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Perspectives in supply chain risk management

Christopher S. Tang

UCLA Anderson School, 110 Westwood Plaza, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095,


Received 3 November 2005; accepted 16 December 2005

Available online 2 March 2006


To gain cost advantage and market share, many firms implemented various initiatives such as outsourced manufacturing and product variety. These initiatives are effective in a stable environment, but they could make a supply chain more vulnerable to various types of disruptions caused by uncertain economic cycles, consumer demands, and natural and manmade disasters. In this paper, we review various quantitative models for managing supply chain risks. We also relate various supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies examined in the research literature with actual practices. The intent of this paper is three-fold. First, we develop a unified framework for classifying SCRM articles. Second, we hope this review can serve as a practical guide for some researchers to navigate through the sea of research articles in this important area. Third, by highlighting the gap between theory and practice, we hope to motivate researchers to develop new models for mitigating supply chain disruptions.

Keywords:Supply chain risk management; Quantitative models; Review

1. Introduction

Over the last 10 years, earthquakes, economic crises,SARS, strikes, terrorist attacks have disrupted supply chain operations repeatedly. Supply chain disruptions can have significant impact on a firm’s short-term performance. For example, Ericsson lost 400 million Euros after their supplier’s semiconductor plant caught on fire in 2000, and

Apple lost many customer orders during a supply shortage of DRAM chips after an earthquake hit Taiwan in 1999. Supply chain disruptions can have long-term negative effects on a firm’s financial performance as well. For instance, Hendricks and Singhal (2005) report that companies suffering from supply chain disruptions experienced 33–40% lower stock returns relative to their industry benchmarks.To mitigate supply chain disruptions associated with various types of risks (uncertain economic cycles,uncertain consumer demands, and unpredictable natural and

man-made disasters), many researchers have developed different strategies/models for managing supply chain risks. In this paper, we review primarily quantitative models that deal with supply chain risks. Also, we relate various supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies examined in the literature with actual practices. The intent of this paper is threefold. First, we develop a unified framework for classifying SCRM articles. Second, we hope this review can serve as a practical guide for some researchers to navigate through the sea of research articles in this important area. Third, by highlighting the gap between theory and practice, we hope to motivate researchers to develop new models for mitigating supply chain disruptions.

2. Supply management

To gain cost advantage, many firms outsourced certain non-core functions so as to maintain a focus on their core competence (cf., Porter (1985)). Since the 1980s, we witnessed a sea change in which firms outsourced their supply chain operations including design, production, logistics, information services, etc. Essentially, supply management deal with five inter-related issues:

1. supply network design,

2. supplier relationship,

3. supplier selection process (criteria and supplier


4. supplier order allocation,

5. supply contract.
