Lecture6 conversation translation
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Lecture 6
Translation of Conversation
• Linguistic style: the speaker‟s social class, identity,age, gender, relationship between speakers • Specific use of language • the speaker‟s emotion and attitude • Coherent • Readable
• 经过训练,Eliza成功地成为了一个淑女。她真正改变 了因为当她再次回到以前自己卖花的那条大街时,几 乎所有人都以为她来自上层社会。因此,这时她的说 话方式与之前大不相同,相应地,对她的话进行翻译 的时候也应该换一种风格。当她将珠宝还给Mr. Higgins的时候,她说 • “Will you take those to your room and keep them safe?” • A:“把它带走,放在安全的地方”; • B:“请你把这些拿到你房间妥善保管”。
• Identity
• Jacob:“laminitis ,” “It‟s when the connective tissues between the hoof and the coffin bone are compromised and the coffin bone rotates toward the sole of the hoof.” • “是蹄叶炎。就是蹄和蹄骨之间的结缔 组织受损, 导致蹄骨摩擦蹄踵。” (《大 象的眼泪》p. 79) • Jacob: circus veterinarian examining a sick horse • performs authoritatively and decisively when doing this job.
One meets its destiny on the road he takes t o avoid it. • (配音版)越想逃避宿命,越会在半道上和 宿命撞个正着。 • (字幕版)子欲避之,反促遇之。
• Then he spoke, “Enough talk! Let‟s fight!” • (配音版)他就开口了:“少废话!尽管出招,拿 命来!” • (字幕版)他语出惊人:“少罗嗦,接招!” 阿宝在梦境中俨然已是武林高手,一恶人对他 言语挑衅时的对白。
• Age
• The following dialogue is between the twenty-some-year old Jacob Jankowski and his roommate Kinko in the circus: • “You‟d better get your ass out there,” he says. “He‟s still looking for you.” • “You want to get fired, or what?” Kinko says. • “At this point, I really don‟t care,” I mumble. • “What?” • “I‟m leaving anyway.” • “What the hell are you talking about?”
• 威尔金院长深吸一口气, 抬眼看我, 一只 手搁在我肩上。“孩子, 发生意外了。” 他略略一顿, “一场车祸,” 再顿一下, 这回 比较久, “你父母出事了。” • 我瞪着他, 希望他讲下去。“他们……? 他们会……?” • “节哀呀, 孩子。他们很快就走了, 大家无 能为力。”
• Blackie:“We don‟t got room for no bums on this train, brother. You can git right back off.” • “Now hold on, Blackie,” says the old man with the jug. “Don‟t go doin‟ nothing rash now, you hear?” • Blackie is an Africa-American who speቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱks distinct Black English..
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Conversation 2: Mills: I‟m sick of all this waiting. 米尔斯:我受够了这样傻等。 Identity+age Somerset: this is the job. 沙摩塞:这就是工作。 Mills: why aren‟t we out there? Why sit here rotting till the lunatic does it again? 米尔斯:干嘛不出去看看呢?干嘛要坐在这里发霉,等那疯子再次下 手? Somerset: that‟s dismissive to call him a lunatic. Don‟t make that mistake. 沙摩塞:叫他疯子就太轻敌了。别犯这种错误。 Mills: come on. He‟s insane. 米尔斯:他本来就是个神经病。 Mills: he is a nut-bag. Just because the fucker‟ s a library card doesn‟t make him a Yoda. 米尔斯:他就是一个疯子。就算那鸟人有张借书证,你也不能说他就 是个文化人。
• Conversation 1&2 exactly show the audiences that Mills is a young detective, who is immature, inexperienced and impetuous. In his conversations, he shows radical, and always says fucking, damn, piece of shit and so on. Those words are rough, and low educational.
• Blackie:“We don‟t got room for no bums on this train, brother. You can git right back off.” • “Now hold on, Blackie,” says the old man with the jug. “Don‟t go doin‟ nothing rash now, you hear?” • “我们的火车没有流浪汉的位子, 老兄, 你 马上给我滚下去。” • “喂, 老黑, 等一下,” 陶罐老人说, “别急 着赶人, 听到没有?” (《大象的眼泪》 p. 28)
•Social class
• Dean Wilkins takes a deep breath, raises his eyes to mine, and claps a hand on my shoulder. “Son, there‟s been an accident.” A slight pause. “An automobile accident.” Another pause, longer this time. “Your parents were involved.” • I stare at him, willing him to continue. “Are they ...? Will they ...?” • “I‟m sorry, son. It was instant. There was nothing anyone could do.” • Water For Elephants
• Dean Wilkins takes a deep breath, raises his eyes to mine, and claps a hand on my shoulder. “Son, there‟s been an accident.” A slight pause. “An automobile accident.” Another pause, longer this time. “Your parents were involved.” • I stare at him, willing him to continue. “Are they ...? Will they ...?” • “I‟m sorry, son. It was instant. There was nothing anyone could do.” • 威尔金院长深吸一口气, 抬眼看我, 一只手搁在我肩上。 “孩子, 发生意外了。” 他略略一顿, “一场车祸,” 再顿 一下, 这回比较久, “你父母出事了。” • 我瞪着他, 希望他讲下去。“他们……? 他们会……?” • “节哀呀, 孩子。他们很快就走了, 大家无能为力。” (《大象的眼泪》p. 18)
• 李逵笑道:“量这个鸟庄,何须哥哥费力!只兄弟自带三 二百个孩儿杀将去,把这个鸟庄上人都砍了,何须要人先 去打听!” • 译文1:Li K‟wei laughed at this: “There is no need to send spies. If you let me have two hundred men I could enter the village, and settle this matter quite easily.” (J.H.Jackson) • 译文2: Li Kui laughed: “That frigging manor. Why trouble yourself? I‟ll take two or three hundred of the lads, and we‟ll carve our way in and cut all the wretches done. Why do you need scouts for?”
