-cy linder pair.It w as sho wn that the desig n of piston-cy linder pair w as the key influencing to facto r limit the pressure level and m ax imum sw ash plate ang le.A slig ht r eductio n o f the thickness of oil film betw een piston and cy linder could result in reductio n o f leakag e and friction of piston-cylinder pair and improve of the bearing capability of the oil film.

Key words:v irtual prototy pe;ax ial piston pump;pisto n-cy linder pair




基金项目:国家/8630高技术产业化研究项目(2007AA041803),上海市重点实验室开放课题基金(M SV-2009-02),

/十一五0科技支撑计划项目(2006BAF01B03-01)作者简介:徐兵(1971-),男,浙江杭州人,教授,博导.的一项新生的工程技术,利用多领域的建模工具,完全按照对象最本质的因素建模,保证模型无限接近于物理样机,因此对虚拟样机的仿真评估可以代替对物理样机总体性能的评估,改变传统设计中的试错法,缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本[2].德国亚琛(Aachen)工大的IFA S试验室,Rex roth、Eaton、Parker等国际大公司先后把虚拟样机技术引入到轴向柱塞泵的研发中[3-5],对轴向柱塞泵进行优化设计,提高轴向柱塞泵的工作性能参数和寿命.




Journal of L anzhou U niversity o f T echnolog y

V ol.36N o.3

