《国际商务》 查尔斯 英文第九版 期末复习重点

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Chapter 1 globalization

What is globalization?

The globalization of markets.

It refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace.

The globalization of production

It refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production.

Factors of production: (1) land, (2) capital, (3) labor, (4) energy

Why china losing their position of global factory?

(1)A ging population.

The population of the china is aging, which leads china to losing their advantage of cheaper labors that resulting the cost of production in china is going higher.

(2)E xpensive land.

The higher cost of land is another reason that leads to China losing

its position of global factory. In the early time, it is free for foreign company to use land in China to build up a factory. But it is not free for them anymore. Because of the increasing price of land, many company are moving their factories to other countries.

The differences between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB).

The IMF was established to maintain order in the international monetary system; the WB was set up to promote economic development.

In a short word, the IMF always gives a hand to the countries in crisis, and it often offers the short-term loan.

The WB always loan money to country build their infrastructure with long-term loan.

Drivers of globalization

Declining trade and investment barriers

International trade occurs when a firm exports goods & services to consumers in another country.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country.

The role of technological change

Microprocessors and telecommunications

Moore’s law, which predicts that the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its cost of production falls in half every 18 months.

The internet and world wide web

Transportation technology

Implications for the globalization of production

Implications for the globalization of markets

The changing demographics of the global economy

The changing world output and world trade picture

The changing foreign direct investment picture

The changing nature of the multinational enterprise

The changing world order

Totalitarianism ———democracy

Plan market —— free market

Factors prevent globalization


