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Zha o Ling-yun, Te chnicia n, De pa rtme nt of S pina l Cord Re pa iring, Ge ne ra l Hos pita l of J ina n Milita ry Are a Comma nd of Chine s e P LA, J ina n 250031, S ha ndong P rovince , China zha olingyun801122@ 163.com
摘要 目的: 验证贴壁方式分离人骨髓间充质干细胞, 并进行体外扩增培养的可行性。 方法: 实验于 2006- 02/12 在解放军济南军区总医院脊髓修复科完成。①实验材料: 骨髓来源于解放军济南军区总医院脊髓修 复科收治的脊髓完全性损伤患者, 对本实验知情同意。基础培养液由含体积分数为 0.15 胎牛血清和低糖 α-MEM 配置。②实验 方法: 无菌条件下髂后上棘穿刺抽取骨髓组织 6 mL, 进行细胞培养, 观察细胞生长情况, 待细胞融合成片、长满培养瓶底部后, 用质量浓度为 2.5 g/L 的胰蛋白酶流过所有细胞表面。倒置显微镜下观察细胞变圆、部分脱壁后, 立即加入有血清培养液终止消 化。③实验评估: 取第 3 代生长状态良好的细胞, 胰蛋白酶消化制成细胞悬液, 接种, 以细胞数为纵坐标, 时间为横坐标, 绘制细 胞生长曲线。同时每隔 2 h 进行细胞贴壁率检测。 结果: ①骨髓间充质干细胞的形态学观察: 倒置显微镜下, 骨髓间充质干细胞接种 1 d 即贴壁, 去除悬浮细胞后继续培养 3 d 贴 壁细胞开始增殖, 伸展为椭圆型、短梭型、多角型及不规则型等。至 14 d 细胞密集在集落中心, 基本铺满瓶底, 第 3~5 代细胞呈 均匀一致的长梭型, 排列成旋涡状或放射状。②骨髓间充质干细胞的生长曲线: 细胞传代后 3 d 内处于潜伏期, 3 d 后进入生长 期, 7 d 后进入平台期。③骨髓间充质干细胞的贴壁率: 随着培养时间的延长, 骨髓间充质干细胞贴壁率逐渐升高。传代后 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 h 细胞贴壁率分别为 ( 20.20±0.25) % , ( 33.00±0.29) % , ( 46.50±0.32) % , ( 69.20±0.30) % , ( 76.60± 0.34) %, ( 86.50±0.27) %, ( 90.30±0.20) %, ( 96.10±0.28) %, ( 98.50±0.12) %, ( 99.00±0.07) %。 结论: 贴壁法分离骨髓间充质干细胞操作简便, 经体外扩增培养后细胞增殖活性强, 传代周期为 7 d, 是比较理想的骨髓间充质 干细胞培养方法。 关键词: 骨髓间充质干细胞; 贴壁; 分离培养; 细胞活性
中国组织工程研究与临床康复 第 11 卷 第 28 期 2007- 07- 15 出版 J ournal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tis s ue Engineering Res earch J uly 15, 2007 Vol.11, No.28
赵凌云, 钱淑琴, 赵廷宝
Adher ent separ ation and cultur e of human bone mar r ow-der ived mesenchymal stem cells
Abstr act AIM: To inve s tiga te the fe a s ibility of s e gre ga ting a nd culturing bone ma rrow-de rive d me s e nchyma l s te m ce lls (MS Cs ) in vitro by a dhe re nce me thod. METHODS: The e xpe rime nt wa s conducte d a t De pa rtme nt of S pina l Cord Re pa iring, Ge ne ra l Hos pita l of J ina n Milita ry Are a Comma nd of Chine s e P LA from Fe brua ry to De ce mbe r 2006. ① The bone ma rrow wa s de rive d form pa tie nts s uffe re d from fra cture dis loca tion with s pina l cord da ma ge d comple te ly, who we re tre a te d a t De pa rtme nt of S pina l Cord Re pa iring, Ge ne ra l Hos pita l of J ina n Milita ry Are a Comma nd of Chine s e P LA, a nd cons e nte d to this e xpe rime nt. Funda me nta l culture s olution compris e d fe ta l bovine s e rum with volume fra ction of 0.15 a nd low ca rbohydra te s α-MEM. ②6 mL bone ma rrow wa s is ola te d s te rile ly from pos te rior s upe rior ilia c s pine for ce ll culture . Ce ll growth wa s obs e rve d until ce lls coa le s ce d a nd cove re d