frigging adj. <粗>该死的(加强语气)
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Se7en(七宗罪) Mills: You‟ve seen my files, right? You‟ve seen what I‟ve done. 米尔斯:你看过我的档案了,对吧?你知道我干过什么。 Somerset: nope. 沙摩塞:没有。 Mills: well, I did my time walking the beat. I did that shit for a long time. 米尔斯:嗯, 我当过巡警。 那鬼工作我干了很久。 Somerset:and? 沙摩塞:然后呢? Mills: my badge says Detective, the same as yours. 米尔斯:我警徽上的头衔是警官,跟你一样。 Somerset: look, I made a decision. I had to consider the integrity of the scene. Couldn‟t worry whether you thought…you were getting enough time on the playing field. • 沙摩塞:听着, 我决定了。 我得保持犯罪现场完整,没空管你有没 有玩够。 • Mills: hey, man, just don‟t jerk me off. That‟s all I ask. Don‟t jerk me off. • 米尔斯:嘿,老兄。别整我。我就这点要求。别整我就行。
• Eliza一直梦想着能够在一个花店里面卖 花而不是在大街上,当她告诉Mr. Higgins的时候,她说 • “But they won‟t take me unless I can talk more genteel” • A:“除非我谈吐好,否则他们不用我”; • B:“但他们不要我,除非我说话好听”。
• “You wouldn‟t let‟im spoil a poor girl‟s flow‟rs and run away without payin‟” 《卖花女》 • A:“你该为此事赔偿而非置之不理”; • B :“你不能随他弄脏穷姑娘的花还不赔钱 呀”。
•Eliza的花被一个上层社会的男青年Freddy •不小心撞掉在地的时候, •Eliza抓住这个机会对Freddy的母亲说的话
Translation of Conversation
• Linguistic style: the speaker‟s social class, identity,age, gender, relationship between speakers • Specific use of language • the speaker‟s emotion and attitude • Coherent • Readable
• 经过训练,Eliza成功地成为了一个淑女。她真正改变 了因为当她再次回到以前自己卖花的那条大街时,几 乎所有人都以为她来自上层社会。因此,这时她的说 话方式与之前大不相同,相应地,对她的话进行翻译 的时候也应该换一种风格。当她将珠宝还给Mr. Higgins的时候,她说 • “Will you take those to your room and keep them safe?” • A:“把它带走,放在安全的地方”; • B:“请你把这些拿到你房间妥善保管”。
• Identity
• Jacob:“laminitis ,” “It‟s when the connective tissues between the hoof and the coffin bone are compromised and the coffin bone rotates toward the sole of the hoof.” • “是蹄叶炎。就是蹄和蹄骨之间的结缔 组织受损, 导致蹄骨摩擦蹄踵。” (《大 象的眼泪》p. 79) • Jacob: circus veterinarian examining a sick horse • performs authoritatively and decisively when doing this job.
One meets its destiny on the road he takes t o avoid it. • (配音版)越想逃避宿命,越会在半道上和 宿命撞个正着。 • (字幕版)子欲避之,反促遇之。
• Then he spoke, “Enough talk! Let‟s fight!” • (配音版)他就开口了:“少废话!尽管出招,拿 命来!” • (字幕版)他语出惊人:“少罗嗦,接招!” 阿宝在梦境中俨然已是武林高手,一恶人对他 言语挑衅时的对白。
• Age
• The following dialogue is between the twenty-some-year old Jacob Jankowski and his roommate Kinko in the circus: • “You‟d better get your ass out there,” he says. “He‟s still looking for you.” • “You want to get fired, or what?” Kinko says. • “At this point, I really don‟t care,” I mumble. • “What?” • “I‟m leaving anyway.” • “What the hell are you talking about?”
• 威尔金院长深吸一口气, 抬眼看我, 一只 手搁在我肩上。“孩子, 发生意外了。” 他略略一顿, “一场车祸,” 再顿一下, 这回 比较久, “你父母出事了。” • 我瞪着他, 希望他讲下去。“他们……? 他们会……?” • “节哀呀, 孩子。他们很快就走了, 大家无 能为力。”
• Blackie:“We don‟t got room for no bums on this train, brother. You can git right back off.” • “Now hold on, Blackie,” says the old man with the jug. “Don‟t go doin‟ nothing rash now, you hear?” • Blackie is an Africa-American who speቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱks distinct Black English..
