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1、But they’re also issued orders that would be seen improper “intervention” in the West—for example, calling last week on state industries, including steel and construction, to “actively increase” their roles in the economy by buying up new assets at home and abroad .


2、This balance between free and managed markets can also be seen in China’s approach to price fixing and macro-economic control in key sectors like financial services, telecoms, utilities and energy. Some of these industries are partially privatized—in telecoms, equipment markets are open to foreigners, because they bring capital and expertise that eventually trickles down to local firms, like the now internationally competitive Huawei. But the more lucrative services market is still run by authorities, who set prices on mobile-phone calls.


3、But change is upon us. The developed world of the haves is struggling to restart growth and preserve welfare states, while the world of the once have-nots has surged out of the downturn. Big emerging economics like China and Indian have discovered new sources of domestic demand.


4、As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford the comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.


5、China is tired of being lectured to by those who seem unable to manage their own economics particularly well. U.S. politicians, with an ear to their constituents, are lobbying for protective tariffs if China does not allow its currency appreciate.


6、Yet the unmediated rift between countries, each desperate to preserve its edge in the global economic game, is not even the most serious division that policymakers have to contend with. That, rather, is what the WEF’s Global Risks calls economic disparity.


7、But this particular recession was triggered by a financial crisis that damaged the financial system’s ability to ch annel savings to productive investment and left consumers and businesses struggling with surplus buildings, equipment and debt accumulated in the boom. Recovery after that kind of crisis is often slow and weak, and indeed some nine months into the upturn GDP has probably grown at an annual rate of less than 4%. Unemployment is well up throughout the country (see map), though it declined slightly in February.

但是由于本次经济萧条是由金融危机引发的,后者严重削弱了金融体制有效分流投资的能力,使消费者和企业在经济繁荣期积累下的多余建筑、装备和债务中费力挣扎。这样的经济危机之后的复苏通常缓慢无力,实际上经济复苏大约九个月后GDP 的年增长率仍在4%的水平。失业率在全国范围内突飞猛进,尽管二月曾有小幅下降。

8、For the present the rise of knowledge-intensive global industries favors centers rich in infrastructure and specialized skills.


9、“There’s a world view that the United States is the consumer of the world and emerging markets are the producer,” says Bruce Kasman, chief economist at JPMorgan Chase. “That has changed.” He reckons that America will account for just 27% of global consumption this year against emerging markets’ 34%, roughly the reverse of their shares eight years ago.

“以前有一种观点,即美国是世界消费者而新兴市场是制造商,”摩根大通首席经济学家Bruce Kasman如是说。“但这种情形已经改变了。”他认为美国今年仅会在全球消费中占到27%的比重,而新兴市场会占34%,这与八年前的情形刚好相反。

10、Start with history. The modern conception of a united Europe was born in the embers of World War 2 and rested upon the notion that binding Germany’s fortunes to those of France and the rest of Europe could end the violence that had regularly engulfed the continent for centuries. Judged by that measure the EU has worked out fine.


11、While Japan suffers from many problems, most prominently the rapid graying of its society, it is this decline of a once wealthy and dynamic nation into a deep social and cultural rut that is perhaps Japan’s most ominous lesson for the world today.


12、Japan has already created an entire generation of young people who say they have given up on believing that they can ever enjoy the job stability or rising living standards that were once considered a birthright here。