the bottom of the culture fla s k the ce lls we re infiltra te d by tryps in with conce ntra tion of 2.5 g/L. Funda me nta l culture s olution wa s a dde d to te rmina te concoction whe n ce lls turne d into circle a nd de ta che d pa rtly. ③The third ge ne ra tion we ll-gre w ce lls we re dige s te d into ce ll s us pe ns ion a nd inocula te d. Ce lls growth curve wa s dra wn ta king a mount of ce lls a s Y-a xis a nd time a s X-a xis . S imulta ne ous ly, a dhe s ion ra te wa s de te rmine d e ve ry 2 hours . RESULTS: ①Morphologica l obs e rva tion of MS Cs : Unde r inve rte d micros cope , the MS Cs be ga n to a dhe re to the wa ll a t da y 1. MS Cs be ga n to prolife ra te a nd be come into e llips e , Fus iform s ha pe , polygon a nd irre gula rity a t da y 3. MS Cs conce ntra te d in the ce nte r of colony a nd cove re d the bottom of culture fla s k a t da y 14. The 3rd- 5th ge ne ra tion MS Cs pre s e nte d long-fus iform s ha pe a nd a rra nge d into whirlpool or ra dia tion. ②Growth curve of MS Cs : MS Cs we re in la te ncy in 3 da ys , conve rte d into growing pe riod a fte r 3 da ys a nd e nte re d into s ta tiona ry pha s e s a fte r 7 da ys . ③Adhe re nce ra te of MS Cs : The a dhe re nce ra te incre a s e d gra dua lly with time goe s by. The a dhe re nce ra te s we re ( 20.20±0.25) % , ( 33.00± 0.29) % , ( 46.50 ±0.32) % , ( 69.20 ±0.30) % , ( 76.60 ±0.34) % , ( 86.50 ±0.27) % , ( 90.30 ±0.20) % , ( 96.10 ±0.28) % , ( 98.50 ± 0.12) %, ( 99.00±0.07) %, re s pe ctive ly a t 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 a nd 20 hours a fte r pa s s a ge . CONCLUSION: The a dhe re nce s e pa ra tion me thod ca n be ma nipula te d conve nie ntly, a nd the prolife ra tive a ctivity of ce lls culture d in vitro is s trong with pe riod of 7 da ys . It is a n ide a l me thod to culture MS Cs .
Corre s ponde nce to:
Zha o Ting-ba o,
Chie f
phys icia n, De pa rtme nt
of S pina l Cord
Re pa iring, Ge ne ra l
Hos pita l of J ina n
Milita ry
Are a
Comma nd of Chine s e
P LA, J ina n 250031,
S ha ndong P rovince ,
doctorzha otingba o@
Re ce ive d: 2007-01-04 Acce pte d: 2007-05-15
Zhao LY, Qian S Q, Zhao TB.Adherent s eparation and culture of human bone marrow-derived mes enchymal s tem cells .Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu 2007;11(28):5649-5651(China) [www.zglckf.com/zglckf/ejournal/upfiles /07-28/28k-5649(ps ).pdf]
De pa rtme nt of S pina l Cord Re pa iring, Ge ne ra l Hos pita l of J ina n Milita ry Are a Comma nd of Chine s e P LA, J ina n 250031, S ha ndong P rovince , China