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Conversation 2: Mills: I‟m sick of all this waiting. 米尔斯:我受够了这样傻等。 Identity+age Somerset: this is the job. 沙摩塞:这就是工作。 Mills: why aren‟t we out there? Why sit here rotting till the lunatic does it again? 米尔斯:干嘛不出去看看呢?干嘛要坐在这里发霉,等那疯子再次下 手? Somerset: that‟s dismissive to call him a lunatic. Don‟t make that mistake. 沙摩塞:叫他疯子就太轻敌了。别犯这种错误。 Mills: come on. He‟s insane. 米尔斯:他本来就是个神经病。 Mills: he is a nut-bag. Just because the fucker‟ s a library card doesn‟t make him a Yoda. 米尔斯:他就是一个疯子。就算那鸟人有张借书证,你也不能说他就 是个文化人。
• Conversation 1&2 exactly show the audiences that Mills is a young detective, who is immature, inexperienced and impetuous. In his conversations, he shows radical, and always says fucking, damn, piece of shit and so on. Those words are rough, and low educational.
• Blackie:“We don‟t got room for no bums on this train, brother. You can git right back off.” • “Now hold on, Blackie,” says the old man with the jug. “Don‟t go doin‟ nothing rash now, you hear?” • “我们的火车没有流浪汉的位子, 老兄, 你 马上给我滚下去。” • “喂, 老黑, 等一下,” 陶罐老人说, “别急 着赶人, 听到没有?” (《大象的眼泪》 p. 28)
•Social class
• Dean Wilkins takes a deep breath, raises his eyes to mine, and claps a hand on my shoulder. “Son, there‟s been an accident.” A slight pause. “An automobile accident.” Another pause, longer this time. “Your parents were involved.” • I stare at him, willing him to continue. “Are they ...? Will they ...?” • “I‟m sorry, son. It was instant. There was nothing anyone could do.” • Water For Elephants
• Dean Wilkins takes a deep breath, raises his eyes to mine, and claps a hand on my shoulder. “Son, there‟s been an accident.” A slight pause. “An automobile accident.” Another pause, longer this time. “Your parents were involved.” • I stare at him, willing him to continue. “Are they ...? Will they ...?” • “I‟m sorry, son. It was instant. There was nothing anyone could do.” • 威尔金院长深吸一口气, 抬眼看我, 一只手搁在我肩上。 “孩子, 发生意外了。” 他略略一顿, “一场车祸,” 再顿 一下, 这回比较久, “你父母出事了。” • 我瞪着他, 希望他讲下去。“他们……? 他们会……?” • “节哀呀, 孩子。他们很快就走了, 大家无能为力。” (《大象的眼泪》p. 18)
• 李逵笑道:“量这个鸟庄,何须哥哥费力!只兄弟自带三 二百个孩儿杀将去,把这个鸟庄上人都砍了,何须要人先 去打听!” • 译文1:Li K‟wei laughed at this: “There is no need to send spies. If you let me have two hundred men I could enter the village, and settle this matter quite easily.” (J.H.Jackson) • 译文2: Li Kui laughed: “That frigging manor. Why trouble yourself? I‟ll take two or three hundred of the lads, and we‟ll carve our way in and cut all the wretches done. Why do you need scouts for?”
frigging adj. <粗>该死的(加强语气)
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Se7en(七宗罪) Mills: You‟ve seen my files, right? You‟ve seen what I‟ve done. 米尔斯:你看过我的档案了,对吧?你知道我干过什么。 Somerset: nope. 沙摩塞:没有。 Mills: well, I did my time walking the beat. I did that shit for a long time. 米尔斯:嗯, 我当过巡警。 那鬼工作我干了很久。 Somerset:and? 沙摩塞:然后呢? Mills: my badge says Detective, the same as yours. 米尔斯:我警徽上的头衔是警官,跟你一样。 Somerset: look, I made a decision. I had to consider the integrity of the scene. Couldn‟t worry whether you thought…you were getting enough time on the playing field. • 沙摩塞:听着, 我决定了。 我得保持犯罪现场完整,没空管你有没 有玩够。 • Mills: hey, man, just don‟t jerk me off. That‟s all I ask. Don‟t jerk me off. • 米尔斯:嘿,老兄。别整我。我就这点要求。别整我就行。
• Eliza一直梦想着能够在一个花店里面卖 花而不是在大街上,当她告诉Mr. Higgins的时候,她说 • “But they won‟t take me unless I can talk more genteel” • A:“除非我谈吐好,否则他们不用我”; • B:“但他们不要我,除非我说话好听”。
• “You wouldn‟t let‟im spoil a poor girl‟s flow‟rs and run away without payin‟” 《卖花女》 • A:“你该为此事赔偿而非置之不理”; • B :“你不能随他弄脏穷姑娘的花还不赔钱 呀”。
•Eliza的花被一个上层社会的男青年Freddy •不小心撞掉在地的时候, •Eliza抓住这个机会对Freddy的母亲说的话